GA« cm JOÖHVAC CON DEN SED Poultry Supplies Custom Cleaning and Grinding Nyssa Grain & Seed Co. NYSSA OREGON. ¥ i Our Ice Plant Is running full capacity. Whenever you need ice WE HAVE IT ;; Nyssa Packing Co. I BURB1DGE & RAY, Prop. Phene 6 - 4 Nyssa, Or. **&••*•+&•*** &• 1 Simple Mixture Stops (las Bloating Simple buckthorn bark, glycerine, e tc ., as mixed in Adlerica, often helps stom ach trouble in TEN M inutes by rem >ving GAS Brings out a surpris­ ing am ount o f old w aste m a tte r you never thought was in your system Stops th a t full blouted feeling and ra is e s you enjoy eating. Excellent for chronic constipation Adierika works QUICK and delightfully easy, N yssa Pharm acy. Subscribe for the Journal, $1 50 per year, 75c for six month. Three room house for rent Meyers. A SCRIP OPPORTUNITY The Stockman who sees the need of extending or p ro tectin g his range should not overlook the present Scrip Situation. A racen t Act of Congress makes it necessary >o exercise certain scrip rights in a limited tim e These rights are forced on the m ark et and we are offered them at a low figure — about half the pri -e of other scrip. Incon iguous tra c ts cun be taken and even single 40’s and 80’a. Absolute security. Money may be held in es crow until applioations approved. Wire or w rite THIS COLLINS LAND Co.. Helena. Montana, e r T ran sp o rta­ tion Bui ding, W ashington, D. 0. For Sale—A good used Phonograph, C abinet style, w ith I t new records See Joe cheap. Easy payments. Sampson j64t Music Co., Weiner, Idaho. a272t For Sale—A GOOD USED Piano, For Sale — 2-year old Rambaulet splendid shape. Sampson Music Co., buck, tboieughbred. C. W. Héber­ a272t W aissr, Ida ger. a27tf Custom Grinding and Chopping Flour, Feed and Recleaning Coal and Wood and Black Bear Roof Paint ;; This business is for sale, A good business for the right ;; mao. Inquire at the Nyssa Flour Mill. V P. M. WARREN Encourage Birth Control among flies w ith C enol ) Miaa Lucy Thompson returned Mr. and Mrs. Loren E. Messenger Thursday to resum e teaching in the have moved into the MeCanaell heuae Portland achool. She will visit a week on Main «tract, Mr. M essenger la with her sister, Mrs. Levi Rldridg* of superintendent nf the N yssa schools. Pilot Rock. Tha Broeks fam ily have moved from Miss Bliss C arter has resigned her the Bigelow house on the E ast Side pciition at the N yssa Pharm acy and to th e Kidneigh house. Roy Haley has gona to Boiae w hera her parents, will toon occupy the vaoated Bigelow Mr. and Mrs. C R. C arter, live. Bliae house. has many friend* here who sincerely Skinney Tensen Is moving Into tha reg ret her d ep artu re P. S, Since D. McLellan residence on F irst street, the above was in type we te rm th a t which he recently purchased, Bliss was m arried instead of going to ft'E. J. Burrough, E. M. Blodgatt, Boise, which changes th e aspect of Clifton Beaumont and F. T. Morgan things somewhat. However, we are were in Vale Wednesday on business not going to “ kill” a good item on connected with the Kingman Cclony account of a little th in g like a wed­ Irrigation district. ding. Besides, we are all glad th a t Mr, and Mrs. Dewey Ray and sea Bliss will continue to reside in Nys»a. Stanley and Mre. Ida Brown and Mrs. Mrs. J . P. Dunaway en tertain ed Bud Lackey spent Sunday in Boise. members of her Sunday school elaas Dewey Ray retu rn ed Wednesday and othai young folks, SO in all, with from Portland, w hither he had chap­ a .law n p arty . The grounds were eroned a bunch o f hogs. brilliantly lighted w ith Idaho Power Mrs. Loveland and son Jesse were • lectriu lights and the young folks week end visitors a t Brogan. made m erry playing games and de­ Jack B arrett ot Denver ia a t hbma molishing th e bounteous supply of with his parents on a fo rtn ig h t's va­ good eats the hostess provided, cation. Mrs. L. L Miller of Nampa «pant Mr. and Mrs. D. Mclellan w ant to the week end at the Frank Miller N am pt Wednesday to visit a faw days home, and will than go ta Oakland, C al., to George Schweizer has moved into make th eir home. the Presbyterian manse from the For Sale—One set of 5000-lb wagon Swan apartm ent house. springs. Frank Lehck, a t blaoksm ith Mi. and Mrs, Frank Newton and •hop. d au g h ter returned th e first of the Mr and Mrs. H. R. P recht and fam ­ weak from a three weeks vacation ily of Payette «pent the dap Sunday a t auent with friends on the coast Mr. th a F. R Marshall homa. Newton will be in charge of the Mrs Doris Hoxie and littla d au g h ter eighth grade work of the public school of LaGrande spent a faw days w ith this school year. They are a t home relatives here. in the Clore residence, north Third Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Reberger, Miss street. Ruth and Mrs. F ish er of the Owyhee H. 1. Smith and family of Clear­ spent Sunday a t Vale. water, W ash., have moved into the Mias Carol McCarthy of Corvallis is Zimmerman residence. visiting Mrs. Georga Cloason. Miss Georgia Dennia has returned A D Wood and F R M arshall ware from a two w eeks’ vacation sp en t at business visitors a t P ay ette Tuesday Payette lake. She reports the w eather M s. Ralph Servos* spent Thursday cool up there and the cam pers about all gone except a few sheep herders. in Ontario. Mr. and Mrs R. K arker of P ay ette Mrs. J . A Boydell en tertained a t 6 o’clock dinner W ednesday in honor ut were Sunder callers a t the Q G Bauer Mis C a-rie Jackson Grand Ruth of and F R Marshall homes. For Sale—Leuck’s Sure C ut Root Oregon, and Mrs. Minnie Letson, yast C utter attach m en t fo r plow. Espec Grand Matron of Oregon. ¡ally made for alfalfa, sw eet clover, The O. E, S. held th eir regular clover and all other roots th a t torn* m eeting W ednesday evening in Odd bark in your next crop Sold by Frank Fellows Hall. Mrs. C arrie Jackson, Leuck, blackm ith shop. d epartm ent Grand R uth of Oregon, and Mrs. Minnie Letso i , past Grand Matron, were presen t. Degree work was p u t on and the initiating team Ju an ita Bigalow retu rn ed home last was highly eomplimented by the visit, weak from the St. Alphonsus hoapital ing officials on account of th eir excel­ in Boise, where she underw ent a lent work. A delightful social hour minor operation. While there she was was spent and refreshm ents in abund­ attended by Helen G erm an, who is ance were served The hall was beau­ taking a n u rse’s training cam s* a t tifully dacorated with fall flowers. th a t in stitu tio n . Miss Bigalow sta te s G et your w inter supply of honey th a t ‘‘Gump’’ is m aking rapid progress now. lOo lb. W W. F oster. a27tf in her chosen work and evidently has S t. P a u l’s Episcopal Sunday school tha en tire confidence of the m anage­ will reopen on Sunday, Septem ber 6, m ent, a t well aa the love and respect a t 10 o ’clock a. m. We hope to have of her fellow students. She is delight­ all our scholars baez, and we will be ed wiih her work and happy in her glad to welcome any others who would surroundings. H er many N ,eaa care to attend. friends extend hearty congratulations The Social Club of the E astern Star on her well deserved suecese. will be en tertain ed a t the home of Mrs. Dick Tensen on Tuesday, Sep For Sala —Will sell fu rn itu re a t sac­ tem ber 7, with Mrs. Tensen and Mrs. rifica; moving a distanca and do not Francis as hostesses. ish to ahlp. Grand piano, avar Miss Eva Boydell will leave on Sun­ stuffed, bedroom furniture,stoves, etc. Mr*. Harold Rowland, day to resume her work as teacher at Ontario, O regep. The Dalles. Alex L ooted C ottage. Mrs Eddie Powell i-pent Thursday in W eiser visiting relatives. Anti phimias for Fords, grease con Milk for Sale- From T- B. teated tair.ers (hat really stop the grease Jersey cows. Delivered twice a day. from escaping a t the left side wheel Milk cooled before delivery. C. W. bearing. Hoxie service Station. DeBoer. a64t Malheur County Bask NTS*A, OREGON r At the Cloee of BaaineM Jaae St, IMS RESOURCES Loons and D isco u n ts...___ 1445,196.TO O verdraft«________________ 409.79 B gTding,Furniture, 4k Fixt. 16,600.09 Other Real E s ta te _______ _ 6,649.09 Bond« and W arrant«______ 4,060 61 Case and Dug FaoN B onks 10g.b6v.8l L IA B ILITIES Capital S tock__________ _ f t 99.909 . 47.67«.»? KWWS Bills Payable......................... NffNB R ediscounts...................... . . D EPO SITS______________ . M 4.T 1677,979 19 Cr77.ffW.I9 County Funds for Which Surety Bands «re Faraiafcsd—M O M OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS H. J. Ward, President John Ray, Visa PrasM aat J . P. Dunaway. Cashier O. G. Bauer, A ssistant Cashier H. A. Dives, A ssistant C aihlar J . F. Reace J . J . Sarasin G. L. Phillips DEPENDABLE SERVICE Investigate T ire and Tube prices to m eet catalogue heaee price*. S tandard, dependable goods sold on a close m argin of profit. Your cash will buy more a t home than in Portland or S eattle in al< lines a f ear equipm ent. As eompleto a line ot auto needs aa any in M alhsur county. HOXIE SERVICE STATION NYSSA ♦ ♦♦M M »♦ ♦ ♦ M l M t M K M A H M M M M 9 M 1 11 I I I » ♦ < -HH I: Dick’s Mechanical Shop * » ■ I am opening a shop in the rear of Hoxie’a Service Station for the repair of Cars, Batteries, Generators Magnetos, Ignition Systems Vacuum Cleaners, Washing Machines and other Elec­ trical Appliances. Nyssa Girl Making Good Mrs. J. J, Sarazin entertained 8t. P au l's Guild on Tuesday afternoon A business session was held and a so eial houz enjoyed Sixteen members ware present STATEMENT ; R„ D. Brecken <£?£» ♦ ♦ M M M * M M M 4 » M M M M I M X -K -S -> n K-M -M -H -** ♦ + ♦ » ♦ ♦ ♦♦*• ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ B eppaoB M E iK B m m M aB aH iniaaM B j ATW YTER-KENT Baby Chicks for Sale NONE BETTER M arjo Cowins has accepted a post Pura Whit* Laghorn baby chicks tion as bookkeeper a t Edsr H ardw are $10 hundred, post paid to succeed Thelma Thompson, who will a tten d U. of O. this year. Anconas, best layers out $11 hundred Al Thompson and fam ily expeet to move to town soon from th eir aubui Rhode Island Reds, best for meal » ban home. Tney will occupy the $12 hundred Chas. Thompson residence. Mr. ana Plymouth R ocks- $12 hundred Mrs. Chas, Thompson will move to Turley, Idaho, where Chat lea is em All good healthy, strong, purabwd ployed for the w inter, chicks. We pay postages and g u a r a n t y ||ve Mr. and Mrs Jesse Thompson and delivery. Take - a U U m - ^ from"your Georgia spent Tuesday in Boise . Get your w n ter supply of honey postm aster, i* , ny daac| now. 10c lb. W. W. F o ste r a27tf Mr. and Mrs A rtie Robertson and Mrs. A. H Boydell were O ntario visit- I ors on Tuesday, Casper, Wyoming Mrs. C. L. McCoy and children, ac- ' c jmnanien by Mr. acd Mr* M H. ATTORNEYS AT LAW I Spell of Nampa, expect to leave Sun k . M. B L o ia n r day for Pendleton fos a short visit A ttorney and Cou-,vt ior a t Law John and Jease Cancelmo and Dr. Practica ia all courts J J . Sarazin were in Parm a Wednea Nyssa, O n go« day on business Mr. and Mrs Bill Schirmez have W. B. HOXIE moved to N y sia to make th eir home. INSURANCE Mr. Schirm er will be local manager of the Standard Oil Co. here. Office a t Residence, Third and G et your w in’e r supply of honey EhrgonH Avenue .. j « . ¡Oc Is. .V W F is .a i u27»f Nyaaa, Ota i We carry them in stock. Call and let us show them Free Demonstration The American Hatchery FSy Destroyer i pint, 5Jc; 1 pint, 75c: 1 q u art, II 26. SPRAYER, £0c NYSSA PHARMACY NYSSA. OREGON ♦ il I !♦♦♦»♦♦ m ‘ Powell Service Station Nyaaa, Oregon a