T J HE l VOLUMp XXIV. GATE CITY JOURNAL NO. 39. START ON OWYHEE PRUJECT W IL L N Y SSA, OREGON, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1926. OW YHEE jury FÜ iï U C illl Ü ITInL I H IILUII uU li 1 i SET TAXPAYERS’ MEETING DEG. 3 $1.50 PER YEAR October Coyotes MALHEUR’S VAST AREA IM PR ESSES LIBRARIA Mr. and Mrs. Taylor of Ontario were guests in the Chas. Fisher home the first of the week. W. L. Lowe, trapper in the terri New telephones have been installed tory sdjecent to Suntex, sold $1,000 — — —. R. Hite and August Tuel- COUNTY BUDGET IlOARDS MADE wo,th of <!0yote hides Tuesday to a VISITOR AT MCDERMITT SAYS ' son homes. EXPENSE ESTIMATE epresentative of the Albany Ore- ENGINEER F. A. BANKS IS TO COPIES OF ENTERPRISE ON COMPANY HELD RE The Wm. Peutz family and Glenn YESTERDVY -i°n Tanning Company. HAVE CHARGE OF LY CONNECTING LINK ! McGinnis were guests of Henry SPONSIBLE FOR ALL MONEYS _____ j The sale brought Mr. Lowe’s re- CONSTRUCTION IN CUSTODY OF COUNTY ! Peutz o f Fruitland Saturday. On Thursday, November 6, the eiPts from coyotl‘ hidos this 8ea8on I The upper grades in Oregon Trail j By Eleanor Davis. budget board of Malheur county met ° a lo5al $2,400 as he had turn- school will give an Armistice Day The great size o f Malheur County and made the first estimate of the ;’d a consignment on October 3 to ■ program and Box Social on Wednes. expense of county government foi Parker Baker for $1,400 was forcibly impressed on Miss Elea- | evening November the 10th. 1027. The board includes the county j !b c 1:515 b'des Rol<1 to th<‘ Albany nor Davis, county librarian, in a re- Mr. and Mrs. Walter Pinkston had court, Judge H. Lee Noe, Commis-1buyer were obtained by Lowe since cent trip to McDermitt and Opalite, Nyssa Is Jubilunt When Word Re- as dinner guests Sunday, the Andrew Bonding Company Must Make Good that date. | the new quicksilver mine twenty sioners J. D. Fairman and C. H. Ox-1 ceived Monday That Work Will ; and Alvon McGinnis families, the For All Funds Deposited In De man, Thos. Welsh o f Big Bend, W.j Mr. Lowe, as the result of 10 miles west o f McDermitt. Start Near Homedale i Claude Smith family and Oscar Pink- funct Nyssa State Bank S. Bruce of Jordan Valley and W. H. years of trapping in Harney county,: To reach this mine> w hich ¡g about _ ______ ston. iias received in excess o f $30,000 200 miles from Vale and which there ---------- I Doolittle of Ontario. ! Mesdames T. M. Lowe o f the Owy- Malheur county won the decision ^ proposed budget was decided for coyote hides and, he said, ex- fore constitutes the most distant sta- When word was received in Nys- hee P. T. A., J. B. Smith of the Ore- . , , . . . . . . , , . upon which will be published in this pects this season will add $3,000 tion of the county library, one goes sa Monday reporting that work on Gon Trail P. T. A. and Bruce Kester in the bond case tried in the federal . , S. , . , paper next week. The date for the or more to the total.— Burns News to Jordan Valley, then 106 miles the Owyhee irrigation project will 0f the Ontario P T. A. helped to court in Portland recently, accord- taxpayer’s meeting was also set for . . south to McDermitt. South of Jor- begin at once, every citizen was jub- organize a Parent Teacher Associa- dan>one P!‘ *sos through small settle- \n« to ,an 0?Lni0n_h,anded do'? n.,by December 3rd, at which time the pro- ilant The town celebrated, and a tion in the Jefferson school in Ore- Judge Bean the early part o f this ments at Danner and at A rock, special edition of the Gate City Jour- g0n slope on last Friday evening, week. The case was of state-wide posed budget will be considered in where the irrigation project has j public meeting. nal was mailed to tell everyone in Visitors from the Annex school were interest as it involved the question Real Estate Transfers Recorded. brought in several new settlers dur- the surrounding communities. F. A. in attendance and will complete ar- as to whether or not surety compan Sheriff C. W. Glenn to Lee Charles mg the past year, and crosses the Senator George E. Dav's is recov Banks, engineer in charge of the rangement for an association in ies which furnished the bond to pro ering nicely from a recent opera Miller-Lot 4, Sec. 7; and Lot 1, Sec. Owyhee River at Rome, 40 miles construction o f the American Falls their school in the near future, tect county deposits were responsible tion for appendicitis. 18-16-42; SEV4SEV4 Sec. 12; and south of Jordan. From there to Mc- dam was authority /M onday for the Miss Ivers, primary teacher of for the funds of irrigation districts, ---------------------------------------------------------NEV4NE14 Sec. 13-1 -41. 10-16 26. Dermitt, a distance of 65 miles, one statement that preliminary work on Oregon Trail spent Sunday in Vale. school districts and other subdivi ered county funds and not those of $122.67. sees nothing but sagebrush, no set- the Owyhee wiH start at once. Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Chas Bradley enter sions. If the bonding companies had the districts. Malheur county j . p\ Doty et ux to E. W. Neal-Lot tlement, no ranch, only sagebrush, Banks has been given charge of con tained at dinner Monday evening in been right thousands of dollars be- brought the action to compel the )4( mock 3, Riverside Add. to On- > ■ I >< 1 mitt, isolated from the rest struction of the Owyhee dam, togeth honor of their daughter Ruby's longing to subdivisions in Oregon bonding company to make good for tario. 4-1-1920. $400.00. . <>f the county by this wide stretch er with the canals and water distri birthday. Guests present were the would have been unprotected. • all funds, and as the result of Judge ^ yy Powers et ux to Mrs. E. W. " f desert, scarcely knows it belongs bution. Misses Eva Everett, Pauline Stewart Must Repay Funds Bean’s ruling, these moneys will be Nea)_Lot 14, Block 3, Riverside Add. to Malheur County except whea it The dam, he said, will be higher and Dottie Cantrall o f Owyhee and The facts developed in the trial of refunded to Malheur county. to Ontario. 11-1-26. $25.00 (Q. C. pays taxes. As half o f the town is than the Arrowrock dam and will be Mrs. A. Stewart, Mrs. Stanley Gor- the case, showed that a surety corn- Witnesses who represented Mai- Qggj) in Ncvnda and all supplies and mail put in at a point on the Owyhee riv-|don and Misses Myrtle Stewart and pany had furuished the bond to pro- heur county in the trial of the case come in from Winnemucca, 80 miles er known as the ‘ Hole in the Ground. Alta Bradley all of Ontario. j tect county deposits in the Nyssa were C. C. Mueller, county treasur-1 Adrian E. Rutherford, Executor to to the south, the town, even the Ore The cost of construction is estimated Mr. and Mrs. Cantrall were Pay- State bank which failed in 1923. The er. District Attorney E. M. Blodgett Annie R. Williamson-Lot 15, Block gon side, considers itself part of at $17,000,000. Six or seven years.ette visitors Friday. ¡company claimed its bond only cov- and David Graham of Jordan Valley. 76, Ontario. 9-10-26. $25.00. Nevada. will be required to complete the Mrs. T. M. Lowe was an over night | — Adrian E. Rutherford et ux to An After being introduced to various nie R. Williamson-Lot 15, Block 76, w°rk- guest Friday of Mrs. John Wall in SN A P P Y STUFF residents as the county librarian Plan Railroad Branch Ontario. 9-10-26. $1.00. (Q. C. Deed). Ontario and attended Ahe Executive from up in Malheur County, the first Walter Wilson of Pontiac, Mich., sued for $20,000 for D. J. A. Dirks, Irustee to Helm & comment An article in the Capital News Board meeting o f the P. T. A. held usually ran somewhat like quoting Mr. Banks said: in that city Saturday P. M. at which alienation of his wife’s affections, but a jury thought \turri-Lots 1 and 2% , Block 3, l’ io- this; “ Well, Miss Davis, you’re the A railroad 25 miles long will be she reports an exceptionally large $75 was enough. neer Add. to Jordan Valley. 8-21-26. only county official who has ever built up the canyon of the Owyhee audience. $10.00. (Q. C. Deed). ! been down here except the assessor river to carry supplies for the con Vivian Thompson of Russellville, Ky., acted as his own D. J. A. Dirks, Trustee to Helm & ^ind the sheriff oh, yes, Mrs. Crail Ruby Bradley was a week end struction of the immense dam. The guest of Pauline Stewart in her lawyer apd won acquittal on an assault and pistol-toting Yturri-Fred Castro property in Jor- was down here once, too.” spur will leave the Oregon Short home in Ontario. dan Valley. 9-21-26. $10.00 (Q. C. j One has the feeling of being in charge. Line at Adrian, a point on the Home- A number o f turkey raisers in this Deed). ( Nevada, for the two topics o f eon- dale branch, where it crosses the community and Oregon Trail are I Charles Carrall of Springfiejd, Mass., w h o m a k e s a Graydon C. Crawford et ux to | versation are politics and mines. river. Surveyors began locating the sending their birds to market this b u s i n e s s of S u p p l y i n g W o r m s a n d o t h e r b a i t t o f i s h e r m e n Rufus" M. Dinwiddie-SE% Sec. 8;S)4 : And the politics are all Nevada poli- line this week. Several miles of the week. | i _______ ____ « i i t J ___u : ____ $_u______ ______ u >> I Sec. 9; SWV4, and SW 'ANW 'A Sec. ¡tics and the mines also in Nevada, ! is known as “the worm king of the world.” railroad will be built through the Owing to the exceptionally dry fall ¡10-30-46. 9-18-26. $10.00. ¡except the new quicksilver mine at famous box canyon ol the Owyhee some of the hands of sheep are being I Farmers of Weld county, Colorado, have appealed forj | - - Malheur Malheur County Rose-svi- - ot i * . whif’h «bi i, is now starting pfo- . County to to Eh Eli Rose-SH river, so deep in places that the sun g on p hay as pastures are practlca,ly j state protection against herds of a n te lo p e s w h i c h h a v e NEt4, and WV4SEV4 Sec. 23-13-40. duction at the capacity of 100 tons shines only a few hours each day on 11-3-26. $312.96. j of ore per day. Jack McConnell has a new radio \ b e e n d e s t r o y i n g t h e i r C r o p s . the stream below. Florence M. Mainland to Amos H. ---------------------------- An expensive feature of the work installed in his country home in A Pittsburg man found his wife’s ring in his trousers Sonner-Lots 2, 3, 4, SE !4SW t4, and OREGON FARM POPULATION will be a three-mile tunnel through Owyhee. SHSEV* Sec. 11; Lot 1, Sec. 13;' EVER ON THE INCREASE pocket, but little else. the rock to carry the water from the NE% and NE14NW14 Sec. 14-16-47. , ---------- dam to a 'point where it may be di increasing Oregon., farm popu- We have seen no suggestion that the five-day week is 10- 25-26. $600.00. (Q. C. Deed). verted to the Gem district. Another Fritzle Bybee to Ernest Locey et lation 1,y 115 durinK the mfmth o i to be extended to housewives'. tunnel will bring a portion of the al-W H Sec. 24-14-40. 11-1-26. $200.- Oct.thK-r was the record shown by water to the east side o f the river, tae Preliminary reports o f local It might be well to detail a few Marines to guard the 00. (Q C. Deed) ■i - committees to the Land Settlement from which point it will be carried to Expend lures by the American Red documents in the McPherson case. a canal to Nyssa and on down the Cross for (lie last year showed a Marriage Licenses Issued. Department of the Portland and Snake river to Dead Ox Flat. James Marlatt and Leona March. State Chamber o f Commerce. These mounting curve as compared with Appointing a guardian for “Peaches” was another 11- 6-26. people from widely scattered states Work on construction of the rail hose for tl"; preceding year —$li,892- idea that came rather late. - ■ ■ ----- ■ o f the Union settled on 30 farms road and some other preliminary 869.35 as against $10.321.679.80. The In Lake Magadi, Kenya Colony, containing 982 acres of land, pur- work V ill go forward this fall and outstanding appropriations wore for Tunney says he will never marry until he quits fight disaster r lief and asslslnnoe to dis Africa. there is a stretch of water chased with an initial investment winter, as more than $300,000 is now ing, being evidently under the impression that married abled veterans Ear disaster relief fifteen miles long by our miles involving nbout $70,000. available. the Amerlean Red Cross expended life is peaceful pursuit. broad, which appears to be frozen This brings the total number of Mr. Banks and F. R. Walter, chief $3,871,827, of which the National Or engineer of the United States recla ganization contributed $3,642.827, and Passengers on ships at sea may now be given medical even at the height of „summer, settlers reported from January 1, Carbonate o f soda crystals cover to November 1, 1926, to 648 whose mation service, spent several days the Red Cross Chapters $2?9.00P. For advice by radio, but those suffering from sea-sickness the lake’s surface and are so thick capital invested in Oregon lands last week making a careful inspec disabled veterans, a total of $3.628,178 in spots that they will bear a man’s aggregated $2,p29,815. tion of the canyon and the vicinity. was called for, of which National do the obvious thing without advice. weight. They motored to the head of the can Headquarters appropriated $1,641,178, Leo Krzychi, who ran for the Senate as the Socialist An oil company in Merico uses aq and Chapters, $1,987,000. yon, then secured saddle horses and The disaster relief figures do not nominee in Wisconsin, Queens of some species of ants airplane to transport its pay rolls, reports no campaign expenses, rode nine miles through the deep Include the Florida operations, which live fifteen years and longer, the thus foiling bandits. More than canyon, which is described as one of occurred after the end of the fiscal and the nomination turned out to be worth exactly what workers living four or five years. $25,000,000 has been carried safely. the most beautiful along the river year. In addition to the work for dis it cost. abled veteran«, the Red Cross, con and a natural site for a dam. tinued its work on behalf of men hi Amelia and John Schultz, brother and sister, separat- the Regular Army and Navy and , „ J . „ , ed during the great Chicago fire in 1871, were recently I IRONSIDE Marine iaiion of $ 509 , 451 . reunited at Naperville, 111. a - ------------------------ ---------------- ------------- » appropriation The enrolled nurses’ reserve, from Rainfall Saturday settled dust to Governor Richardson of California declared that Sen which nurses for disasters and other a certain ertent. emergencies are called, cost $47,382. ator Johnson’s friends in the state legislature would “ re Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Beam, Mrs. borne entirely by the National Head Lawernce, Mrs. Charity Gribble vis quarters Public Health Nursing, a fuse to ratify the ten commandments” unless the senator ited Mrs. Ocar Hardman and Mrs. part of the Red Cross program of requested it. national health work, coat $866,823: W. R. Loften Friday. Abram Huffman of Kewanee, 111., weighs 130 pounds, Instruction In home hygiene and care Frank Lund and daughter motor of the sick required $152,466 In nu while his wife weighs 230, and he is suing for divorce on ed to Baker Sunday returning that trition instruction, $164,107 was ex the grounds of cruelty. night. pended. The Red Cross campaign to reduce I Chas. Elms and wife and Mrs. Judge W . S. Haydon of Palmyra, Mo., married three Houser of Haines spent the week deaths from accidents and drowning, conducted by the First Aid and Life- couples in three separate ceremonies in three minutes. end with Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Elm: Saving 8 :r . relied for $352.385, Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius Roister of New York, each 40 and Mr. and Mre. F. G. White. and has shown tangible results in years old, have 16 children, all living, the oldest being 22. Ray Wise came in from Silver lives saved annually. The Junior Red Cross, one of the Thomas Hewitt of Washington was released from jail City Monday taking to Brogan his stage teams and sleighs to ship to foremost poaca influences in the long enough to give his blood in a transfusion to save Murphey. Aurther Sympson will world, wu; carried on at a cost of his son’s life. $531,053 'All local Chapter activities go with the horses. of the Red cross cost $823,000, while Harold Archer and Ruth Milton, each 15 years old, Fred Howard brought a truck other domestic operations of tha Red load o f flour for Ironside store Cross, borne by Notional Head were permitted by their parents to get married upon quarters, amounted to 8264.040. Monday. promising not to live together until they were 18. The remainder of the fiscal year’s G. A. Tureman was a Ironside expenditures were accounted for In A peat fire near Osmotherly, Eng., has been burning visitor at Elmer ‘ Malthans Friday Insular and foreign operations, for F.O years, but now appears to be dying .out night from South Fork. of which foreign disasters In Authur Sympson, Iva Cape, Viola which 'ho American Red Cross Members of a jury at Kansas vJty, Kan, vho refused Murdy were over-night visitors at served, absorbed $53.075; l,eairue of ¡Red Cro Societies 3180.000; Junior to bring in a verdict until their fees were paid, were giv Elmer Malthan’s from Malheur Riv ' Red Cross foreign projects. $74.065; en a bread and water luncheon by the judge. er. ¡assistance to Insular Chapters. $49.-. son Henry o f Unity spent Sunday ¡599; other Insular and foreign work Lieutenant O. G. Kelley, army aviator, flew back and pus aiqJRD a 3 HW PUB ■JW I $54,783, supervision of service ac forth from Vancouver, Wash., to Portland, Ore., to court ftlvltles pnd general management, here. Mr. and Mrs. Orval Nichols of j $270,623 27 Mrs. Marie Newman, and they were recently married. Brogan spent the weekend with Mr. The total expenditures for the year . .. . P Miehnlo I ended June 30 last were divided: After a separation for 16 years, I)r. C. P. Harkin and and Mrs. A. E. Nichols National Organiiation, $7,381.869.35; Mr. Enckson of LaGrande and ^ rhap.|. „ $t,611.000. In the his wife of Lynn, Mass., made up and went on a second Mill Opal Walker of Unity were Tl>nth Arnual Roll Fall, November 11 honeymoon. Ironside visitors Sunday. | to 2.5, the public is invited to share In When a spectator at a moving picture show in Chicago Mrs. S. D. Dune: n returned from th :, work l m in their name ...arly , raiifw w l » a panic nan ic h v v yell’ e llin ff a n u s h p r k n o c k e d h im te tti C .S I'O F a visit in Salem a .d Seaside Wed- bj en .iiing in the American R* 4 , nearly caused cauaea a pamc by ny yemng, an usner KnocKea nim Courlowy o f the R ich m on d (V a .) T lm e»-D 1*patch . I out with a punch in the jaw I Cross as members pesday. W i NS 1 I D SURVEY FOR HRILIiOfiO S R i f f l CASE Bring in $1,000 - DECISiOS Of STATE INTESESI County Statistics Red Cross Services Trend Upward T h e N ation 's A n s w e r ! -CF Ÿ