n s «Afs Poultry Supplies «m in - LOCAL NEWS IN BRIEF Custom Cleaning and Grinding • - Malheur County Bank Frank Lynch and fam ily w ar* Sun­ Mr. and M ri. Tom Butler en tertain ­ ed at Sunday dinner Mr. tnd Mr a day guests with W aiter relatival. Mra. F R Marshall spent several Dewey Rey end eon, llr . and Mre. C NYSMA, OREGON P. Lackey, Mr. end Mre A lb ert Boech day* th'* week visiting friend* at Pay­ o f Payette, Ieham Anderson, Steve ette. f At the Cleee of Bmtieeee Jue 80, IMO ( Wood and Sid Busbidge. Mra. Morriaon and son o f W aiter M i. and Mre. Dany end son and Mr visited her daughter, Mre. Eddie Pow­ L IA B IL IT IE S RESOURCES end Mre. Holton Steven* ead sen spent e ll, on Sunday. Loans and Discounts.......... $446,118.7$ Capital Stock....................... 88 86,88« ' Saturday in Boiae. For Sal* — Jonathan and Rom* O verdrafts............................ 409.76 Surplus and Profits_________ 47,87X87 Cliff Francis and P M Binkley were Beauty apple* and awaet cider. C. Building, Furniture, A F lit . 18,600.00 Bills Payable.......... ......... M il« o l6 tf visitor! at the Vale Sani'anum Mon­ W. Keberger Other Real Batata................ 8,848.00 Rediscounts.......................... NOM« day. J. P. Dunaway baa been confined to Benda and Warrants............ 4,060 81 D E P O S ITS ...........................M A 76X11 C ash and Dug Know B a n k s 108.88h.Si his bed and under the doctor's car* Mr. and Mrs W. P. Marqueee moved into the Ward house Tuesday. thie week from injuries received in an , $677,878 18 1077 . 818 . » Mr. Marqueee ie local m tn tgcr o f the auto accideat near Vala last Saturday. County Funds for Which Surety Bonds are Farnlehad—N O N E He is recovering a* fa st as eauld bo Mercer atom. Nyssa Grain & Seed Co. NYSSA CONDENABO Ï T A T U U T Mr. and Mra. Frank Nawton and expected and will soon he *a good ai daughter visited friend, at tba Wciser new. D wight Johnston had a delicate Inatitute Sunday Mr and Mra. G. F. Miller entertain­ operation performed on hie head yes­ ed Mr. and Mra Trey Sitton and fern terday in Boise. He ia gettin g along ily to dinner Tuesday, it being Mr. nicely. OREGON. * V A -K .»4 - + 4 - + 4 - + + + »+ 4 - + 4 »4 »4 .* * * * »4 4 M 4 M ♦ ♦ ♦ * OFFICERS A N D DIRECTOR« H. J. Ward, President John Ray, Via* President J. P. Dunaway, Cashier O. G. Bauer, Aesietant Cashier H . A. Divea, Assistant Cashier J. F, Reece J, J. Saraaia G. U Phillips D E P E N D A B L E SERVICE Sitton’ s birthday. L illy May Hunt entertained tb* Mr. and Mrs. Georgs M acLafferty school - faculty w ith an evening at are spending tha week in Pocatello Bridge Thursday eve at her home. Light refreshments were served. with their eon George and family. R. B King, general superintendent Mr. and Mra Ernest Wilson \ o f the Idaho Powar Co,, was a busi­ Boise visitors Monday. ness visitor in Nytaa Moaday. Mra. Glenn Brown is again back at Charley Thompson returned from bar post In the Mslbeur County Bank while Mr. Dunaway ia recovering from Baker th* firet o f the week from a sojourn o f aeraral weeks duration. his auto accident. Our Ice Plant la running full capacity. Whenever you need ice W E H A V E IT Mr. and Mia, Arthur Boydtil were Boise visitors Monday. BURBIDGE & RAY, Prop. ¡ Phone 6 - Nyssa, Or. S t N 'V l » « X A J - a . A X - L J . A - i - A -A X -X A X- A -A -X L A .. A A | X X T^rTTTTTTTTX fT T T T T T T T » a a a- « w m NYSSA BARBER SHOP ' Honey for Sale # jou rc. N ew Honey in tbe comb or extracted $2 gallon $1,88 per gal S H A V IN G , H A IR C U T T IN G HOT A N D C O LD B ATH S N y* W. C. T. U. Notice Mrs. Frank Hall, Mrs. Bill Beam and Mrs. C. C Hunt motered 4o Baker The monthly m eeting o f tha W. C. Monday to attend O. E. 8. chapter. T. U. will be held Wednesday, the Degree work wae put on and rsfreab twentieth, at 8 o'clock in th* M. B m enti served, followed by a social church. B veryon* b* sure to came. hour. Tha ladies returned home Tuea day. , Six gallon lots or mote Roy Pounds, Prop. I r Tbe Nysea grain & Seed Co (hipped COM M UNITY CHURCH a carload o f clover seed to eastern NOTES Glovers. Anti ahimies for Fords grease eon market* this weak which sold for the The sense o f righ t taught by th* Q U A LIT Y G UAR AN TEED tainora ihat really atop tbe grease nice little sum of 314 000 This ia the ehurrh ia the moral restraining fores from eeeaping at tbe le ft aide wheel second carload shipped this season by in avery community. Think it over. State whether comb or extraettd is bearing. Hoxie service station. this Arm and they expect to ship an­ wanted when ordering. A Bible claae for every age exten di other car soon. to you the glad hand next Sunday at Library Hours, Pud Long ia tha champion trapper 9:46 a. m. R J. Davis ia tha faithful s.turdaya Only o f this nvek o f the woods. In tbre* anu enthusiastic superintendent. Open to town patron 2:30 to 5:80. weeks be g ot 63 coyo es and 16 bad Banks, Oregon The Junior church at the 11 o'cleeh Out o f town patrons 2:80 to 7:80 gera—and he had ju it got back frum a hour is progressing nicety under the honeymoon trip, at that. No telling leadership o f Mr. Messenger. what be could do under normal condi Remember th* regular hour o f w or­ tiona Pud expects to raalize about ship fo r the adult and older young $10 apiece for the coyotes, which will people at 11 a. m. Sermon by tbe net h'm a nioe iittl* sum. pastor. Word naa been received from Char Willie Hershey w ill be the leader in ley N ew oill, who recently went to Cal« the young people’s service Sunday ifornia, that h* has signed as to play evening at 7 p. m. indoor baseball. Chas, is an artist at The Rev. H arry S Hamilton will any kind o f baseball and h* will show tha N a tive Son* some o f the tine points preach to ua at the 7:4S hour follow ing the young people's service; alto the • f tha game. regular quarterly business session will The Rev. 8kuy!er P ratt o f Hood be held follow ing tbe sermon. R iv e r, Oregon will speak in the Par The hot tamale feed w ill be given ish Hall on Sunday. October 17, at 6:80 by the Ladles Aid at the Commercial in the evening on Religious Education. room October 28 Everyone is invited to this service. This business is for sal«*. A good business for the right Roosevelt said: Tba church la easy Mrs. Chai. McConnell ia spending to slam and hard to replace. Kick i f man. Inquire at the Nyssa Flour Mill. the weak end with friends in Bolee. like, but you will be wiser and happier P. M. WARREN. The W. G Campbell residence was to back it. Com* Sunday. ■♦♦4,4| I 1.1 I wired for lights by the Idaho Power Comany this week Produced Exclusively From The Busy Bee Apiary +♦++++ +++ Custom Grinding i and Chopping Flour, Feed and Recleaning Coal and Wood and Black Bear Roof Paint Eddie Powell ha* purchased the Fritchman cottage near the Preabyte rían manie and w ill take poieosaion soon. PURE CANDY Tha China phaaiant season opened today and tha sound o f the shotgun is heard in tha land. The p itrén * o f tha Nyssa library ill serve dinner Thursday, November 4, beginning 6:80 p. m , in the Com­ mercial room. Come all. Pries* 36c and 25c. That is the only kind we have and we get it freslj every week. Right now wa have VOGAN’S M ILK CHOCOLATES, 2 lb box, $1 £• VO G AN’S HAUT ET BON . • 76c Mighty nice to have on hand when the neighbors drop in of evenings. Or take our line of V O G A N ’S AD M IRATION Bulk Chocolates st 65c per pound NUF SED AT NYSSA PHARMACY N Y S S A , OREGON Eastern and Westers OILS AND GREASES Fire at Tensen Ranch C liff Francis spent a few days this F irs from torn# unknown eauaa week with bis father, H. T. Francis. broka out in B. O. F ow ler's thrashing A large number o f O. E. 8. mem outfiit about noon Saturday while bare were entertained at the home of working on tha Pate Tenaen ranch and Mrs. Dan H olly o f Adrian at a one oompWtely destroyed th* aspirator o'cloek luneheon Wednesday. Tha and about 200 tons o f hay and some house was decorated in keeping with elovar aeed belonging to Mr. Teaeen. tha Hallowe’en m otif, and black cata Th* tractor was alas damaged to soma o f every kind and deaeiiption were in exten t but wae saved frum destruction evidence. Mrs. Frank Nawton won by fast work o f the crew The has waa the prize at a hard foogh t battle o f partially covered by insurance but bridge, tke prize being a diminutive there wa* no Insurance on tb * sapa kettle suspended from a tripod, the rator. A high wind waa blowing at whole being plentifully decorated with tbe tim e and had it bean coming from black cata. A fte r a delicious three th* direction ft usually dose Mr, Ten- couri* luncheon, viaiting and games sen’• residence would also hav* been were enjoyed until it wee tim e to ad burned. Nyssa Packing Co. HOXIE SERVICE STATION Baby Chicks for Sale A ll th* usual needs o f tha motorist at price* that sro fa it to you and ourselves. Your buainess is welcome and we expect t* deserve it. NYSSA, OREGON Standard makes of TIRES AND TUBES with a guarantee covering defective workmanship, m aterials and HOXIE SERVICE STATION ♦♦♦♦4 1 > ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦1 F IN A N C IA L STATEM EN T Anti-Saloon Leagu e_____ 41.86 81.00 Financial statem ent o f M. E. church N «a r East R e lie f.................. 21.80 fo r year beginning October 1, 1925, Pastor’s salary for previous yr and ending Septem ber 1, 1926. T o ta l...............................*1,808,28 R E C E IP T S Balance on band_______ 6.08 On hand Oct 1, 1925..............$ 09 From currant offerin g*_______ 927 47 *1,818 28 Receipts fo r benavole ices___ 64 36 M r*. W. W Foster, T re ta . Receipts from loose offerings 114 76 Special offerings...................... 206.61 Everyone Come to the T e ta l..................................... 81,318 28 D IS B U R S E M E N T S Paator’a salary........................$ 64$ 76 Conference expense................ 96 00 8p*e4al collections................. 80 60 W ater, lights and coal.......... 67 66 Benevolt ncee world service.. 60 00 D istrict superintendent_____ 60 00 J a n it o r ............................... 57 26 Religious education................ 49 00 Old d e b t................................. 49 81 Insurance and repairs_______ 46 10 Basket Social given by the Girl Scouts L A D IE S please bring B A SK E T S M O N D A Y , OCT. 18, 8:00 P. M. Nyssa High School ATW ATER-KENT RADIOS NONE BETTER Pur* W h it* Leghorn baby chicks $10 hundred, post paid Aneonaa, best layers out $11 hundred Rhode Island Reds, best for meat $12 hundred Plymouth B oeke- $12 hundred The W . C. T. U. w ill give a free All good healthy, strong, purebred show tonight at th* Liberty theater, chicks. at 7:30 Everybody welcome. We pay postages and guarantee live For Sale— Leuck’ s Sure Cot Root delivery. Take « statement from your postmaster, if any dead Cutter attachment fo r plow. Espec ially made for alfalfe, sweet clover, clover and all other raoti that eome back in your next crop. Sold by Fiank Leuck. Caspar, Wyoming FOR S A L E —Fischer Piano, $160; Oak Buffet, $10; Saddle Hors*, $20: ATTO RNEYS A T LAW Saddle, $10; Culture Packer, $60; new E. M. B L o r a c r r lea Saw and Torga. $6; $0 30 Winches­ Attorney sad Coat >Yt lor at Law ter, $10; Pip* Stack and Dies and Cut P rae tie* la all courts ter, $10. Other Bargains. Nysea, O n g o * o$tt B. L. M acLafferty. We carry them in stock. Call and let us show them Free Demonstration The American Hatchery Mra. Ray Hylton o f N ew Plymouth spent a few days this week vieiting Mrs. Horrle, Painting and Kalsoming, firet clase work Reasonable priees. Call 76F11 F F. Smith, o lt f W. B. HO XIE IN S U R A N C R O ffice at Residence, Third Ehrgood A venue N yala, O í agua aad Powell Service Station Nyasa, Oregon