4 THE GATE CITY JOURNAL VOL. XXIV. NO. 22. DEATHS AND WRECKS MAR WEEK END NYS8A, OREGON, FRIDAY, JULY IK, 192ft. OWYHEE SUCCESS IS NO CRIME H i * PER YEAR County Statistics (J^HEE PROJECT HELD PRACTICAL It seems dfficult to convince a certain section of our Real Estate Transfers citizenship that a successful man or institution can be Fred Peterson to T. H. Winslow— honest. People of communistic tendencies pretend to be­ N E K S E K Sec. 36-33 39. 6-30-24. $1. Betty and Dorothy Kaylor, Jack lieve that all virtue is reposed in those who are shiftless, Emily J T'mpleton et vir to Jen­ unsuccessful. and Cora Elliott and Leo Hanks of improvident, inefficient and consequently nie P. Workman—SV iN W it, SWH OREGON JOURNAL GIVES BOOST Kingman Kolony were guests Sun­ A s soon as someone through intelligent effort rises NE%, and N W ‘/«SVi Sec. 23-26-37. THREE PERSONS DIE DURING TO EAST OREGON IRRI­ CELEBRATION OF NATIONAL day o f Dottie Cantrall. above the average, either in intellectual attainments or $ 10 . 00 . GATION PROJECT Rev. Virgil Snow and little son of Payette were calling in Owyhee on Wednesday. _.......... ___ _ et vir to __ F. _ G. Jennie P. Workman wniard et ais— s h n w i 4, s w k n e After many ups and downs and *4, and n w * 4 SW> a sec. 23-26-37. years of waiting there now is a A s a matter o f fact, honesty is not an exclusive atfrl- *10-00- fair chance that the Owyhee irriga­ Werner Peutz had the misfortune J. w *° Ethel 1 . tion project some day will be a to break his arm while attempting bute of any class. A majority of men both rich ami poor Mist Edith Breckon Near Death Re­ to crank a car Monday. It is still in are honest, when measured by reasonable human stand- Em'gh-Lots n , i2_ and is, Block is, highly cultivated producing section, with the grandchildren of the a serious condition being bjjdly ards. A minority of men, both rich a n d poor, are dis- ° " teno- ' ’ 15H26- sult o f Crash Which Occurred °°v , original settlers doing the farming. swollen. Near Vale Monday honest. Each should stand or fall upon his individual B.,ker-undivuLTYs ° i n t e ^ T 3 The Owyhee river, after passing Fred Pullen went to Ontario on merits. j v 2NW % , S % N E U , and SEV4 Sec. 8; through what has been termed the Thursday for dental work. In a recent spech, W . E. Humphrey o fthe Federal s w % n w » 4 , n % s w */*, and s e »/* s w Colorado canyon o f Oregon, flows (From the Malheur Enterprise.) Mrs. M. M. Greejing of Kingman Three deaths, one serious and sev­ Trade Commission expressed a reasonable view with re- v*- Sec- i>-18-40; N%sw%, and w k for about ten miles through an Klony spent the day Wednesday eral minor automobile accidents mar­ gard to business concerns. He said in part: ; SE14* sec. 1 7 ; and E)4SE% Sec. i8- open country to emty into Snake with Mrs. T. M. Lowe. river. A natural damsite about red the nations celebration in the “ W e do not believe that success is a crime, or that 19 39 7'3:26' ?10‘ The Owyhee P.-T. A. met Friday five miles up the gorge will permit county seat town over the weekend. failure is a virtue. j. f e" « c'inw'. G!enn to ,Ho“j B/° ^ building of a dam to back water Highway traffic resulting from the evening with Mrs. B. F. Kerr. A W e do not believe that industry, economy, honesty , Adrian. 7-3-20. $50. for sixty miles up the river,form­ heavy trail o f visitors to and from good attendance enjoyed a talk on the city was responsible for numer­ school work by Mrs. Philson. and brains should be penalized or that incompetency, e x -! sitlney L. Hackett to Harvey g . ing a natural reservoir, including Mr. and Mrs. Cgrl Quackenbush travagance, idleness and inefficiency should be glorified. Bartieson— n h s e h , and sw^.Sec. the great '‘hole in the ground.” ous mishaps, but fortunately most of this great era them resulted in only minor injury have recenlty puchased a home at “ W e do not believe that big business and crooked busi- 24; w>/iN E%, n w v , , and NMsSWvi The capacity of should give enough water to irri­ 514 Park Place Spokane, Wash., and and slight damage. ness are synonymous. True we give closer scrutiny to Sec- 25 - 18 - 38 . 7 - 6 - 26 . $i. gate several times the acreage of will be at home in September when Girl Near Death Jonas n°lland et uv t0 Durbin the project. Miss Edith Breckon, aged 20, of school begins, as Mr. Quackenbush big business, because of its greater power for good or 10.97 Hcres in SE»4SE%, Sec. 16-18- Nearly 200,000 acres can be Ontario, is in a serious condition will be supervisor o f general ath­ evil. 47. 7-6-26. $1,200.00. brought into the project and it is as a result o f injuries she received in letics of the four high schools of “ W e believe that 90 per cent of American business is Harriet E. Stout et vir to James possible that electric power also an automobile collision which occur- Spokane. This summer he is life- honest; we want to help this 90 per cent of honesty. We A Penewell—west 80 feet of Lots 1, may be generated to supply ed between Vale and Ontario near saver in the Spokane Natatorium. want to control or destroy the 10 per cent that is crooked 2, 3, and 4 Block 25, Ontario. 6-29- electric current for the settlers or Ora Clarks ranch about 10:30 Mon­ Mrs. Quackenbush, well known in To any fair-minded person, Mr. Humphrey’s attitude 26. $1,000.00. might be used to pump water to day night. The car in which the Owyhee as Marian Lowe is at Sea W. F. Wright et ux to Frank B. additional acreage lying at higher young lady was riding was driven beck on the beach as counselor of must appeal as being eminently sound and equitable. Steen— St4SE*4 Sec. 26; NE(4, and levels............ by Charles McCurdy of Nyssa, who the C-jmp Fire girls. SB»/«, Sec. 35-15-40; Lot 4, Sec. 1; The project is in the vicinity of was bound for Vale when struck by Miss Gladys M"Ginnis has just se­ E D U C A T IO N A L R EFO R M and Lots 1 and 2, Sec.. 2-16-40. 6- Nyssa, Ontario and Vale. Projects a large sedan driven by Guy Lattig' cured a pormir ti keep her pet fawn o f Payette. Lattig was attempting which was brought down from L ing under water in those regions al­ Earnest educators throughout the United States are 17-26.. $600. Sheriff C. W. Glenn to Wm. E. ready are producing heavily:— Ore­ to pass a car driven by Walter Leav- ‘/alley several w-'iks ago. The lit - giving serious thought to a reform of curricula, with a itt o f Ontario at the time, running tie fellow is r aking himself right at view to better adapting them to the needs of the present Lees— lucre in N W 'A N W ^ N W li of gon Journal. Sec. 21-18-47; also Lots 1 to 5, in­ headlong into the McCurdy car. The home and growing nicely, day student. No current question deserves more consid­ clusive, in Block 32, Ontario. 7-3-26. GOOD RESULTS FROM force o f the impact wrecked both! Mrs. ,\da S ch w e.tr a tten led a $667.47. POTATO GRADING LAW cars and threw Miss Breckon out. J shower at the V. V ilickox name in eration. Sheriff C. W. Glenn to L. Belle It is no reflection upon our educational leaders that She suffered severe cuts and concus- j honor of her sister, Mrs. Lois Rus- Before the day of potato grading Lees— Lots 6 and 7, Block 154, On­ sion of the brain. sell Williams and Miss Mary Welsh, present methods are proving inadequate to the demands and inspection in Oregon, a buyer in tario. 5-6-26. $1,087.99. McCurdy was cut and bruised as ■>f Big Bend on Friday. Mrs. Wil­ of the times. With the ever-incrasing store of available San Francisco would write that he Marriage License Issued was Lattig, his wife and mother, iams accompanied her home for a knowledge, It becomes more and more difficult to choose Amos Orlando Tilford and Julia wated a car of good potatoes and he who were with him. The injured short visit. ....................... would describe as best he could the that which should be taught in the limited time that can White. 7-10-26. * • were taken to the Ontario hospital Mrs. J. B. Smith o f Oregon Trail Complaints Filed in Circuit Court variety and quality and the shipper but all were able to go home that lias as guests this week her brother be given to formal education by the average student. In the Matter of the Owyhee Ir­ would have to use his judgmet as to night, save Miss Breckon. She was and his wife. Dr. and Mrs. W. S. Rut the problem is not new. As far back as 1758 the rigation District. 7-7-26. Confirma­ what the San Francisco man really perated on Thursday night and Dean o f Osceola, Iowa. They plan prevailing system o f education in England came in for wanted. The judgment as of the two tion Proceedings. seems to be somcwout impioved. to visit several of the cojjst cities drastic criticism by Thomas Sheridan, who labored with might differ g s to appearance, size Wreck at Cow Valley before returning home. little success for its reform. and other features o f the stock, and Mrs. G. G. Nelsen of Unity sus­ The Lowe and Bigelow families when/ the car arrived it would be re­ Sheridan contented that the established system o f that tained a broken wrist and minor and Kenneth McDonald were among jected as not coming up to the stock bruises, and her husband escaped un­ those o f Owyhee who attended the day did not fit the young for their duties in life; that it ordered. Such rejections were all injured when their automobile turned celebration at Vale on the 5th and was uniform for all and profitable for none: that special too frequent, especially when the over in Cow Valley near Brogan, on have reported themselves well pleas­ training should be given-for the varous professions. He market price was falling. But un­ the morning o f the Fourth, when ed with it. also stressed the importance o f imparting a better know­ der the grading, stenciling and in- they were on their way to the cele­ CONSIDERABLY SHORTENS THE gpection laws we now hatfe, such re­ ledge o f the English language. bration here. Their car was damag­ IUDGE BIGGS HEARS TIME IN DELIVERY jections will not stand. Now the The latter point, at least might well be taken to heart JORDAN VALLEY SUITS ed badly. They were brught to the OF MAIL Sgn Francisco buyer simply wire» doctor in Vale. today. It might be a great step forward if our children Wednesday was consumed in the for a car o f spuds of the offical There were two collisions in town high school with a reasonable circuit court here in the hearing of might emerge from „ , grade wated, ad he gets that grade. Sunday night, but neither proved B a k er-T h e new schedule for the L nlustration he wireg for . car ' thirteen foreclosure cases, brought aquaintance with their mother tongue. serious. % - - transcontinental air mad which. went L y s No- x and the ahipper se„ds by the Mortgage Company for Amer- The death toll was heavy for a _ , , ., m o effect-July 1, combined with the j Mm ^ de> with fln officia, tow this size. Mrs. Betty McLaugh- >“ nd owners under the a" Anyway poor folks may be thankful-that they are not splendid service the Pasco-Elko air . . . , ., . i certificate attached, which guaran- lin died Tuesday morning, Mrs. Wm. Joivlan Vaney L ngatin project likely to be kidnaped. mail is giving, shortens the time eon- j ^ that the contents of the car Jordan Valley visitors interested in Scott on Sunday morning and Jim siderabiy for air mail delivery be­ the lawsuits were W. R. Bruce, Dave complies with the grade ordered in Chicago has witnessed the largest religious gathering Palmer was found dead at the Nor- tween the Northwest and eastern the contract for sale. And that cer- Graham, Gus Hill, Fred J. Palmer, dale Rooms o the morning of the in history, and few places ever needed it more. C. E. Lanning, T. T. Garrlick, Aver- poÌ"ts- . v , I tificate stands good in court, Fourth. Planes now leave New York a t' __________________ hill Palmer, deputy water master of If we believe all that candidates say about each other 9:19 A. M., one hour earlier than the 100,000 POUNDS WOOL Jordan Valley, and Louis Palmer. we must conclude that all o f them are unfit. former schedule, arrive in San Fran­ SOLD AT PRINEVILLE Attorneys in the case who were cisco at 4:40 P. M., the next hour here Wednesday included Geo. El- The young “ apple king” of Pennsylvania has taken a earlier than before. This cuts one Prinevllle— The biggest single clip dredge, J. L. Eberley, of Boise, C. B. bride, who, judging from her photographs is a peach. hour and a half o ff the transconti­ of wool in either Crook or Grant McConnell, Burns, Judge Earl Bro- nental run between New York and counties was sold here Monday by On exhibition in New York is the world’s largest nough and Percy Cupper, of Port­ San Francisco. The westbound plane Keerins Bros. , of Izee, Grant coun­ land. washing machine, probably designed for handling dirty leaves Chicago at 7:50 P. M., one ty. The Keerins Bro. clip was of political linen. hour and 50 minutes later than for- 100,000 pounds, all fine wool and HA PER MAN DROWNED The preliminary location o f the erly„ connecting with St. Louis and was bought by J. A. Stein for J. IN MALHEUR RIVER In a recent murder trial much stress was laid upon the St. Paul, also Minneapolis and De­ Koshland & Co., Boston, Mass. It Cetral-Oregon highway from Bur- ells station near Vale, to Harper, Agruelis Espitio, of Harper, em­ testimony o f a “ mystery women,” as though there were troit and gives the northwest the was loaded for Portland on four will completed about the middle of ployee o f the P. L. S. Company, was any other kind. benefit o f this fast service front cars. * next week, according to J. E. Peck, drowned in the Malheur river on these cities. Sell for 10c. Buy Back for 30 The mayor of. Atlantic City complained that he was engineer in charge of the location Sunday, June 27th. He was 23 The eastbound transcontinental ar­ Some farmers sell their hogs for years of age. The young man was overcharged by a Louisville taxi driver. work. W hy didn’t he rives in Chicago at 5:45 A. M. in­ from ten to twelve cents per pound When and whether the new road in swimming with a number of men take a boardwalk wheel-chaif along? stead of 7:35 A. M. This early ar­ and then buy it back from the meat will be built will in all probability when the current carried him away rival permits mail dispatch from the market for thirty cents. Where could be determined when members o f the from the others. When he was ob­ President Coolidge told reporters that the dumb-bell northwest to make direct connec­ a farmer make money faster than state highway commission inspect served by his friends it was too exercise he got at Amhert had helped him through life. tions with contract air mail routes » „ o s w,u. ... I by butchering hogs at twenty cent, its location. The commission is ex­ late to save him. The body was d ? | ut butchering is be. It possibly helped him in dealing with the dumbells en­ operating out of Chicago to St. Paul,, brought to shore. No relatives have pected to arrive any day. St. Louis Minneapolis Dallas, F o r t, f ,ost vocation with farme„ countered in Washington. The road is believed o f particular been found. Burial was made in Vale Worth and any points on these ^ ¡g * akin(f „ lo9t , rt of importance to the Harper unit of the following day. While sitting at the bedside o f a patient, Dr. John rol'Ves , t ,, t , , , city housewives. the Vale, Oregon irrigation project, This does not affect the schedule __________________ Williams o f Richmond, Eng., was badly shocked by a of the Pasco-Elko Division Air Mail. as it will open thousands o f acres COUNTY LANDS WILL Yet Some Farmers Burn Them BE SOLD SAYS NOTICE lightning stroke. of rich, fertile land which lies under The mailing time remains the same. a ton of wheat straw contains |4 the project. A notice was inserted in this weeks Patrick Young, a professionel beggar o f Chicago was MISSING BOYS FROM “ T ,rt.h nit/ ° * e" wh/ n *pp,tod *° issue of ¿he county paper, stating REGULAR MEETING OF NAMPA BEING SOUGHT ‘ he a" d ’ a to" of at stra^ sent to jail for cursing a man who had refused to give tains $4.80 worth and a ton of corn­ that county owned lands will be sold COUNTY COURT WEDNES. at once, if parties desiring to pur­ him money. A search has been instituted for stalks is worth $6.40. There was a regular meeting of chase the real estate will send in a Miss Jane Riordan was discharged as a nurse in a Stephen W. Vaudrey and Julian This Sounds Good Vaudrey, sons of Mr. and Mrs. S. J. county curt here Wednesday with description of the same by Jay 24th. Dr. Howe o f the National Research Chicago hospital because she was seen kissing a conval­ The County Court will place an up­ Vaudrey of Nampa, who have been Judge H. Lee Noe, commissioners J. Council says this country must feed missing from their home since the D. Fairman and C. H. Oxman in at­ set price on the land and advertise escent male patient. 150,000,000 people by 1950 and sci­ morning of June 16 when they left tendance. Bills were allowed and it for sale, according to legal re­ James Harrigan of New York paid a $2 fine for speed­ to work on the Olin Meyers ranch at entifically cultivate at least 38,000,- quirements. * routine business disposed of. ing, received $5 too much change and returned the extra Riverside. The boys never reached 000 more acres. County Surveyor J. F. Miller ap­ It costs the United States Treasury money to the magistrate who remitted the fine as a re­ their destination and their mother, Wheat Harvest Is On * peared before the court and asked $5,000.000 a year to replace worn-out who is in poor health, s postrated for the designation of 1.2 miles, on The wheat harvest in the north­ ward for Harrigan’s honesty. paper -urrency. Twelve hundred by the continued absence of her sons. west is now getting under full the Nyssa-Jordan Valley Market tons of worn damaged paper money Rev. Arthur G. Lyon, Congregational pastor of W est Efforts are bing made to find the headway. While some sections arc road, which will be graded and gra­ retumes to the Treasury each year. veled within the next few weeks. Palm Beach, Fla., was removed from the ministers as­ missing boys and any information spotted the general average is for a This stretch o f road begins at a Jamaica produces about one-third sociation because he favored the evolution theory in a leading to their whereabouts wll be good yield. greatly apprecated by the parents point two miles south of Nyssa, and o f the world’s banana supply. recent sermon. Roller skates are coming into fav­ and Idaho offeials. at present is considered the poorest or as a means of conveyance in the After centuries, during which only stretch. Later on Mr. Miller will Typewritten legal documents are a recent innovation Early Victorian styles again pre­ West..It is possible to ’roller slratc ask that further improvements be the pen was permitted to be used in Fiftnee where hertofore they have written entirely dominate in the latest London fash from Vancouver, British Columbia, in French courts of justice, thetype- made. ions. Side whiskers are becoming to Tia Juana, Mexico, except for writer has at last been authorized by hand. popular and fashion experts predict short detours, and scores o f skaters There are more telephones in New for the printing o f court documents. Mrs. Ella Soules o f St. Paul was arrested while carry- the return of the short-tailed coat carrying shoulder packs are using Siberia i sled dogs, reputed among York City than in London, Paris, the best in the world, b o w iT i^ ' wo7- ing home a side o f bacon which she was charged with and nearly brimless top hat of the this method o f locomotion. They Berlin, Brussels, Vienna and Rome balmy Victorian era. can travel many mile« a day. ves instead of barking. S t e a lin g . combined. BIRTHDAY SERIOUS AUTO ACCIDENT John Bigelow Sr., returned from Twin F g lli Thursday after a two weeks visit with his daughter, Mrs, Leslie Gardner. in the accumulation of wea.;h, the soap-box orators con- sider him a fair target for their shafts of invective and cv idemnation. NEW SCHEDULE AIR M ill SERVICE L o c a t i o n of Central Oregon Nearly Complete