Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 20, 1926)
nm ■»♦4 ■’ ga « o u t AC CONDENES» STATEMENT i •9 VU LOCAL NEWS IN BRIEF Poultry Supplies Malheur County Bank Mi. and Mr*. Harry Francia left Tha following Nyasaitaa baeama tha Saturday for Wallowa laka. Hr. owner* of naw ears tbia wash: C. L. Francia returned Monday, leaving McCoy, Oldsmobila. xrtia Robertson, NY 4M A. OREGON Mrs. Francia thara for a tima in hopaa Ford, and Pearl Bingmau Chevrolet. that aha may ba abla to gel rid of a This would seem ta indicate a most r At the Close of Basisi J em m . t u t satisfactory degree of prosperity , caaa of hay fevai. RESOURCES LIABILITIES I Dava Ingalla and family of Payotto among our citiaana. apanl Sunday at tha Cbaa. MeConnall The work of fitting up tha Marcar JU,n, , nd Diaoounta.......... *446.1» 70 Capital Stock__ _______ . . I I home. atere room baa been under way this Overdrafts_________ _ . 409.7* Sarplus and ProEto.. . . . . . . . T. J. Caldwell baa been on tho tick week preparatory to having every- Baiiding. Furniture, A Fixt. IS,*00.00 Bills Payable........................ MME liat tbia week Mra. J. M. Robertson thing in readineea for tha opening Other Real E state. 6.S4F.0F Rediscounts......................... NONE has been aaeiating in the (tore during date, September l. Goods have al- goiyf» and Warranto. 4.0S0 II C ash and D ub Kaon B anks 106.64a S* Mr. Caldwell'« enforced abaenca from acady begun to arrive. duty. Oliver and Homer, young sons of S5T7.S7* I* S57T.CIK ut Mr. and Mrs Elmora McLellan and Dr. R. P. Bradford, have spent the County Funds for Which Surety Benda are Farniahad—MOAK week with their fateer while thait family of Nampa (pent the week and mother, with whom they live at Cald in Nyaia with relatives. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS NYSSA OREGON. Miss Lucy Thompson returned Sun- well, is attending a convention of Chiropractors at Hailey, Idaho. They H. J. Ward, President John Bay, Flea Free Meat dsy from Portland, where she has J. P. Dunaway, Cashier '/-,-4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 » 4 * » * » * * » 4 A 4 4 4 4 t » F * 4 4 * 4 taught school tor a number of yeara. will return home tomosrow. O. G. Bauer, Assistant Cashier H. A. Divca, Assistant Cashier Mist Clao Speaear of Union if stay On her way home aha «topped off at J. F. Reece J, J. 3<trasia Q. L. Phillips Pendleton and visited her (later Dora ing with har grandmother, Mrs, Msyera, at the Hotel Western and (Mra. Lovt Eldridge). DEPENDABLE SERVICE assisting at tha lunch connter. Mr and Mra. Diak Tenaen and C. Mr- and Mrs. E. J. Powall and C. L. W. DeBoer motored to Calewell tbia week and brought Mr. DoBoer'a littlo McCoy made a business trip to Boiaa daughter Hermlne, who has bean in a Thursday. sanitarium there, home, the little lady Is running full capacity. Whenever you need ice being eonvalestent frem a severe ill Mass Meeting neai. The members of the Xastorn Star A mass meeting of citisens * Social Clab will be entertained at tha will be held next Wednesday home of Mrs C. F. Eder in New Ply- evening, August 25, at 8:00 at . mouth, Idaho, on Wednesday, August > 26. Mrs Edsr and Mra. Goshert will the council room, to discuss the matter of street improvement. ha hostai.e« T i r e s t h a t g iv e t h e m ile s o f se rv ic e you Mr. ani Mra. Chas Holton and fam It is proposed to gravel and oil expect ily have returned from a aix weeks Main street from the depot to visit with relative! In Kansas. the Methodist church and pro, BURBIDGE & RAY. Prop. Prof, and Mrs. Messenger have aa- vide an adequate system of Prices to meet catalogue house prices, plus personal ser rived in Nyssa and are occupying the drainage to carry off surplus vice and exchange of old tires it you wish. Sarah McConnell house. Mr. Messen water. An engineer estimates ger is the new superintendent of Dry Cell, Hot Shot. Storage Nyssa schools and is on tho ground the work will cost $2000. Come ■■iw flp» w a f t »» »«U t» ■ «— early to apy out the land before school out Wednesday night and tell ua opens. what you think of it. -•¡. t«;.' ; Stanley Brown of Oatarlo, tha Idaho P. M Marren, Mayor. Power Co. Servell export, inctallod ona of theso famous machine! for Dick Tcnccn Saturday Dick recently had Wife and Husband an «leatric range installed in hia home and is no» prepared to cook by elec and Secretarial School Both 111 With Gas Boise, Idaho tricity and freeseky wire. This Is the “ For years I had gaaon the stomach. second Servell recently installed In Announces its FALL TERM OPENING DATES Nyssa and the 14th in the d'stnct, and Tha fleet dosa of Adlariea helped. I there is said to be a large waiting list, now sleep well and all gss It gone. It WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 1 a n d TUESDAY, S E P T which shows the popularity of tbia also helped my husband ” (signed) Mrs. B. Brinsley. ONE spooifsl ef This school is rapidly gainlug a NATIONAL REPUTATION for « S ci- m ,chins. ency in Adlerica'removes GAS and often I am opening a ahop in the rear of Hoxie'a Service Statioa Miss Georgia Dennis, manager of brings astonishing relief to the atom- „ , , . . . . . Ml»« Training Espert bookkeepers Accountant«, Stenographer.,!tb. loei, t-,.phoM „ ch. n|te> , nd . for the repair of aeh. Stops that full, bloated feeling, Typists, General Office Workers and Commercial number of hello girls from Ontario brings out old, waste matter you never Teachers. left Wednesday for a week’s outing thought was in your system. Adlerika Cars, B atteries Generators During June, 5 STANDARD TYPEWRITERS were presented to our at Payette lake. is wonderful for chronic constipation. students os AWARDS for passing NATIONAL OFFICIAL TESTS in Miaa Hazel Bertcch has bean cuf- Nyssa Pharmacy. ACCURACY and SPEED. One student won two of tho typewriters, a Magnetos, Ignition Systems *15 90 LINK’S CASH AWARD and holds the HIGHEST ACCURACY faring intensely with an attack cf RECORD for this year, writing 71 worda per minute for 1* miautea AB- ! neuralgia and multiple nauritia ainca Vacuum Cleaners, Washing A SCRIP OPPORTUNITY SOLUTSLY PERFECT. last Thurtday, but is now slowly im Our aehooi in fully accredited bv the Tha Stockman who sees tka need of proving. Machines and other Elec NATIONAL aSSOCIATION OF ACCREDITED COMMERCIAL Mr. and lire. C. F. Miller attended extending oi protecting hil rang« should not overlook tha present Scrip i the regular maating of the Watt Hour trical Appliances. SCHOOLS ' Club at Payatta Wednesday night. Situation. A recent Act of Congress makes it necessary to exerciaa certain (Opportunities here in B is# for young people to work for board aDd Thirty-six empleyees of (he Idaho N ysB E room while attending school) Write for full particulars. Power Co. were present and joy ■crip rights in a limited time. These Oregon i = reigned supreme until a late hour rights are forced on the market and we ara offered them at a low figure— W 4 W 4 4444 4 M 4 4 4 M 4 4 44 r >4 >4444444*4-9444444 • W + + < '* + + + + t-M 4 tM 4 tM -W 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 44 4 4 4 H 4 4 W W 4 (just Watt hour, however, they failed to state). Music and dancing and a about half the prl,.:« of other scrip, delicious covered luncheon were some Inconliguoua tracts can be taken of tha enjoyable features of the oc and even single AO’s and 89'i. Absolute security. Money may be beld in ea- casion. >w until applications approvedi C. KLINKENBERG J. G. Kelly and wife and daughter Wire or write THB COLLINS LAND SHAVING, HAIR CUTTING Gardena of Boiaa and Mrs. John Co., Helena, Montana, ar Transport«' PROM, r Ul t L I VE RT HOT AND COLD BATHS Laskey of Nysea left for a tion Uul ding, Washington, D, O. Raaeoanble Ratea j trip to coast points, including Salem, Roy Pounds, Prop. ’. Portland and Seattle. While in 3alem PHONE IS I they will v’ait at the home of Tresaie AGENTS WANTED IN NYSSA TER* RITORY. Sworn proot of *75 per Nyssa Gwynn. •44 4-54~t--44 4 * 44411 I I U I I “ » V V » » T V V f V V T v V V V V V V V V f V V r During hia recant visit to John Day week. *1 (0 an hour for spare time. | Albert Hinseh aold hia holdings there, Introducing Finest Guaranteed Ho»* iery. 126 styles and color*. Low F o r Sale Wanted—A man to travel in tha consisting of buildings end leal estate. prices. Auto furnished. No capital The John Day highway haa acted as a Several pieces of good furniture, in- We furnish tha capital, you stimulous to tha prosperity of that or experience necessary. eluding a Monarch Range, at a bar furniah tha werk, For particulars see !action and desirable property is in WILKNIT HOSIERY COMPANY. gain. Apply to D McLellan. a!3tf or write J. R Hunter, Nvasa. Dept. M-47, Greenfield. Ohio. j40tf demand. Mr. and Mra. Dean Smith and daughter Doris and Mrs, J. B. Smith motored to Boise today, where Doris will receive euigical attention. Dr. A C. Moore, deputy state vet erinarian, was in town Monday to in* spaat C. W. DeBoer’s dairy hard for Pura Whits Leghorn baby chicka tuberculosis and any other disease *10 hundred, post paid that they might be troubled with. Anconas, best layers out After a thorough test Dr. Moore pro *11 hundred nounced them O. K. in every respect. G. E. Bertsch and L S. Root mo Rhode Island Reds, best for meat tored ta Emmett Sunday and Drought |I2 hundred home tome flns peaobes and water Plymouth Bosks—*12 bundled melons. All goad healthy, strong, purebred For Bale — School house furnace stove. Sea Troy Sitton, Clark Dis chicks. We pay postages and guarantee live trict No. *9. delivery. Taka a statement from your Miss Hvlyn Schweiz»» returned home postmaster, if any dead • Thursday from Hood Rivar, where ■ha spent tha summer with relatives. 8be mads several trips from there The American Hatchery aad reports a moat enjoyable outing. Caspar, Wyoming Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Smith and ATTORNEYS AT LAW " daughters Catharine and Florence of E. M. BLOI GCTT Bismarck, North Dakota, returned to their home Sunday, after a two weeks Attorney aad O m its lur at Low visit with Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Smith Practise in all courts } pint, 50e; 1 pint, 75c: 1 quart, II 2*. S P R A Y E R , M e and other relativas. Nyssa, Ongoa Milk for Sale--From T. B. tested W. B. HOXIE Jersev cows. Delivered twice a day. Milk cooled befora delivery. O. W. INSURANCE Nyisg, Oregon DeBoer. a64t Office at Resident«, Third and NYSSA, OREGON Three room house for rant. Sae Joe Ehrgood Avenue Mayers. j64t Nyma. Custom Cleaning and Grinding Nyss it Grain & Seed Co. Our Ice Plant NYSSA WE HAVE IT Better Tires Nyssa Packing Co. Phene G FISK Nyssa, Or. Batteries HOXIE SERVICE STATION NYSSA Link’s Business College Dick’s Mechanical Shop P i; R. D. Brecken City Dray Line NYSSA BARBER SHOP i Car Bargains Encourage Birth Control { Baby Chicks for Sale I Ford Touring Ford Sedan among flies with Cenol Fly Destroyer NYSSA PHARMACY Call and get prices and Terms Powell Service Station