Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (June 25, 1926)
T he G ate C ity J ournal V O L. X X IV . NO. 2«. N Y S S A , O R E G O N , F R IU A Y , J U N E :5 . 1926. CENTRAL OREGON OWYHEE OREGON EDITORS RAVE MOTORISTS URGED TO ANNUAL CONVENTION PROTECT FORESTS $150 PER YEAR RODEO FOURTH OF JULY ATTRACTION Malheur County Real Estate Trans Samuel Watson an old timer of | Owyhee passed away, June 10th, a f fers Recorded During Week of June 12th to 19th ter a long illness in Los Angeles, California. Mr. Watson was well Carl A . Field et ux to Robert N e l known here having lived in this vi H AZARD IN C R E A S IN G P R IN E V IL L E IS H O ST T O N E W S F IR E son— Lots 43, 44, 45, 46, and 47, j cinity fo r 38 years. He leaves to W IT H G R E A T N U M B E R O F PAPE R M EN OF STATE TW O W E E K S W IL L SEE COM Block 10, Riverside Add. to Ontario. 1 R O U N D -U P COW BOYS OF PEN- mourn his loss his wife, a son Gil- P E O P L E T R A V E L IN G P L E T IO N OF P R E L IM IN A R Y 5129126. $3,1)00, D L E T O N W I L L R ID E H E R E i der Watson of Los Angeles with L O C A T IO N O F N E W R O A D . J. F. O rr et ux to J. D. O rr— un- TH REE DAYS. whom Mrs. Watson will make her Prineville— The Oregon State E d -; ¡divided W interest in SW14SW14 j hme and a daughter Mrs. Alma itoiiol association, in the closing “ As we appreciate and enjoy, so ^ 4 ^ 19.1g.4g 6 T >|26 $ 10 | Wiseman of Burley, Idaho. business session of its convention should we conserve,’ was the mes- , ’ et ux to J D O rr! un- C P D IT P U UAI C Mil V 0 A C um HOAD FROM VALE TO HARPER ’EM Mrs. Frank Friar and son Eugene here Saturday voted to take action sage broadcasted by George O. £ J te “ *t V L o t 1 Sec. « W W lIlH t W , V A L t, J U L Y H O abolishing the candidate’s Brandenburg, general manager ° f ' {016.48 gi5,->6 $10 ' _____ an ovei%ight toward Most Feasible Route is 157 M ile s! ° * >)a " as’ Ore. was the Oregon State Motor Association ' ... ‘ „ .... * visitor of Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Lowe, pamphlet. In Length— Strikes Steel Bridge Officers were elected as follows: in an attempt to impress upon motor ^ . erl V . ' ‘ ! " n °o vJl|U' q * " e a t Events Are Only Small 1 Thursday. Near Harper. Savings and Loan Assn.— S W % Sec. 1 i,art of uigantic Celebration of Mr. and Mrs. John Hite of Ontar A . E. Mallery, Tillamook, president; 1 ists the necessity for protecting the 32. i 8 .46 g •> >6 * 1 1 «77 1« Nation’s Birthday. 1 4 1) I L I a q o . D fn l o u te at f K 1.-1 f i m o i\ f i r o a n io were calling on friends in Owyhee Hal Hoss, Oregon City, secretary; B. forests at this time of year. Ferrol Davis et vir to N ora Boston With the approach of summer, and R. Bates, Roseburg George K. Aiken Another two weeks will see com Sunday. Lots 16, 17, 18, 19, and 20, Block the fire hazard resulting from a pletion of the preliminary location Chas. Newbill Sr. has taken up his Ontario; Leo Gordon, Marshfield R. 37, Ontario. 4|8|26. $1.00. (From the Malheur Enterprise.) great number of people camping, IT: Jonas, Prineville and Ralph Cro. of the Central Oregon highway, residence at the Hot Springs in the E. S. Redding to E dgar Johnson Cowboy champions o f the Pendle pirnicing and passing through the nise, Albany, regional vice presi from Burrell's Station to Harper, ac hope of benefiting his health by the *t ux— S E t l S W l i , S W 14SEM, and ton Round-up will take part in the cording to J. E. Pent and W . S. hot baths. He recently underwent a dents. Roseburg was selected as the forests, there is an increasing hazard N H S E H Sec. 23.; SEV4SE‘A, WV4- lodeo, in the ninth annual Fourth Mr. Camel, state hjghw ay engineers. serious operation which did not ac as the convention city for 1927. In in the woods from fire,’ said S W M Sec. 24; NV4NW *4 Sec. 25; of July celebration of Malheur coun Bandenburg in driving his messag| vitations from Ontario for 1928 were Advice has also been received to the complish desired results. N ttN V t, and S t t N W M Sec. 26-16-46 ty to be held at Vale July 8, 4 and home to the motorists. placed on file. effect that members o f the state 4|7|26.. $1.00. Andrew and Alvon McGinnis and 5. Owners of the best race horacs "Oregon is fortunate in being am Other official action by the con highway commission will start ovei families were Sunday visitors at the J. B. Bigelow to Albert Hinsch— in eastern Oregon have assured the route from V ale sometime this John Jarvis home at the Head Gate. vention during the closing session in ply provided with attractive woods Lot 12, Block 72, Freens Add. to Mayor ‘Ike” Robinette that they and streams where outdoor-recrea cluded pledging support to John month, to inspect its location. Nyssa. 5|14|26. $262.50. Farmers in Owyhee are rejoicing will bring their speedy ones to the Henry Nash printing exhibit at the tion may be enjoyed by those who ..... Feasible Route _ Sheriff C. W . Glenn to Donald M. big show. over a fine rain fall Friday night. Am ong the local horse University of Oregon, authorization wish to spend a day, a week-end or Three locations have been made Graham— N % N W W .S W > 4 S E 14 Sec. owners and riders, there seems to be The Kingman Kolony Book club of the committee appointment a vacation period in the open, and to from Vale to H arper to determine the same enthusiasm over the 1926 met with Mrs. Chas. Peck o f Big guard against abuse of the initiative too much care cannot be exercised 23-15-42. 4|10|26. $1250.' the most feasible and advantageous Clyde C. Dodge to D. W . Powers— scnedule of wildwest events and big Bend on Wednesday. and referendum, protest against in the safeguarding of the forests route fo r a state highway. One EMiSEM Sec. 19; and NV4SW14 i money purses. Mrs. C. C. otton entertained Sat government printing of envelopes that add 30 much to the attractive follows the telephone ljne and is Sec. 20-17-47. 6|18|26. $10. ‘ Scratch ’em, Vale, July $, 4, and ness of such sylvan retreats.’ The urday in honor of Mrs. A . G. King- commending.state highway commis 16.7 m‘> s from H arper to Burrell's Elmore McLellan et ux to Sidney 5.” has become another slogan for man who recently returned from sion and urging that all projects un- message broadcasted to motorists by station, the other location was made S. Burbidge— Lots 3 and 4, Block 5, this year's big stampede. der construction be completed as i Mr. Brandenburg is in the cause of along the river route and is 19.4 Lewiston, Idaho. Nyssa. 3-30-26. $800. Many Rodeo Events The Oce Schweizer fam ily attend- soon as possible, opposed to any | conservation and the continuation of miles in length. Federal Reserve Bank to Solina L o vers« of the rodeo will find move in Oregon toward legislation' an inestimable asset that must be The last and most feasible route ed the ball game in the B ig Bend on M. Smith— Lot 3, and part of SE^4 much to please them this year ac which would curtail the liberty of maintained in Oregon if the state is is 15.6 miles in length. It runs in Sunday. Sec. 10-16-47. 2|1|26. $10.00. cording to Bud Anderson, chairman to enjoy a position second to none almost a straight line for a dis The O. K. K. met with Mrs. E arl the press.. Russell Zimmerman et ux to J. M. n o , L,n r „ „ o f the committee. Over a month The convention closed tonight with in its attractiveness to both tourists D Ji tance of 4 miles out of Harper, fol W ard Thursday. The Club enjoyed and those who choose to select Ore- n banquet and dance given by the i , m w ! ; * « • h“ >»■ thorough search lows the Malheur rjv er for two as guests Mrs. Bontager of Owyhee gn an a permanent residence. Prineville business men. 32 18^41 518126 $190 ° | throughout this section fo r the beat miles and from there runs to Bur and Mrs. H arry Newby of Nyssa. wild west material. There will be “Carelessness and thoughtlessness Sec. 32-18-41 6 8|26. $1.00. U rg in g that the public of Oregon rell's station. Thee is only one ob Dogs have visited several bands of James T. Becker et ux to Valen- are the mediums most responsible savage range steers fo r the cowhide take issue with Dr. Hubert W o rt» jection to this road, in that it is a ranch sheep in the neighborhood do court Becker-undivided l|3rd interest of areas of race, calf roping contest, and wild secretary of the interior, and E l- for the destruction quarter cf a mile out of Harper, ing considerable damage. Some of in S t i N W y « , S V iN E t i, and SE!4 mamas fo r the cow milking con where it strikes present steel bridge the people think more sheep and wood Meade, director of reclamation wood lands by fire,’ said Mr. Brand Sec. 8;SW 14NW 14 N M iS W (4 , and test. Exhibition riding, burking or, their negative reclamation policy enhurg, ‘and by the exercising of a across the river. This route will re less dogs on ranches would be a S E U S W K Sec. 9-18-40; NV4, SW *4, and roping will make a full rodeo as applied to Oregon, Marshall N. bit of care in the selection of loca quire the construction of three benefit financially. and W H S E M Sec. 17; and EV4SE14 menu. Dana of The Oregond Journal, ad tions for campfires, the extinguish bridges, across Cottonwood, Malheur Sec. 18-19-39. Mr. and Mrs. B. F. K err returned dressed before the convention today. He ing of every spark of fire Open A ir Dancing river and a new one near Burrell's Wednesday from a visit to Kenne touched feelingly, too, on the sub leaving camp, and the putting out of M arriage Licenses Issued But after all the rodeo is only ranch. wick Washington. Their daughter, ject of railroad development, de every match or cigarette butt before I,evi Eld ridge and Miss Eudora a small part o f the bigger and bet “ As compared to the cost o f road j iyjrH j j ary pbilson, came with them claring that all proposals fo r ex casting it away, will be of little 0$ Thompson. 6-17-26. ter program that Vale hosts have obstruction elsewhere, the Central to spend the summer. tension are important and that all no inconvenienceto the individual and Gail Dell Schoonover and Velda A. scheduled fo r the 1926 jamboree. G’rtgon highvt y roi.*e fiot.-i Vale to Chas. Bradley and fam ily were should receive general support. i may be the means of saving great Loughren. 6-17-26. O f perhaps the greatest interest T z ip e r can b*- built as ecoru-iiiically 1 visitors in the Aldridge home in On areas that are made useless and un Clifford Norman Carlsen and Ella to the-younger set, and to the sheiks as any other road of comparative attractive as the resu lt of fires care M. Skinner. 6-18-26. tario Sunday. Mrs. Aldridge is ser and flappers o f’62 and ’26 will be ’••I irth,“ stat d Mr. Peck wlien a«k lessly started. A thought to the fu- iously ill. the open air dances every night at ed about t h ' cesi of the read Complaints F'iled in Circuit Court tue is all that is necessary, and a W alter Nichols and family ¡tom beautiful Riverside Park pavilion. Lucien Cunningham vs. Bessie Lee King|ian Kolony attended the dedi bit of conservation of the things we The dance floor is being made lar- cation of the new Baptist church in appreciate in our own outdoor en Cunningham. 6-17-26. Divorce. ger, so that hundreds can be accom N ew Plymouth, Idaho, Sunday. Miss joyment, to continue them fo r the modated. It will be a bright and Complaints F'iled in County Court A gnes Nichols will remain in that future use of ourselves as well as D. A . Sexton vs. Wm. Edmunson. colorful place with its twinkling neighborhood a couple of weeks to G O V T P U B L IC A T IO N G IV E S E X those who come after us. lights in a canopy of whispering 6-17-26. Recovery of money. $48. visit relatives. A C T C O P Y O F L E G IS L A trees. Music by the famous Spokane Petitions F’iled In Probate Court T IO N A F F E C T IN G * N E W orchestra will charm with perfect Estate of Elmo Rodgers 6-17-26. ’ PR O JE CTS (From the Malheur Enterprise.) joy and harmony. N o one can re Notarial Commissions A terrific wind storm, bordering sist the sorcery o f the music offer Ralph Emison, Ontario, Ore.6-19-26. ed by these well known artsts In on a cyclone, hit a farm section in In the June issue of N ew Recla the vicinity of the DeArmond ranch jazz and syncopation. Articles of Co-Partnership. mation E ra, a monthly magazine last week. It uprooted trees, tore Wroten & Son, Jordan Valley, Ore. published by the Interior Depart haystacks down, blew over a silo Wroten, and ment, is contained an exatt copy of O R E G O N S T A T E B O A R D T E L L S John Wroten, May, and even damaged the farmhouse on Marion F. Wroten. $5,000. Ranching “Appropriations for 1927/ enacted H O W TO K E E P W E L L IN the Gene High ranch. Telephone The following information as to by the Senate and House of Repre and cattle raising. HOT W E A T H E R poles were also torn down by the road oiling operations over the week sentatives for the fiscal year end furious blast of wind and dust. W H EELER COUNTY WOOL ’ has been received from H. G. Smith, ing June 30, 1927. The most damage was done at division engineer at La Grande. The S E L L S A R O U N D 31 C E N T S Keeping well in hot weather is A ppt operations for the Vale and Gene H igh ’s ranch.*' Mr. High had report is fo r the information of th e ' Owyhee Irrigation projects were largely a matter of using common Fossil— Practically all the wool re D IV IS IO N E N G IN E E R S REPORT excavated Underneath his house to public, relative to road oiling oper- iiste() ag f 0no w s. sense in aiding the body to carry on maining unsold in Wheeler county put in a new basement. The house ations, which are underway by the F'OR W E E K B E G IN N IN G V a ,e proj#ct Oregort. For contin. its normal functions in a normal wa# was bought Wednesday at the Con J U N E N IN E T E E N T H w as setting on a ridge of earth and state highway department in E a s t - I , investiKations> commencement or the human body posesses a wonder don wool sales. The Rettie estate only braced by a temporary founda ful means of keeping the body temp em Oregon. continuation o f construction, and in- topped the market with 31 3-4 cents tion, when the cyclonic winds struck under ex Road oiling operations are under- cidental operations, the unexpended erature constant, even fo r about 14,000 pounds. T raffic is being routed over the the neighborhood. In a moment the tremes of heat and cold. But like way for 15 miles west of I .a Grande balance of the appropriations of James Cant o f Dayville sold 2100 John Day highway from Arlington building crashed into the basement, automatic mechanism, you on Old Oregon Trail. Flagmen are $500,000 for the fiscal year 1926, other fleeces at 8116 cents a pound. Elmer to Vale and from thereon over the parts of the foundation tearing thru stationed to direct traffic. No de- m a ( j,, available by the act of March cannot expect it to act satisfactorily Sasser of Canyon City sold 1800 Central Oregon and Oregon Trail the floor, amost wrecking the resi if you overload it or drive it, when tour available. 3,1925 (Forty-third Statutes, p. 1,- pounds at 31 cents. Am ong other to Ontario and Nyssa, due to oiling dence. Road oiling operations underway 168)), shall remain available for the it is already under a strain. sales were T. C. Mabe, 31cents; R. operations now underway over the When the weather is hot, the sur T. Osborn, 31 cents; L. C. Kelsay Oregon Trail. The following report in the vicinity of Durkee or Lime fiscal year 1927: Provided, That not face blood vessels are expanded and on the old Oregon Trail, between more than $200,000 o f the amount 2U% cents; Kreiger Bros., 3 0 cents. fo r the week has been made by the the sweat glands bathe the body Baker and Ontario. Flagmen direct herein appropriated shall be avail About 180,000 pounds of Wheeler highway department; J. R| Blackaby was looking after with perspiration. By evaporation traffic. T raffic may detour by able for purchases of proportionate county wool was sold privately be Oiling between The Dalles and 12 interests in the \ alley the first of the skin is cooled— the rapidity and using the Baker-Unty highway, via interest in the existing storage res tween the first and second wool miles east of Pendleton complete. the week. degree of cooling depending on the Salisbury • and Hereford and the ervoir of the W arm Springs project, sales at Condon, comprising the well Oiling operations from La Grande W alter Jones returned home Tues rate that the air is moving. D r a ft s 1 John Day Highway, via Unity, Bro said interest to be conveyed to the known Hilton and Burgess, R. R. to a point 15 miles west are com day from Eugene where he has are harmless in summer unless the gan and Vale and from the county United States free o f all prior liens Keyes, Marion Osborn and Shown! plete. been a student in tfie University. cooling of the body is too rapid. A seat town to Ontario. and encumbrances of every kind and W ill clips.. This wool sold at 31 Re-oiling will be underway be- Miss Alice Acquenaga returnee} fan is as useful to the human mach whatever: Provided further, That cents, other smaller clips bringing tween LaGrande and Telocaset, a home Saturday from Monmouth ine as it is to the automobile. the contract fo r the purchase of said 30 and 3014 cents. distance of approximately 18 miles. 1,01 mal. A daily bath keeps the pores open. interest in said reservoir shall also N o oiling will bo underway between Miss Ethe has returned Light clothing aids in rapid evapor 3,125 D R IV E R S ’ LIC F .N S E SE provide for construction f the nec Telocaset, and Durkee. Flagmen to her home on Succor creek from ation of the perspiration. Some ex IS S U E D M A L H E U R M O TO R ISTS essary drainage works by the said will be stationed to direct traffic. Klamath Falls where she has been ercise is essential, but over exertion In all, 3,125 persons in Malheur said works to be borne by each. Oiling operations between Durkee teaching the past winter. in the hot sun should be avoided.The county have been licensed to operate Owyhee project, Oregon: For con and Huntington. T raffic on this Salem, Or., June 21— (S p ecia l)— The Hay'.ctt fam ily had a narrow matter of diet is one of importance. motor vehicles since the law be section of the road, may detour by tinued investigations, commencement escape from what might have been Candidates for all offices at the pri The Eskimo cats heartily o f fata came effective on July 1, 1920, ac or continuation of construction, op using the Baker Unity highway, via a serious accident Sunday. While mary elections held in Oregon last ........and oils. His tropic brother lives cording to Secretary of State Kozer. eration and maintenance, and inci Salisbury and Ilerefrd, and from month expended a total of $100,- climbing the steep Hooker Creek hill, a u .. . , ,1 largely on fruits and vegetables, For the state as a whole, 380,561 there over the John Day the unexpended I _ e” '* " highway, 534.90 in conducting their campaigns dental operations, their ear slipped tut of gear and the 0f There is a reason. Fats, sugars and persons have secured drivers’ license balance of the appropriation via Unity Brogan and Vale. brakes failed to hold, letting it r::n according to figures compiled by the starches are heat producing. N a for trucks and automobiles. $315,000 made available by the act back down hill and upsetting it. secretary of state here today. ture gave us green vegetables and Malheur county’s record compares of December 5, 1924 (Forty-third These expenditures were distrib N o one was injured in the least nor fruit in abundance during the sum favorably with neighbor counties. Statutes, p. 685), and reappropriat was the car and after getting it uted among a total of 252 candidates mer season. Overeating overloads In Harney, 1,340 persons have se of which number 96 were republicans ed for the fiscal year 1926 by, the 14416736 turned rignt side up it was as go o j the system. Eat moderately of a emed the necessary license, and in ___ and 56 democrats' The expenditures act of March 3, 1925 (Forty-third us I etc re. varied diet. Ice cream, sodas, and Baker, 6,334. From this record it Statutes, p. 1168), shall remain Mr find Mrs. A . Stitzel visited at of republican candidates aggregated sundaes may satisfy the palate and appears that Malheur has DR E L W O O D M E A D E a large I8PT $94,892.45, while the democratic ex available for the fiscal year 1927. John Baltzurs Sunday. temporarily cool the throat but number of automobiles for its popula Dr. Elwood Mead, United Com- penditures totaled $5642.45. Mrs O ra Clark and Mrs. Marsh c* they are heat producing, neverthe tion, and that the citizens of the j missioner of Reclamation, will arrive The offspring of one pair of rats, Frederick Steiwer, successful can- Ontario were in the Valley Tuesday less. county are complying woth the law. | in Portland on July 2nd to make a if all survived, would number 2,300,- and Wednesday. Ms Clark is, so didate spent $10,876.61, while Robert Food spoils more quickly in hot visit to several irrigation projects in 000,000,000,000 in ten years, accord fa r the leader in the A rg u s sub. N. Stanfield expended $10,010.17. weather on account of the rapid it is too hot to sleep, will aid in Oregon However, he will not visit ing to Professor G. G. Chambers, sertptior contest. ! » » » » to U l ° * >69,068 votes growth of the organisms of decay. keeping one strong and well during the new projects in this section of Se veral cars of .'ordan Vail •/ cast at the primary election of that of the University of Pennsylvania. Be careful when away from home the heated period. the state, fo r the construction of people went to WagUM .ow „ Sun.!»., number 125.077 were republicans and Fortunately for the world, however, As long » you drink freely of | which congress made appropriations that the food served is not tainted; and cleaned up th - cemetery a fd * * * * * democrats. This would fndi- the mortality rate among rats is I that the fruit is not overripe. Plenty water, keep the head and neck w e ll1 at this session. decorated the graves there. This is cate that the expenditures of the high. clothing suitably j ___________________ of cold water is essential; an extra protected, wear an anmisl . evasion with the J o r d O r e g o n candidates for nomination light and loose, the sun seldom h a s , \ pet parrot, with clipped wings, By means of headphones and amount is needed in summer on ac- Valley people and i * n f are to be based on the number of votes cast pecial microphone, a scientist claims count of the activity of the sweat any injurious effect on healthy in-1 hiked fifteen miles into Evanston, con mended for then thoughtfulness, was very nominal and well within . , glands. , . who are temperate in Illinois, after having fallen from an Plenty of sleep or, at dividual« Daniel l aylctt Jr. cuttirg .ye the limitations fixed by the corrupt [to have beard the sound made >>y; gland, automobile in which it was riding. worms gnawing in apple». least, plenty of rast in bed, aven if their food and drink. at the McLeod ram b. I practices law. APPROPRIATIONS LISTED FUT VALE AIID OWYHEE CYCLONIC WINDS Detour Oregon Trail Traffic HEALTH RULES FOR SUMMER WEATHER Over John Dag ON OREGON TRAIL r JORDAN V ALLE Y | STEIWER’S VICTORY COST $10,875 SHOWN DR. ELWOOD MEADE