r Gate City Journal Supplement NYSSA. Rsbekahs Meet in Annual Convention The 11th annual convention of District 26 o f the Rebekah Assembly o f Oregon met in Nysaa Octooer 16,1926, at which time Miss Dora Sexton, presi dent, paid her official visit. Many Vale and Ontario Re bekahs were in attendance; also two members from other states. Officers elected for the following meeting: Nellie Jacobs, chairman, Vale. Harriet Seara, vice chairman. Ontario. Lucy Johnson, Sec. Titas.V ale Vernena Beam, chaplain, Nyssa. Etfi - Williams, marshal, Vale. Effie Davis, conductor, Ontario. Annie MacEndree, 1. G.,Ontario. Daisy Johnson. O. G., Vale. Pres. Rebekah Assembly, R S.C. Minnie Wroten. L S. C.. Jor v dan Valley. Emma Eldndge. R. S. V. C., Vale. Angie Cook L. S V'. C. Nyssa Aluneh at noon and a banquet at 6:30 was served by the hos­ tess lodge. “Good Literature” Hour The following program will be given at the M. E Community church Sun lay, October £4, 11 to 12 a m : M'S Fred Marshall.)>ui Town Library Mrs W. W Foster. Books for Girls Verna Thompson. Fsnny Crosby, Song Miss Lucile Stephens_____________ __ ___________Our School Library Music Mrs J. fi. Sm ith_____ Books for Boys Mies Gladys Garrison ____ ____ _______________ How I Read a Book J. H. Forbas ......... ....... Good Books Music Most o f Ibe talks will be short, four- OREGON OCTOBER 22. 1826 rninuts speeches. I f time permits, we will be glad to hear from others on good literature— newspapers, ma a zincs books, etc. Mrs K A Tboiap son will have charge o f the muetc A ll are invited to came and an op portunity will be given to an) one who wish«a to talk. Committee. Candy as a Food The time has long since passed whan candr ia to be regarded as a mere lux ury. It ie real food. Can y ia com posed of sugar o f diff-rent kinds, chocolate, nuts, fruits, flavorings and colorings. Each o f these has its own particular value, appealing to the sense o f taste or the sense of sight, or supplying the need o f the body for nourishment. Sugar undergoes little change dur ing digestion As glucose it is carrirri by the bl< od hrough the body and unites with oxygen breathed in from the air, form ing carbon dioxide g> ■ and water, in which form it leaves the b»dy During this change energy is produced and used for muscular work Sugar is more rapidly oxidized than an other kind of food stuff and makes a very desirable quick fuel food Chocolate is obtained from cocoa beans, cleaned, soaated, and finely ground it contains much nourish ment in a ccn.ontrated form fat. protein and carbohydrates being pres ent. w i'h very little water Coco» is also used in candies, as part o f the fondant, or in fudge,s and is p spared from cocoi beans by the removal of a portion o f the fat, sugar and flavor­ ings being added. Almost all kinds o f edihle nuts are used in candy making. They are ex cel lent forms nf energy. In many candies the digest biliiy o f the nuts o pass around during the evening, or to plarein airal oishea on the c s 'd i able when several frirrd s drop in for bridge. A box o f candv ia always velcom t 8s a g ift, and don’t yon adn-ire the man or woman who remembers yoov favorites? School Notes The Nysaa gridiron warriors won their first football game last Friday against th- strong Roawell eleven, the score being 7 to 6 The Nyssa eleven showed areas improvement in hnth nefensive and offensive playing The Nysaaitee passing worked well and the line which has been weak all season was a stone walL Eugene P ratt came oul o f a slump t' do some beautiful tackling, while Newby ana Green started as ball car­ riers. The outstanding play was when H Dunaway intercepted a Rcswel] pass and ran the ball back for s SS yard gain. The Nvssa boys will invade Kuna Friday, October 22. The second p tlro l of the Nyssa Girl Smuts put o n » basket sonia1 at the school house Mondav night and an en­ joyable time was g iv e t to atf. It was s suenrss in every wav, the girls real­ izing about $2fi fo r the nipht. An 5 jova-ble dialogi c was pdt on hy fem e members o f the Scoots. The II S. is going to put on some dandy plays. Watch for the edver isements.