T he G ate C ity VOL. X X IV . NO. 21. EXPLAIN PROJECT REPAYMENT PLAN E N G IN E E R IN G RECORD CON T A IN S GOOD E X P L A N A ­ T IO N OF PROJECT SETTLERS HAVE 40 YEARS journal N IS S A , OREGON, F R ID A Y , J U L Ì 9. 19 .'6 »L66 PER YEAR |£ ^______ OWYHEE Wm. Compton of Maxfield, Ore­ gon is spending the week at the home o f his mother, Mrs. Charles Fisher. H O W OtPtILf GENUAL OREGON MUST START JULY IS ’ Rev. and Mrs. G. A. Pollard and children o f LaGrande are visiting at C O U N T Y SU RVE YO R J. F. M IL ­ C O N TR AC T LET TO BIDDERS Mrs. Pollards sisters, Mesdames Bach LE R S A Y S ROAD B A D LY C A L L S EUR ROAD WORK and Nichols o f Kingman Kolony. NEEDED TO BEGIN J U L Y 15 Mrs. Frank Morgan has as guests over the 4th, her parents Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Calking o f Eugene, Ore. “ • - T. M. Nichols et uy to W A Mc- Kague— W W SW *4, and S W f c N W * Sec. 3 -22-46. 6-26-26 $242.46. ™ *> ™ ,ll[ Henry D. Bvrdsall et ux to A. D SN AK E I.1K E L IZ A R D IS FO UND IN HOLE W IT H R A T T L E R i Brough— E Vi N W *4 SW % Sec 29-19- BY SU RVE YO R S * 47. 6-21-26. $1.66. (Q. C. Deed). THRU VALE PROJECT LANDS 16.6 MILES TO BE SURFACED Ralph Greenojgh et ux to RicharJ L Sc.tt -Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, EViW'/4, and E l i Sec. 13; and NV*NE\» Sec. 16-lt;-38. 6-28-26. $16. (From the Malheur Enterprise.) An extraordinary combination o f snake and lizard was found near Mull eor l unty to Benj. Swisher Vale at Little Valley by A. W. - W S N W V i, an: S E ‘ « N W 14 Sec. Spencer and M. E. Frederickson, sur- hihler and Bartlett Get Contract For 11-31-42. ¿-14-26. $1. | veyors working on the Central Ore- Work on John Day Highway Jam s C. Yost to John C. Gordon gon highway, last week. It was a Through this County — SE Vi N E M Sec 1 *-23-38; Lots 6, dinosaur in replica, resembling the 6, 7, S, 9, 16, 41, anl 12, Sec. 18 23- prehistoric animal in detail except in size. It possessed a horrible head The contract for surfacing the 5-26-26; *366.06. 16.6 miles o f the John Day Highway Sheriff H. Lee Noe to d.iyer somewhat like that o f a gila mon- through Cow Valley in this county, Bros. U Co.— H V iN W M , and part of 8,er. but with beady, pink eyes whieh was awarded to Kibler & Bart N X 'a S w 'a Sec. 16-18-46. 8 23-19. It had small stubs o f feet, but un­ like a lizard, had only two The rest left at the May meeting of the *1,627.47. (le r t . of Sale./ a commission, calls for the road work S II Gushert i ' ux t> Idsoo S e u r of it’s body resembled that of has not been started, but the con­ ities Co.— lo t i 26. 27, ar.t 28. Blink snake, fully two feet in length It tractors are expected to arrive any 1, Taylors Add, to N ysia. 6 I? 2-’ was a dirty blue-gray color. According to the story told by the day. It is believed the surfacing »500. will require about six weeks’ work. R • . Bra- law et ux t> l ’ry.t.1 surveyors, their attention was drawn May finish Road District '••• pio im ent oFV4NE to a rattlesnake Monday afternoon. They attempted to kill it but it There was some talk of additional ‘4 Sec. 24.16-47. 8-29-1123 $1.66. work on the new highway to A rlin g­ J. W Galloway et ux to Crystal sought cover in the hole from which ton, as one o f the highway commis­ District Improvment Co.— E Y iS p ’A it had emerged. With sticks and the snake, sioners favored the surfacing o f the SEV* See. 13; and E H N E N iN E k i shovel they wept after hut instead o f the snake dug out the stretch in this and Bnkerceunty which Sec. 24-16-47. 5-28-24. $1.66. was not finished last year, at the Sheriff C. W. Glenn to Crystal fieekish ami hideous snakelike 'Iz­ A fte r a moment o f breathless time of the John Day highway meet­ District Improvement Co— SE14NW ard ing in Portland. But no definite *4, and 7 acres in SW L4NE% Sec. surprize, the men ended its existence and a moment later killed the rat­ reports have been received here re­ 24-16-47. 11-27-25. $1,617.12. garding the work, so it is doubtful Samuel R. Frazier et ux to W ell­ tler, but their wonder has not ceas­ if more than the stretch through ington M. Clark-SE>4NW >4, an d S * ed. They and their friends are still Malheur county will be surfaced this NEk4 Sec. 14; and S W (4 N W (4 Sec. conjecturing over the unusual find. What was it, snake or lizard or year. 13-17-46. 7-1-26. $256. Wellington M. Clark to G. K. both ? About 30 miles altogether at this Mr and Mrs. Ham Brown o f Nyssa Proviso calls for Satisfactory Con­ and Mrs Rose o f Ontario were call­ ers at the Chas. Fisher home Friday. Middle o f July Will See Completion tracts with Agreements Be­ tween Gov’t, i rd Districts Florence Bach who is attending of Location From Burrells summer school at Boise was home Station to Harper for the Fourth. F r m the text <.f the Reci vaation Misses Essie and Berdie Shell of Appropriation Dili, just made pub­ “ Construction of the Central Ore­ Enterprise, Oregon are guests this lic and as txpla.m d m the ! tst issue week of N ellie Compton. gon highway, and particularly the o f the Engineering News-Rec n 1. it Kenneth McDonald made a trip to stretch 15.6 miles from Vale to Har­ appears that ls-ge appropri -1 ions were made fo r iht construct .n of Emmett Wednesday bringing home a per, is o f great importance to this now projects, threa o f them in East­ load o f fruit. section. It will be a bread and but­ Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Creeling call­ ern Oregon. ter road, when the wealth o f land ed at the T M. Lowe home Saturday Money Appropriated and after helping consume a gallon lying under the Vale project, which has been Appropriations for new projects of ice cream both families went to extends beyond Harper, contained in the in »:n appropnat-in vote fo r the Owyhee project. reclaimed and gets the water that is Several o f the farmers of Owyhee the life o f this country. The present bill include the Va'o, Owyhee, and Baker. The appropriation for the are harvesting wheat this week. population of Harper and its sur­ Paul Fisher is home from Wallowa Vale is the unexpended balance of $600,000 appropriated a year ago, spending the Fourth with his parents rounding, rich valley warrants con­ struction o f the state highway. 1 with authority to purchase an inter­ Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Fisher. Several of the McGinnis families, would like to see the road built in est in the existing Warmsprings storage reservoir and fo r the con- the John Jarvis family, and Henry the very near future. This is the opinion o f J. F. Miller, str"ction o f the drainage works for Slippy fam ily held a Fourth o f July the Warmsprings and Vale projects. picnic at the John Rust ranch Sun­ County Surveyor, who is a firm ad­ vocator of the new route. The pres­ For the Owyhee, the balance of day. Mr. and Mrs. Cornelson and daugh­ ent county road is very poor and nec- $316,000 appropriated again this ters, Mrs. Brown o f Payette and cexs.’tates repairs many times each year. , Mrs. Johnson of Salem, Ore. were year. Repayment Provisions Await H ig h '.!) Coni mission guests at the T. M. Lowe home Sun- When and whether the new roan An important proviso made in re -'d a y evening. Mrs. Brown and Mrs. and SY4NE14 spect to the new projects is that no Johnson will be remembered by the will he bui't will in all p re j ibility end of the road has not been sur­ Clark— SEL4NW (4, AGED P A T IE N T A T S A N money .shall be expended until sat­ people of Owyhee as Alvina and be determined when members o f the faced, but the road is not rough and Sec. 14; and S W 1 4 N W * Sec. 13-17- 46. 7-8-26. $1.00. D IES V E R Y SU D D E N LY is highly praised by all tourists who state highway commission inspir­ isfactory entracts have been made Munda Cornelson. with irrigation districts for re p a y ­ Mrs. Margaret Schweizer is at its location, as recently made by en- travel over the new route. Marriage Licenaes Issued John Johnson, past 70 years of ment o f the cost o f the works; that home in Owyhee after a year spent p a rers under J. E, Peck and W. S Richard Tehodore Reed and Nellie age, died very suddenly at the Vale Camel of the highway department. in Seatie. all landholdings over 160 irrigable Rose. 6-29-26. Hot Springs sanitarium on Sunday The commission is expected to ar­ acres shall have their sale prices A1 Long took a load o f wire fox Complaints Filed la Circuit Court evening. He had not been ill and fixed by the Secretary o f the Inter- fencing up to his ranch at N igger rive any day, as they are to come to T. II. Moore vs. R. T. Siddoway. his death was pronounced due to ior and shall not receive water if Rock to build coyote pens. Mr. Long Vale after an inspection trip thruogh 6-28-26. Recovery of money $446 old age and natural causes resulting not sold at such a price unless hall catches coyotes early in the season Umatilla County. H C. Boyer vs. C. W. Glenn, Sher­ from poor health. He was a patient Location Nearly Complete the «Instruction charges against the when they are easy to catch and iff, 6-28-26. Injunction. at the san fo r over a year, having Acording to Mr. Peck, the location land have been paid; that operation feeds them on jackrabbits and cayuse Portland Trust A Savings Bank vs. come from Owyhee county, Idaho, Central Oregon Highway JUDGE C. H. McCULLOCH H AND S and maintenance charges shall b e , horses, thus getting rid o f t))gee o f the T. 11. Moore et ai. 6-29-26. Fore- to this county. Burial was made in from the point where construction paid in advance each year, but that pests in one enterprise, DOWN O P IN IO N IN SESSION closure n f mortgage. $23,0066 the Vale cemetery. No relatival the first year’s operation charges Chas. Bradley and fam ily went to stopped several years ago at Bur­ HERE T U E S D A Y In the Matter of the Liquidation , could he found*" after public notice shall be paid as Unity. Oregon, Sunday to visit the rells station to Harper, is practically o f the First National Bank of Vale. .____ ______________ part o f the construction cost; that Geo. Smith fam ily and bring home completed. The middle o f the month i I 7-1-26. . j Jesuits traveling westward thru the state authorities may) cooperate Grandma Bradley, who had made an will see all location work finished. A tentative decision was handed The commercial Corp. vs. R. H. Canada as early as 1660 found the With the United States in promting extended vifit there. They stopped The most feasible route is 15.6 down in the circuit court here Tues- ^ I Siddoway. 7-2-26 Recovery o f money. Indians burning coal instead of the settlement o f the projects, and in Vale to see the fireworks and miles in length. It runs in almost ii day in the adjudication of the wa- ^ $110.27. wood. in Securing and selecting settlers, pronounced them the best ever. I straight line for a distance o f 4 Lers of the Owyhee river, by Judge (generally, the significant change The M:ssrs Ruby and Alta Bradley miles out o f Harper, follows the C. H. McCulloch o f Baker. The ad- SNAPPY STUFF o v ir prior laws is the allowing of who spent ihe week in U >ise attend- Malheur river for two miles and judication matter was appealed from, repayment of construction cost in ini' the chaurauqua returned hone' from there runs direct to Burrells Ihe decision o f the water board. Shortly after his wedding George R. Porter of St. Paul 40 years instead of in 20 years as Wednesday and were accompanied Station. The Harper terminus hits Judge McCulloch denied the p eti-1 was arrested for stealing the suit he was married in. heretofore, this cost to bear no in- by Mr end Mrs. Harvey Cornell an d , the Malheur River steel bridge one tion of the stockholders of the Owy- hee Ditch Company to make the wa daughter Janette of Boise who spent quarter mile out o f the town. Lieutenant J. C: Robeson, a British officer in India, at; tefliest. ter given to the company appurten­ tacked while unarn^dby a panther choked the animal to the evening in the Bradley home. ant to the individual parcels o f land death after re ceji;^ “several wounds. and not to the property of the com­ pany. This objection on the part of French fishermen--took alive a young whale weighing the company was one of the most half a ton off the Iceland coast. bitterly fought issues. The K. S. & D. company in the A new York man advertises to trade a radio set for STATE GAM E W ARDEN P R E ­ same contest, as one of the largest I f OUj- a u t o m o b i l e t i r e s , (Prom the Malheur Enterprise.) property owners under the Owyhee P A R IN G M E A SU R E — REG­ * Malheur county has every indica­ DEM OCRATIC N O M IN E E S T A R T S ditch, was given three years in which U L A T E H U N T IN G Sidney Wagner, 10-year-old Ixmdon boy, brought suit tion of being an important poultry B A L L R O LLIN G IN S E N A ­ to put under water, land that against a teacher who whipped him in school, but lost his section, according to A . M. Graham, T O R IA L RACE has not been in cultivation in recent asseesor, who has been impressed by | Portland, Ore.— A new game code years. Many other claims were t d s e ’ the splendid and numerous flocks he j whuh will correct conflicts and in- settle,}, by the decree, which ¡nciud George Hennard of Hammond, Ind., was given a jail has observed On many farms this j Francis V. Galloway, of The Dalles consistencies in the Oregon law ,s ..., WilU-r filings dating from 1866 in I s e n t e ( u .7, f ( j r n tilr l e c t m y t o f e e t ! h « d n J f o r « p v p f t t l H itv s summer. Turkey raising seems to has been chosen to manage Bert being drafted by E. F. Averill, state! the Jordan Valley section to the re- “ IO ‘ n e g le c l i n g l o I e e ( l I l l s H o g t o r S e v e r a l ( l a y » . be the favored industry, principally Haneys campaign for U. S. Senator. game warden. Sportsmens organiza- cently installed pumping plants near Policeman G. A. Ryan of Chicago was fined when a ¿.because o f the high prices that have He is a native o f Yamhill county. tions, deputy game wardens and in- the mouth of the river. It is expeg*- neghbor reported hm for falng to Secure a dog license, •'* prevailed the last two years, i Mr. Galloway is arranging his dividual sportsmen have been re- ed that appeals to the supreme court l l 7 .n . , , , , , , , , „ . " „ , , . U r . Graham saw a flock o f 960 business at The Dalles, to permit quested to send in any suggested win fo |iow hy gorae Gf the contest-! , w , l l l a m Shepherd has l**en bellringer for a church in turkeys at the John Woods ranch giving most of the last three months changes. When all the proposals are ants. Streatham, Eng., more than 60 years. near town. There are hundreds at to the campaign. in the list w ill be sent to sportsmens ------------------------ , n n ... - . - * > . . . . . . When interviewed Mr. Galloway organization for their approval and Tlllil II)) T i l 1/1 tji^ E. B. Hendrix and Dick Gallo- 1 I TH QU J<411168 K I IHllklifl Ol ( 'hi(*&gO IOUfld U month old b&by . way places. Mrs. Pat Faye o f West- said: I then will be passed on hy the state | y y [J |y|^(ij J\ j|_|_Q[J Qj which had been placed in his car and abandoned. fall has a flock o f some 800. Lee & “ I am proud to be associated with I commission. The attorney general { Eugen Beaville, who claimed to be an American is .githarifton have 400 young birds. Mr. Haney and his friends in this: piomised to put it in legal form campaign. He and I were born in for trie- presentation before the Icgi»- anted for swindling printer# in 56 English towns. the same Oregn county and, while we |atur«,. The new measure if passed TÉ M P Ò H À R Y IN JU N C T IO N ----- Kev. Michael Murphy of i)ubHn was arrested for beg- G R A N TE D BY JUDGE BIGGS have lived many years in different w,n {„h e effect in 1927. parts of the State, I have followed Regulation of bullfrog hunting is K A T A a c c id e n t occurs a t ging on the streets of London, but was released ¡with a burns rail f ami * last warning not to repeat the offense. 3 *'’? 1 (Oft Tuesday a hearing was held with admiration his career in pp- one of the proposals. The law wil F R ID A Y M ORNING ... x -- -■ . . i., before . Judge Dalton Biggs wherein vate business and in his many posi- proi ably be modeled after that in i f Warrants are o\»t for,more than 500 Glascow men who in Idaho. The spawning season r.*: ran injunction was asked by Henry tions of public trust and confidence, j have deserted their Wives during the past tW O years, Sl.ppy and John Snyder, plaintiffs, He is one o f Oregon finest sons, un- w;n ^ doge«!. Hunters will require While tamping in dynamite on the • u »sp rain in g Agm< S. Pratt, Mr. Tene- impeachable in pub'ic and private f,,h ;ng licenses. The frogs were in- Nearly all the hair W38 burned off the head Of MlSS V' ' Igve, John Glascock, George G!as- life a man of drminant personality trodUced about 1« years a g o and are b'red Herrick railroad grade work. ., cool: and others from using water and great intellect— aggressive, tin- m,,st plentiful in Malheur and Grant " “ ar Burns, William Drewz and J«* [ Christine Logail of Duluth, when it CHUght fif*e from a iroui the Owyhee river. A ten por- cere and loyal,— a preeminent can -1 ,.ounties. Woods were instantly killed by a g a s j e t , l.T y in junction was granted by J didate for United States Senator.“ Umatilla county will probably have powder explosion. It occurred at C .| ° Mr. Haney’s record as a member an open w aw n on hungarian part Browns ramp between Craddockal W h e n A l b e r t C o r b in t r ie d t o ju m p in t o L a k e M ic h ig a n Judge B igg-, to hold good until of the U. S. Shipping Poard and his , \ d g e s similar to that on china pheas- j ranch and Soda Springs, about ninej w i t h S u ic id a l i n t e n t a m a n g r a b b e d h im b y t h e l e g a n d 3 July 13th. refusal to be lined up by the N a-|ants. w ild turkeys will be mention- ™ > '«* Friday morning. ! h e l d h im U n t i l H p o l i c e m a n a r r i v e d tional administration on questionsi P(j ¡n t|,e co,]e Mr. Brown was nearby when the| * . B O U LE V A R D g r a n g e open season on elk in the Blue explosion occurred. ii,- says that Four girls and one male student were expelled from HOLDS A N N U A L P IC N IC inimical to Oregon, is a concrete: promise o f his power as a senator. Mountains has been asked and is be­ ,h" , w" n'"n w,'re tamping in the WiUenj)erg College, Ohio, for intoxication. powder preparing for a blast. He ° ° V #7 Boulevard Grange held its annual lle is a progressive, unrestarined by i¡eved by A verill to be feasible. ------------------ was only a short distance from| picnic on the banks o f the Snake - any ancient political dogma/* Marco Modugno claims to have eaten 138 miles of th, Oregoniar them and was protected hy the com* I “ Oregon needs a balanced and ag- 'fro n t page cat I* River opposite McF’ hereson Island spaghetti in one day. last Friday afternoon. A fa ir sized gre«sive representation in the Unit- of June 28th, pictures Oregon as ptesaor between him and the men. crowd attended to enjoy the bounti-'ed States senate. In the army it apologetically and timidly beseech- He was knocked over hy the explo- When arraigned in a New York court, Stephen Shipsy fuL picnic dinner. Speakers were was the man out of step who at mg ihe national government for Or- ion, and saw the liody of one 17, said: “ Whoever said I committed 64 robberies in two Bert E Haney, democratic nominee least received the notice. Politically, , gon’s rights, when the railroad- the men sent high in the air. H< years is a liar. I’m only guilty of 35.” far the United States senate, P. F. attention and favors are lavished on have aln-ady received their -hare. ,odies were badly mangled. Countryman and others. | •he ’ doubtful” state. Why have fed- Oiegon, politically, too long has Mr. Drewz ha I worked on the job E. C. Abraham, tried in a Brooklyn court for forging Mr. and Mrs Arden Reed of Bro- e i . l office, by wholesale been moved been “ taken for granted;“ Oregon for some time and was a powder t w o " r h e c k s , p T O V P d ^ "th a t h * " c o u l d N e i t h e r w i d n o / w n t e . gan attended and Mr. and Mrs. from Oregon to Seattle and other ha, been regular” and ignored man o f exp.-r.enee. Nothing is . . » a D f l h l i n a q v l l i m JtnH rp lp a q p H t w o Bailey of the Baker county grange, coast cities? From a back page o f “ There will be no quarrel with known o f Joe Woods as he only he- A riT 1 6 (j ialC 160 S U u D I lli a S yiU IT ) d llQ r 6 I 6 « S 6 u IW O , — ----- the Oregonian o f June 23rd, without Mr. Steiwer, the opposing candidate, -i n work Tri.jr'dav morning. The lu n S itiP S W llO PSCBpPU. In the South Seas there is a littl\ editorial comment or excuse, we whom I know well and include i mains were tnken to Burns. This fiafc about six inches long that learn that Oregon is practically if - among my most affable friends. i* th, fir-t fata' accident *hat hatj B e c a u s e G . C . M i c h a e l s o f C H ic & g O r e f u s e d tO llllo W with “regularity h;>ii> , ne t on ti.e Hen irk rad grade tenants to have musical instruments in their apartment», leaves the’ water to hunt insects and nored by the federal building pro- The quarrel is worms on the beach. , I gi am of few years. years. The The and and consistency.,* consistency.,* o f the the next next few w tik . __ f o u r o f th e m h a v e S u ed to b r e a k t h e ir le a s e ». COURT DECISION h NEW GAME CODE BEGINS CAMPAIGN HAS BEEN DRAETED LARGE TURKEY FLOCKS gfRJ [ H U B ON NEARBY FARMS POWDER EXPLOSION »