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About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (May 7, 1926)
STANFIELD GRAZING BILL JOHN WILL BEJAST BENEFIT DAY TOWNS LINKED BY GOLD NUGGETS BUNG c< m miiaion that in its place they pu 1 a sign informing the public that it is' D r u r u /r n l P T I U I T V th* John Day Highway, a direct and K b lltr Y C U A l l l Y I ) I beautiful road to the Columbia high way and Portland. To the Editor: It takes a lot of imagination and From the Malheur Enterprise. a we|j trained fancy to conceive that Tho proposed Grozin* bill, pend Again this week reports have . . . . , .. ing in Congress, is so little under ARLINGTON AND VALE NEIGH leached Vale showing the increas this sign is unknown to the com M ora T han M eets the N ation’ * B illion D ollar H igh w ay B uilding BORS ON NEW MAC A DEM IZ- ed mining activity in northern Mal mission and it takes a lot of chari Bill— T hom a* H. M a cD on a ld , C h ief o f the U. S. B ureau stood that its purposes have been ty to regard its presence as anything ED ROAD. heur and in Baker counties. In t$i o f P ublic R oads, T ells Striking Details. largely misconstrued. The final set . . . . . . . . . . else than a well calculated design. The towns along the John Day gold districts work is becoming u _ .... , . . tlement of the remaining Public Do Highway arc now linked together . , . |, . .. However, we are willing to explain marked, especially in the Mormon .. .. By JUD80N C. WELLIVER d ,. . . , where . _ .. D • v as one which . the main has been drawing nearer, and like a string of hot dogs, and shake Basin district the Rainbow i the , «tuation .__ , . com- . . .. . . , mission has not got to yet, but will one and the whole string will bark. Amerioa has reverted to the ancient system o f collecting some form of a leasing measure has . , . and a number of other developed l _. .. . Towns that used to be a lifetime mines . are ___ tv . working. The Rainbow reach lt ,n • few <*“ **• whe» “ 'ey tolls wherewith to build and maintain highways. been considered for years. The Com will remove this sign and put one In 1925 these tolla amounted to f 1,094,000,000, collected mittee on Public Lands in the Sen apart are now separated by only a mill has been running and ore is up that will inform the public that through motor licenses, gasoline taxes, property, corporation, few minutes. The people of Vale ate, o f which Senator Stanfield is being opened on the 200-foot level. there is one of the most beautiful income production and other taxes on automobiles, automobile can almost reach out and shake The Psyche mine, where Charles chairman, has finally drafted a bill roads in the state ahead of them manufactures, the petroleum industry, etc. hands with the folks of Arlington. that conforms to the ideas of the Crail was injured last fall, is being and that it is a direct route to Port Just a few minutes run between In the same year $1,003,000,000 was spent on rural roads. Secretary of the Interior and the re-opened under the management of land. If the commission fails to re It look near a century to build $20,000,000,000 worth of rail towns, and the social acivities of George H. Thomas of Seattle. A Secretary o f Agriculture, and there move this sign, it may have some roads. A highway system costing that much will be created in one is the concern of all. One can fore has the approval of each. large shipment of supplies and« ma live in one town and go to church chinery have been sent to the mill. bad luck, for no sign board for the twenty years at present rate. At such time as taxes become too in another. Only an hour and one John Day Highway is better than 1 It has remained for placer gold high for stockmen to acquire own can nearly cross the county east Theae are some of the high points 624 miles, were to be Included In the “ Rough and Unimproved.”— Canyon to produce the sensation, in the find ership to lands for the grazing a f and west. presented by Thomas H. MacDonald, national system, eligible for Federal City Eagle. This extends the circle Chief of the Bureau of Public Roads, aid. Nearly every mile of that 2.866,- forded, they will refuse to seek title of friendship and acquaintance and ing of nuggets to bring back re Department of Agriculture, In an In 061 was a candidate for designation OPEN IT UP, WIDE OPEN! to new lands and will let those al it promotes the business relation. It minders of pioneer days when placer aa a Federal highway. But In th* end terview on highway development mining reigned supreme. Many new ready owned revert to the local gov changes things all around. A few From Oregon Voter, Portland. "The equipment of this continent the system was laid out as a truly aar locations have been made, and are ernments. Such conditions are here. years back and the people of each w made day in ; he vicini. “ The Oregon Voter, by way of de with modern roads has been the most tlonal one. The Grazing bill is drafted for a community “ When the map was published lt were largely related. of MaIheur. fending Stanfield |«r his truancy amazing provision of a public utility dual purpose: first, to cause those They married and intermarried from the senate, makes mention of that any community ever accom showed nearly the 200,000 miles of portions of the Public Domain (that and the girls really did not have plished In a similar period,” said Mr. designated routes. Since then 46,481 COMMENT OF OREGON PRESS. the financial reverses he sustained MacDonald. “ Historians say tha miles of these roads have been Im no one can afford to wn) to have much choice and they had to take a just before his election when he was Roman Empire was held together by proved, nearly 13,000 more are under an earning capacity in the form of three-cylinder hubby in the mud. Can Stanfield win? Robert Nel- trying to make Portland the western Its highway system, radiating from construction, and over 2,000 have been a reasonable grazing fee on the Now, if a girl in Brogan doesn't like son Stanfield did what no other man wool market. The less The Voter Rome to the Provinces. But America approved for early beginning of work. stock that use them; and, secondly, the masculine opportunities at home democrat or republican, had been brings that wool venture into the has converted a continent Into a In addition to that many states have to stabilize the livestock industry to she can crank up the old jit and able to do for years and years— he built, without Federal aid, extensive political discussion, the less it will neighborhood within a few years. . the extent tha it can and will pay run over to Whiskey Gulch and get defeated George Chamberlain. "This accomplishment really repre- sections which are Included within Mr. embarrass the senator. There are the fee. a good one. If the girls of John Stanfield not only secured the sup- soem things about the deal which lents the Inauguration of a new sys this national system. In fact, these By the terms of this proposed bill Day, Prairie City or Dayvillc don’ t port of the admirers of Chamberlain, have never been disclosed to the tem of taxation; a system of licenses state contributions aggregate $6,000 and excises levied against particular miles, so that approximately two- everyone, both great and small is like the choice of local shieks they but also of many others from all public and which won’t stand pub privileges or classes of property, tha thirds of the 200,000 mile national protected. In the first place the for can glide away to Condon or A r parties. Mr. Stanfield may be weak lic inspecton.’’ proceeds being dedicated to highway highway system has already been Im mation o f a Grazing District is ini lington and pick a pippin. The home as intimated in a recent issue of a proved. We quote the foregoing from As development. "For 1925 state taxes on gasoline tiated by petition of the resident grown stuff may be up to local stan leading republican newspaper o f this toria Budget, a democratic paper Uncle Sam aa Road Supervisor stockmen affected. A stockman is dard, but we believe in wise pas state, but if he is nominated in the which was one of the original spon iggregated $143,000,000. Add to that “Along with all of this, there Is the 1263.500,000 for automobile registra Federal supervision over construction defined as one that owns ten head tures and the John Day Highway May primaries and should fail of el sors for the Steiwer candidacy. tion and licenses; $150,000,000 as and maintenance. When Unole Sam of any kind of liv«$;tock. Anyone now makes the folks from Arling ection, it will be because of such ut Whence this sudden consideration property taxes on the 20,000,000 auto owning less than ten head can use a ton to Ontario all running mates.— terances by alleged republican news for Stanfield’s tender sensibilities? mobiles; $148,430,709 as the Federal helps build a road he reserves au grazing district free and without any Canyon City Eagle. papers, and not through any fail We may “ embarrass the senator,” excise tax on automobiles, parts and thority to require Its proper main tenance. Then there Is the business charge whatver. Rights are deter ure of Senator Stanfield. Oregon forsooth! accessories for 1925; $50,000,000 to of uniform marking along highways, represent whnelage taxes, special mined by priority of use and land knows Stanfield and Stanfield knows And why does the Budget hide which makes lt possible for motorists holdings. Grazing districts are only his Oregon. If the Oregonian or information which the public should taxes on gasoline or cars, and lines to drive thousands of miles on a des collected from motor drivers. The ignated route whose markings be- formed at the discretion o f the Sec any other newspaper wants to send i{nowv Why does it simply hint, or total reaches approximately $749,- come so familiar that after a few retary o f tho Interior when it ap a republican from this state to the warn> or threaten? Why not come 130,709 miles he need not ask direction*. pears that the lands are better suit United States senate following the ouj j„ [he open and tell the public. Nearly $1,100,000,000 Yearly Tolls "Finally Federal participation has ed for grazing purposes than for November election, it occurs that the If thege mysterioU8 «things” are "But these figures do not Include mado possible a great number of homes. nomination of R. N. Stanfield in the true, the public ought to know them income and corporation taxes derived bridges at strategic points. Some of After administration expenses are SECY. CHAS. J. SHELTON SAYS primary election would be a long aa anything relating to a candidate’s rom the motor car business. Nor do these have been needed for years, yet deducted, 26 per cent of fees collect MANY PROMINENT SPEAKERS stride in that direction, if past per- jjusjnesg record has a pertinent bear- liey Include state, local, production, state and local authorities hare been WILL ATTEND. ed goes to the schools and 26 per formances count for anything. ing on whether he should be elected orporation or Income taxes of the unable to provide them, partly be cent to the roads in the county North Powder News. j to a United States senatorship. If petroleum Industry. Yet that Indus cause of the cost, partly because of try has a capitalization of about competition between routes. When a where it originates. Schools and they are false, Stanfield can refute Bend, located near the center of $9,000,000,000. A modest estimate for stream separates two counties, or two The Oregonian has issued a pro- ^ ^ roads being the greatest source of the plateau rangelands of the mid clamation that it will oppose Stan- these, added to the preceding figures, states. It Is often impossible to get ' tax burden, the entire public share . . .. . . . If anyone could use stronger lang- makes a total of $1,094,930,709, which them to agree where to build or how state country, is to be the 1926 con field. What of . . it? It has done that , . . . . . . ., B in the benefit and each property- . . „ . .. uage m denouncing Stanfield than s considerably more than the eutlre to divide the cost of a bridge. In vention city of and horse twice before. ---------------- — cattlemen -------------------------- The Oregonian says it * , . . * . ... holder’s taxes are reduced accord raisers such cases the Federal authority has of Oregon. Tho I3th annual wiI1 support some other candidate. has been used by his creditors it mount spent on country roads. "You observe that 1 have not ln- repeatedly mediated differences and ingly. Hence, it can readily be seen convention of the Oregon Cattle and Wcn it has often done that w ith; mlght not be flt t0 prlnt' Yet’ luded the government's expenditures secured construction. Let me men that it is not only the stockmen who .... , . .. . . e , le c , , t,. among who . have Horse Raisers association is to be no political . .. these , creditors, , , suf- ,)f nearly $100,000,000 in Federal aid tion some instances. effect except to elect . 1. are benefited by this bill, but each held there on May 28 and 29. ’ . .. ----------- *----------------fered . , _ fered the the heaviest heaviest financial financial losses lo?=“ u severa, ------------ "Missouri has been a state for over to road building. In the eight years several democratic senators from . . . , , and every tax payer. from his misfortune, and who in 'rom 1918 to 1925 Inclusive, the Gov- a century. Divided east and west by Secretary Charles J. Shelton con- Oregon, their bitterness of soul denounced rnment has contributed $160,000,000 the Missouri river, communication be- It provides also for increased veyed the announcement to the Bend Stanfield has more enemies than o help the states build roads That tween the two sections has been lim carrying capacity o f the ranges by Commercial club in a letter to that any other active politician in Ore- him for things he did in his stupen allowing fencing, re-seeding, regu organization a few days ago ai|l goaj yet he had thcm aix years ag0. dous fight to save his business,— s considerably less than half of whnt ited. to the state’s disadvantage. Four same creditors are he country spent on roads In cither bridges across the river were required lates grazing and encourages im stated that the association members Ili9 dry record ¡s probably no better among these in the national highway program, and provement of watering places. The wero invited to hold their conven- and certainly no worse than some of found men who today are support 924 or 1925. Moreover, In tho same Federal co-operation with the state of ight years, while the Government ing him. They are men who are ■.as distributing that $160,000,000 to Missouri has made them possible. increase of the livestock carried will tion in Bend this year at the an- opponents. He is from an un- broad enough to gulp down their he states. It collected $.373,000,000 In Two are completed, the others are un consume teh surplus farm products nual session of the stockmen held in prejudiced standpoint, regardless of bitterness and to support him be nternal revenue taxes on motor cars, der construction. The four will cost and help pay the taxes too. Portland in 1925. any individual’s opinion, still the he can do far -arts and accessories. Other hun- a little more than $2,000,000, the Fed It is most unfortunate that so There are many things of grave best bet in the race to win the re- cause , they . feel sure ,, ., ... . . . , ,, more for Oregon than can any other Ireds of millions were collected In In eral contribution being nearly $1,000,- constructive a measuree should be importance to the cattle and horse publican nomination and would as 000. :ome and corporation taxes from mo made the football of politics. It is raisers of Oregon to be acted on at easily as anyone defeat any demo Getting Bridges Constructed The summer of 1919 was hot and or car manufacturers and dealers opposed merely because Senator the Bend meeting, Shelton states in crat in the general election.—Arling Thus it appears that Federal pon “ Another bridge that has a peculiar dry. The winter of 19i9-20 was ex- Stanfield originated it and someone his letter. This is the second time in ton Bulletin. rihutlon to roads as compared to the ______ 1 traordinarily severe. Hay was ontributlon of people who make and Importance, both locally and nation wants his post as United States recent years that the state cattle ally. has been needed for generations Senator. It would seem that Portland is 3caree $40 a ton- Stanfield ise the cars and the gasoline has across Raritan bay, New Jersey. It Is men and horse raisers have select been decidedly modest forninst Bob Stanfield because he borrowed heavily to get through one of the links in the chain of ©» It must be remembered that no ed Bend for their convention. It is "But, while Federal contribution 19 muntcatlon between New York city Oregon and ‘ be winter. Also, he indorsed $1,50- other candidate but Stanfield has expected that several hundred stock- represents the State of mly about 10 per cent of highway ex and the country at large. In 1924 ns much knowledge of the meaning men, from all parts of the state, will does not spend all his time working 0,000 or more of paper of other pense, lt has accomplished results al New Jersey had some $700,000 of Fed ¡t>9 sheepmen whereby they got through for the interests of Portland, o f the subject, and if the voters re be in attendance. together out of proportion to Its eral aid allotted to her roads and la the winter. Some of this borrow imount. First, lt was an incentive to 1925 over $1,000,000. So the state “ I am already arranging for a tough world.— Milton Eagle. ject it in electing one of his oppon ing was on chattel mortgages on the States. Th^. Government required ents, they will repudiate the Admin speakers to be present at the con agreed that this Raritan bridge should sheep. Some herds were lost, some them to Invest aa much as it con ROAD SIGN BUNK! be built, costing about $4,000,000. istration, from the President down vention and assure you that there cut in half, as a result of the severi- tributed. Then the Government takes Federal funds made up about one- through the Secretary of the In will be many prominent men present third of the amount. The bridge, over Whcre the John Day Highway in -jty of the winter. When the loan part In a general supervision of con terior, the Secretary of Agiculture whose addresses will be well worth structlon and a share In determining a mile and a half long. Is now nearly and the Commissioner of the Gener listening to,” states the association tersocts the Oregon Trail at Ontar-; companies counted them, some herds routes. So we have built roads on completed. io is the state highway sign “ To ( had only half the number of sheep better standards, and have got them al Land Office, for they all have secretary. "Such illustrations might be multi Bums 166 Miles, Rough and Unim-j in them; some had less thqn half; organized Into a truly national sys approved this measure. plied Indefinitely. National participa proved.” Several million dollars' some were almost a total loss. De- tem Instead of forty-eight state sys tion has repeatedly made possible th* GEO. M. LOVE. have been spent on the John Day! tractors o f Stanfield assert he stole terns. accomplishment of vitally Important Unifying the Road System Highway by the State of Oregon,! the sheep. highway development." OREGON CELEBRATES ‘Some day It will be realized that According to the American Petro the government and the several j That spring, when $12 sheep were BIRTHDAY ANNIVERSARY counties, and the road is practically j worth only $4 and when 40-cent wool this was the most valuable contribu leum Institute, the gasoline tax waa tion. Driving from Boston to New first Imposed In 1919 In Oregon. It completed, and yet where this high- was worth only 15 cents, Stanfield The Oregon country had a birth York, a man may pass through tour has now been adopted by all tha From tho Malheur Enterprise. way connects with the Oregon Trail was fighting to save his business. states. day Sunday. On May 2, 1843, there Every one might have a states except New York. Illinois. New A mining boom is taking place at Ontario is the state signboard i Did he kite checks between Portland splendid highway system; but if these was organized at Champoeg in Mar Jersey and Massachusetts. Tha ten and Chicago ? Did he grasp at ev- did not articulate at the state lines ion county, on the Willamette river in Mormon Basin, on the boundary rending “ rough and unimproved.” dency has been continually to In crease the rate of tax per gallon. As and Baker Here is a correct log of the r o a d :'c r y straw? What didn’t he do? Ac- the trip would be almost Impossible. juat below Newbcrg the first provis line between Malheur late as 1921 gasoline taxes tor th* en ional government o f Oregon. Tra counties. Not ono gold mine but a From Ontario to Vale 16 miles, as cording to some of the same credi- Thanks to the systematization under Federal Influence, country roads are tire country were only about $5,000 dition Informs us that when a divis dozen are being worked by crews fine a macadam road as there is in tors who now are supporting him, as superior to state boundary lines as 000; In 1922, $12,000,000; In 1922. al- Ac- Oregon; from Vale to Brogan 25 he did pretty much every desperate sre railroads. ion on the question of forming a of from two to twenty men. most $37,000,000; In 1924, $72,000,000, gvemmont was called for 61 formed tivity is inchcasing every day, pros- miles, a fine road over which a car thing a desperate man could think "The Federal highway act of 1921 and In 1925, $142,987,749. pectors are making new locations could travel 76 miles an hour. Road o f doing in his effort to save his on each side, but that one, a French required that a complete nation reach With good prospects thst the "gas" Canadian, changed over and tho:|- and at present indications point to surfneed and completed about five business. And he didn’t save it. He ing system of roads be designated tax will be adopted soon by states This is miles west of Brogan. About 30 lost everything. His creditors lost within two years, as the roads to which do not hare It now and with who favored a government won by far greater development. the gallonage rates being increased In If which Uncle Sam would give assist a vote of 62 to 60. The first gov the opinion of Paul Grondona, who miles through Cow Valley with as part of what they had loaned. other states. It Is calculated that this ernment was organize«! with Oregon arrived here from the basin early fine a completed road grade as there they hadn’t lost, Stanfield would ance. It was found that there were 2,866.061 miles of highway in the tax alone will soon raise $200,000,000 is In the state, and at this season a have been a marvel, a hero, who, by City as the capital. Later in 1848 this week. country. Of these 7 per cent, or 200,- a year, quite possibly during 1926. Some of the mines that nre now car can make 30 miles an hour and his resourcefulness saved his cred- the territorial govenment was form ed with General Joseph Lane as first being developed are the Rainbow, never shift a gear. From here sur- ¡tors and himself. His desperate ex- G A SOLINE TAXES BY STATES governor. In 1859 Oregon wi)« ad where a crew of 18 men are engaged facing is in progress for a few miles ploits would have been acclaimed Oaa Ta x Oaa T a x mitted to the union. From the hum under the supervision o f King; the and then a beautful and completed as proving his nerve, his ability, States per Gal. Collections Stataa per Gal. Col laotiana 1925 1925 1925 1925 ble beginning at Champoeg 83 years Sunny Hill under Bill Phelan will highway to Arlington on the Colum- his character. But he lost out, and Ala. t I 1140.901 N H. 2 | his creditors very justly blamed him l.r.ftft !*95 A rk . ago the great government of Oregon have 100 men employed before fall; hia Highway. 4 N J. Nona Arts. 1 81 ft .271 N Mox 137.154 1 Does that sound like the log o f a for some of the things he did. has risen. At Champoeg the first the Randall has a crew of 4 miners C jü t 12 .««9.1» 21 N T. Nona Col 1 >«4.521 2 Thi$ Drag it all out in the open. Take, N. a ... step toward making Oregon an Am under Mr. Harrington; the Oregon rough and unimproved road? 4 6 , 272.#92 1 . 508 , 90 ft Conn. 5 N D. 1 erican state instead of a British pro Paymaster employs 10 men under road has cost millions of dollars and ( It apart and see wj^at makes it I*>1 t 250.580 Ohio t #. 157,202 122.241 ru. I . 0 Î 4 .JO 8 4 Ok In. 5 . 142.517 Mr. Daley; the Oregon Chief 4 men it should have a better reputation ■ smell. After what Stanfield has (M vince was taken. On. 4.421 314 4 Ore. t 2 . 884.522 Mah« 939 . 87 ] I 10.200.#00 Pennn. Champoeg scarcely looks its im under Hogley and the Porter Colt at the hands of the State Highway j gone through, he can stand what- i m Nona R. I. 194.434 I I ruf. portance. It once boasted a sa employs four under D. Calloy of commission, than “ rough and unim- ever new “ embarrassment” may be 5 4.792.481 a a 8 . 195.714 1 Iowa I 2.215.104 8 D. 1 . 992.112 2 proved.” | occasioned by any and every charge loon but now even that is gone. Nampa. Kan. s 2.27«,994 Ta nn . 2 . 193.453 2 Kr- t John Boswell of this city Is work- Wm. Duhy of Baker Is chairman' that might be made against him. Te x . There are only a few old houses 2 . 744.407 1 Ln I t.3.rj,&42 U tah # 519.105 75.558 the state highway commission | And after it is all Out in the open Mn perhaps half a mile from the monu ing at the Uncle Sam mine every of 1 1.0*0.00# VI «* Md. 2 2.022,981 Va. 9 . 615 . 17 # 2 and John and he ought to have more pride and dissected and exhibited and ment which commemorates the great Hay. with John Moffitt Main. N r ia Waah. 2,##0.#0# 1 M inn 2 1,883 94# W Vn. this splendid highway than to in- gloated over, ask the question: Is day on the river bank back In '43. Woods of Malheur City similarly en- 2.155 74 # Mich. 1 9.000 0<K* WlH 2.447 23 « !H But th* glory of Champoeg can ne gaged at their prospects. The But- troduc* it where it connect* with there any other candidate for United Misa. t 2.439. <83 W yo. t 4 «# »71 M m 2 4 , 894 . 2 «# D ia l of O n 2 797 . 45 « ver fade. Like Plymouth Rock and ler properties are also a scene o f the Oregon Trail as “ rough and un- States senator who has the force, | M »n t 2 735.00# Neb 2, 2 improved.” The public are entitled the abiity, the standing, the position, Jamestown It Is enshrine,1 in the activity. K ef. Total 4 $142,987,76* 218.21# Mr. Grondona says these men are »o better information. We would not the seniority, the capacity to do as hearts o f th* people. It is well that demand that the State Highway much for Oregon as Stanfield has Oregon people should celebrate the finding "pay dirt" right along _________________ , Commission inform the public that done and can do in spite of his founding o f civil government in Ore B a a a ty in W o m a n '» this is the best route to Portland, troubles, in spite of his faults and gon in th* long ago. It is part of Where is any author In the «vert«! hut we should demand that this sign in spite of the discredit which has, our priceless heritage, part of the of “ rough and unimproved" he re- been heaped upon him from the be- history in which Oregon is so won teaches such beauty a* W* should suggest to the ^ginning of his term? eye?— 8hwk«-e|*«*ere. moved. derfully rich.— Baker Herald. Uncle Sam and His the S..:t:s, A re Collecting Over a Billion Dollars in Yearly Tolls on Motor Vehicles and Fuel STYCKRAISERS TN MEET AT BEND MAY 28 • 29 AT MOBMON BASIN MINES Journal Want Ads Pay