JOIN WITH VALE Vale will pour out its hospitality upon visitors July 3, 4, and 5, when visitors from all Malheur county and from our neghbor towns in Idaho will flock to the Fourth of July town for what will he the most expended and sj>ec- tacular celebration ever before put on in the county seat, in all her nine years of past successful celebrations. Mayor “Ike” Robinette says all details of the program in charge of some twenty industrious chairmen stand com­ plete. Vale is ready for the crowd and gives the heartiest welcome to everybody. There has l»een splendid cooperation from citizens of Vale, as well as from other nearby towns, in working out entertainment for thousands of visitors. Nyssa has again responded gallantly and will send her band to play all three days of the celebration, in addition to Vale’s own band. There will be music to please everyone. New Plymouth and Fruitland are sending their base­ ball teams to play off the championship game for a purse of $150. People of the upper country, from Brogan and Ironside and, from McDermitt to Malheur have promis­ ed to attend. Three wonderful days, brimful of entertainment, are in store for the f’ourth of July town and it’s visitors. Let’s Go, Vale, Oregon, July 3, 4, 5! Since the Declaration of Indepenednce was signed in 1776, the United States has grown from three million to one hundred and ten million; from thirteen colonies to forty-eight states; from ox-cart to airplane; from post­ boy to radio; from wages of one shilling a day to eight, ten and fourteen dollars; from handknit underwear to B. V. D’s and Teddy Bears; from arrests for kissing on Sunday to divorces for not kissing on week days. INTERESTING NOTES The first recorded mention of boats is said to have oc­ curred in Egypt, about 3,000 B. C. Some African lions are so vicious that they charge au­ tomobiles occupied by hunters. Fish being transported in tanks aboard ship frequent­ ly become seasick. Man is mentioned in the Bible 4,332 times; women only 536 times. It is estimated that there are now 153,000 Japanese in North America. Thegates of Peking, China, are closed every night and not reopened until daylight. Princess Elizabeth Alexandra Mary, baby daughter of Duke of York a n 1 granddaughter of King George V., was christened in a robe of old lace whien ha- been v/orn at the christening of the King and the Prince of Wales. CANADA MAY CELEBRATE Next years marks the sixtieth anniversary of the Do­ minion of Canada, and plans are being discussed with a view to declaring 1927 a “diamond jubilee year.” This seems particularly fitting n view of the fact that the fiftieth anniversary in 1917 was little observed, on ac­ count of the war. After t|pe cession of Canada by France to Great Brit­ ain after the inter-colonial wars, much friction occurred between the French and English elements of the popu­ lation, in which many Americans loyalists who settled in Canada after the Revolutionary War took a hand. Upper and Lower Canada were separated in 1791, but discontent on the part of both continued, and following insurrections in both they were reunited in 1841, with little better results. Finally, in 1867, 111 union of the various colonies un­ der a federal form of government was consummated, including Ontario, Quebec, Nova Scotia and New Bruns­ wick. The Northwest Territories were included in IS7» and Manitoba was admitted as a providence the same year, followed by British Columbia in 1871, Prince Ed­ ward’s Island in 1S73, Alberta and Saskatchewan in 1905. Newfoundland and dependency, Labrador, have never come into the Dominion of Canada. By reason of their vast expanse of territory and relatively sparse settlement, the several Canadian prov­ inces have never been brought as closely together in thought and action as would no doubt be desirable for the unity of the Dominion. The proposed diamond jub­ ilee year should do much to more firmly establish this unity, and thus for practical as well as sentimental reasons the idea seems to have much to commend it. Bobbed hair has earned a slump in the sale of bathing caps along the Atlantic bathing beaches. . Gretchen Zerlin of Berlin lilted Karl Roeser and he sued her for $5,000 damages. A doctor, an ambulance and the fire department ap- l*eared simultaneously at the home of J. C. Rustin in Chicago, in response to calls sent by a practical joker. Paul Lesseur, a crippled porter, gave an alarm and saved the lives of 30 guests in a hotel fire at Nancy, France. When Mile. Helene Zalliere of Paris was taken to a police station, a ring she was accused of stealing was found concealed in her mouth. Because James Dibben of Chicago stole a kiss from Thomas Grant’s sweetheart, Grant gave him a beating and was fined. Mrs. Edkh R. Pearce of Chicago was dealt all 13 hearts in a bridge game at a charity party. Henry Marrison of Derby, Eng,, stole a bag of golf clubs and was arrested while trying them out on the golf course. H. W. Powell of Ufffington, Eng., whipped Rev. E. M. Hadow for going shopping with Mrs. Powell, but later admitted his error and paid the minister $100. George and I.eo Murray, 14-year-old London twins were both operated on for double cross eyes the same day. Osmaston Jenny, a cow owne«1 by J. P. Fletcher of London, has exceeded 2,000 gallons of milk a year for five consecutive years. Mzj/be the reason Jack Dempsey doesn’t fight any more is that he has joined the League of Nations. A scientist reports finding a tree in the tropics, that when tapped, produces milk. Now if he can only find one that will produce beer under the same circumstances think what a reforestation program we could put on in New Jersey and New York! Seats for the first performance of a new revue in New York sold recently at $55 apiece, which shows that every year it is getting more expensive to be a sucker. The League of Nations is going to start an art salon in Paris and we suppose that prominent in the exhibit will be pictures of all the wars it has prevented to date. SIDELIGHTS The Democrats expect to make the Pennsylvania pri­ mary an issue in the coming campaign, but it is a little difficult to see w hat this has to do with the price of corn. It is said that Great Britain last year imported enough apples from America to pay one third of her annual debt payment to Uncle Sam. No w'onder those European diplomats can hand out so much applesauce. They used to blame all the bad weather on to^the sun spots and now they say it is due to the radio. Pretty soon we expect to hear Senator Pat Johnson blame it on to the protective tariff. Some enterprising Californian is overlooking a bet by not signing Abd-el-Krim to a movie contract. According to press reports Houston, Texas, recently imported 85,000 pounds of cork from Spain. Now the question is, what are they going to do with it? Heart beats can now be recorded on a phonograph record, and if this gets to be the custom, a lot of these fellows who claim to be in lve are going to have a hard time proving it. The summer climate of our National Capital was the subject of debate in the British parliament the other day. This is what you might call hot stuff. New York City is now closing its night clubs at 2 A. M. and the visiting butter and egg men are complaining be­ cause there is nothing to do the rest of the evening. A prehistoric brain that is petrified has been found in a clay pit near Moscow'. Some of them in the same con­ dition are not so prehistoric, either. There was a light frost here the other night, but Dr. Clawson, who just go back from the South, says its nothing compared to the frost they are having in Florida just now. The old-fashioned man who used to get mad if you criticized his dog now has a son who get furious if you say anything against the kind of car he is driving. The bolsheviks over in Moscow are unusually quiet just now which is a good sign that they are up to some­ thing. Uncle Billy Gamester says a lot of fellows w'ould be al­ right if their initiative was as strong as their refer­ endum. A slick young man who came here yesterday selling souvenirs cut from the North Pole by Commander Byrd BOYS AND GIRLS was escorted to the corporation line and told to forget Meredith Taylor, 3-year-old baby of Nicholas county, to come back. Kentucky, weighs 110 pounds, is 44 inches tall, with a chest measurement of 41 inches. He can pick up and BRIEF! Y TOLD carry his eleven year old brother. Henry Bramley of St. Louis swore at his wife because Little Freeh Bright of Chicago recently visited Des he didn’t like her pancakes; then his son shot him in the Moines, where she has four great-grandmothers living shoulder. Herman dicker of Evanston, 111., has a leg torn off Harry Sulbach, 11, rescued from drowning Joe Mach when an automobile struck him but it happened to be atta who weighs over 200 pounds, at Port Jervis. N. Y. his wooden leg. A divorce on the grounds of cruelty was granted in Ethel Langton, aged 15, kept a lighthouse operating at Bembridge, Eng., while she stayed up three days and London to Mrs. Alice Bethel Kitzinger Firth Ishti Hel­ nights without sleep. She was presented with a cash ena Goiga Pictoria Denver Hill. purse and a complete library as a reward. W.hen sued for $14.01. Mrs. Clara McKay of St Paul William Pat Boland, who won the boy’s corn club idmilted that she owed $14. but hired a lawyer to fight championship of eight Southern States last fall was re 1 he claim for the extra cent. George Brooks, arrested in Chicago for speeding was cently introduced to President Coolidge in Washington. found to be botPTdeaf and dumb. Ruth Voss, 11-year-old pupil at Rig Island school Illi­ nois, has completed her first six y^ars of school without once havng been tardy or absent. Donald Brown, 10 of Sharon, Vt. is an expert cake and cookie baker and mixes, bakes and does the frostinf for bis mother. Little Ruth Howard shared with “Uncle Joe” Cannon the honor of breaking ground for a new $300,000 Meth­ odist church at Danville, 111., the home of the aged statesman. THE ONLY ROUTE TO PORTLAND? What’s the matter with the Ontario garage men1 Don’t they know there’s a John Day Highway, a new road that is unsurpassed in scenic beauty, in road con­ struction, in any manner by the Oregon Trail; that it leads from Vale to Arlington and there joins the Colum­ bia River highway, as the Oregon Trail does, or have they ever been over this splendid new route? At any rate their statement made to Wm. E. North, secretary of the Baker Chamber of Commerce, who posed as a stanger while visiting in Ontario last week, was thoughtless, unfounded, injurious and untrue. The following article was published in the Baker Herald and reprinted by the Oregonian: The Old Oregon Trail is getting a fairly good break on i Mr. and Mrs. I)ave Law rence and I Miss Kellie l.nw renee spent Sunday tourist direction from Ontario, William E. North, secre­ IRONSIDE with the Rose fam ily.. tary of the chamber of commerce told the members at Mrs. S. K. Duncan w as hrm nrht Mr. and Mrs. R aleigh Van Ruren the weekly lunhceor today. home from W eiser S aturday niirht ■pent the day in U nity Sunday with "Mr. North made a trip toWeiser, Payette and Ontario by D r. K ellogg and reported to be Mr. and Mrs. F ra n k Elm s. Mr. ami Mrs. C arrol Looey and last week. At all points travel was lighter than a year g ain in g slowly from her lo n g , ill­ Mr. ami Mrs. Glen De lu im a rr a t ­ ago he was told. At Ontario he talked with the garages ness. tended the hall gam e a t lle rfo rd md service stations and visited the registration place of Mrs. Z etta farcey and son Roy of Sunday. the state chamber of commerce where out of state cars W eiser v isited her m other Mrs Kun- E arl Ripley, Louis and E ugene ean Sunday. are recorded. P ra tt attended the eoneert and dance Mr. and Mrs. F ran k Sm ith ami J at the Diamond ranch given by the “At the garages he was told that the Old Oregon P S m ith of Itrogan w ere Sunday Thom as W hited o rc h e stra ju st from Trail was “the only route” to Portland when as a strang­ v isito rs w ith Mr. and Mrs. C. Sm ith New York. Mr. .1. P. S m ith sta id over to car«’ Mr. ami Mrs. A. E. Nichols v isit­ er he asked what was the liest road. The tourist regis­ for his law n and tree s at his farm . tration bureau is directing cars over the John Day high­ ed in R rogan Monday. Mrs. A nnie Jo n e s who has been W. R. I ofton and A n hi’ M vers \ way if their destination is south of Salem, and they are under th e d o c to r’j care n Vale the drove to Vale ami O n tario Mondav pointing out the oil on the Trail, but he thought their di­ past m onth is to have her tonsils loosing fo r hay hands. rections fair to this section.” out th is week. It is hoped th a t Mr and Mrs. F red L aw rence w ent th is will aid her in im proving m ore out to V ale and O n tario Monday to | Are the Ontario garages giving the new highway rapidly. get some dental «vork dono though Ontario fair play? And is it any wonder the Mrs. A nderson pass«’,| aw ay a t an Mr. and Mrs. Powell o f Rye V al­ John Day hi rhwav is not getting the travel it should, e arly h our S a tu rd a y m orning H er iev. atten d ed th e fu n e ra l of Mrs taking the ad\ antages of the road into consideration, as rem ains w as laid to re s t in the Mal­ Anderson Sunday. h e u r c em ete ry , services conducted by R< «e w ent out to Vale Mon­ W. D. Sullivan, road editor of the Oregonian stated in his recent article? Rev. S. M. M alth an of O ntario day on business. If You’ ve Found a $10 Bill lost your pet bulldog, want to buy a Liberty bond, or want to sell the family flivver, use the Gate City Journal want ads. They cost little and get results for you.