Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 29, 1926)
JO M A S To the Voters oí Malheur County: LOCAL NEWS IN BRIEF Can You Afford to Vote for Frederick Steiwer for United State* Senator? (1) He is reported by the New York Times as opposed to the McNary Haugen bill, (2> At the Muddy Creek Fair at liaker, Oregon, on September 7, Mr. Steiwer advocated “hard work” as a means of success in agriculture. (3) Mr. Steiwer. in 1924. in a printed statement, referred to Portland as an “inferior” port to Seattle, (4* Pendleton disDatches state that in 1925 Steiwer appeared before the Bankers Association and urged the support of the Dennis Resolution pr hib iting inheritance and income taxes in Oregon until 1940. This would increase our state taxes $500,000 in loss of inheritance tax alone. (5) Mr. Steiwer has never stated that he would oppose the seat ing of Senators who acquired their election by the excessive use of campaign expenditures. Senator McNary has never directly advocated the election of Steiwer. Do you wish to elect a senator who will oppose McNary in his efforts for farm relief? Vote for Bert E, Haney, who has taken a decided stand on these issues, who is favorable to agricultural aid and who will consistegtly stand for the best interests of Oregon. Watch CONDENSED STATUÌ AMT Malheur County Bank Mount Oliva Chapter, Order Eastern Star, invited Goidan Rule Chapter at For annauncement naxt weak of tba Nyssa to attend their m asting Thurs NYSdà, OREGON big nautical entertainm ent to ba given day evening and a goodly number of the looai lodge attended. The Grand by tha Nyssa Band and local talent r At the Cloee of tasines* J t m SO, IMS Worthy Matron was praaant gave an Full particutara address and degree work was put on, l i a b il it ie s RESOURCES the lodge goat being in fine working Loans and Discount*______$445,199 Y0 Capital Stoeh...........................$$ 16,040 T. B. Chapman of Buire, wall known order. luncheon was Overdrafts____________ ___ 409.7$ Surplus and Profits___. . . . . 47.9T4.BV to Nyssaites aa a Bible teacher, wid served and A a two-roussa social hour enjoyed. have charge of Mr. Bacon's Bible Building, Furniture, 4k Fixt. 13,600.00 Bills Payable .......................... NOME data at the M. E. Sunday school next Harry Leuek has enlisted and ia now Other Real E state_________ B,841.00 Rediscounts..____________ NONE Sunday. An interesting lesson is sr. a full fleigad marine. Ha is al pres Bonds and W arrants_______ 4.060 81 ticipated. Mr. Bacon will be absent ent guarding mail at San Francisco. C ash and D ub F sow B anks 10S.6S p .8S DEPOSITS.................................£04.7*4.11 Mr. and Mra. John Wiltner of Em in Boise on a business trip $$77.STS IS f577.fflB.ia Miss Helen Diren of Ontario spent m ett and Mis. Wilmer’a sister, Mrs. County Fund* for Which Surety Banda are Furnished—MOh E tfco weak end with Thelma Cook and J. McCloud of Miasourt, visited at the Hoxia home Sunday. other iriends. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS Mr. and Mrs. Lee Ellis returned to Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Kinnard, former their H. J. Ward, Praeidant John Bay, Visa President home near Barley, Ida., on Mon- Nyaaaitea. now located at Mapieton, J. P. Dunaway. Cashier . after several days visit with Mrs. Oregon, spent several days bare this day O. G. Bauer, Aeaistant Cashier H. A. Divea, Assistant Cashier week visiting at tba S D. Gosh*rt E 1 lis’ parents, Mr and Mrs. Smith. J. F. Reece J. J. Sarasia O. L. Phillip* Miaa Helen Dlven of Ontario was an home. Tba Kinnards era returning from a trip to their old home in Iowa over Sunday visitor with friends and DEPENDABLE SERVICE relatives in Nyaaa. and atoppad off an route home. Mr. and Mr*. Al Gamble of Payette Rev. Smutz. former Nyssa pastor, visited at tha home of the form er's be on the subject of "Evaagel- visited friends bare Tuesday. Mr sister, METHODIST COMMUNITY will ism ." The evening will be • "Good Smuta ia now located at Cascade, Ida. day. Mrs J.sse Thompson, Thurs NOTES Citixenshlp" rally. 1 he hot tamale aupper Friday even Mias Edna Dennis visited friends in Last Sunday "Good Literature Day" Let all ladies remember th at the ing given by the ladies of the M. E Caldwell last week end. Was observed in a fitting way by regular m eetings of the Ladies Aid churoh proved to be both enjoyable Tom Cowatd visited in Boise last speeches and talks on th at subject In will be in the 2nd 4th Thursday* of socially and successful financially. The Satuiday. tha evening a very fine set of slides the month at the church unless an net receipts amounted to $38, which will be used to pay anme billa incurred Mr. and Mr*. A. V. Cook, Mr. and were shown on the subject of "Family nounced otherwise. Mrs. Artie Robertson, Mr. and Mrs. Religion." Mr. Measenger gave a in making repairs to the church. BIRTHS H. A Divan and Mr and Mra. Chaa very fin* lecture in connection with it. Friday afternoon, October 12, Mrs. Crawford attended the danc* at Big Mr. and Mrs Herahey returned Mon Born—To Mr. and Mra Jake Peter McConnell entertained the High Bend onTuesday night, given by Cald from the state convention of the son, a daughter, on Sunday, October That is the only kind we have and we get it fresh every Chaa. Stappera Club at her home Tbs after well's Elk* lodge, and report a most day Women’s Christian Temperance Union 24. noon wag spent in playing the exciting enloyable time. week. Right now we have at Gresham, where they had a most Born—To Mr. and Mra. ffhas. gams of Bunco. Mrs. Harry Francis profitable and enjoyable time. Toombs, at Baker, a daughter. Miss Fay Foster of Caldwell »pent won ths most points and carried off VOGAN’S MILK CHOCOLATES, 2 lb box, $16« the week end at the Jesse Thompson the prise. Mrs. A. V. Cook won the Wednesday Mr. and Mrs. Hershey, j For Sals booby. Dainty refreshments were home. Mias Foster ia a daughter of accompanied by representatives from VOGAN’S HAUT ET CON * • 75c Mr. and Mrs. S. F. Foster, former Nyssa and Apple Valley, Mrs. Chas. 60 pullets, Rocks and Reds, each 1.00 served by the hostess. ,ssa people, and attends College of Reberger and Mrs. Levi Stephens, 25 Black Jersey Giants, each 3.00. Mrs. Earl W ard's little son who has N Idaho, Mighty nice to have on hai.d when the neighbors drop in been attended a lunchton at the First Phone 72F6 at once. very ill, is now recovering at of evenings. Or take our line of the home of Mrs. Harry Newby. Mr. and Mra. J. Boydali, Mrs. A. Methodist church in B -iBe, given by H. and Mra J. J. Sarazin Superintendent Hamilton in honor of Library Hours. St. Paul's Guild will meet on W, d- were Roydell VOGAN’S ADMIRATION Bulk Chocolates Dr. Edward Laird Mills, editor of the Ontario visitor* on Tuesday. Saturdays Only nesday, November 10, at the home of Pacific Christian Advocate. at 65c per pound NUF SED Mrs. H. T. Francis, with Mrs. FranciB C. L. McCoy, C. Tensen and Ross Open to town patron 2:30 to 5:S0. and Mrs. A. V. Cook as hosteases. Parkinson attended Elks lodge and Sunday next the morning sermon Out of town patrons 2:80 to 7:80 AT Don’t forget the chicken pie dinner smoker in Caldwell on Thursday. Thursday, November 4. in the Com E. M, Blodgett returned Saturday mercial room for the benefit of the from a week’s absence in Pendleton THEY LOOK TO YOU! library. Prices Sid and 26c. Every- where he attended a state irrigation NYSSA, OREGON Your neighbors, relatives and friends who have tuberculosis are ask For Sale — Jonathan and Rome meeting as a delegate from Nyssa, ing you tu vote 4 Y es" for :he new tuberculosis hospital. Beauty apples and sweet cider. C. and from there went to Portland on EAS1EKN OREGON has about 500 people with tuberculosis, end no W. Keberger o!5tf legal business. hospital beds there for them This fact hurt* every community in Oregon by increasing the wa-tirg list f> r the tuberculosis hospital at Salem. I bio hospital has had to refuse admittance to 350 patients in the last five years for lack of space. Those who did get in had to wait from one to four months You can help to remedy this had situation UY going Tp TH IB POLLS on Miaa Levara Mo* and Miss Bernice November 2nd. and vot'ng "Y E S’’ for the Eastern Oregon Tubercu losis Hospital. Engt r entertained the members of the school faculty at tba J. Boydell THE EASTERN OREGON TUBERCULOSIS HOSPITAL ACT — home Wednesday eve. Bridge was Purpose: To provide for the estat lishment, construction, equip- ment, maintenance and operation of a bran- h tuberculosis hospital at the principal diversion of the evening, some point in the slate of Oregon, east of the Cascade mountains, to and dainty refreshm ents were servao be selected by the governor, secretary of state and state treasurer, by the hostesses. The dining room constituting the state board of control. was decorated in keeping w ith tha $20 X Yes 1 vot* for the proposed law. Hallowe’en motif. During the social hour which followed the refreshm ents 321 No I vote against the proposed law fortunes ware to'd and a jolly good (Paid advertisement) Oregon T ib- -.-ilns is Association. 310 Fitzpat rick Bldg., Portland, Ore., Saidie Orr Dunbar, Executive Secretary time enjoyed, and the hostesses re It will place a monopoly of fishing in the hands of one class, most of whom are not c ¡veil many compliments on tha sue. 1 aVWWrtrtftrtrtrtrtftArtAf i AAJY . JUm A V V v W W ^ W V k V A W V ^ V A V « Citizens, and who have already repeatedly s< ught to raise the price of raw fish sa as to place cess of the evening's entertainm ent. PURE CANDY I NYSSA PHARMACY Teachers Entertained DEFEAT The Fish-Wheel, Trap Seine VOTE 333 X NO it beyond the reach of the average consumer. Fishing has seldom, if ever, been better. There is no occasion for factional discrimination and confiscatory legislation. This Bill Is Opposed by The Asto-ia Chamber of Commerce (the home of tha principal spongers) The Clatsop County Press. The U S- Bureau of Fisheries. By all fair minded citizens respecting the rights of property and believing in common justice. The Bill, if Passed, W ill- n Further increase taxes; Rtise the price of fish to the consumer; Violate a solemn treaey with the State of Washington, rrskirg it a «crip of paper; Confiscate hundreds of thousands of dollasrs worth of property, without process of law; Throw many people out of employment in Wasco, Hood River, and Multnomah Counties; Destroy industries and and valuable taxable properties in these Counties; Leave the Columbia River a boundary stream subject to concurrent jurisdiction with the State of Washington in a legal chaos—without law or regulation. In the interest of the consumers of salmcn, the already overburdened taxpayers,of coinmcn sense, iairmss and justice OPPOSE THIS VICIOUS MEASURE VOTE 333 X THE DALEES WASCO COUNTY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE By L. BARNUM, President B y- Leo A. Schanno John Milne J. H. Weiss T. A. Sammis, Jr. By W. S. NELSON, Mxeestive Manager and Secretary E. L. Curtiss Ray F. Kelly J. W. Hoech Thomas B Griffith Pat Foley J. G. Odell G. L. Corey Lester Emerson Geo. H. Flagg Directora. Fred P. Kendall Chris Schmidt Former Members OREGON STATE FISH COMMISSION Paid Adv. The Dalles-Wasco County Chamber of Commerce, The Dalles, Oregon Birthday Party Gladys Campbell ealabsatad her 12th birthday anniversary Saturday after noon by inviting a number ot bar young friends to a party. They an joyed themselves hugely playing gam< e vnd pulling off mirth provoking stunts put on by Mrs. Campbell, Refresh- manta of a delicious and satisfying na ture were served and Gladys was the recipient of many beautiful presents and best wishes for many happy re- turnt of the day. I How Shall We Vote? Editor Journal: I am aurprlsed. I amasad at the little interest taken in tha coming election by the people of Nyssa. We want 1000 families to u is on the Owyhee project and te build up Nyssa end this "E l Centro of the Imperial valley of O regon." We should vote for men and measures that will bring homebuilders to Oregon and make our atat* what ought it to be. Read carefully the pamphlet sent out by the secretary of etate then VOTE AS YOU PLEASS. As for me and my household me expect to vote for Governor Pierce Beit Haney aid Chaa. Heod and we expect to vote for measures 307—No 834-Yes 329-N o A Voter end a R badbr , urn Be Prepared. Lay in your winter petatoes. Netted Gem culls, 75c per sack. o2Sp Cbas. Garrlsen. Piano for Solo. We will sell a beautiful used stand ard make piano in good shape ness Nyssa. Priea reasonable and term s of 3 00 per month Writ* or phone damproB Music Co. Weiser, Ida. o<93. HBBiaiB[W BBIK CCSaBM IaN ëBll«S?«Sm w RADIO ATW ATER-KENT NONE BETTER We carry them in stock. Call and let us show them Free Demonstration Powell Service Station Nyssa, Oregon I m u B iw n u n n u im n e 8 lee