THE GATE CITY JOURNAL VOLUMK XXIV. NO. 27. NYSSA. OREGON, FRIDAY. AUGUST 20, 1926. SURVEY STARTED « « « OWïHEE Among the re/ent class reunions was that of the class o f 1861. Rev. Walpole, Mass., is president o f the all the other offices, being the only l M U M i ™ «JEC iraC EED IB S S j R. J. NEWELL IS GOVERNMENT ENGINEER IN CHARGE OF NEW PROJECT. $500.000 TO BE SPENT NOW County Statistics SIDELIGHTS. I TRANSCRIPT OF COMPLETE RECORD GOES TO SECRETAY OF THE INTERIOR at Amhurst College REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Edwin A . Adams of Sheriff C. W. Glenn to State of class and also holds Oregon— S V4 SE M, and NW'ASE'A surviving member. Sec. 10; and SW ’ASWVi Sec. I l ls 40. 6— 17— 26. $3,769.48. *1-30 PER YEAR POINT WAY TO PROFIT ITÚ. Admiral Peary was the first to declare that Dr. Cook Fred L. Sheets et ux to J. J. Sara- OFFICIAL lied about reaching the North Pole. Now Capt.Riiser- zin— SHSE14 Sec. - 22— 19— 46. 7— UNION P A C I F I C -MAKES SURVEY IN EAST- Larsen, navigator of the Norge, says that Peary didn’t 27" 26." *$ ^ .00. " < q . c . Deed). EBN OREGON. U. S. A. to Carl E. Archer— SE)4- reach it either. If this sort o f thing keeps up we may IrHgati<m ^utricf,* from ‘the U m f " (b,e £ in j formation until after the election t h e m i approving the contract with the U £ ° do” bV ,f anyone got there, especially as none of NEVi and WASE14 Sec. 7; WV4- N W 14 and NWV4SW14 Sec. 17; brought the pole back as proof. NE14 and N ^ S E tt Sec. 18— 16— DAIRY SECTIONS PROSPEROUS 1—6— 26. Congressman Bloom of New York declared in a speech 43. John Robertson to T. G. Murch project, "were" confirmed '1 by that the United States produces 60 per Cent of the ison undivided H in t e n t in SE% - Railroad Agriculturiat Recommends Commissioner Mead Has Directed the' that $ 200,000 Be Available for Judge Dalton Biggs in the district Warmsprings Drainage. court the lattcr part of the week World’s COtton, 6 5 per Cent of its oil, 7 5 percent of Its corn, 80 per cent of its automobiles and 8 5 per cent of its moving pictures, although we have only 6 per cent of ---------- i a transcript o f the complete rec- |ord, with the court’s order, has been {he WOrld’s land and 7 per cent of its population. Per- (From the Malheur Enterprise.) ! forwarded to B. E. Stoutemeyer, at- The Vale, Oregon Irrigation pro- haps these are some o f the reasons why the rest of the i _. ■ , . , , 7 . " torney for the reclamation service, T ’ „T ' ject is to be pushed and funds which B ; b who it will b trans_ World doesn t like US. were appropriateli by congress will * W, m , W1 ** " an* u . . . . . . . ,. . . mitted to the department at Wash- be available at once, acording to in- j _ _ t_ _ _ _ t ._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , ___ t___ M Alonzo B. See, critic o f modern education, says that formation rceived by R. J. Newell, to make women normal again after four years in col Secretary of the- Interior, Hurbert o f Boise, government engineer in inferiority complex, the . . . ?, , .. work. This is the final step nec- lege studying psychoanalysis, , - - n ,v - .« - ,-.i . rf-,v - • charge, who was here tLo latter . . , .* part of the week. The advice was j eSS“ ^ before actual construction up- hereness o f the there, and the wentness of the gone, is an received from Elwood Mead. Com- ° n , the 0wyhee: ,arBest recla' utter impossibility, missioner of Reclamation. ma^ ° n projert ,n ° rt>B° n’ can pro' Iceed. Hugh Dillman, form er after, who recently married the Commissioner Mead will direct As there were no objections filed widow of Horace E. Dodge, one of the world’s wealth that $50,000 be paid over to the dis- with the court Bt the hearing or tn ct and that $150,000 be made before there :an be no appea) from iest women, says that he still loves the stage, but feels that one has to work too hard for what he gets out of available for immediate use in the court.g decision. building a drainage system, this, It is expec.ted that Secretary it. He naively adds, “ I have found that there is more money being on account * a half Work-3 approval wiI1 soon ^ forth. money to he made in other pursuits.” Particularly in interest in the Warmsprings reser- coming and tbat this faU wi„ 8ee the pursuit of a rich widow. voir which the government acquires work started upon the road leading Cow and Hen as Good Business SWV* Sec. 35— 29—38; SH N E *. on Oregon Farms. and E%NW14 Sec. 2; N % N W tt, and SW ^N W V i Sec. 1— 30—38. 8— 13—26. $1.00. (Q. C. Deed). ’’There is no reason why Eastern Geo. M. Hope et ux to M. G. Oregon, like some sections of Idaho Hope—a 1— 3rd. interest in SWV4- and Western Oregon, should not bo NW*4 Sec. 20 -18— 45. 8— 10—26. supplying its just share o f dairy $ 10 . 00 . products for northwest consumption; Martha Ellen Fields et vir to E.J. accordingly, there is no reason why Powell— 2 tracts o f land each 138 Eastern Oregon farmers- as dairy feet by 45— 4 feet near Block 66, men—should not be reaping tha Greens Add. to Nyssa. 7 16— 26. large profits which would be made $260.0«. possible if Eastern Oregon did this. This applies to Malheur county, MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED. too.’ Thus spoke C. C. Gignoux, Deo E. Moore and Catherine assistant supervisor o f agriculture for the Union Pacific when he visit Hornquist. 8— 9— 26. Alva T. Amidon and Velma Eva | ed towns o f this part of the state j last week. Belisle. 8— 14— 26. Unsurpassed Dairy Section. "The dairying possibilities o f this section of the country are unsur passed anywhere in the Northwest,” under the contract. to the Hole-in-the-Ground damsite. Again the practical joker has gotten in his deadly said the railroad agriculturist. Survey Started. | Judge Biggs wil hear the petition work. Paul Bethamen, head of 9 family and a weaver “ Regrettable though it is, Oregon C. C. Ketchum, in charge o f a of the directors of the I’ayette-Ore- of W est New York, N. J., woke up in jail and asked why has slipped from her former posi party o f surveyors, started work gon Slope and Slide districts ask- The joker said, “ You’re in for murder.” tion in the amount of dairy products this week at the head of the ditch j ¡ng confirmation o f their proceed- he was there. Bethamen hanged himself. The police produced or manufactured here, near the Froman place above Har- ings and election this week. These A little later during the last year or two. Twen per. The main canal will be survey- districts are a part of the Owyhee docket showed that he had been arrested for nothing ty-two cars o f Minnesota butter ed at once, so an estimate on the project, although now they are ob- more serious than intoxication. were shipped to and sold in the cost of the ditch can be determined taining water by pumping from the northwest in 1925, most o f this being and the biulding contracts let. Jack Jones, roughneck member of the British parlia Snake river. consumed in Oregon. It seems to R. J. Newell has advised the ment, recently interrupted Lady A stor’s speech by call me, therefore, that where the po Warmsprings district that a crew AUTHORIZE SURVEY ON ing her a liar. Asked by the speaker to withdraw the tential dairing possibilities are as o f engineers will be brought in CENTRAL OREGON HIGHWAY ugly remark, Jones said: “ All right, let us call it ‘term great as here, your farmers are shortly, to begin construction of the Warmsprings drainage. They w ill: On Wednesday the State Highway inological inexactitude.” passing up a mighty big thing, es be on the ground inside o f two Commission advised J. E. Peck, en- pecially when one considers how For ways that are dark the heathen Chinee has no weeks, Mr. Newell stated. gineer in charge of survey work on dairying has made other sections taxi-driver, according to a Aside from the money set aside th« Central Oregon highway that a thing on the Niagara Falls and other states prosperous. You for drainage on the Vale project, survy was authorized from Harper visitor who arrived at night and asked to be driven to heard o f no banks going broke In there is three hundred thousand *° Namorf. Location of the new the Imperial hotel. Wisconsin. O f course not,—but A fter a quite lengthy ride he was dollars available whh.1, will be spent road from Vale' to Harper ban just there i* a reason; Wisconsin's dairy safely dropped at his destination and paid a fee of $4. in constructing the main canal, and been completed. projects are valued at 245 millions Next morning he asked the distance back to the station of dollars annually. The yearly bids for that work will be let, when ; A t the July meeting of the corn- value o f Oregon’s dairy products surveys, now in progress, are com- mision in Portland, a definite loca- and was told that it was just across the street. will not exceed two or three mil pleted and full engineering data tion by state engineers was ordered Vain Americans who seek to trace their English an lion dollars. available. The commissioner ex- on the Central Oregon from Bums pects to be able to let the first canal to Drewsey and from Burns west cestors may always secure a highly flattering list of The Cow And Hen. contract during the coming fall. j through the section known as the forebears by applying to one o f the numerous “ pedigree I "Because their worth has been Grass Butte cutoff. ! proved so many times, I never hesi- peddlers,” of London, who make a business of manu •HOLE-IN-THE GROUND DAM (ate t0 recommend the cow and hen. The route as proposed would run facturing family trees to order. The British recently WILL COST OVER SIX from Vale to Harper, Juntura, | It is mighty commendable foresight warned American visitors against these swindlers. MILLION. Drewsey and to Burns, from there on the part of the farmer who sur to Lakeview and on to Alturas, Ca, rounds himself with something which For marrying four women without a legel separation will assure him a good living, just ifornia. It would join the Oregon from former wives, Carl S. Wynne was given nine years Washington.— The highest dam ] as a sideline, and then goes in for Trail at Ontario and would offer a . , , ut > i highway 500 miles shorter from by a Chicago judge, who said, “ I m going to tuck you a- ever designed by the reclamation making money from the rest o f his W. C. Snyder, government hunter Yellowstone Park to San Francisco, way where women will be protected against you for a service is to be built on the Owyhee farm. irrigation project, to be known as for Malheur county, again heads the “ For instance, almost any good while.” the “ Hole-in-the-ground” dam, but CLOSE WATER HOLES list of hunters in the state, by the When we speak of a well dressed woman nowadays we work on the structure cannot be cow will earn for her owner about usual, big margin. In July he $15 a month; and 200 to 400 hens TO HOMESTEADERS are referring to quality and not quanity of clothing. commenced u.itil there is a further worked 31 days, taking a total of will produce enough eggs and meat appropriation by congress. The Geo. W. McKnight, register of the 31 predatory animals. One bob If feminine apparel keeps on shrinking in quality dam is to rise to a height o f 355 to support (through sale and con cat was killed, twenty-one adult U. S. Land Office , has received in I( the far those dress designers are going to have to go in for feet, six feet higher than Arrow- sumption) the family. coyotes and nine pups. The next struction from the Department of mer raises a few good hogs and a rock dam, which today Is the high high mark was made by Carl Pitcher the Interior, to the effect that under tattooing. number of sheep, with alfalfa for est dam in the country. in Lake county, who took a total of executive order of April 17, 1926, all their feed, he will be independent In The old-fashioned youth who used to rock the canoe “ Hole-in-the-ground” dam, which lands within one-quarter of a mile 18 predatory animals. Bill had him no time. Ten to fifteen fcood dairy crossing wili impound 695,000 acre feet of o f every spring or waterhole locat now has a nephew who spins over the grade beat by near 100 per cent. cows could pay from $150 to $225 a water, is estimated to cost slightly ed on unsurveyed public land, has without stopping to look or listen. month. Pigs could profitably run The July report from the Bureau more than six million dollars and been wihdrawn from settlement, after the cows. Right now in par of Biological Survey and the Ore Secretary Mellon says that we have thrown o ff half the rate at which it is built will de sale or entry. ticular, there is a big clamor for gon State Sanitary Board, states The order was designed to pre the French debt, and the French, not to be outdone, are pend altogether upon the liberality good hogs in large market centers. that a number o f reports reached serve for general public use and willing to throw o ff the other half.— Philadelphia Record with which congress provides funds. With the living made by the 400 the office, telling of the presence of Out o f the moneys appropriated for • benefit unreserved public lands con hens, the revenue from the cows. coyotes on various sheep ranges. project last session nothing , . ,. , The case of the San Francisco girl who, three hours Owyhee taining water holes needed by the . , ,, , . , hogs and sheep would soon make "This is the usual time of year for can be done on the dam, us most of 6 , . public for watering purposes. after she had been married a second time, remembered any rancher wealthy. coyotes to become conspicuous in In accordance with this order all she already had a husband, is another evidence of what the amount will bo necessary to con “ Too many farmers lose money by asmuch as last spring’s pups are struct a road to the site. homestead entries made hereafter ______________ staking their all on one thing. The now nearly full grown and begining a careless age this is.— BuffaloCourier and Express. must be accompanied by duly cor to wander in search o f food and DRIVE STARTED FOR effort should be diversified— the roborated affidavit that no spring Now we see that a woman is supposed to use perfume new hunting grounds,” said Stanley EASTERN OREGON NORMAL cow and the hen in the main- Y#u or water hole exists, or if one does can’t beat dairying and poultry G. Jewett, leader of Predatory Ani ry to match her moods and emotions and we know one exist, that it is not capable o f sup Baker— Drive for a normal school raising at a combination.” mal Control. that will have to smell like a fire-cracker a good deal ot plying more than enough to care in eastern Oregon has been started the time.— Ohio State Journal. for a family and domestic stock. as the result of a meeting o f repre- HUGE SURPLUS OF WATER IN WARMSPRINGS RESERVOIR TOURIST TRAVEL ON THE Speaking about eliminating fighting in the world, why entatives of the principal cities held last Thursday at The Dalles. JOHN DAY HIGHWAY GROWS wouldn’t it be a good idea to appoint Jack Dempsey pres C. L. Star, member o f the board of H. G. Kennard, statewatermaster, ident of the lieague of Nations? normal regents, asserted that Ore made a trip to the Warmsprings re Whether it is the advertising or There will bo a good fruit crop la gon hail a teacher turnovip' o f 1,200 servoir last Saturday. He found whether the tourists are telling one yearly and that only 500 o f these the S. Gitelson orchards at Brogan, that the reservoir contained 90-°°“ ; another o T t h e s e e n ic t e a u t y e r f the teachers were supplied from within said Marvin Strout, manager, who acre feet. Crops under the P ™ * ^ John Day highway in Grant county, was here Thursday. Prune picking are practically matured, so there the highway is gaining rapid popu the state. will be at least a surplus o f 65,000 larity with automobile drivers, ac E. B. Aldrick was elected tem will start on the 18th. Pears snd acre feet at the end o f the irriga cording to Oliver Johnson o f Can- porary president and W. E. North apples will follow about a weak tion season. There is an ample yon City, who with Neil Nevin, al A mining deal, one o f the most j I the O. W. R. & N. and William of Baker temporary secretary of later. In general the fruit crop at Bro supply o f water for new lands under so of Cahyon City, was in town the important in the history o f the Mor-j »*»«•»«". thp discoverer of the pro- the executive committee; E. B. A l gan will be smaller this year, due drick, Umatilla; S. E. Notson of the Vale project. mon Basin district ami one that of- PCty* first o f the week. An effort was “ ¡" the intention of the purch- Heppner, Morrow; A. M. Zeveley of to the gerious shortage of water made to count cars on the highway fers promise of »gain putting that has experi PROJECT OFFICE TO BE camp on the map from a gold pro- »"ers o f the property to carry on Moro,Sherman county; George H. Willow River Valley last week, he said, hut the only LOCATED AT BOISE count made was that a nnachine was during standpoint is the sale of the extensive development work in the Gurrey of Arlington, Gilliam; L. K. enced. Ameil Lanoir, one o f the big Deschutes. Re fruit growers, found it necessary te Traf Sunday Hill group o f mine claims way of deep sinking and In the Oramh of Bend, According to information received passing every three minutes. to the reorganized Rainbow Mining meantime determining the proper presentatives for Baker, Wasco, allow an entire 40-nrre tract to go fic on the highway has doubled in from Washington, D. C., this week, irrigation. These trees , company for a consideration of Proc*** for treating the ore. Hood River, Malheur and Wallowe without Commissioner Mead o f the reclam the past two years. . . . y u i torn At the Rainbow mine a crew of counties are yet to be chosen. will bear no fruit, and they may dls a . . . . . . . . Passing tourists say that John $2uOvOOO. ation bureau has advised Senator twenty men are working, three eight as a result of the water shortage. The Sunday Hill was more gener- hour shifts and the miu ¡g running REX MARQUIS STARTS McNary’s office that the supervis Day can be commended for its camp Mr. Lanoir has a good crop en a ing office for construction work on grounds, where laundry tubs and ally known as the Phelan mine. ono , hift on hjKh g rade ore. watered tracts. IN SHEEP BUSINESS the Vale and Owyhee projects will showers have been installed for the It adjoins the Rainbow mine and is stop<> on thp 200 foot level Is being the visitors.— Central developed by several hundred feet o f workpd an<) j„ showing the same This week Rex Marquis, success be at Boise. This has been determ comfort o f A French Court has Just settled a tunnel and shaft and equipped with bi), b grade values that were found ful farmer under the Warmsprings suit concerning ownership o f 14000 ine dfor reasons o feconomy. Vale, Oregonion. in ypars past when the United Sta project, made a start in the sheep acres of land filed in the year 1372. Ontario avid Nyssa each hoped to The government of New South a small mill and compressor. purchased 1500 It is estimated that lawyers' fees be selected as headquarters. The Sunday Hill was owned by tes Smelter company was operating business, having Wales, Australia, has built more He made during this period were sufficient to W. H. Bohnenkamp, and Frank Har- the property and for several years head at McCall, Idaho. than 1,000 homes at an average cost It is now possible to buy air tick ris, prominent business men o f La- reaped a harvest of gold production. the trip to McCall with J. P. Duna have bought the prperty twenty ets in London for fifty-tw o different of $3,250, selling them to wo kmen way Tuesday. Grande, John Daniels, In employ o f Baker Democrat. times over. on a low weekly-payment plan. European centers. _ I J COMPLAINTS FILED. Andrew M. Wilson vs Henry L. Hart et ux. 8— 11— 26. Fore closure o f Mortgage. $400.00. Ira M. Hopper vs Mary A. Klack- ner et al. 8— 12— 26. To Quiet Title. State o f Oregon vs Herschel M. Browne et ux. 8— 12—26. Fore closure of Mortgage. $2,2oi O'* C. E. Amidon vs D. H. Burrows and S. II. Ross. 8— 12— 26. Re covery on Note. $727.30. Caldwell State Bank vs W. F. Howard et ux. 8— 12— 26. To Quiet Title. The Fidelity National Bank of Spokane vs Egiracio Echanis et al. 8— 12-—26. Recovefy on Note. $5,643.75. H. E. Young vs Ben Crummett. 8— 14— 26. Recovery on Note. $1.65.00. OWYHEE 0AM TO BE HIGHEST IN U.S. MALHEUR HUNTER GETS REST JULY RECORD _ ± . LACK OF WATER HURTS BROGAN FRUIT CROP Reorganized Rainbow Mining Co. Takes Over Sunday Hill Group