ne gave cm tmmmâB ' CONDENSED STATBJUMT 99 MS Malheur County Bank O IU M f At tiie Cle ¡■.eat J o * * IM S U ABILITIMI Capital Stack...................... $$ » .M O Surplus and F retto............. . 47,974.9V n m Bills Payable........................ WBNB Rediaeawoto______ _____ _ 106. 91b. H DEPOSITS_______________ . resources : Loan* and Discounts___ __ 1441,190 79 Overdrafts............................... 499.7» Deeding, Furniture, A Fiat. 1S.690.M Other fU tl Estate................. fc .m .t i Bonds sad Warranto............. tO H II C ash and U uc F bom B anks $971,97«,» »77,97« M Ceuuty Fuads.for Which Surety Banda ara Faraishad—<IO> K OFFICERS AND DIBECTORE H. J. Ward, President John Bay, Visa Fraaldant J. P. Dunaway. Cashier O. 0 . Baaar, Assistant Cashier H. A. Dives, Asaistaat Cashier J. F, Esses J. J. daracia G. L.'.PhNUpa DEPENDABLE SBBT1CB a m A -assast GASOLINE and all paraffin base Oils HOXIE SERVICE STATION FLETCHER OIL COMPANY Eastern and Western C. B. SHORT, Manager, Nyssa, Oregon Once Pirate Stronghold Concrete Castings Lafltte, a colorful buccaneer, made his stronghold on Galveston island in 1771 and burled much of his pirate treasure on the shores there. The island was then known as "Cam- peachy." Like the pirates of the story books, he dressed in a green uniform and possessed a polite and easy manner. The bureau of standards says In order to prevent concrete castings from adhering to iron or plaster of Paris molds a soap solution, made by dissolving as much soap as possible in hot water, or paraffin dissolved in gasoline, is employed. That’s All Eflicleney Is simply doing the right thing In the right way at the right moment.—Boston Transcript. “ Jeddart Justice” The term “Jeddart justice” comes from a custom of the old border town of Jedburgh, England, where the al leged culprit was hanged first and Ills trial held afterward. OILS AND GREASES , Welcome Atlantis! Mrs Canfield and aon returned to Scientists tell us that the floor of day to thair home in Salem after a the Atlantic ocean Is gradually rising two montha viait at the home of her and that the lost continent of Atlantis daughter. Mre. Glenn Brown. may reappear. That will be handy A. L. Friia left on Saturday for an for seasick passengers who want to get out and walk.—Cleveland Tluin extended viait with bis brother and Dealer. sister at Waterford, Wisconsin. W. W. Wells, editor o f the Payette Origin of “ Money” The term "money" Is derived from Enterprise, and Mrs.- Welle attended "moneta,” a term applied to Juno, In the band concert Wednesday evening, whose temple at Rome money was their daughter Fern being a member coined, the said term being from of the eaxaphone quintette. “monere,” to warm. A. W. and A. D. Wood left on Sat November Thrift Days at ' RA DER’S Three days-MONDAY, TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY, November 22--23-24 An adv. filled with prices that are Reck Bottom, read carefully. BOY’S LONG PANTS, wool grey mixture of excellent quality, sizes 6 to 16, regular values to 2.98, thrift day special, per pair BOYS’ LONG PANTS CORDUROY, well made for the little fellows siz°s 4 to 10. Regular 1.48 value, thrift day special, per pair BOYS LONG CORDUROY PANTS, extra quality, none better. Come in pearl grey and navy, sizes 6 to 16, reg 2.98, thrift day special, pr MEN’S WINTER WEIGHT UNIONS, made from excellent quality, cotton fleeced, good weight, grey mixed, all sixes to 46, regular values to 1.75, thrift day special, per suit LARGE SHOWING BOYS SWEATERS, novelty and plain slip-over styles, some showing at thrift days special, each COMPLETE SHOWING RAYON WASH MATERIALS,regular values to 1.25 per yard. Novelties that are the season’s latest thrift day special, per yard FULL COMFORT SIZE full 2 1 2 lb cotton batt. regular value 981 2c Thrift day special * CHILDREN’S EXCELLENT QUALITY ENGLISH RIBBED HOSE, light and dark colors, all sizes, thrift day special per pair - * IQ EXTRA SPECIAL FROM OUR READY-TO-WEAR DEPARTMENTS 1. SPECIAL SHOWING HIGH QUALITY SILK DRESSES just received, values to 16.50, and they are wonders at thrift day special t. SPECIAL SHOWING WORTHMORE HOUSE AND STREET DRESSES the world’s leaders at thrift day special, each . . . 3. LARGE SHOWING LADIES HATS, regu ar values to 588, thrift day special each * 4. PRINCES COATS GREATLY REDUCED. Now is your chance to get me of these high grade coats. N otice these prices, regular value 42.60; thrift day special - - - REGULAR VALUES 62.50; thrift day special 49.95 Q jk, QPu uO Each garment carries an unrestricted guarantee of satisfaction in every way and made from the newest materials and newest of styles It will pay you to choose one of these now. PAYETTE ADER M s» NYSSA, OREGON Standard Makes of TIFES AND TIRE CHAIN with a guarantee covering deatetive Materials and workmanship. HOXIE SERVICE STATION HOH » Mr. and Mrs. Dean ¡smith and daughters spent Thursday in Boias. NOTICE OF BOND SALB Mr. and Mra. Loren Messenger and Sealed bids will be received by the undersigned at the office of the Beard Misa Bernice Bnger motored to Boise Thursdsy eve to the eemie opera. The of Directors of the Payette Oregon Slope Irrigation Distriet, said office being located in the pumping station and power house o f said Distriet. mere partic Bohemian Girl. ularly described as being located in the Southeast quarter ef the Nerthwest The St. Paul Guild ____... „ , “ “ Thursday Quarter of Section 8, Township 17 South, Range 47, E. W. M in Malkear n „ , n . . h Mrs- Artle Rob^rteon County, Oregon, until the hour o f 2 o ’ clock p. m. on the 29th day of Novem ® 0 110 8t',r" y weather the at her, 1928, and immediately thereafter publicly opened b f the Board e f Diree- tendance was smell. The ladies a»e tors of said District, for an issue o f refunding bonds of said Distriet in the busy sewing and making preparations sum of 262,600,000, said bonds to beer date o f January 1st, ISM, and te he for a Christmas beaaar. numbered in denominations and to mature aa follows: Mrs. N E Hershey delivered an Nos 1 to 17. both inclusive, 7600 00 each, on January 1, 198»; address on the subject "Religious Ed Nos. 18 to 34, both inclusive, $500.00 each, on January 1, 1940; ucation in the H om e" to a group o f Noe 35 to 51, both inclusive, $500.00 each, on January 1,1941; about 80 women In therflaptist church Nos. 62 to 09, both inclusive, $500 00 each, on January 1, 1642; at Outario Friday evening of last Noe. 70 to 83, both inclusive, $600 00 each, on January 1, 1942; week. Nos, 89 to 106, both Inclusive, $600 00 each, on January 1, 1944; Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Coekrum, who Nos. 108 to 127, both inclusive, $500 06 each, on January 1, 1948; hav# been viaitingat the R J. Davis home, left Tuesday for the O A. C. said bonds to hear interest at the rate of six (6) per cent per annum, payable reunion at Corvallis, Eugene ani semi annually upon the first days of January and July, principal and interest payable at the office o f the County Treasurer o f Malhuur County, Oregon, or other cities o f western Oregon. at the fiscal agency of tho State of Oregon in New York City, at the eptien Frank Keberger left Monday for of the holder. Whatc-ome, Wash., where he will take All bide must be accompanied by a certified check, for $1000. a course in foreign service, prepara The board reserves the right to reject any and all bids. tory to entering that line o f work. P. M. Boats, Mr. and Mra. Earl Stieklev of Boise Secretary of Payette Oregon Slope Irrigation Diatrlet. spent tha week and at the Dewey Ray Date of first publication October 22, 1926. heme. Mr. Stickley is an Uncle of Date o f last publication November 26, 1926. Dewey. Mra. d u e . McConnell, Mrs. P. M. Binkley and Mrs. J. A. Schneiker were Ontario vieitore Friday. LARGE SIZE, 72 by 80, finest quality wool, knap blanket, double and heavy wt. smsrt plaid patterns, regular value 4.98; thrift day special Watch Our Windows at Both Stores Mr and Mra. R. Karker o f Payette visited Nyusa friends on Sunday. Mr and Mrs. C. C. Hunt returned home the first o f the week from a ten- days visit with relative in Portland, Mr. and Mra. C. W. Rebargar were bjaineee visitors In Boise Saturday. RTGH GRADE SILK AND COTTON CREPES, newest patterns, regular values to 1.48 Thrift day special per yard 1 urday by auto to visit their pareuts in O-lahuma and to attend to business All tha Bfual needa of the motorist at prices that are fair to you and otzraelvea. Your business is welcome and wa aspect te deserve It. Mr. and Mrs, B. O. Fowler and Mr. and Mrs. Al Gamble were Sunday guest« at the Fred Marshall home. Troy Sitton left Monday for Half way, Oregon, to work as a liuemun for tho Idaho Power Co.. He will he gone 10 da ye. M arried-M iss Sue Gernder end Lloyd Adams, in Payette Monday by the justice o f the peace, After a short honeymoon they will return to their home on the Owyhee. Don D. Davie stopped oil and spent the week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs, R J. Davis. He was an route to the east, where he goes to to attend a convention o f the Arno strong Cork Co. He was accompan ied as far as Chicago by h!s aunt. Mrs. Hilton, who goes to Birmingham, Ala , ro spend the winter with rela tives. Latest Feist Dance Folio No. II. Thirty Istest Waltzes and Fox Trots. 60c. Mail orders will receive prompt attention. Sampson Music Co., Weiser, Idaho. ~ nl»2t Having rented my farm ard goln to leave will sell my private home(:he big house). All modern convenienaes, City water. Enquire at premise!. Mrs. H. R. Q j'nhy. nl2tf Learn From Everything It la wise to get knowledge and learning from every source— from a sot, a pot, a fool, a wlntermitten, or an old slipper.—Rabelais. BBBIBEBBHSBPPa«QimssXBaB«tl»auaBBBBl Why Take a Chance! The man who went to sea in a tub is no more foolish than the who buys an off Radio You may be but springs a leak it is sure to safe fyr awhile, Bink. when it brand The Atwater Kent giving will carry you safely thru, faithful service, and there is a service station near you. We carry them in stock. Call and let us show them I res Demonstration Powell Service Station Nyssa, Oregon