TOT CATF OTT JOtTIWAt GATE CITY JOURNAL ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT NYSSA ARCADIA DRAINAGE DISTRICT In Au o A c c e n t J. P. Dunaway wa3 cne of the August 7, IC26. et Ny»**. victims of an auto accident near J, J Cancclmo, P ieter Tensen a id C, C. Hunt, Auditing Ccn m ilite. Jamieson this week in which he eustained a fractured rrb and a Dr. Cr. H. F. BP.OWN severe shock to his nervous ?)s- Adverting.......................................................$ 63 60 $ 79.50f.00 t°m The other victim, a young Bu'.d cniip'nns' p aid Y Y * " 46.: ¡>5 CO Filtered at the P o e to ff'r* e» N »eea, man about H, was also injured bank N y m ................................................... 5,094 33 " V firon, as second -cl,»....___ . . urn’ ter in sundry and divers p l a c e s ^ ....................................... V " 11.551 61 102,186 14 ah lit his a n a to m y . B o th cars Drainage system construction................. . 88.417 17 6.136 ?0 SU BSCRIPTION’ R A T E S : wvr.s considerably damageH. gi7r7°niy'fur'd .'I':.'.']"I” : " . . ; ; " " ; K 5 «6 One year, in advance......... — SÎ.E0 63 Ot) The accident was caused by E m e rg e n cy ..... ............................................ A. •» months, in advance........— .15 1.167 20 the young m M ^ ek ln a bis car 1,942 55 210 95 out into the road to make a turn Maintenance turd............. .............. Officers County P. T. A. 24.826 98 ju t m Mr. Dunaway was pass- 5J- ‘ntTn.*#e,a'‘ ' ......... .................. 42 2J Mrs. M. M Greeting Nysss, Pres. ing. There was a d r o p fr o m the Material....................................... . 7 4P 02 Mrs Ralph Haworth, Wade, Vico 69,49 bank down onto the road and the §*'i,rv j cfS * * xp’‘ nl'e furd..... -...... •’ resident. 1 427.79 Mrs. K C. Fry. Oregon Trail, See. driver lost control of his car. w »rrants outstardii g ........................ 1,344 :’2 Miss Catherine V, Lonwav, Ontario, backing into Mr. D in avay’s Î1 “ 5.272 91 $185.272 91 Press Chairman. right of wav, and the cars came R E C E IPT S Published every Friday Ore ¡ron, by TRIAL BALANCE DEBOER'S DAIRY Rich Jers?y Milk 10c Qt. Approved by Canyon County testing asaociation to t e s t over 5 per cent. cow In o r d e r to c o m p ly w ith th e la w I h a v e I a d c o w s te s te d f o r tu- b e rc u lo s is o r a n y o t h e r d is e a s e teen (18) South, Range Forty-eix (46) East, W. M.. thence in a gen- • eral easterly and southerly direction, ! follow ing along the mid-channel a t | said Ontario-Nyssa Canal, to the - point where the pipe line o f said Oi- l tari^-N yssa Irrigation Company I empties into said canal, on the east and west center line o f Section Fourteen (1 4 ), Township Twenty (20) South, Range F orty-six (46) .E ast, W. M .; t hence continuing southerly along the mid-channel o f the ditch of said Ontario-Nyssa Irri- gation Company to the point where (be same intersect« the south line of a n d t h e y h a v e b een p r o n o u n c e d , sa‘d sect*on fou rte e n (1 4 ); thence East along the South line o f said Section Fourteen (1 4 ), to the south east corner th ereof; thence South along the W est line o f Section Twen ASK FOR FREE SAMPLE ty-four (2 4 ), to the point wkare said line intersects the m il hen m l o f the Owyhee Canal, at or near the quarter section corner on the W est t p t h e r w ith a c ra s h . O n ly luck Auznst 1,1925, to August 7. 1923 line o f said Section Twenty-four Compelled to Do Penance p r e v e n t e d a ta t «I a c c id e n t T h e Arguât 1. I f 25. cash «>n hand........................ .. _•......... ................ $ 93'. 33 As the result of n fight with Ox (2 4 ), Township Tw enty (20) South, i , ï^ p t 2>. 1926, Cwunty Treaau rer___ 174 61 y o u a g m an a s s u m e ! t h e b la m e i T m C c o a n t y Treueurer................. 2,2o9 *-8 ford students on (lie feiist of St. Range F orty-six (46) East, W. M., 1,666 2Ü Scholastics, February 10, 1354, in the the place o f beginning. an d o t te r e d to m a k e g o o d th e N ov. 2 T'ïS C- untv T reasurer................... 606 (9 reign of Edward III. the citizens of That at said election to determine d .m „,b .c M r . D u ,..., g z - f i " ; ' TT " r r : - : . : . 503 53 the town of Oxford were compelled to whether or not the said proposed 170 24 do annual penance. n a tu r e d ly r t lu s e d to U b e a n y a l - VA i 1»;»; c unty Treasurur....... ....... Far i irrigation district shall be organ 855 15 th i n cr Ma 24, 1926 f ’ou.ity Treasurer _____ . . _______ __ ized three, directors who shall be res 2.527 60 J n ne 21, 19 (>. Countv Treatu/er______ 95 a. 82 - -------- ------ ------------------------------------------- M a y 2. 9V > ( ' 'Unty T r t a t o r e r ..................................... idents o f the State o f Oregon and Thrushes Long Singers 359.63 » » te 19 5 B m i n f N \esa.............. Those dear sou!3 v. no have up bona fide owners o f land situated Among birds the thrush lias per 2 98 D «e. 30 1r*',e> N^ pph Co Ooerarivo D fa’ "HQr - ition : • r fv u \ to tl:e p esi rit tu c in s id with 19 84 haps the greatest singing endurance. within said proposed District shall a m ? 7, 1926, Siatè Industrial Accident Ccir n ü t.M '......... A thrush has been knmvn to sing 16 be elected to serve as a Board o f much mournful ea‘ i“ fact ion that ........................... $10 492 40 hours a day. A blackbird, however, Directors fo r said District. That Baid Tulal receip ts_____________ the Owyhee projec . would never has been found to have the best District shall not be divided into di E X P E N D IT U R E S rhythm and sense of time, and his bn built will soon ho forced by visions but shall constitute but one $ 15 60 tune Is said to be the best also. Ad e> is'nc ______ the logic of events to a n it election precince and the said Di I 10 1)0 h nd« pa d . _. In six y e n s we h iv e h - I t up H e B .nd Coupons paid I 8:5 00 IN T H E C O U N T Y C O URT OF TH E rectors shall be elected at large from their error. Th • developments ’ g c - t *i i g - e ► *'• '•i.c n u ' d t-octs r M s l ' t ei s nc e 69 among the land owners therein. of the past we k or iwo ; r v,-* I h s ,3 n •- i n i v t o w n I < - . e. i i 1» i - e Y e - e r i n l 149.00 S T A T E OF OREGON F O R M A L And you are hereby further notified conclusively thit t ie govern and Halter. W • »> » x lu-ive - g - u * O'li. e exnVnV»” 65 08 H E U R C O U N T Y . . f.-r Murray arid Seiberbrir T-r.-s We s «c - » y salary 18" “ 0 In the M atter o f the Organization o f that the plate fo r said election has m Tit is going ahe:*d with the are n o oa , . DIRECT FROM FACTOKY BUYPWsitl Su ervi-urs been fixed by order o f the County 92.9(1 the Ontano-Nyssa Irrigation Dis wo>k just as fast as the legal M iinay i ire- a-d no rier er or "e x ’ * iMi-rcst psM nr w n r'tn ls 52 72 Court fo r Malheur County, Oregon trict. I oust» can b at us i i price, a FEW o ' W' -irr mis ic-J* . tr c . 454.40 machinery can revolve. A party which at the residence o f Jno. A . Hunt in w<* qunt below All lifts sent N O T IC E OF E LE C TIO N . the NW14 o f Section 7, Township . o ' government surveyor!) passed out o, lowo r<> -• paid $10.024 39 T c ts l p xrerd 'ti r fs . TO W H O M IT M A Y C O NC ER N 19 South, Range 47 E. W. M. D is t r ib u t io n i f C a s h p used through Njssa the lirst YURRAY-CORDS Notice is hereby given that on the (I t 8 ?6 This notice is given pursuant to 7th day o f September, 1926, there o;'the week to sur.ey out the 80 x * h cUncher c-rd3..... . $lr> r,o Em i g - r r v fo ld 1 '93 an order o f the County Court o f Maintcnar-Ci m id w ill be held an election fo r the pur roa I to the damsite. Tl.-hmld ^ J »oktjbt side eords. 6 pt«.,. 18.60 M -.2 21 , Malheur County, Oregon, made and 92x4 Btra-ghf sids . o d i. 6 pi/.. I1 *'.50 alarial fund e E tr c . i re furd pose o f determining whether or not 6 . 49 .. I2.f(i Salarv and ( in go f tr.ia road will he thefi -st 29x, 4" Balloon ............ entered at a regular session thereof . an irrigation district shall be organ- on the 4th day o f August, 1928, construction work dene and is No betior tire made. All sii^s car T .tal cash i;i funds , ' "* ized under the provisions o f Chapter which Order determined that the expected to use up most of the ritd in »lock. *10,472 40 I T T itle X L I, o f the General Laws Tot il exoen tituris »nd cash petition o f Deseret Sheep Com o f Oregon and laws supplementary $'25.000 now available. Here un i There Prices R -s p e s tfjlly su'i-n tsJ. pany, and others, praying fo r the or a t t e s t : ' ' 7 1 > thereto and amendatory thereof, for Tu sd tv a committee appoint' 30 , 3 ^ ennis...................... $ 3.75 ganization of said proposed district Frank U II r'l j- 1 ¡i,' ! ‘ the purpose o f contracting with the ed by Engineer Newell went out a,*4 '-ords Seofctary Treasurer contained the requisite number o f . . . . -, , , Ford Radialors___ __________ 13.E0 A u d i.irg C mmittee United States fo r the construction of to the dainsite to «ppraiee the signers under the laws o f Oregon; ____ ________________ the Owyhee project to furnish grav v*lue of the land that wcl be ity water to the lands in said pro- that said petition and notice o f in tention to present the same had licit l.nke (8 b ? cìh I) The problem o f i ftiiidati’d by th<* backing up of ‘ posed district. SIGN GF REAL H ONEY th polliti n ot Or g u n ’ s stream« and Ontario, Oregon * I That the name o f asid proposed been published as by law required the waters above the dam. The < ______ riveiH v ill h - conn-ivied in data I th's irrigation district is the O N T A R IO - and wherein the said Court accepted impounded wattAs will cover the and approved the bond o f petition At! n reitnln American factory N Y S S A IR R IG A T IO N D ISTR IC T. f . iU i- ih ■ Sente linaid c f Health, so land for a distance of 40 rr.ilop, hom-j-. was. being put Into .Inis. On e irjliig . to announcement made by Dr That at said election the qualified ers. And said Order further defin the bench was a heap of dead bees, Tlie members of the committee ed the boundaries o f said district as W. T Pnv. o f ih Hot Lake sarita ami the curious visitor wondered electors o f said proposed district, the hereinabove set forth and determin rioni, p t -liiert Ore. on’ s hea'lh or» an- are Th'if, C.'agett, well known boundaries o f which are hereinafter what they could he for. ed. That the lands within the said i . ion. The fu: t step will he taken fl.iturio ranch« r, acri Messrs. “ Wnl," said the manager, “ I guess defined, shall be required to cast ,,«3|r, boundaries are susceptible of irriga eptember 10. at whi.-.T tim e the we put one bee Into each Jar.” ballots which shall contain .the Anderson and Farmer, two de o-- d if health has invited represen “ But why?” persisted the visitor. words: ‘ O N T A R IO -N Y S S A IR R I tion from the same source and from ~ ñ \ h partment employes. irtiv e s o. euch connussions as the ‘Because, sir,” came the reply, “ we G A T IO N D IS T R IC T — Y E S ” and the same system o f work and from At a meeting of the district ' ale Highway and tho Fish and Game like our customers to know they're O N T A R IO - N Y S S A IR R IG A T IO N the proposed Owyhee project and called an election to be held on the t in et with its nieroheis in »alein. getting genuine honey, so we Just send D IS T R IC T — N O .” board held Thursday right t said 7th day o f September, 1926, to “Ma.-! Dr I’ i.v will preside, and Dr. F red er-j eul *dOI1£ the bug that made it.” the office ot the eecrelaiy, E, .M. That th*e boundaries o f said pro determine whether said proposed col Strieker will to among the epeak- Blodgett, the directors accepted posed irrigation district are describ North-Pole Attraction district should be organized and to ed as follows, to-wit: the contract, as approved by A ihorough cultural and professional schclar- Ilear about the lad in the ear who elect three directors thereof. ■hip is the outstanding characteristic of the Commencing at the point where called to the sweet young thing on Secretary Work, for the proposed Said Order further directed that State University. the mid-channel e f the Owyhee Canal the curb: “ Want a ride, sister?" For Sale notice o f said elw tion be given by Owyhee project, which will Training tt offen d in: belonging to the Owyhee Ditch Com “ Are you going north?" she asked. A F ird Sedan. Engine, bat'ery publication as by law resuired. water approximately 166 C(0 22 departments of the College of “ Sure,” he replied. pany, a corporation, as now con s reran.-, high S ignition, in good Dated and signed at Vale, M al Literature, Science and the Arts. acres " f land, at a rest of about "W ell, then, bring me the flag off structed upon the ground, intersects s -|>u. Lately overhauled. Get a the North pole,” she said, sweetly, and heur County, Oregon, this 6th day the section line between sections $20,f’0#.0C0. After thi« contract Architecture and A llie d A rts — closed car and go dat or night, rain or walked on. o f AugneX, 1926. Twenty-three (23) and Twenty-four Business Administration — Educa lias been accepted at Washing (i n-, hot or c Id Price $225.. See (S E A L ) H. S. S A C K E T T , (2 4 ), in Township Twenty (20) tion— Journalism—' Graduate Study G 'e City Jou nai at once or phone ton the way will be cleared for County Cfoifc. TROUBLE SAVED — Law— Medicine — Music — Physi South, Range Forty-six (46) East, 72t 5 By R O Y D A L E Y , actual construction work to cal Education— Sociology. — Social W . M., said point being at or near commence. \7ork — Extension Division. the quarter section corner on the W est line o f said Section Twenty- Fivk R al T jp lires give satisfaction. 51st Yea/ Opens September 27, 1926 ; —;ie -Nervica Station, "(yssa, Or. four (2 4 ), and extending thence in F a 'r y T a ls f o r inform ation o r cataioiu * W rite a general northerly direction along The Registrar, Unn>ertitÿ o f Drs. R. P. «nd Pearl M. Bradford, Onco n^t-n n timo il « mo whs n cho the mid-channel o f said Owyhee Ca O regon, E viene, Ore. licensed u Oregon and Idaho. Career rus kill who was not huii;;r.v afior i!ie Ghost Walks nal as now constructed, through show. gradeates. CenealXatlon and «xaa^n- O f course, most an y lazy man Township Twenty (20) South, Range O f g h o st s m a y talk. ation free. Twelve years euceamful B u t only f o r a b u s y one F orty-six (46) East, Township practice In the etste. Firet door west W i l l a ghost walk. ’ / . ■ - V . V . \ V A % V . V . V , V . V , W . V T , . V . ' . W / W A W A W / A * " Nineteen (19) South, Ranges Forty- of bank, Nysea, Oregon. six (46) East, and Forty-seven (47) It Depended East, Township Eighteen (18) South Lennle— Pupa, wliut is a compro Library Hour«. i Range Forty-seven (47) East and mise? Saturdays Orrtjr into Township Eighteen (18) South, Father— Well, If I compromise with Open to town patron 2:80 to 5:80. Range F orty-six (46) East, to the n business man, 1 go about half-way, Out o f town natrons 2:80 to 7:80 point where the mid-channel o f said hut If I compromise with your mother, I go the whole way. “T here’s one thing about Oxford Owyhee Canal intersects the north (24), For Sale bags thnt relieves the tailors of lots Y ' e Section Twenty-four o f worry.” Why N ot? Township Eighteen (18) Sooth, Three registered Durock Jersey boar “ Whatznt?” nemmene— Can you lend me $50 Range Forty-six (46) East, at or pig*. Tam Lowe. "Mukin' ’em fit." ■ n niy personal note? I can give you near the quarter section corner *r, references from several well known the North line o f said Section bankers. Fight Tooth and Nail Anti sh n ies for Fords, grease eon Twenty-four (2 4 ); thence Wi Timmons— Then borrow the money The dentists and chiropodists teiaers that really «top the grease along the North line o f said Section from them. In life should never fail, Tw enty-four (24) and Section Twsn- from escaping at the left aide wheel For all their energy consists Arti a!) Eastern I’arnflin Base Oi!a Of fighting tooth and natl. ty-three (2 3 ), to the northwest cor bearing. Hoxl> service station. O. K. by Deputy fctate Veterin* arian Moore. C. W. DeBoer Cerlrsci Accepted for Building Owyhee ill* je d Ä iiUi»!J;jLt U if il 1:1 Y y ATTENTION! FAR5ÍFR TÍRE SHOP U n B e r s it ^ Chiropractors TRY GASOLINE You palrorize home industry you une VeltcX Gas and Motcr Oils. --------------------------- A T — Iloxie Service (Station N j t iii , (lie g t n Tensen Motor Co. Warning "Am dnt a slxty-dollar suit. Jack- Apropos son ?” ! " I ’ll explain deduction, said the "It am; np de man what steals It young law student, airing hi. knowl- gets sixty days." Optimism " I won’t have Mr. Jones kissing you like that, Mabel.” "Hut, dnd. give him a chance. He s only Just beginning." Nyssa, Oregon Parker Tire Shop Lawrence Service Station Untnric-. Oleg V u l c a n iz in g Nys.s, O reg,*i V u l c a n iz in g FLETCHER OIL COMPANY C. B. Shor\ M;rr. I’ kono <6 Nyisa, Oregon V W V W V T A fW U W L V . Persona Non Grata He— Would you like to dance this one? She—Yes. Would you mind hunt ing tip u partner for mo? A Remedy 'Vift»— Chess teaches women silence. Husband -Buy a set tonight. There’« shop ou your way home. A Novel Remark “ The plot thickens,” said the old Indy ns she sowed grass seed for the third time. ner o f section Twenty-three (23) la said township and range; then*» Subeeribe for the Journal, South along the W est line o f said year, 75c for six month. Section Twenty-three ” (2 3 )7 to* backyard, for example. Is a pile o f P °,nt whe™ 9“ ldL lm*. ,nters« ct* * * ashes. Ry deduction that Is evidence mi(l _c" annel ° t the ditch known as that we’ve hud fires going this win- the Nevada Ditch, belonging to th* ter.” Warmsprings Irrigation District, as "B y the way, John,” broke in his now constructed on the ground; father, “ you might go out and sift the thence westerly along the mid-chan- evidence." nel o f said Nevada Ditch to the point where said ditch intersects the Species Americanos W est line of Section Twenty-two I “ What Is the name o f that species ( 22 ) , Township Eighteen (18) South, I Just shot?” asked the amateur hunt Range Forty-six (46) East, W. M..; er o f his guide. Thence South along the West linn of “ Well, sir," returned the guide, " I ’ve been Inquiring, and all I can nmkc out said Section Twenty-two (22), to the point where the said section line in Is Smith.” tersects the mid-channel o f the ditch known as the Ontario-Nyssa Canal, Easier to Get Auto Customer— Have you a book en belonging to the Ontario-Nyssa Irr i titled "H ow to Acquire a Good Car gation Company, a corporation, at riage?” or near the northwest corner o f the Clerk— No, madam, but here la one, Southwest Quarter o f the Southwest “ A Dozen Ways to Obtain an Automo- Quarter (S W * 4 S W 'A )o f said Section blle.t Twenty-two (2 2 ), Township Eigh- $1 60 per NOTICE FOR P U B L IC A T IO N Department o f the Interior, U. S. Lend Office at Vale, Oregon. July *1, 1926. Noties is hereby given that E jgen e F. T ra it, o f Brogan, Oregon, who, on March 20, 1914, made desert land en try No 03191 for WANE*, N fiJ N E i Sec. 2 2 S WJ3EJ Sec. 15, Townehip 21 South, Range 46 Eeet, W illam ette Meridian has filed notice o t intention <o make final proof under third para graph o f A ct o f March 4, 1915, to establish claim to the land above de- »cribed, before Regiater U. 8 Land Office, at Vale, Oregon, on tbe 25th -ley of August, 1926 Claimant names as witnesses: William L. Glenn, Hugh Glenn, Robert Overstreet, Géorgie M. Over- ■itrtet, all c f Nypg»f Oregon. G«o, W. McKnight, Register.