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About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 15, 1926)
1 THE GATE CITY JOURNAL VOLUME XXIV. NO. 35. STANFIELD SAYS OREGONIAN L O NYSSA, OREGON, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1926. *1.50 FER YEAR SHADOWS PAINI UNIQUE PICTURES ON RUCKS »EAR RÜGKVILLE, OREGON M’NARY NEXT 00323364 Col. A. E, Clark, who was a cand idate for the republican nomination Mr. and Mrs. Robert McCool come as United States senator, in the down from Emmett Thursday and spring primary election, declared took Mrs. M. Mathiessen and son, that the Oregonian opposition to Sen Ronald, back with them. They will first time— and surely was astonish ator Stanfield was part of a secret] i STATEMENT THAT McNARY FOR make their home there this winter. PIONEER STAGE DRIVER DES ed. I sat there for half an hour and plot to beat Stanfield now and Mc STEIWER TERMED DELIB CRIBES WEIRD SCENES IN Mrs. Freu Klingback and daugh looked up to the picture. I guess Nary four years hence, so that the INVITE MALHEUR COUNTY TO ERATE FALSEHOOD. TAKE FART IN IMPORTANT ters, Doris, Margaret and Louise, MALHEUR COUNTY the sun’s rays and shadows and ev Oregonian would control both sena- ROAD CAMPAIGN left Tuesday for Walla Walla, Wash erything were just right, and it was tors. In confirmation of the con- In a statement issued today United ington for a visit with Mrs. Kling- spiracy comes the Eugene Guard, I the most wonderful sight I ever saw. States Senator R. N. Stanfield ap back’s mother, Mrs. Tufts. I Motorists of this section are given formerly a democratic paper, but j “ 1 think some good artist ought to plies the ugly word to the Oregon _ | an incentive for a unique trip, in a now an echo of the Oregonian and ilATL CCT Cf]Q MflilFMRfP G Mrs. Greeling of the Kolony called communication from , , A Lagu of reproduce it on canvas. Now if some one of the first and most ardent gup-|*"UL ULl lUn llUlLltlDCD 0 ian. <in M i o I m in i L \ -i,l*n r ... Mrs. Lowe Friday. people want to go and see it, they “ When the Oregonian declared in Ely, Nev., a pioneer stage driver, to porters o f Steiwer, sounding the op- its politietl article last Sunday that Grandma Bontrager is on the sick the pioneer department. Mr. Lage ought to camp there all night and ening gun of the drive against Mc Strong Faces Indicate Interest In De look at it early in the morning, foi United States Senator Charles L. list this week. describes a pecular effect o f shadows Nary as follows: velopment Of Central Oregon after the sun gets a certain height McNary is advocating Frederick “ Is Charles McNary a United Mr. and Mrs. F. T. Crawley and cast by the sun on certain rocks at And California Route Steiwer for Senator in preference to daughter, Marguerite, Mr. and Mrs. an early hour in the morning. 11c it’s a blank and there is nothing to States senator by divine righ t?” Is myself, in order ‘that the poliies of C. W. Aldredge and Miss Alta Brad designates the place as Rockville, a be seen. he supremely anointed? Has he pre Route To Take the administration can be executed,’ empted the office he holds for an ley were guests at the Chas. Brad hamlet just across the Idaho line— This county is invited to take part “ The way to travel is from Boise it lied and it knew it lied,” says Sen ley home Sunday. Rockville, Malheur county, Oregon. other term or for life? Does the ef in the meeting o f the Central Ore to Rockville, on the old Jordan Val ator Stanfield’s statement. The phenomenon is believed to be ley road; then west over Bannock fort by any voter or group of voters gon Highway association to be held Mr. Burley and son of Portland “ The Oregonian lied when it made quite unusual, and the Pioneer de ridge and down Runaway canyon till to vote for somebody other than he on November 6th at Lakeview in that statement,” he continued, “ just are visiting at the Lowe home this 1930 constitute Lake county. partment appreciates interviews with Leslie gulch conies in from the left; in the election o f The invitation of as it did in the primary campaign week. any motorists who may chance to about 400 yards below that, Dago treason against the flag or conspir Lakeview found favor with road en Cristy Minton went deer hunting when it pronounced my efforts that acy against the public well being? thusiasts, as the town is one o f the make the trip. gulch comes in from the left, and a resulted in the passage o f the O. this week with Jack McConnel. Is it wicked to hold the thought that strong forces backing development little way below that you pass a big Mr. Lage writes: and C. tax refund bill to be political Bob Wallace, Carl and Elsmer some one else might entertain saner of the Central Oregon highway. It is “ It’s the greatest natural wonder spring on the right. That’s the and sounder ideas on such political bunk. It lied just as it did the other Finn, Omar Hite and Mr. Newby desired that Vale, Harper, Juntura, place to stay all night—about 74 day when it printed an article de are doing construction work on the 1 have ever seen jn my life, and subjects, say, as farm legislation Nyssa and Ontario in this county be miles from Boise. Next morning claring that, if re-elected, I would mills reservoir. have seen a great many. 1 used to than he? represented at the meeting, as well about sunrise walk down the road be stripped of my committee posi The opposition to McNary, says as Bend and Burns in this section of The P. T. A. will hold a social run a stage, or had a mail contract about 300 yards and look up to the tions in the senate. Rockville and Watson. 1 the Guard, is based on the fact that the state. meeting at the school house Friday, between “ Positive proof of the fact that October 22nd to discuss the measures travelled the road between these two face of the rock at the left, and there he has shown progressive tendencies To Talk New Route is the picture. the Oregonian lied when it pro to be voted on in the November places more than four years, and ind tended to stray from the stand- According to Archie McGowan o^ “ It’s a stage road, and autos can had never seen it till one morning 1 nounced my O. and C. tax relief bill election. Refreshments o f pie and pat reservation. Continues the Burns, president o f the assoiation, it It must have travel over it. On the return trip Guard: political bunk is furnished by the coffee will be served. Everybody got an early start. is anticipated that the Lakeview been between 7 and 8 o ’clock in the take the road down to Owyhee river fact that the bill is now a law and come. It is not difficult to understand meeting will also consider the pro that there is now being distributed morning, and 1 saw it in all its glory. by Watson, and on to Nyssa or Vale. why organization Republicans may posed Lakeview-Burns unit of the among the 18 counties affected ap- p Ed ™ ers at the The sun and shadows were just right. The road is good. Going down Les have lost some of their enthusiasm Yellowstone Trail route from Cali lie gulch don’t forget the camera. for Senator McNary. proximately $7,750,000 in lieu of h° me Saturday on hls way t0 * * * He fornia, which, it is declared, has “ It’s a natural painting on a rock taxes and a continuing annual ap- j a wc ' < I here is a picture in sight every 200! persiste<j in trying to force through prospects of bringing 50,000 tourists about 75 feet by 100, as near as I f r ,l 1,/J ,1 t ‘ M n n .1 AM«* .,1 1 1, a a ,, J - propriation equal to a 25 per cent Little Donald Stewart of Ontario yards. Grand scenery all 4 the way his paternalistic bill for the govern annually through these two cities. can judge now. It resembles in a reduction for all time to come. j sPent the week at the Bradley home. down. Drive about a mile below the ment bonus on farm products, and he way the trial of Martin Luther. The The proposed route will join the spring and look back. You will see has just announced that he will re “ Positive proof the fact that the Mr. and Mrs. F. T. Morgan and Central Oregon highway when it is main figure is a lecturer with a book Satan with his evil eye. Higher up Oregonian lied when it printed the Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Judd of King- sume the effort in the next con completed so the traffic will pass in his hand, and the audience consists are elephants, cows, cougars, old gress. * » * Why story that, if lc-elected, I would lose man Kolony attended the Moroni then should on through Harney, Malheur, Vale of all kinds of people. There is a women, soldiers, the faces of women there be surprise if a more orthodox my committee assignments is fur- Olson Play at Weiser Saturday, dark background, as in a big hall, and other towns of this county. nished by telegrams given by me to j Glen McGinnis, who is staying at and all the people have a sincere ex and the faces of men. I used to call Republican comes out against Sena The Burns News stated that Judge the press last week from Republican ^ e Peutz home and going to sc()pol, pression on their faces, as if they some of them Karl the Great and tor McNary, or if such an opponent Kelty of Lake county looks with Julius Caesar. Some of the animals receives support from party leaders leaders in the Senate. went home for the week end to hear were very interested. The picture favor on a route which would turn resemble the prehistoric kind. They of the organization school ? “ Now for the Oregonian’s political the new radio which has been install- o ff at Alkali Lake and join the com shows men and women, both young all look as though they had been article of last Sunday. In it the Or- | e(j at the John Jarvis home. As a matter o f fact, Stanfield, who pleted highway leading to Lakeview and old, from the rural and city dis chiseled out of the rocks. A Travel egonian said: The Kingman Kolony Sunday tricts, and the longer you look at was an administration man, was from Paisley. He added that some ing man who came through there marked for defeat, just as McNary “ ‘ Covert efforts have been put school >nd p T A wiu give an en. the picture the more detail you see. money would be available for work toid me it beat the Grand Canyon of is to be, not becaause their support forward by supporters of R N. tertainment and party on Hallowe’en on this project during the coming “ I drove by and looked up to the the Colorado for scenery.” — States of or differences with the president, Stanfield to have Senator McNary evening year. face of the rock, and saw it for the man. come to the aid o f the junior Sen but soly because they have refused Mrs. Beaumont, Mrs. Cotton and ator, with whom he has been .asso to permit the Oregonian to dictate The Cock And The Gem. Mrs. Martin made a shopping" irtp ciated for the past five and one-half SID E L IG H T S to them and control federal patron to Boise Saturday. A cock came down from his roost years. Because of this association General Andrews recently told newspaper men that he age. If the brother-in-law of the at dawn and scratched the ground in A baby boy was born to Mr. and manager of the Oregonian had been search o f food. In due time he turn himself as to his views on Stanfield Mrs. James la n e o f the Kolony at | insists that all prohibition eniorcement O ncers be total kept on the publie payroll, and Ore ed up a fine gem. He gave it a kick bolting the Republican primaries. Donald hospital in Parma, Thursday, abstainers, but added, rather paradoxically: The only gonian selections appointed, there and muttered softly to himself, “ huh, McNary gets around the situation The Kolony precinct elected direct- j ones Who have to drink are the poor deviL __________ devils who must would have been no conspiracy to re you’re a fine thing, no doubt, but to by iterating qnd reiterating that he ors and voted to enter the Owyhee b j t j getting evidence. 1 think it’s a shame that they tire them, at the cost of wrecking the my way of thinking, one good grain is for the Republican ticket and ex- irrigation district last W ednesday!. •? & . ..& „ - - - “ ° w t party. have to do it.” Few have resigned, however, on account of wheat is worth all the gems in the of electing at the school house, plaining the necessity As long as the old lady o f journal world.” o f this hardship. republicans to the Senate, so that ism insists on bossing the party, just Its all in the way you look at it. the president will have a working C . F . Sessinger, a bonding company official, declares as long will the party be torn by dis- The wealth of the universe wouldn’t majority and the policies of the ad that “ 90 per cent of the people of this country are potent- «ension and discord. Now it is a be worth rgpuch to you if it couldn’t ministration can be executed. In ial crooks.” Meaning, it is assumed, that nine out of ten ^ ar on Stanfield, next a war on Mc- buy you gpqiething to eat or wear. other, words, Senator McNary is ad people would steal if the reward were large enough and paarrtyy frome ££to™wP is to ^ e t ir » Inversely, the more you can buy for vocating the election of Frederick Steiwer, Republican senatorial can ---------- , the chances sufficiently favorable for getting away w ithlthe Oregonian from party domination your money the more money is worth. didate.’ “ Original enlistments in the Reg- it . O f CO U rse, m o s t o f US l i k e to t h i n k t h a t W e belong j by defeating its candidate. Every Denies Statement Made. The advertisements are intimate ular Army for Ninth Corps Area a m o n g t h e t r u s t w o r t h y 10 p e r C e n t. j friend of McNary should vote for “ Now Senator McNary never made (Pacific Coast States)) organizations . -. . . ,, , , , , . Stanfield, otherwise they can confi- lessons in buTiHf; efficiency. They any such statement to the Oregonian resumed on October 11, after having I>anOltS^ in D e t r o i t re ce n y y Show ed d e t e r m i n a t i o n I dently expect McNary political des- teach you h o « to get the most in nor to any one else, nor will he do been discontinued sinre September worthy of a better calling. They attempted to hold up truction four years hence. — Salem value and enjoyment for the least so, for it would be an untruth and i8th. Most vacancies are in the one bank, but they were routed with a spray of tear gas Capital Journal. money. They give you knowledge Senator McNary does not deal in that pays big dividends. Field Artillery and Corps of Engi- released when the cashier pressed a button. They pro- lies. That is why the shopper who reads “ Since I have been in the Senate a T ’Fieir'Artniery.Tort’ R u » X 1 f ee<Jed to another six blocks away, where they had better the advertisements always has the I have been one o f President Cool- Wyoming and the infantry at Van- luck, -securing $3,000 and making good their escape, advantage when it comes to stretch ing the dollars. idges most ardent suporters and I 0Ouver Barracks, Wash., and Fort g .D. Smith S p e d along the highway near Sacramento, have the honor of being one of the Countless numbers o f people find followed closely by a motorcycle policeman, when a loud few senators to whom he has ex Douglas, Utah. that it pays them well to be guided pressed bis appreciation publicly my and excellent records have their | report rang out. Slowing down, Smith begged, “ Don’t by the advertisements. for supporting him. In a published choice i f any of the above listed shoot again, officer, I’ll give up.” The policeman said, SENATOR IS WELCOMED BY BIG So will you. telegram addressed by the president places or Alaska, Hawaii, Panama, “ I didn’t shoot; that was your tire that blew out.” Smith CROWDS AT EVERY STOP The Advertisements show you how to me on July 9 this year, he said: THROUGH STATE Philippine islands, Atlantic Coast or J collapsed, and an investigation disclosed the fact that he to get the most for your money. “ I want to thank you for the sup Mexican Border, a few good au to-, w a g w a n t e d in Stockton for stealing the car. Conscience port you gave me in the closing Bend, Ore., Oct. 9.— Senator Stan days of the session o f . congress. 1 needed in the oth Motor Transport P ^ s imagination had been his undoing. B O N IT A have hope I can reciprocate some Co., Quartermaster Corps, also a Some reflections concerning the*value of a man’s life field reached here last night. His swing around the state has been one time.’ Thomas Rust and wife drove down limited number of men qualified a s , aro provoked by the decision o f the mixed claims com- unending ovation. The members of from the Owyhee Friday to consult “ If re-elected I will support Pres ident Coolidge just as ardently and wanted in the sth Service Co., sig- mission in settlement of claims growing out of the sink-. his party . . are jubilant, as it is evi- Mrs. Pratt on business matters. He staunchly as I have done in the past nal Corps. Presidio, of San F ran -1 mg OI the LllSltama. It SOUght to allow Only for th e val- dent that party lines are being cast reports that construction is expected and this both the president and the cisco, California. j ue of a victim’s life to those dependent upon h im , there- aside- 80 far as *he 8enatorial race to start in December on the road is concerned, and it is their confident leading to the damsite at the Hole- Republican leaders of the Senate |fore it awarded $10,000 to , the heirs of a mechanic, but " ’ ........ .. , . ... ** , .... belief that Stanfield, the present re in-the-ground. know. This also Senator McNary RED CROSS CONVENTION IN PORTLAND O c t o b e r 25-26 nothing to those o f Alfred Vanderbilt publican incumbent, will receive the knows and I now challenge the Ore Vem Gardner is boarding at Elmer gonian or any one else to secure Every Red Cross chapter and Miss Marion Talley, young operatic soprano, will set largest vote cast for a political cand Johnson’s at present. Mrs. Gardner from Senator McNary a statement idate in Oregon. is at Brogan sending their daughter, branch in Oregon is expected to send apart a portion of her earnings for a fund in aid of Lake county will be almost solid Verla to school. to the contrary. delegates to a regional conference of promising boy and girl singers. Her Kansas City friends Stanfield. He will carry Klamath “ So, in conclusion, I repeat that Raleigh VanBuran and wife left National Red Cross assjsted her in gaining the musical education which has two to one. Jackson, Josephine and Senator McNary never made any the American for their home at Ironside last week. which w i" be held in Portland, Octo- h ht her W0rld-wide fame, Douglas will do even better for Stan statement as attributed to him by ber 25th and 26th. ° Mr. and Mrs. Bert Lawrence spent the Oregonian and that it deliber field. The main features of the peace- William T. Allen of Chisick, Eng., who was married at Last night the senator addressed Saturday at Unity/ ately lied when it said he did. secured an annulment o f his marriage on the ground the Oregon woolgrowcrs’ convention Mr. and Mrs. Stream went to Bro •‘The Oregonian is merely running time program of the Red Cross will ^ h e w a s « to Q f ] u r r je (] ” t O k n O W what he W 3S doing, and warned the delegates of the ur gan Sunday to get a load o f apples. true to form in this campaign. It be discussed to keep that sem i-off.c- tfj ial agency of the (government a* ef- j n gent necessity of enacting a grazing Arden Reed’s orchard Is the mecca is misrepresenting Senator McNary ficient now as it was in time o f war. George Morgan, w’/> was arrested for theft and also law for the protection of sheep and of many of the apple hungry at this just as it has misrepresented me How chapters may aid during dis accused of three previous convictions, time. proved that it cattle. and just as it will misrepresent any asters will receive special attention. The construction company Is sure was his father who had previously been convicted. “ If It is not done,” he said, “ this public official who refuses to bow At least two persons of national important industry will be wiped out ly doing a splendid job on surfacing to its political dictation.” n otj will appear on the conference ’Mrs. Alice Spong o f London "Was directed by a court the road. They first smooth the road in ten years.” This article was published in the program. One is Dr. Thomas E. to permit her minor daughter’s marriage to W . J. Lacey, then a layer of coarse crushed rock Portland Telegram, Salem Capital Green of Washington, D. C. director is put on. Then a lnyer o f dirt or who had to sail immediately to an Australian post. GOVERNMENT CREW BEGINS Journal, Portland News and any of the Red Cross Speaking Service, sand, on top o f which is placed the number of other papers. LOCATING DRAIN CANALS Pieter Karges of Johannesburg found gems worth who will address a luncheon meeting fine gravel. On this Is dumped more The drainage survey on the Warm- dirt or sand, and a man mixes the The last half o f the 1925 taxes will ( on the 22nd. $30,000 in one day’s work in the new diamond field at springs project under the supervis two top layers into a sort of earthy The other national figure is Wm. Elandsputtee. be due on or before November 6th, ion of J. R. lakisch, government en pudding, after which It Is formed announces Chas. W. Glenn, sheriff Carl Hunt, Pacific Coast director of Justice Parres o f London defined in court the three gineer, is making very rapid pro- down Ind it makes a surface like and tax collector o f this county. Not the Red Cross in San Francisco. He ices were mailed from the office last will have a prominent place on the important ages o f women as those o f “ the teething ring, gress. This week saw the crew be- (.jty street, gin the location of drain canals. The * , week. After November Sth, interest program, addressing the Tuesday engagement ring, and wedding ring.” men are working in the upper Mal-j Read the advertisements. They at the rate o f 1 per cent per month morning session on the subject, “ Fi James Riddell o f Scotland was dragged from his boat heur valley, near the old Vines are here to save you money, to tell will accrue. On December 5th a pen nancing a Red Gross program, both place. I you where to buy. local and national.’* and drowned by a large fish which he had hooked. alty of 3 per cent is added. OW YHEE MEET AT LAKEVIEW RECRUITING SOLDIERS STANFIELD GETS GREAT OVATION j i