Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (July 16, 1926)
I ffcfe GATE curt JWMHAC CONDENSED STATEMENT 1 H •* 1 Poultry Supplies NYSSA & OREGON. j « i M ^ A t r v u / y N ^ e i / l Ai e s iw d A i w m d iV « » w A I W i » Our Ice Plant. Is running full capacity. Whenever you need ice WE HAVE IT Nyssa Packing Co. Phene 6 vil *» ’ Nyssa, Or. • a W l f e e W f lV Round Trip Summer Excursion Fares via UNION PACIFIC SYSTEM To Points East To Points West Daily May 20th to September 15th Daily May 15th to September 30th Limits October 31st Stopovers-D iverse Routes Consult Local Agents for further details D. S. SPENCER General Passenger Agent Salt Lake City ■- ‘ . t •W -H -Í-+ * <"X"5- M -M -M -W -F City Dray Line i C. KLINKENBERG PROM.r DELIVERY Reasonable Rates A iiV r i i J i i A i i i n > . i i i . l , A * - J .■■ » - J . . I . A A a_ a. a a. a. a i a TrTTTTTTTTfTTTTTTTTTTTTTT'I NYSSA BARBER SHOP SHAVING, HAIR CUTTING HOT AND COLD BATHS Nyasa ’ + -5 -H -4 -Î-+ + + + + + -H - t STATIONERY A wide assortment at prices from 20c to $1.00 See our window NYSSA PHARMACY NYSSA, OREGON Wanted — Man to sell McConnon goods. Enquire J. R Hunter, Nyssa. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Hunt will leave tomorrow for Wallowa lake to spend a few days. Margaret, who is attending a Sunday school institute there, will return with them. Mr. Stanley Brown of Ontario, tte Idaho Power Co.'s expert Servel man, installed one of these machines for Henry Fields this week. The popu larftv of this cooling device, which is said to be the last word in rrfrigera tors, is attested by tbs fact that four have already been installed in tbe Pay ette division, with eight moreordered Roy Pounds, Prop. PHONE 16 i NYSSA. OREGON At the Close of Beninese Jeae SO, 1921 RESOURCES Loans and Diaoounts_____ 1446,199.70 Overdrafts............................. 409.75 Building,Furniture, A Fixt. 13,600.00 Other Real E state________ 6,848.09 Bonds and W arrant*......... . 4,060 81 Case and Dug F sum U a n u 108,669 88 LIABILITIES Capital Stock.........................$2 £6,604 Surplus and Profits_____ _ 47,974.47 Bills Psyahin......................... NOMI Rediscounts_____ _______ NONE DEPOSITS............................. 504.744.11 »677,678 18 »577,478.14 County Funds for Which Surety Bords are Furnished— NONE OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS H. J. Ward, President John Ray, Viee President J. P. Dunaway, Cashier O. G. Bauer, Assistant Cashier H. A. Diven, Assistant Cashier J . F, Reece J. J. Sarasin G. L. Phillips DEPENDABLE SERVICE » 4 4 4 »04 ARISTO Motor Oils keep your engine in good condition FISK Tires are good tires Priteg are equal to any—sometimes less Equip your car with Fisk Red Tops and forget you ever had tire trouble A stack of all car accessories as complete es any in Malheur county. Hoxie Garage and Service Station STORAGE SPACE Nyssa, Oregon Dick’s Mechanical Shop j I am opening a shop in the rear of Hoxie ’s S erv icestatio n for the repair of f Cars, Batteries, Generators Magnetos, Ignition Systems Vacuum Cleaners, Washing Machines and other Elec trical Appliances. Ro D. Brecken „«i“ r W v-X-4- Card of Thanks ■ ■, vas Malheur County Bank A. Felton Passes Gasoline Explosion BUUBIDGE & RAY, Prop. I- j 11 H M H I 1 1 1 1 11 * »♦ * H I I ! ♦ ♦ » ♦♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ « > > ! ♦ ♦ ♦ « ♦ < ♦ t Mrs. Crawford and Mra, Sarasin delightfully entertained the members of the O. E. S. Wednesday afternoon. J. A. Felton died at hia home In this The house was beautifully decorated with garden flowers. A two-course city Sunday evening at 7:00 p. m., nf. luncheon was served and a pleasant ter a brief illnnsa. Death was due to rheumatism, with other complications- afternoon spent in social converse. A abort service waa held at th* family I Frank Miller was called to the S. D residence on north Third street Mon Bigelaw home en the Owyhee Tuesday day avening at 8 o'clock, conducted by night to investigate the cause of Mra W. W. Foster. The body was | trouble with the light line. He die taken to Twin Falls, Idaho, Tueaday ¡covered that the Bigelow's pet house- morning to be buried by the side of cat had caused the trouble by climbirg relatives. , tbe light pole ami becoming entangled Mi. Felton had been in poor health in some iive wires killing tbe cat in for about a year and was ioried to spite of it* nine live* and putting tbe give up personal operation of hia farm line out of commission. adjacent to town. A few weeks ago Mr. and Mrs. Don Davis and young ha returned from a trip to Twin Falls aon left for their home in Seattle and had been co ifinod to hia bed two Wednesday, after spending six weeks weeks prior to his death. with his parents, Mr. and Mra. R. J Joseph Albert Folton waa born in Davia. While here Don combined bua- Berryville, Missouri, April 27, 1868, inesa with pleasure by working tbe and was 68 yoars, 2 months and £4 Boise district for his mercantile bouse. day old at the time of hi*'death. When Mr. and Mrs. George McCurdy, Miss 28 years of ago he came to Oregon, in Viola McCurdy and Leroy and Loren 1882 he was married to Miss Fannie Gildea were entertained in the G. E Miller of Arkansas, who servives him. Bertsch home last Sundsy. Pineapple F'ive children were born to them*- sherbet was served on tbe lawn in the Grace, Dolph, Dollie. Gladys and Emmon, all o f whom are left to mourn afternoon. Miss Lillian Smith, who has been bis loss except Dollie, who died in 1912. •’ visiting Miss Zena Rambaud, returned His death has brought the bitter cup I to Boise last Friday to visit her uncle. of sorrow to th* lips o f friends and I William H. Langrotse, who ia United relatives. His was a heart of gold. States district attorney. Mrs. Zena He w aione of nature's noblemen in its Rambaud went as far as Caldwell and truest sence and he will oe aadly mia.ed from the community. visited fiiends at tbe Saratoga. C. W. DeBoer was in Nyssa Satur day from the Wilder country. Mr DeBoer will move back to Nyasa to live in the neae future. A rnan named David Jones was seri lira. Elmore McLellan and two ously, perhaps fatally,burned by an ex children of Nampa are visiting her plosion of gasolineai the Powell Service motheT, Mrs. Dennis, and other rela Station Wednesday evening about 9 tives. o'clock. Mr. Jones, with three com Dr. and Mrs. Frank Daan of Oceola, pardon», drove up to the station and Iowa, are visiting hia aiater, Mrs. J. called for five gallons of gas. While it waa being conved through a boa* to B Smith, and other relative*. Mr. and Mrs Joe Mills of Pasueka, tbe car tank the explosion occurred. Oklahoma, visited at th* P. M. Bink The force of the expioeion threw the ley home for a couple of hour! Mon noixle of the hose up into the air, day. They were en route to Seattle, scattering the burnhg fluid in every direction. Mr. Jones received th* full Wash. foice of the discharge and instantly Mra. J. R. Hunter and two daugh hia clothing was a mass of flames, as ters are spending a two weeks vaca was also the entire front of the build tion in Jordan Valley with friends. ing. F'ortunately neither the gas in Mr. and Mrs. Herman Towns left tbe car nor in the station tank explod Sunday eve for a two weeks vacation ed an t tbe dames were soon under at Idaho Falls. control. Mr Jones was placed in J. Miss Mildred Lawrence of Vale is Cancelmo’a car and rushed to th* the new clerk at the Malheur County Ontario hospital, where hia injuries Bank, Hilling tbe vacancy caused by are being treated. All the front part the resignation of Miss Violet Cox. of bis body and face were severely Miss Lawrence is staying a t the J. burned and feat* are entertained for Boydell home. bia recovery. The band ooneeit waa in pregresa at Miss Hatel Bertsch has been on the sick list the past week, having suf the time of the explosion and th* fered an attack of acute indigestion street was crowded with autos filled and othar complications, but at last with Deopleand a near panic resulted, reports was well on the road to re- but no on* waa injured in the rush to get away from the dangerous neigh tuvery. borhood. It is believed the explosion Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Francis returned was caused by a matoh lighted by one Wednesday from a two weeks visit to of the occupants of the ear. their daughter, Mra. Paul Baird, near Portland. They also enjoyed a few days outing at seaaide. J. Custom Cleaning and Grinding Nyssa Grain Seed Co. of LOCAL NEWS IN BRIEF Mr and Mra. C. L. McCoy and son Robert ard Mr. and Mra JesB* Thompson and Miss Georgia left Mon- pay eve for a week's tishing on Salmon river in Idaho Mr. Culbertson, a pharmacist of Nampa, is working at the Nyssa Phar macy during Mr. McCoy’s abaence on his fishing trip. Eddie Poweil made two trips to Boise th's week after cars which he had sold. Miss Cleo Spencer returned to her home in Union this week after a ten- day visit with her aunt, Mrs Meyers, at the Hotel Western. Duncan and Ira Cole motored to Boise Tueaday on business. Miss Bliss Carter is on the job again at the Nyssa Pharmaey. after spending a few days on 8almon liver In com pany with friends, G. E. Bertsch took Cha* McCurdy to the Ontasio hospital last week to have his wounds received in the auto accident dresaed. Miss Viola accom panied Charles and called on Mlsa Bre-ken, who has been in th* hospital aincethe accident July 6. Vernon Boen of Mesa visited friend* here over Sunday. H, A. Qjimby returned S aturday from a business trip to Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Murdock McDonald of Apple Valiev were in town Wednesday shopping and visiting Nyasa friends. To the dear friends and neighbors who so kindly asaiited ua during our recent bereavement, and for tbe beau tiful floral offerings, we extend our sincere thanks. While our home now has a vacant chair, yet love and sym pathy manifested by our friends tend to lighten the d .rk shadow left by death. Mrs. J. A Felton Mrs. Grace Miller Dolph F’ellon Mrs. Emmon Jones Mrs. Gladys Wildman NIMBLE IN TRAFFIC EASY TO PARK You drive in the tightest traffic without the least concern, a» promptly does your Cld> mobile anewer to a c c e le ra to r, wheel nr brake. Parking troubim vanish, thanks t* Its steering eeaa. W. C. T. U. Notice Equal enjoyment k fowtd in its perfect cow- trot and easy handling—highlights of that performance which k so widely peaked. Thar* k no truer luxury than the ability *• drive as you písese, w here you please . . . and th is you discover a t th e wheel of The second regu'ar meeting of th* W. C. T. U will mset next Wednes day. tbe 21st, at tbs Methodist church, he program will be as follows: Reading---------------------- Mra Brooks Talk-------------------------- Mra G ilb ert Reading------------------------Mrs. Davis Instrumental m u sic.................. ..M ary Swan and Bernice Vorhiea Everyone is invited to attend. O tdim obil* p u rc h a*ent a*m n 6 l l ' i r y tw enty B m r d t tw enty■ A*; S i" Library Hours. S.turdays Only Open to town patron 2:80 to 6:80. Out of town patrona SHK> to 7:80 ( C % h¡ Anti shinties for Fords, grease con. tainers that really stop |h e grease from escaping at tbe left sid e Wheel bearing. Hoxio Service Station. f » 9 4 4 r fffu a frw fW M thaD aLuxaC onp^ $ 9 9 0 a t Lam *im $. Just Received—A buneh of men’s strap watches. Call and look them over. J. A. Cole. jlltf POWELL SERVICE STATION For Sale Nyssa, Oragon. One old fashioned model waahing machine, on* Majestic 6 fa de Range, s te J. Boydell, Nyssa, Oregon. For Sale — On* 2-burner electric range, one 8 burner Nesco oil stove and oven, one library table, one cot tod mattress. Call a t Star U >tai s t i r o p e r c e n t allow ed §j) V. y wed Í T - lí r !