............................................................................... H t M » H I M I I♦ «♦ »»»♦ OS Poultry Supplies LOCAL NEWS IN BRIEF CONDENSED STATEMENT Malheur County Bank Mr». H. J. Ward and bar aiater, D. McLallan thla «act »old bia reai. Mrs. Lillian Pilcher af Parma, atarted dance on norlb First atraat to Shinny Thursday morning for Portland over Tenser, who will taka poaeeasion in a NY8UA. OREGON the naw John Day highway. They short tlma. Mr. and lira, McLallan will visit there about a week wi:h will more to Nampa temporarily, bat At the Cioè« oí Baoiaeæ Jiao SO. ISSI thsir brother, E. E. Maxwell. Mra. expect to return to Nyssa in time to M M. Maxwell will return to Nysaa be on tha gr, and floor when the boom LIABILITIES RESOURCES with them. j »tart» Leans and Discounte.......-$446,118.70 Capital Stock................. ..... $$ m . m Joa Meyers, aomelimea refereed to 1 Now that it is definitely known that Overdrafts............................. I 4N.7» Surplus and Profits........ . . . . 47.VN.flT as tha "human gopher” on acrount of President Coolidge baa forsaken cigars Building,Furniture. A Pint. 1S.IOO.OO Bills Payable.................. MOMB bis digging propensities, is in Brogan for cigarettes the country will haava a Qther Real Estate................. A84A.0# Rediscounts........... ........ NONE this week finishing up a well he dug sigh ef relief It must be an edifying Bends and W arrants........... 4,0*0 111 DEPOSITS____ ______ .... 604.NA.il and reassuring sight to observe our Casa i i and Due Faou B a k u 108,6da.il there. executive with ■ cigarette be Mr and Mrs. Herman Towns arw chief 1577,178.18 $677.676 IS tween hia Ups— besidas what a won spending a few days at Strawberry derful impetus it will glva to hia cam- County Fonda for Wkich Surety Bonds are Far Disked—MON K lake fishing Mr and Mra. S, D. Goahert visited paig i for economy. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS tha Eder family at Naw Plymouth Mrs. H. R. Sherwood seturned on NYSSA OREGON. H. J. Ward, President John Ray, Visa Thursday from har eastern trip, whece Sunday, J. P. Danaway. Caakler ■ he visited relatives in Cbkago and Mra. L. H. Thompaon and son of svaral cities in Michigan. She re O. G. Bauer, Assistant Cashier H. A. Diven, Assistant Cashier Portland are visiting at the hom* of ■ turned J. F, Reece J, J. Saraein G. L. way of Salt Lake, visiting Mrs. Thompson’s sister, Mrs. Wallace relatives by there. Lynch. They made tha trip by auto. DEPENDABLE SERVICI Mra. J. A. Felton and daughter Mr. and Mra. W. L. Smith and Catherine and Florence of Gladys and Mr. and Mrs Dallas Dun daughter* Bismarck, N. D , hava bean visiting can motored to Boise Thursday. the week at tha J. B. Smith | Mr. and Mrs. William White and during borne, and also with numerous other Mra. B. O. Fowler visited the letter’s Is running full capacity. Whenever you need ice sister’s home near Payatte Thursday. relatives and friends. Dt. and Mrs. Castle and daughter Mr*. C. R. Carter and two daugh Mary Lois were guests this week of ters of Boise visited Bliss Carter here numerous relative*. Dr. Cattle last Sunday. Thay ws e accompanied Is a cousin Nyssa of Al, and Jeaae Aa oomplet« a stock of equipment aa any in Mal home by Jessie, who has spent the Thompaon, and thay Charley bad not seen each heur County last two weeks in Nysea other rince childcood. Thoy waro Mr. and Mrs. Henry Teutecb of eo route to their borne at Alba, Iowa, Baker spent Monday in Nyssa visiting from an auto trip to the coast. relatives. . A. R. McCrrty of Boise was In town Mrs. Henry Fields. Myrtle Fields Monday. and Cherald Green returned to Nysaa Geo H. Bodfish of Ma'heur City is BURBIDGE & RAY. Prop, Sunday, after spending a two week* in town this weak looking after prop outing at Salmon City, Idaho. erty inteiests He will install an irri Mrs. John Cancelmo and Mrs. Q. L. gation system for his farm north of We can get the unuanal things you need for your McCoy wera Ontario-Payette visitor! town and is considering the relative i>»\ ■ 1 »Nh»« w ^h *" t Wh* we l i » w ^ M w e<h » car on abort notice last Saturday, merits of piping water from the Owyhee canal or putting in a pumping Mr. and Mrs. Dick Tensen and Mrs. Frank Hall were in Ontario on Satur plant on the premises. Ha already has a well which at a depth of 26 feat fur day, nishes inexhaustibl flow of Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Ward spent last water, an and almost this would seem to be bis week end with friende and relative* in best bet. "For years was badly constipated New Plymouth and troubled with gas after eating. Mr and Mra. C. DeBoer went to J J. barazin and Attorney R Caldwell Could not eat fruit and many other Pure White Leghorn baby chicks M Dr. Blodgett on Tuesday to viait tbeir lit motored to Wallowa lake things. Adlerika hse dona me good — tle daughter who ie in tbe ++++-M-4-HH-W--W $10 hundred, post paid last Friday. While there they closed hospital there, Hermlne, can now eat anything.” (signed) W. that being her sixth the deal with Fred Sheets for his H. Fleteher. Adlerica removes GAS Anconas, beat layers out anniversary. and often tvinge astonishing relief to homestead five miles waet of town in birthday $11 hundred Mra. Ray Decker and two children the stomaoh Brings out a surprising amount of old waste m itter you never Rhode Ialand Reds, best for meat the Owyhee irrigation district. of Payette spent Friday at tha C. F, Milk for Sale—From T. B. tested Miller home. thought was in the system. Stops that $12 hundred full bloated feeling and makes you Jersey cows. Delivered twice a day. Mr. and Mra. Harry Francis spent I am opening a ahop in the rear of Hozie’a Service Station enjoy eating. Excellent for chronie Plymouth Rocks—$12 hundred Milk cooled before delivery. O. W. Sunday in Grand View, Idaho, with for the repair of constipation. s64t her aon Cliff and family. All goed healthy, strong, purebred DeBoer. Nyssa Pharmacy. chick*. Mr. and Mrs, A. H, Boydeil and We pay postages and guarantee live children, accompanied by Mra. J. J Mra. Al Shaeffer and two aona of GO TO delivery. Take a statement from yous Cancelmo and children, left Monday Gooding, Idaho, are vising her mother, postmaster, if any dead for Payette lake, where they are Mrs. J. A. Sehneiter, and other rela ■ pending the week, Mr. Cancelmo tives. mi » . 11 . I expects to drive up today, (Friday) to Miss Ella and Henry Fowler of Og Ontario, Oregon end, returning with den, Utah, are visiting tbeir grand his family Sunday. mother, Mia J. A. Schnsiter, Casper, Wyoming ---------------- for------------------- Robert (Pud) Long Is home frem Mr. and Mrs, Frank Nawton ef For Sale Emmett, where he finished working Adrian moved Into the Clors residence Artistic Interior Furnish* on north Third street. Mr. Nawton ia for the summer. Nysa* A Ford Sedan. Engine. batteryi ings and Gifts steerage, lighis, ignition, in good Mr. and Mrs. J. Foydell are expect 8th grade teacher in the Nvssa school. O regon Lately overhauled. Get a ed home tomorrow from a two weeks Announcement cards were received Expert Information Free shape. »»»'I * closed car and go day or night, rain or visit to Poitland and coast points. in Nyssa this week of she arrival of ■ ♦ » ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ I I I I »♦ ♦ «««♦ ««»»» >♦ »❖ »»» >.>■ < 4 » t i » » shine, hot or edd Price $225. See Among other friends and relatives son on Wednesday, August 4, at Cald Across from Postoffice. City Journal at once nr phone visited wss the r daughter, Mra. Biitt well, Idaho, to Mr, and Mrs. Jos. S. MRS. DiLLINGER, Prop. Gate mi Ewing. 72 F5. Nedry, at Tigard. Jo t. S. Ewing, former school super Mra. Tom Newby is here from Ssl ¥vrTTTwTTTTrFTTrTTTTrTTTTT¥ mon City visiting relatives and friends. intendent, was visiting friends in Mrs. Bernice Penn hae returned Nyssa over Sunday. home from the hoepital, where she Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Boydeil and children left Monday for a week’s so recently underwent an operation. jiurn at Payett* lake. Three room house for rent. See Joe C. KLINKENBERG SHAVING, HA IK CUTTING Meyers. jfi4t prom , r delivery HOT AND COLD BATHS Mrs George Geen has returned R îaso 2 able Rate* home from a sojourn of several weeks Roy Pounds, Prop. at Salaaou City, where George is em The regular monthly meeting of the PHONE 16 p'oyed. W, C. T, U, will meet Wedneiday, Nyssa August 18, at tha M. E, church. All For Bale — School house furnace v"H M ++:44 stove. See Troy Sitton, Clerk Dis members are urged to attend. trict No. 39. Mrs. Tom Butler is spending the For Sale week in Ontario with relatives. Several pieeaa of good furniture, in Mr. and Mrs. Walter Mahoney came cluding a Monarch Rang*, at a bar from Nampa Sunday to stay a few gain. ADply to D McLallan. alltf days at the Lloyd Linder home. The Mahoney's are thinking of locating in PIANO MUST DE SOLD the vieinity of Nyaaa. Will sacrifice fine piano in storage Mrs. Flynn Calloway and family near for immediate sale. Will spent Sunday in Emmett with friends give hare terms to an established Mr. and Mrs. Roy Millar and family home. easy For full particulars and where ■ pent Sunday afternoon at the Linder it may be aeen, A wide assortment at prices from address Portland Mu home. Mr. Linder and Mrs Miller en sic Co., 227 6th St., Portland,Or. j!83t tertained themselves and others with old time mus'c of piano and violin. WANTED IN NYSSA TER Wanted—A man to travel in the AGENTS RITORY. proof of $76 per eountry. We furnish the capital, you wtek. 61 60 Sworn an hour for spare time. furnish the weak. For particulars sea Introducing Finest Guaranteed or write J. R Hunter, Nysaa. j40tf iery. 126 styles and eolera. Hoi* Low Mrs. Frank Phillip* and children re* price*. Auto furnished. No eapjlal torned the first of the weak from or experience necessary. near Salmon City, Idaho, where Frank W1LKNIT HOSIERY COMPANY. ii employed on road work, Mra. Dapt. M-47, Greenfield. Ohio. Phillips is her* for the purpose of storing their household goods, and ATTORNEYS AT LAW will return shortly to Salmon. R. M. BDOIUÍTT Mra. R. G. Swan and Fay ratorned Attorney and Coui.Tt lor at Law Saturday from Boiaa, where they had Practico lu oli coarta ■ pent a week. Mra. Swan Waa having Nyaaa, On gaa dental work done, and also fell a vic tim to tha bobbed hair erase, even to W. B. HOXIE the extent of a permansnt wavs. INSURANCE Owner gjod farm or ranch for sale, Nyssa, Oregon Office at Resideaee. Third reasonable, deal direct. Write R. S. Ehrgood Av Partridge, 516 Hanford, Columbus, Nyaaa. Ohio. j2S 3t Custom Cleaning and Grinding Nyss h Grain & Seed Co. Our Ice Plant W E H A V E IT Nyssa Packing Co. Phone 6 Stomach So Bad Can't Even Eat Fruit HOXIE SERVICE STATION Nyssa, Oregon Nyssa, Or. Baby Chicks for Sale Dick's Mechanical Shop “THE TREASURE CHEST” Cars, Batteries, Generators Magnetos, Ignition Systems Vacuum Cleaners, Washing Machines and other Elec trical Appliances. 1 he American Hatchery •pend tha w*ek * V it a C.1W./4 i R. D. Brecken rani s a a s a n s a s :: City Dray Line ... J a s a s s s i s. x a a » a s a a a. NYSSA BARBER SHOP W. C. T. U. Notice Car Bargains H M K M H M M H H M M M H I1 W H H M W M M M M M M R T T V V V V V V V r V V T V - — * w . V V V V f V V STATIONERY 20c to I Ford Touring Ford Sedan Call and get prices and Terms See our window NYSSA PHARMACY Powell Service Station