G A fE H-W-l Poultry Supplies H -t-H NYSS A & Our Ice Plant IT FISK Nyssa Packing Co. BURB1DGE & RAY. Prop Phone 6 Nyssa, Or. Oils and Gas ¡Box 53, Lents Sta,, Portland, Ore. a30 4t. Wood Stave PIPE I Rote« RHONE I# I K- Everything for the car at the Hoxie [ j Service Station, Nvsaa, Oregon, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Butler entertain* cd at dinner Sunday. Guests present were Mr t-nd Mrs C P. Lackey, On tario; Mr. and Mra. Albert Bosh, Pay Prop. |; cUe; Mr and Mrs. Gordon Ray of Or.« tario, Mr. and Mra. Dewey Ray and Oregon son Stanley, and Mra. P. M Binkley. SH A V IN G , H A IR C U T TIN G HOT A N D COLD BATHS L C.LIVERT R raso able Jack Hunter is the owner o f ane w Ford sedan. ? Roy Pounds, Xysai ■ t Mr and Mrs C. F Miller and two children tpem Sjnday with Mr and Mrs La tlig at Payette. Remember Mother T ! HE beat friend in the w ord , the one who is most annioustosee you happy, who prays for your success, who wonld believe in you though the whole world were against you —your mother. O f course you will remind her o f your love on the day that has been set apart fo** mothers. How she will cherish your Greeting on Mother’s Day! And if you know some other mother who, perhaps, is lonely, send her a greeting, too—for your own mother’s sake. Mothers count the little things, and this is one you must not neglect! M other’s Day Is Sunday, May 9 NYSSA PHARMACY N Y S 3 A , OREGON W rite or Wire Sampson Music Weiser, Idaho. C o . plied the native. “ Too bed, sorry to hear It. Whut business Was he le t” "H e manufactured a pewC:-r to sbakn In the shoes to eaae tired feet. He did pretty well. too. until the iietnnw- Idle ruined hia bualnean"—Clndaaatl Ka< «Irer. Manager K L IN K ENBERG PROM. Hoxie Service Station Must Be Sold at Once Tho score—Nyssa 4, Brogan 2 Scores o f other I. O league games: For Sale—SplendiJ buy in a standard New Plymouth 7; Vale 4. make used piano like new. Price Fiuitland 7: Jamieson 4. T e a m s ’ S t a n d in g reasonable. Write Bampson Music Won Lost Per cent Co., Weiser, Idaho. a93t Nyssa........... 2 0 1.000 P. M. Binkley has returned from the Brogan......... 1 1 eoo sanitarium at Vale much improved in Fru. timid___ 2 0 1,000 beal.b Vale ... 0 2 000 Mr. and Mra. H ir ry Gosbert and Jamie-on___ 6 a 000 » ♦ ♦ ♦ * * * * * * * * * * * * » t- 4 » » 4 » H ~4 two children of Emmett spent Sunday New Plymouth 1 t eoo with hia father, S. D. Goshert. ard family. City Dray Line C. Nyssa Wins Again PIANO FOR SALE Boise Payette Lumber Co. Local Sales We can give you 24-hour service on anything, at pru-ea that meet catalogue house competition Why send away? Mr and Mrs. (I M. Keough o f Boise are living in the Swan apartment In one o f the fastest games ever house. Mr Ksoogh is an auto ebanie at the Herman Towne garage, seen in Nysaa, the local boys defeated Nysaa, Oregon Brogan by the score o f 4 to 2 It was Mra C. L McCoy and child en, >W9 » M $ » » » fr» 9 0 » l » 8 W »9 9 9 4 4 9 6 8 9 8 8 M P 4 9 » > a caae of one, two, three until the 6th » ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ » » 6 9 9 9 1 Mrs, C. F. M.ller and children and inning when Brogan got two men Mra. Char. McConnell spent the week across on two hits and two batters hie end with friends in Nampa. For County Commissioner. by the pitcher. Nyasa also dented the Watch for the date for tho senior plate 4 times in her half with 4 bits, I hereby announce my candidacy for class play. the office o f County Commissioner on two o f which were 3 baggers by Mc­ the Republic,in ticket, aubjeet to the F .ed Klingback will buy your bum Cullough ana Diven, That inning will of the Republican voters at the lamba. Fred Klilngbaek. a233l c mplated the scoring and the balance primary election to be held May 91 Wednesday evening at the regular o f the game went by with big league 1988, .-1 m eeiin go f the O. E, S. Miss Thelma ■ peed. A spectacular catch by Cliff , r . T. M u BSAK. Thompson and J. R, Hunter were in Fields in l i f t field was the outstanding iti.t.d into the mysteries o f the order oiay o f the game, although the team* The lodge goat was feeling pretty as a whole playad big league ball frisky and gave the candidates an In­ A feature of the game was the scare!- Few Tired Feet Now In vicinity o f Nyaaa for balance o f teresting session. A social hour was tp o f errors, only two being marked ; “ What’a become of old Georg» Had- unpaid contract. against each team. enjoyed after the meeting and delicious i nlotri" asked the visitor to the eld N ext Sunday Nyssa goes to Fruit- refreshments in abundance were home town. “ Oh, bis business felled land. served. and lie’s In the ponrhouee noi*," re­ ..Treated and Untreated.. H. T. Francis, Malheur County Bank Car Repairing Whenever you need ice HAVE Death of Andy Kirk The death o f ‘ Andy” Kirk NYSSA, OREGON occurred on Monday, May 3, A t the Close o f Business April 12, 1926 1926. at the home o f his brother Arda, after a brief illness. L IA B IL IT IE S RESOURCES Burial services were held W ed-1 Loan« and Discount*.......$468,831, IS Capital Stock.......... ............ ( ÎIÎ.000.09 Mr. and Mrs. Ross Parkinaon and nesdayatthe Methodist church, O verd raft.............................. »53 00 Surplus and Profits___ _____ 40,189.13 ihildrentock in the big celebration conducted by the pastor, Rev. Building,Furniture. A Fixt. *3,500.00 Bille Payable............... . 20,990 89 at Nampa Wednesday and raport a 08 Hershey, attended by a large Other Reel E state_____ 5,8*8 Rediscounts.___ ______. . . . . NONE record attendance. Ross says he ia bonds end Warrants___ 6,316 26 aore yet from b a iig jambed in the number o f sorrowing relatives C ash and D ub I-non B anks 51,817.83 D EPO SITS........................... 4; d,747.11 and friends. Interment was in crowd. (548,836.33 $540,909.39 For sale near Nysaa, piano, very the Ontario cemetery. Couuty Funds for Which Surety Bonds are Famished—H O N E sweet tone and plain caae 110 month Andrew Allison Kirk was born jiy, a anap. Writa P. D. Sproule, December 26, 1896, at Colches­ OFFICERS A N D DIRECTORS I Adjuster, Box 133, Boise, Ioa. m72t ter, Illinois, and died May 3, H. J. Ward, President John Ray, Vice President Miss Clara O iterm ier o f Gslifernia, 1926, at Nyssa, Oregon, being J. P. Dunaway, Cashier [accompanied by har parents o f Parma, O. G. Bauer, Assistant Cashier H. A D iver, Assistant Cashier were Monday evening callers at the 30 years, 4 months and 8 days J. F. Rsece J. J. Saraxin G. L. Phillips G E. Bertach home, dn the silver wad­ old at the time of hia death. He ding anniversary o f Mr. and Mrs (>«- moved to Ueggs, Oklahoma, in The little unlocked for services, courtesies ard attentions—outside the tsrmier. 1905 and to Nyssa in 1918- He beaten path o f routine—are what have counted moat in making loyal friends Mr anil Mra. Gsorga Bertach mo­ leaves to mourn his loss a mother. end customers for thia bank. tored to Mitchell Butte last Sunday Mrs. Ella Kirk, four sisters— and along with many othara enjoyed Mrs, C. D. Simpson o f Home- the hot springs there, dale, Ida., Mrs. R. H. Martin, " A ll o f a Sudden P e g g y ” —the sen Nyssa, Or., Mrs. Edward War- ior class play. Nellie i Mrs. H. K Sherwood and Mra. 8 D. ren, Nyssa, Or., Miss • Goshert attended the county spelling Kirk, Nampa, Ida.; five brothers Try this shop once. |contest at Vale Thursday in the capac — Walter Kirk, Chicago. 111., j ity o f judges o f the co.,teat, Stacy Kirk, Beggs. Okia., John T IR E S C C. Hunt is in Vale today as one Kirk. Yuba City, Cal, Arda TUBES of the judges o f the track meet being Kirk, Nyssa. O r, William Kirk, held there. As complete a stock of car accessories as any Weiser, Ida. His father, Alii Mrs Franklin Fry end Mrs. Will in Malheur County—those odds and ends of son A. Kirk, died October 25, B am will entertain the members o* your needs you have had tosendolT and wait the Eastern Sta r Social Club in the 1916. fo r Ourintention is to carry everything you Masonic hall Wednesday, May 12 ’ Andy,” as he was known to can reasonably expect in car accessories. Vt anted —To purchase land under the everybody, was universally pop­ On yhee project Give prices and full ular and will be missed in our particulars or cash. Address P. O community. ** WE OF ♦ ♦ m i i i m i * * m h ♦♦ ♦ »* 111111 ♦♦♦♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦» The N yss. Hharmacy is installing a frigid sir cabinet fo r Ice cream. This will ’near, patrons the best of service, keeping the cream in Aral dasa condi­ tion, tb . temperature being kept far below freezing. Mr. McCoy i i a wide ■wake business man and giras hia pa­ trons the very best o f service. OREGON. Is running full capacity. CONDENSED STATEM ENT LOCAL NEWS IN BRIEF Custom Cleaning and Grinding Nyss h Grain Seed Co. NOW AC Mra. Arthur Boydell and Mrs Jjbn Cat e, lo o entertained the Guild Thurs day Thurat ay afternoon Refresh« mei ts were served am. a social boor enjoyed ifccuAy A 'w ay t Longed For Aiiiiooglt t i e ; tail nu treality par io n to v|»lt, tire Roman Indies spent a- much time lu s e 'f adornment as worn o f any a -e Yet the piTort was no U f fir Ir ¡inri t! i v her] sta le * a-ph-n’ y to II- L -.1! t¡ di orali-ui as they eon »M e r c i I>■ n 'a-. To show that their palnst.ihl: c t- :.»•!* were appreciated, one liter re ,tl that O vid found lime to repress himself at length In defense of .-nematics. H oler in Cactus The forest service says that authori­ ties do not agree as to why holes are found In --actus wood; however, a sci­ entist gives rhe following explanation which Is generally accepted: C arta» cannot nffor-l to have solid wood be­ cause there la not enough fertility and rain water In the soil to provide for It. Therefore, It It an economy of natore For Sale— Ford Coupe, 1928 model, in fine condition. One Perfection oil heater, and 4 hole camp (tore. See J. S Ewing- Instating Serve! J J. Cancelmo ia having a "S e r v e r* installed in hia home Probably not many peonie in ibis community know 1 what a Servel ia, but it ia the very atust thing in refrigerators; in fart, it is 99 0 a t Lomotrng. furthe- continuance, as permanent. a n y age, is ac­ cidental payable in a single sum or aa income for ■ term o f years, or for life r $20,000 i f death, at POWELL SERVICE STATION Nyasa, Orogvn. Talk with Hunter J. R. Hunter Loral Agent •O *