c ■* >1 meat roll, or who is otherwise qual- Company’s 62 foot irrigation ditch and whether the petition and no- MEMORIAL TO “BIG SIX’’ ified under tlie laws of this state | to a point where said Kingman Col- tice of the time of presentation be for the organisation of ony Irrigation Company’s 62 foot duly published, as provided by law; Christy Mathewson, affectionately known as “Big Six” WESTFALL SHEtPLuri an to petition irrigation district, and that to- irrigation ditch intersects the south that the Court appoint proper and who died last year, was perhaps the most admired and gether we, your petitioners, consti- section line of said Section Two (2); necessary officers to conduct an el- best loved player who ever graced a baseball diamond. VICTIM SPOTTED FEVES tute a majority of the owners of thence west along said south sec- ection within said proposed district, He was esteemd as highly for his sterling character as land within said proposed boundar- 'ion line of said Section Two (2) to and that the time and place for the South Quarter corner of said Sec- holding said election for the pur- for his consumate skill. It is most fitting that his mem­ HENRY VS AK ERIJO DIED AT ies of said proposed district. That the landa included within tion Tw0 (2L thence South to the pose of determining whether said ory is to be honored by the establishment of the Christy CASCADE, IDAHO, AFTER the 2. boundaries of said proposed dis- Southwest Comer of the Northwest district shall be organized and for Mathewson Memorial Fund. SHOUT ILLNESS. trict, as hereinafter described, are Quarter of the Northeast Quarter the election of the directora there- Sponsored by arganized baseball and the American lands and are suscepti­ (NW14NE14) of Section Eleven of be fixed by order of this court, legion,an organization has been formed for the purpose Henry Wakerlig, well known sheep all ble irrigable of irrigation from the same com­ (11), Township Twenty-one (21) and that the court make such other Range FdYty-six (46) ' East and further orders as may be just of “perpetuating the name of Christy Mathewson by a man of Westfall, died at Cascade mon source and by the same system of South, Meridian; thence and proper under this petition and Friday, a victim of spotted uf works for the irrigation of said West the to Willamette fund to be used to aid the ick and needy who come to last the Northwest Comer of under and by virtue of the irriga- lands; that all of said lands are now faver, after a short illness. The Saranac Lake for treatment from all states of the Union; Southwest Quarter of the North­ tion laws of the state of Oregon. was taken to Ontario, where irrigated by an irrigation system the and by the establishment of a Mathewson Memorial club body west Quarter (SW14NWK) of said Done and dated this 26th day of consisting of pumping plants, pipe­ funeral services were held. Inter­ Eleven (11); thence South to July, 1926. house for the use of Worn l War veterans.” ment was made in the cemetery lines and ditches, pumping water by Section the West Quarter Comer of said E. J. Burrough, Ernest C. Wil­ means of electrical power out ot there. Mathewson died at Saranac Lake, N. Y., after a brave Mr. Wakerlig was at his sheep I Snake River and the Owyhee River, Section Eleven (11); thence West to son, John F. Reece, Walter L. Scha­ fight againsetuberculosis, induced by his being gassed camp in the hills above Cascade! one of which said systems is owned, the Northwest Comer of the Nortlf- fer, C. M. Beaumong, Conrad Mar­ during the war. There he was an active member of when first afflicted with the fever. I operated and controlled by the King- east Quarter of the Southeast Quar­ tin, T. T. Elliot, Frank D. Hall, H. (NE14SElt) of Section Ten (10). Q. Johnston, Georgia M. Overtsreet, Mathews Post of the Legion, and was instrumental in 11 is condition became so serious that j man Colony Irrigation Company, a ter Twenty-one (21) South, Pat O’Rourke, M. H. Kingman, H. establishing a veterans’ club and welfare fund. The he was carried to Cascade on a P1 ivate corporation, and one of which Township said systems is owned, operated and Range Forty-six (46) East of the R. Otis, Florence Kingman Otis, W. memorial will carry on more extensively the philanth­ stretcher, over the rough mountain controlled by The Short Line Ditch Willamette Meridian; thence south H. Otis, Walter Simmons, Nich trails. Mrs. Wakerlig was notified ropic work begun by him. Company, a private corporation; that to the southwest Comer of the Bach, C. C. Cotton, F. T. Morgan, and reached her husband before The fund will be raised through benefit games by big the lands within said boundary lines Southeast Quarter of the Southeast I W. W. Nichols. came. (SE14SE14) of said Section state of Oregon, County of Malheur league teams and by contributions from Legionnaires death Mr. Wakerlig was born in Switxer- of said proposed irrigation district, Quarter (10); thence East to the South- j I, p. T. Morgan, being first dliiy and others. At the first of these games there was un­ land on September 16, 1878. When as hereinafter described, are also Ten west Corner of the Southeast Quar-j sworn, upon my oath say: That I he was four years old he went to susceptible of irrigation from the ter veiled at the Braves’ field in Boston a tablet, appropri­ Canada of the Southwest Quarter (SE Í4-i am one of the above named peti- Owyhee Irrigation District project, with his parents. The fol­ ately inscribed: "In memory of Christopher Mathewson lowing year they moved to The a gravity system proposed to _ be SW!4) of said Section Eleven (1 1 );1 tionera; that I have read the fore- —gallant sportsman, courageous soldier, kindly gentle­ Dalles. In 1909 Mr. Wakerlig came constructed by the United _____ States 'hence north to the Northeast Cor-1 going petition and know the con- ~ .. tcnts thereof, and that I believe the man.” Southeast Quarter of . the to Malheur county where he pur­ Government under the reclamation! ner act of the Congress of the United i Southwest Quarter (SEUSW14) of allegations thereof to b« true; that chased a sheep ranch, and became Eleven (11); thence the signatures appended to the fore­ States, and in order to contract with sa'd Section int rested in the sheep business. In WHAT POVERTY MEANS to the Southeast Comer of the going petition are true and proper 1915 he married Mrs. Ina Pfeiffer the United States Government for East Northeast Quarter of the Southwest signatures of the persons whose a water supply from that source to who survives him, with At times when we become discouraged, and feel that of three Westfall, Quarter (NE(4SWV4) of said Sec­ names appear thereto, and that each irrigate the lands within said pro­ brothers and five sisters. the world is not treating us fairly, it would be well to re­ Eleven (11); thence north to and all of said signers of said pe­ posed boundaries of said proposed tion center of said Section Eleven tition are owners of more than one flect upon the terrible poverty that is being endured by district it is necessary that the lands the (11); thence to a point where acre of land within the proposed ir­ BONITA PLANNING the unhappy peoples of the eastern hemisphere. within said proposed boundaries be the center line east of said Section Elev­ rigation district, as set forth in said organized as, and included within, an en Just one instance of this is seen in the plight of 120,000 (11) intersects with the mid­ petition. RABBIT URIVt irrigation district. Bulgarian refugees, who have been left homeless and channel said Kingman Colony Ir­ F. T. Morgan. 3. That your petitioners herein rigation of Company’s landless by the interchange of populations between Bal­ 52 foot irriga­ Subscribed and sworn to before me desire to organize, and hereby pro­ kan countrys since the war In their case an effort is Mr. Fuglt of the Portland Office pose the organization of an irriga­ tion ditch; thence in a general east­ this 26th day of July, 1926. direction along the mid-channel (SEAL) E. M. Blodgett, being made to render assistance through a $10,000,000 of the Biological Survey was in Bon­ tion district within the boundaries erly ita last week, looking over the rabbit hereinafter set forth and described, of said Kingman Colony Irrigation Notary Public for Oregon. My com­ loan to be raised under the auspices of the League of situation. in an inter­ under the irrigation district laws Company’s 52 foot irrigation ditch mission expires Nov. 20, 1928. Nations, which has already aided Greek refugees to view with J. Mr. F. Fugit NOTICE Pheelan announced of the state of Oregon, and par­ to the east terminus thereof; thence some extent. that the Biological Survey will put ticularly under the provisions of Ti­ on a line directly east to a point NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, where said line intersects with the That we, the undersigned, petition­ This loan, if arranged, will only provide a rough house, a man on in this country this winter Chapter XIV, Section 7305 west line of Snake river; ers and signers of the foregoing some seed, a cow, one-half share in a plow and a cart, if the people will get together and to tle XL1, 7314 inclusive, Olson’s Oregon thence meander in a northerly direction along petition, will present said petition definite plans as to how, i.awa, and acts amendatory thereot the and one-fourth share in a harrow for each family, with outline west meander line of said Snake to the County Court for the County much territory each man will be | and supplementary thereto, provid- some provisions to aid them while a crop is being made. responsible river to the place of beginning, of Malheur, State of Oregon, at the for poisoning. for the organization, manage- 7. That In a plea for these people before the Council of the The Eastern Oregon Land Com­ I I mg petitioners present here­ court room of said court at the ment and control of irrigation dis­ with for the approval of this court court house in Vale, Malheur Coun­ League, the representative of Belgium declared that he announce that the company tricts. a and sufficient bond for the ty, State of Oregon, at the regular had never seen a more pitifull and tragic spectacle than pany will donate poison to persons ad- 4. That it is the purpose of peti- sum goo,) of Hundred Fifty Dol- meeting of said court at said court’s that presented by these Bulgarian peasants, who had jarent to or on their property. tioners to organize an irrigation dis- |ars ($ 750 Seven . 00 ), which is more than regular meeting at the September been torn from their homes and all they possessed W. L. Shovel, the County Agent trict for the irrigation of the lands <|ouble the amount of the probable term thereof on the 1st day of Sep­ was in Bonita about three weeks within the boundaries as hereinaf- rost Df organizing said district, tember, 1926,at the hour of 10 o’clock through no fault of their own. Mr. Pheelan states, looking in- ter described for the purpose of ir- whifh sajd bond is conditioned that a. m. of said day, or as soon there­ Only when we contemplate the abject poverty of such ago, to the of the raobil nui- j rigating the lands within said pro- t(,e bondsmen thereof will pay all as the same can be heard; people as these can we begin to appreciate how fortunate sance. abatement A meeting will be called posed irrigation district by gravity t|,e sa;d coat ¡n caae aaid organiza- after and will, at said time, offer proof we are to have b.een born in America. when the haying is over, so that system, and to that end to provide | tion be not effected, support of said petition; and will, settlers may take steps to get pro­ for the purchase, acquisition, con-j WHEREFORE, Your petitioners in at said time and place, apply for an tection from the pests. struction, reconstruction, enlarge- rcspectfully pray that thia Honor- THE BACKBONE of said court, as prayed for ment, betterment, extension, opera able Court approve the said bond, order in said petition. tion and maintenance of irrigation and that the said irrigation district Dated this The intellectuals write novels and finely phrased mag­ 26th day of July, 1926. works already constructed or to be be organized under said laws, and E. J. Burrough, azine articles about Main Street. They imagine them BEE MEN LOOK FOB Ernest C. Wilson, constructed, or for* the assumption as selves delightfully sarcastic when they allude in a joe he designated by the name of j John F. Reece, Walter L. Schafer, principal or guarantor of indehted- “Kingman Colony Irrigation D is-(C. M. Beaumont, Conrad ular vein to the citizens of the “hick” towns who are nc ss on account of district lands to | trict>„ and that the boundaries T. T. Elliot, Frank D. Hall, Martin, GOOD HONEY CHOP Geor- content to remain at home and have a home. ‘ e . m V ‘ u”( er 1 ie thereof be defined and established ^ia M. Overstreet, M. H. Kingman, They make three meals a day that way and no one Prospects are bright for a good !' ama 10,1 . aws lul 1 *e paymentiby order of this court; that upon Florence Kingman Otis, W H. Otis, envies them for it. Maenwhile, the Averave Citizen of honey ,• , hearing the Court rn n rt make m alo and and Walter W alter Simmons, Ciminnn, Nich Ml-u Bach, Rani, C. n C. n . . part . of the cost final crop, according to L. P. and 0 of , a it proportionate consti net ion ot tie Owyhee | enjer an order determining whether Cotton, F. T. Morgan, W. W. Nlch- Main Street keeps plugging away, the backbone of A- Pete Peterson, who have most of ing.niun hstiict pi eject by tv 1 (h,> requisite number of owners of ols, H. Q. Johnson, Pat O'Rourke, merica. their stands above Vale. Joe Kizer United States Government. tho land within such proposed dis- H R. Otis. The Average Citizen preaches no sermon, but lives also expects good returns on his in­ 5. Hiat your petitioners desire to j trict shall have petitioned for the First Publication July 30, 1926 vestment. one. He doesn’t concern himself much witn graft or Nels Peterson is not so hopeful, have said district designated by the m-tion ot the proposed district, Last Publication August 27, 1926. corruption, divorces or scandal in high life, bootlegging ns he experienced a little bad luck name of “Kingman Colony Irriga­ tion District, and that the same be or the 18th amendment. recently. The cyclonic windstorm not divided into divisions, hut that He doesn’t belong to a dozen or so clubs wnich sit a- that struck Sand Hollow played ha­ the directors be elected from the round and talk about the boy and girl problem. He is voc with his bees. He had 100 district at large. stands in Sand Hollow at the time, 6. That the boundaries of said pro-1 too busy raising a houseful of them. with every indication pointing to a posed district ami of the lands in­ He reads the holdup stories, the illicit booze ring mur­ good When the windstorm therein are herein set forth ders and te hbig city scandals in a detached way, for di­ came, crop. tops were blown off the stand cluded and particularly version, much as he reads a good detective story or sees and his field force of workers was lows, to-wlt: described as fol­ a thriller at the movie. thinned down, affecting the crop Commencing at a point in Lot Two He has a garden and an automobile and a radio, too seriously. (2) of Section Six (6) Township C. W. Nelsen stated that his bees Twenty-one (21) South, Range For­ sends his children to Sunday school and supports the above were doing fine, but the ty-seven (47) East of the Willam­ church. He takes a holiday now and then, as much as stands Vale he placed in Dead Ox Flat ette Meridian where the mid-channel his limited means will permit, and it’s a holiday for the are a complete loss. He believes of the Kingman Colony drainage that the bees were killed with poison District’s main drainage canal, as whole family—not just himself. He mows his front yard, cuts the weeds about his pre­ spray used in an orchard nearby. said canal is now constructed, tcrsects with the West meander line mises, carries out the ashes, fires the furnace in the OPINION SAYS BAKER PROJECT IS OPTIONAL of Snake river; thence in a wester­ winter, cleans up his back yard, plants a garden, pays direction along the mid-channel his bills, rears his family, attends to his own business Washington.—The department of of ly said main drainage canal to the and lets others, too young to understand, or too old to justice has ruled that the secre­ West boundary line of said section of the interior is not compelled six, thence South along the West do anything else, carry the “trubles” of the world on to tary expend congressional appropria- boundary line of said Section Six (6) their shoulders. for the construction of new recla­ to the West Quarter Corner of said He is too busy making a living to be indignant long mation unless he is con- Section Six (6); thence West along at a time, too interested in his Jiome to stay interested vinced of projects their feasibility, adapta­ the East and West center line of in polities and feels that regardless of what happens, bility for settlement, and ability for Section One (1), Township Twenty- j repayment of costs to the govern-|0„e (21) South, Range Forty-six all will turn out for the best. • mont. East of the Willamette Merid He has no sustained interest in public affairs, hut The opinion was rendered in con ’(46) ian to the mid-channel of said main where a clear-cut issue of right or wrong, honesty and ncction the proposed new Baker drainage canal; thence in a north­ dishonesty is plain and can he distinguished from other project in with Oregon. erly direction along the mid-channel issues, he always votes right. of said main drainage canal to a He is the head of the family, the taxpayer, the bul­ PETITION FOR ORGANIZATION point where the mid-channel of aaid main drainage canal intersects with OF IRRIGATION DISTRICT. wark of his home community, and of the nation. Overstreet branch thereof; He is the typical American, and so long as the hulk IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE the lost your pet bulldog, thence a westerly and southerly of the citizens are like th:s Average Citizen, there is S I . VIE OF JREGON FOR THE direction in along the mid-channel of want to buy a Liberty COUNTY OF MALHEUR. no need to worry about th future of America. said Overstreet branch of said King- In the Matter of the Organization man Colony Drainage District’s main bond, or want to sell the of the KINGMAN COLONY IR­ drainage canal to a point where said BRIEFLY TOLI) RIGATION DISTRICT. Overstreet branch of said main family flivver, use the drainage canal intersects v ith the Martin J. Durkin, sheik bandit, was beaten by fellow To the Honorable Gate City Journal want County Court for the County Mast and West center line of said prisoners in Chicago for making remarks about women. of Tho Malheur, State of Oregon. Section One (1); thence West to a Making a speed of more than ¿»0 “knots” an hour. We, the undersigned ads. They cost little and petitioners, 'dot on tb.i East and West center Clerk J. J. McCormick married 78 couples in an hour re peotfully show and represent: •ire of said Section One tl) and get results for you. and half in New York city hall. 1. That each of the petitioners Section Two <2| in Town i ip Twen­ and who subscribed his name ty-one (21) South, Range Forty- Seven calves have been horn to a cow owned by W. A. herein hereto is a free holder and bona six (46) East of the Willamette SargentofColumbia. Mo., in three years; twins, triplets, fide owner of more than one acre of Meridian where said East and West and twins again.. lard situated within the boundaries section line of said Section One (1) of the proposed irrigation district and Two (2) intersects with the mid- Captain Rene Fonck, French superace, plans to at­ dt . ribed, and whose channel of the Kingman Colony Irri­ tempt a non’stop flight from New York to Paris in Au­ as name hereinafter appears 1 1 such land owner gation Company's 52 foot irriga­ on the record >f deed* in the office tion ditch, as the same is now lo­ gust. of the Corn . Clcik of Malheur cated and laid out; thence in a south­ Germany has a trade union membership of more than County, Str:c of O-egon, and whose erly direction along the mid-channel 9,000,000, the largest of any country in the world. name appears on lb«i last assess- of said Kingman Colony Irrigation 1 l ul l il/l V. T n r / t n I . 1 r " If You ve Found a $10 Bill >