The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937, November 19, 1926, Image 4

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    Mary CI gssod
Fchcol Notes
Nyssa football u arric re in v a lid
Mrs Mary Cloreon died at the Tbe Armistice
day with ' t o old cepe
Holy Rosary hospital ot Ontario Vale
bucket completely up-et end tr .m p id,
on Monday, Novhmber 8. She pounded and b attered the highly >d
had been iti very poor health for yertis d Vale lean, to a scoreleaa tie.
a loT.*r time, but took serious>y This wax heralded re good aa a vir'ory
boys. as *h > war - dop. d
sick on Saturday morning and to by I the *• local
tonchdow;. . Tbe Nvasa
was taken to the hospital on line was by w taro
orkirg beautiful v in fr Hit
Sunaay morning before she died. of a fast back Held and the gam e whb
Mrs Glosson was born at Pai k p !aycd almost entirely in Val teiri
to y Nvssa boya sustained sereral
City, Ut rh, on November 23, Miju'iea.
w orst of w ich was n
1877. She moved with her par lacerated tbe eyebrow;
sui.tsined by H
ents to Caldwell, Idaho, when Dunaw y There wera
no cut stand
she was a small child.
ing stars, as tbe leam was w orking in
t e d rylbm . The lineup was as
She was married to George p fol a r ows:
Closson on August 21, 1897. M .rqucss, H. K linkenberg— em s
There was born to this union P ratt, M cD onald-tackier*.
three children R o s e . Irene and Dunaway, Martial - gu rds
Robert. Hose died in January, M K linkenberg cen ter
hom pm n and D H anks hatre»
1910. and was huried at the T Rambuud
- quarter.
Nvssa cemetery.
She leaves her husband, S ubstitut-s -B e n tin for G Kiinken
daughter Irene and son Robeit, ber r; Hyde for McDonald; I.. Hanks
her father, forn' hrotheis and to D H a n ts ; G K linkenberg (o-
tnree sisters to mourn her.
The local boys end their season S at­
Funeral services were conduct urday
ed from the Methodist church The at Nvasa
is g ing to »how
and the remains were interred the world th echoo
a t we are on th e map
is the Nys9a cemetery beside w te n we m eet in Ontario Fiiday.
her daughter Rose.
Mrs. Glosson will be greatly
missed by her many friends, COMMUNITY
which was attested by the large
gathering at the services.
The regular services next Sunday,
The bereaved ones have the Church
school at u:45; Junior church
heartfelt sympathy of the whole at 11, also tne regular preashing ser
vice at 11 a m
Boy Scouts
l ire Boy Scouts of Nysga played the
8th grade team Wednesday evening.
The score was 17 16 in favor of tbe
Scouts. Both team s die lively play
Tt*e annual election held Monday
cam e out good. The following wore
elected: Max Dunaway and George
R eberger were elected patrol leadeis:
W 9 l»v Hershey treasurer, Nurveil
Leuck < erihe. Bay G isrison a id Wayne
Love asiiatant patrol leaders; Dale
G trri on and Glenn G roin other off)
cers—Harry Ne<*by, captain of basket
bad team , and Willis Hershey, busi
ne a m a ager.
Th ' local Girl Scouts will entertain
tne Bov Scouts w ith a party Friday
Mr. F oster will take the Boy and
Girl Scouts to Ontario
band Concert
1 he band concert W cdreadsy r ' - r
ing was one of the best the N y r f t
band haa ever g i.e e, the only di*»p
poinlinn feature being the poor at
tendance. Tbe p ro g ism consistée cf
instrum ental au l vocal numbers, eclte,
a saxaphone q u in te'te from P ay ette
and a reading by Ruasum Millet. The
numbera were all rendered in a m a n
ner to delight the audience, as was
evidenced by the h ea ity applause.
A ttora.y £ M. Blodgett made aa en­
joyable little talk at the close of the
program in which he payed a well de­
served com plim ent to the band, the
director. P rof Stoner, and the other
musicians who gave their services
Receipts amounted to about $40
Passenger Schedule
The following is the passenger
schedule, effective on November 15, aa
subm itted by A gent J F Miller;
Main Line Eastboond.
No 2H—Due 9:22 a. to. daily.
No. 6 —Due 3;1T p m. daily.
No 24—Due 5:11 p. m. daily
Main Line Westbeund.
No. 17—Due 3:22 a. m. daily.
No. 2 3 - D u e 1 :i6 p. m. daily.
No 25— Due 6:34 p. m. daily.
Hutnedale Branch
Leaves Nysss a t 10:15 a. m. Mon­
days and Fridays only.
Thanksgiving service will be held at
10:30 next Thursday morning. May
we observe this day with p rayer and
praise to God our heaveuly F ather fer
the blessings which we have received
from Him during the paat year.
“ W here Uncle Sam Meets Mexico” A Community service ia being p la i­
wii! be tbe topic for the illustrât d ned for November 28, at 7:46 p. m
lec'ure following the Young People’s In the in terest of th e Near E ast Re^
service Sunday evening.
and Chopping
Flour, Feed ann Recleaning
Coal and Wood and Black
Bear Roof paint
This business is for sale. A good business for th« right ,
man. Inquire at the Nyssa Flour Mill.