THE GATE CITY JOURNAL VOLUME XXIV. NO. 40. NYSSA, OREGON, L OWYHEE FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 1», 192*. . J OWYHEE AND VALE PROJECTS ASSURE VAST DEVELOPMENT Mrs. Kay Cantrall ha* truest this week her brother Rev. Miller o f Gooding, Idaho. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Rust and fam ily have recently moved to the John $LM PER YRAR County Statistics Real Estate Transfers Recorded. BIG BEND CLUB WINS CORN LAURELS Thorvald C. Nielson et ux to Hen ry C. Boyer-S USE KNEW Sec. 24- 18-46. 10-12-26. $2,376.00. U. S. A. to Daniel H. Haylett-Ett, BOYS CLUB TAKES FOURTEEN ASSOCIATION MET AT LAKE- Rust r» nch- and N E K N W * Sec. 24; and E tf- FIRSTS IN EXHIBITS AT Mrs. O. R. Hite and the children VIEW SATURDAY TO FURTH i SE*4 Sec. 13-28-46; Lots 3 and 4, PRODUCE SHOWS moved to Ontario the last o f the ER PLANS FOR CUT-OFF | Sec. 18; and Lots 1, 2, 3, and 4, week. I Sec. 19-28-47. 8-28-26. The boys o f the Big Bend Corn Andy Handson is spending the Sheriff C. W. Glenn to H. C. Boy er-NW\4SE >4 Sec. 32-20-46; SW14- Club have again added to the laur week at the Oce „Schweizer home. RECLAMATION MEANS THE EX- els of Malheur County as the prize SW!4 Sec. 17-16-47; and N E H S W * - Joe Minton and daughter, Mrs. PENDITURE OF MORE THAN corn producers o f the state. Four jN W tt Sec. 6-18-47. 7-3-26. $263.32. Tom Newby are spending the week $20,000,000 HERE teen places out o f a possible fifteen Malheur, Harney, Lake Awl Desch with Cletus Minton o f Boise. i ______ Sarah A. Moore to Harvey Jones- is certainly a record to be proud of utes Counties Seek Rou(e To NW V4N EKN E* Sec. 29-16-47. 11- S. D. Bigelow left Saturday for and that is the record o f the Big California 118-25. $1.00. Bend Corn Club to date this year. Harvey Jones et ux to Margaret The latest winning o f the Big Bend SHIP 1000 HEAD FROM JORDAN C onner-N W ttN E K N E * Sec. 29-15- group was at the recent Pacific In Sylvia Whipple o f Nyssa had the A t the meeting o f the Central Ore VALLEY TO PORTLAND 47. 11-6-26. $1.00. ternational at Portland. The win gon Highway association held in misfortune while dressing turkeys Contsruction On Reclamation Pro PRODUCTS COMPANY on the Minton ranch, to cut her hand j e c t To «Start Now Will Water Jas. T. Westfall to Ermest E. Silk- ners are announced as follows: Lakeview Saturday, the association 140,000 Acres Best ten ear exhibit o f corn: sec ett-1 acre in SEKSW M Sec. 10-16- was reorganized to comprise the quite severely, necessitating several a uct c was »»«a a a range horse round- 43. 9-17-1924. $600.00. There ond, Garrett Muntjewerff; third, counties o f Malheur, Harney, Lake stitches to close the wound. up in Harney valley last week, with Parker; fourth, Volney Florence Bach who is attending Ernest E. Silkett et ux to Henry Vernon and Deschutes. The body passed a It is fitting that towns of Malheur gome 20 riders taking part, fifth, Kenneth Parker. Hun- Abrams-l acre in SE*4SW!4 Sec. 10- Hickox; resolution asking that one member school in Boise is spending the week county and Idaho join in a mutual dreds of neglected and half starved Best twenty-five ear exhibit of 16-43. 3-8-26. $10.00. of the state highway commission end with home folks in the Kolony. celebration if the Owyhee and Vale horges haye W n pjcked up for E. Pacific Live Stock Co. to J. D. corn, first, Archie Pam er; second, under the administration o f Gover The W. E. Edwards family o f New . „ „ Irri* at,in Projects. Irrigation ac- p Mjckey of PorUand Horle Pro. Fairman-Lot 3, Block 9, Harper. 9- Clyde Edmundson; third, Victor nor Patterson, be chosen from the Plymouth spent Sunday in the H. H. Hickox; fourth, Garrett Muntjew 18-26. $10.00. territory included within the four Hickox home in the Kolony. Several 1 ' “ of' d“ Cts Comp* ny- ^ h or8 e8 * " > several Pacific Live Stock Co. to Selma erff; fifth, Volney Hickox. counties, recommending E. P. Mah- o f the neighbors called to see them the expenditure of large sums o f 3hippe<4 to Portland when money, the employment of many, the car,oad9 are Mickey In addition to this, Archie Parker Fairman-Lota 1 and 2, Block 9, Har affey o f Bend. in the evening. purchase of supplies, all of which stated that he has over 1000 horses placed second on the best story cov per. 9-18-26. $10.00. The meeting was held in Lake- Mrs. Hub Ward entertained the strengthens trade channels. Water ering the year’s work. contracted for in Harney valley. view for the purpose o f electing Lake women belonging to the Kingman means wonderful development Recently he shipped a thousand head The Big Bend Corn Club is under county membership. All of the coun Kolony Book Club on Thursday a f this section, the transforming of JUNTURA the leadership o f V. V. Hickox of ties of Central Oregon were repre ternoon. The ladies report a aplen- j ryi desert country into a rich farm from Jordan Valley section in this Parma. county. sented and Modoc cqunty, California. did time. Bob Madden and wife motored ing region. The sheriff of the county where Strong For Trail to Westalfl to attend the American Clint Allen of Parma shipped a Preliminary construction work on the horse round-up is held is oblig Enroute to Lakeview, the delega^ car of lambs to eastern market on Legion Dance. Pounds Orchestra I JORDAN VALLEY I . . , . , . - the Vale and Owyhee projects is to ed to give five day’s notice of the tion inspected the proposed route of _ Tuesday j of Vale furnished the music. o f last week from Owyhee. gtart at once the blic ha9 be€n m. m impounding of branded horses. | the location of the Yellowstone The dance given at Cow Creek Don Masterson and family drove Misses Eva Everett, Pauline Stew- formed $17>000,000 has beenap- Range conditions this year after Trail between Lakeview and Burns, was well attended considering the to Drewsey for the dance. * ’ £ 2 5 . CZ Z \ * i L £ 2 5 Proved for the Owyhee with $800, an unusually dry summer and with stopping at Paisley, where they were ! and Georgia Rust attended Sunday The P. T. A. have began practice storms. streams dried up, entertained by a booster crowd. school in the Kolony after which 000 now available. The Vale will many watering on their new play to be given to D. H. Haylett and D. C. Hogard $3,690,000 with $500,000 for j I cost have resulted in the piteable con- the public Thanksgiving. Everyone expressed themselves as they were entertained at dinner were much surprised to find them immediate use. dition of range. It is a humane act being well pleased with the route for the Klingback home. Christa Min Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Joyce are selves elected to serve in the entire The Vale jroject contemplates the to rid the hills of useless horses, the Oregon link o f Trail, the pro ton was also a guest. moving to Ontario Tuesday. Their Jordan Valley district. jected cutoff between California and The Armistice Day program and development of 30,000 acres center friends extend best wishes for Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Stanford re Yellowstone park, shortening the Basket social at Oregon Trail was ing around the towns of Vale and success in their new location. turned to Jackson Creek Thursday, Harper. It means the building o f. distance 500 miles. well attended. The children ara to Mr. and Mrs. Carl Riley motor after visiting in Caldwell. Lake and Harney counties say that be complimented on the program and canals, ditches, diversion weir and ed to Westfall Saturday eve to Gerald Smith of Succor Creek was they will cooperate in making a good over 30 dollars was taken in from drainage canals. Water is to be, attend the dance. a Sunday visitor at Haylett’s. supplied by the Warmsprings reser passable route over this section, con the sale o f the baskets. Mrs. Don Masterson returned E. F. Baltzor returned home Sat voir, a one half interest purchased struction to be completed by early The Book Club meets with Mrs. \ from a visit with her parents in urday after a week’s business trip by the Vale district. It is believed spring. John Holly o f Adrian this week. COYOTE BILL AND TWO NEW Ontario. to different railroad points. that two year’s work will see con When, complete this trail will con The Owyhee P. T. A . met at the Mrs. Marvin Joyce gave a party MALHEUR HUNTERS MAKE Frank Rios came in on Friday’s struction complete and the new lands nect with the Central Oregon and a school house on Friday. to the little tots o f the town in stage to look -after business here. RECORDS IN OCTOBER open to settlement. request will be made to locate the honor o f her daughter Eleanor’s Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Lowe were Born to Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Ho It is estimated six or seven years portion between Bend and Bums to guests in the Wall home in Ontario birthday. The children played gard o f Cow Creek, a son, on N ov.ll. connect with that part which is al Sunday. Mr. Wall has just recently will be required to complete the ! W C’ <C° y ° te before refreshments were Leanore McConnell substituted as which includes the ernment hunter of Malheur county, games ready being located between Burns arrived from Merrill, Michigan. Owyhee work made the record in the state for Oc- served, There were eighteen rosy teacher for Miss Alice Azceunaga. construction o f the Hole-in-the and Vale. A petition will be pre .Other guests were Mr. and Mrs. T. Ted Blackstock and Alfred Ditton tober. He made a total o f 50 p r ,., little faces around the table. The sented to the commission at the Dec R. Beers and family o f Creston. Ground dam across the Owyhee riv- erth a t will be higher than the g rea t; da‘ ory an” " aIa- 45 and 0 h'g- wh.te birthday cake had seven drove out the Blaekgtock aheep art* ember meeting. Little James Marion Wall came The report o S t a n l e y <3.1 «^ 1 **■ At 6:80 they departed eaj([e j or tbe wj„ter. Dan Gallagher o f Juntura, repre home with grandpa and grandma Arrowrock. The building of a rail- bobcats Mrs. Laura Martin and daughters road, tunnels, ditches will be neces-1 Jawett> leader- 8,80 8tat€d' T h irty-, happy. senting Malheur county, attended Lowe to spend the week. three hunters working 1037 days Mrs. Olaypool and daughter Elsie and Ruth, Mrs. Sharpe and with the delegation from Burns con Miss Pauline Stewart was a guest S“ ry;u ^ ruilr° fld Wi“ ? ( M mUe° during October took 493~ coyotes, 49 Esther were called to Ontario by daughter Blanche, were among those sisting of Archie McGowan, J. W. o f Ruby Bradley on Armistice Day. isP to be t Z n eeu r V a :ronace ^ 1 bobc.U , 6 stock-killing beam, a’ to -'th e death of their uncle. Con Ryan. who attended the dance at Cow Biggs, Julian Byrd, Douglas Mul- The W. W. Smith family and T li» O w v h e e n r o ie e i located in ^ 548 predatory animals; also He was a pioneer of Malheur County Creek from Danner. The Owyhee project, located in larky, R. J. Williams, Dr. L. E. Hib Grandma Pinkston were dinner 3 badgers, 1 fox and 6 skunks, th e ! and funeral services were held Sun- H. E. Baltzor was a business visit this county and western Idaho, re- « . . . bard. guests Sunday at the Aivon McGin or in Jordan Valley Saturday. presents one of the largest irriga- f urs o f wh,ch were 8aved- whi‘ * ™ I nis home. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Robinson tion projects the government has f l . ! badgers. 98 porcup.nes and 40 skunks School will be closed next week are the proud parents o f a baby nanced for a number o f years. It were taken- n0 Part of whlch wer* JORDAN VALLEY TRAPPERS boy born in Ontario. He will soon for County Institute and Thanks will bring to a productive stage 70,- saved. An average o f 16 predatory DOUBLE DOSE OF HARD LUCK animals per man per thirty daya need to have an extra saddle horse. giving. 000 acres o f new irrigable land and was taken. includes another 41,000 acres that ELECTRICITY’S FUTURE Luck failed two Jordan Valley C. B. Brown and Larkin Under- now derive their water from S n a k e ...................... ,, . . . . trappers recently. Game wardens River by pumping. The project will kiU- other hunters working in Mai- Although we consider that we are today living in “ the VALE REPRESENTED A T LIVE arrested and prosecuted Arthur Thur put to use much water and land that hf “ r- “nd, for and October in with tha electrical age,” leaders in the industry are making plans ~ '“ni state record 8« list ston o f Danner and Tony Carrtigan SESSION OF ORGANIZATION has been “ Jon. a total of 31 each. From reports i t ' for future expansion o f power output which would have o f Jordan Valley for trapping in IN ONTARIO benefit not closed season and they were fined y ’ would seem there are more coyotes appeared entirely visionary a few years ago. but Oregon and Idaho as weel The executive board of Malheur $25 and costs each for their errors. in this "neck of the woods” than in All over the United States the demand for electrical County Council o f Parents and Investigation proved that both trap GERRIT SMIT ENROUTE TO any other part o f Oregon. energy is increasing at an ever accelerating pace, and Teachers met in the County Library, pers had already been punished an OLD HOME IN HOLLAND forecasts o f the probable requirements for many years NEW E. O. NORMAL GETS at Ontario, Saturday afternoon, No other way. Both men sold their furs $175,000 APPROPRIATION ahead are being made by the larger companies in order his aged parents in A visit with i to peddlers and received checks in vember 6. Salem, Ore., Nov. 6.— Appro pri- The president Mrs. A. A. Reed j return, both of which proved to be Holland _ after absence o f sixteen that facilities may be provided in advance to meet any years from the land of quaint wind at.ons amounting to *J 76 ,ooo for demands, which may be made upon them. presided. Representatives were I bad. Carrtigan sold 83 musrat present from Oregon Trail, Owyhee,; hides to two peddlers for $41.50 he p Smit, ’ The estimates o f one company will serve to indicate successful Vale school buildings during the bienum Wade, Big Bend, Vale and Ontario. told wardens, but the check came for Gerrit farmer who has had very good beginning January i, 1927, were re- the outlook for the industry as a whole. President Thos. The purpose o f the meeting was to back marked "N o funds.1 crops the last few years. He left commended by the board o f regents \y. Martin o f the Alabama Power Company states that discuss problems which grew out of were producing 2 9 1 million Saturday, with his ranch in the care of the state normal schools at a n j n e y e a r s a g 0 its plants the recent county council meeting. o f Mrs. Smit and three, big husky meeting held here today. The re- hours a year, while in 1926, the Output will As the board feels that the coun boys. His destination is Beverwyk, ty superintendent o f schools can be kilowatt hours. By the Holland, in the northern part o f the state ^"budget* co m m 'L o n ^ fo r con- probably reach 1,350 million o f invaluable aid to them in further year 1940 he estimates that not less than 4,500 million country. Mr. Smit will be just a ing P. T. A. work in the county, it THE MERCHANT A a KES little late for his parent’s golden o p p o r t u n it ie s for You kilowatt hours will be required to serve the same was voted to ask Mrs. E. M. Crail to wedding anniversary, the delay due write a letter of instruction to the The live merchant in any commun- t e r r i t o r y . # , DIFFICULT FOR MALHEUR TO to the fact that he has been waiting executive board. In new ----------- uses continually being ----------- found ------- for „ ity makes opportunities for every- — view . — .. o — f the ----- --------- --------------------d --------„ PAY STATE TA X ON COUN The chairman o f each standing r J L ? t0 r r pany h'«,' ona in that community by making it electricity, and its rapid extension to rural communities TY OWNED LAND committee was instructed to present HolUnd ° *Pen r<0 m n M ea8ier 40 8ecure the nec*,,itie» and which is confidently expected, the future of the industry her bill for necessary expense incur red in her office and the president jobs "for seems t0 ho,d almost unlimited possibilities. MENU County assessor Andrew Graham THANKSGIVING was asked to appoint a ways and left Thursday evening for Salem to HIGHER THIS YEAR farmer, business for the professional means committee to provide funds to BIG GASOLINE DAY attend a meeting o f the state tax Thanksgiving turkey eating will man and encourages better schools, meet these expenses. commission. Malheur county Is fac- be somewhat more costly this y ea r' churches, theatres, roads and every- Statistical experts have recently compiled some in The literature chairman, Mrs. L. ing a difficult situation in that the than in the past two years, accord- thing that means advance in civili- J. Hadley, announced that with the teresting figures concerning gasoline consumption the county is called upon to pay the ing to a holiday prediction made by zation. aid o f the county librarian and the United States, which has again broken all records this state U x on lands that have been the Sears Roebuck Agricultural county president, she has arranged Ancient cavemen stood at narrow to have Iw o'joint meetings to discuss taken over for unpaid taxes. When Foundation. The turkey crop is not entrances to caves and as bears year. * — . * ■ 4- t a t a b » « fn4n r* A n D i / l o r o t l r According to these authorities, careful estimates indi children’s reading. One o f these!»» ¡* taken into consideration that as large as .t was last year or the rushed out, they cracked them on meetings will be held at Big Bend 147,000 acres of land in the county, year before, and a pred.ct.on of 46 the nose with heavy cluba. The cate that July 25 last saw a new high record for all time where that association will »>28 lots in OnUrio valued at $19,- or 48 cents a pound for th.s y e a r. bears thus stunned were easily kill in the amount o f gasoline burned up in a single day, or Wade. The other including Kingman «70; 734 lot. in V .le valued at $16,- Th.n ksgm n g turkey . . not cons.der- ed. Bones recently found gave the more than 860,000 barrels. The dav was a Sunday, with Kolony, Owyhee, and Oregon Trail **> «"d 11,660 acres under the ed pessimistic^_____________ rlue to this pastime. good weather throughtout practically the whole country, •will be held at the Oregon Trail Warmsprings valued at $680,000 and , they were l a m i n a t e d b , nearly every passenger car in use. School. |8‘ ‘» other properties, now owned by conUct ^ ^ whjte man.g C,T. The- army mule is still an In which brought out Mrs. J. B. Smith, state district | county and upon which the .U te n|f#t|on> the Zulug were the most tegral part of the United States The daily average consumption for the entire month of vice president, announced that she, tax has keen paid for several years, healthy people in the world, accord Army, the War Department having Julv was about 850 000 barrels of gasoline. toyether with Mrs. Bruce Kester and ‘ he seriousness o f the problem can ing to Sir W. Arbuthnot Lane, noted recently set aside $20,000 for the No one can visualize such quantity, but an idea o f its purchase o f these worthy animals Mrs. T. M. Lowe had been present at he seen. British surgeon. immensity may be gathered from the fact that it would a meeting at the Jefferson School Mr. Graham will point out to the I at $165 a head. Palestine { fill 10,000-gallon tank cars enough to make a solid train Friday, November 6, when that dis- commission that all this property The Jordan River in No im-| CLOVER HAY FOR SALE—On 31 miles long. Think o f that as a single day’s supply. trict completed the organization of has been absolutely dropped from has never been navigable, the P. T. A. i the roll, that no revenue is received portent towns exist along its hanks Tons Venable place, about 100 tone, salty inland Fifty tons clover chaff. Good feed The officers o f the new association from it but still the county has had and it empties into Norwav has repealed prohibition in a popular refer are, President, Mrs. H. G. Joseph; to pay the state tax. He will make sea Its valley was the Wilderness yard and running water. Add endum. They must be getting ready to go after the vice-president. Mr. Lindsey; secre- an effort to get a rebate or an o ff- o f Hebrew times, and today is thick- Kat and Van Twlpk, Vale, Oregon, American tourist trade. tary-treasurer, Miss Bertha Turner, set on the state tax. ly forested. ^ Nov .27,Pd. JUNTURA BOUSIER ATTENDS ,J°INT CELEBRATION AT ONTARIO E ROUNO-UP IN MALHEUR AND HARNEY »----------------------------- ----- ARE THREE HIGHEST PARENT-TEACHERS CO. BOARD MEETS A. M. GRAHAM SEEKS STATE TAX REBAIE jo in '