T he G ate C ity J ournal VOL. XXIV. NO. 13. 16634416 N 1 SS A, OREGON, FRIDAY, MAY 7, 1926. OWYHEE JOHN DAY HI-WAY WILL GET SURFACE IÏ CATTLE PAY DIVERSIFY FARM *1 50 PER YEAR County Statistics COUNTY TRACK MEET AT VALE TODAY Mr. and Mrs. O. R. Hite enter R. S. Hughson to Wm. A. Bever tained at a farewell party for El idge, 3 placer mining claims. 10|29|- mer Ash who is leaving for Bend, 26. $1.00. (Q. C. Deed). Oregon. Refreshments o f sandwich Harry R. Hughes et ux to G. J es, cake and ice cream were served ---------- ECONOMIC REPORT EXPLAINS Magenheimcr, NV4SEI4 Sec. 16-16- HUNDREDS OF VISITORS ARB at the end o f an enjoyable evening. EXPECTED AS MANY SCHOOLS HIGHWAY DELEGGATION GETS BEST METHOD OF UTILIZING *3- 12|18|25. $1.00. (Q. C. Deed). AUTO CARAVAN FROM HIGH Leonard Smith had the misfortune LABOR AND CROPS. Geo- E Davis et ux to Malheur WILL PARTICIPATE. 16.6 MILES WAY TOWNS SPENT WEEK to have a pitch fork run through SURFACING OF j I .and Co., Jamieson Acreage Tract THRU COW VALLEY. END IN COUNTY. his wrist while with a party o f boys | No. 138. 4|12|26. $1.00. (Q. C. Deed) who were using the forks to spear G J Magenhemer et ux to Malheur From the Malheur Enterprise. Dairy cattle offers the best com Next Friday, May 7th, will be a bination of opportunities for profit I .and Co., E% N E% Sec. 24-16-42; had healed nicely. able employment of surplus man la SW14NW14 Sec. 19-16-48; NHSE14 gala day in Vale as the Malheur f Mrs. T. M. Lowe has been on the bor in this county, says a recent ec Sec. 16-16-43; Lots 1 to 6, ine., county track meet for grade school sick list this week. onomic report from the Oregon Ag Block 4; Lots 1 to 8, ine.. Block 6; students o f town and rural schools The Klingback family were Nyssa T. T. Nelsen, C. H. Oxman, Jesse Vale Commercial Club Entertains ricultural College. Utilization of Lots 1 to 4, ine., Block 6; Lots 1 and will be held here. A record break and Payette visitors on Saturday. Hamstreet, B. A. Robertson and pasture and hay and fertilizer for 2, Block 13; Lots 1 to 16, irte., Block ing crowd is expected With Banquet at Drexel Hotel as about Miss Georgia Rust spent the week OtherH Meet With Commission. — Visit Neighbor Towns. truck crops is provided through use 14; Lots 1 to 8, inc., Block 26; and twenty schools have been out for end in Ontario as a guest of Miss of dairy cattle. Figuring all cost I<ots 10 to 14, inc.. Block 26, Bra- track since early in February. Mrs. Eva Everett and attended the May E. M. Grail, county school superin factors except feed and labor are gan. 2|17|26. $1.00. Day program in Payette on Satur Sixteen and six-tenths miles of the From the Malheur Enterprise. offset with the value of calves, skim Wilbur A. Stevens to Roba T. tendent, is eager to see the coming John Day highway, through Cow Vale was host to a caravan of busi day. milk and manure, it is reasonable Clark, W%E%W%NE14SW14 Sec. meet a success. Not all can go away D. E. Tufts who was taken ser Valley to Brogan, will be surfaced ness and professional men from the winners but the training that comes to expect return for labor to pay 36! 22-18-46. 3|23|26. $600.00. towns along the John Day highway iously ill while visiting at the home next month, according to a statement cents per hour. cannot be Mary F. Goul et vir to Barney with open competition last week end. There were visitors of his daughter, Mrs. Fred Kling made by the state highway commis The report arrives at its figure of B Goul, Lot 1 and SW 14SW 4 Sec. overestimated. from Arlington, Fossil, Condon, Day- back, passed away Sunday evening. sion in Portland the last of the 36 cents an hour for labor by taking 11; and north 36 acres of SE14 S E 14 On Thursday, the preceding day, shipped to Walla week. The delegation of John Day ville, Canyon City, Prairie City, The body was will be held the final county spelling the 1800 pounds of butterfat for the Sec. 10-16-47. 3|17|26. $5,000.00. boosters accomplished its mission, year, an average from six good milk Unity, Ironside, Bonita, Brogan and Walla, Wash., for burial. Arthur E. Hill et ux to Walter T. contest, when cash prizes will be Miss Alta Bradley spent the week just as T. T. Nelsen, representative Jamieson. While in the city, the cows and placing a value of 40 cents Duncan, Lot 1, Sec. 1-14-38 4|4|26. awarded the two best spellers In end at her home in Owyhee. of the Vale Commercial club, felt Vale Commercial club entertained Malheur county. a pound on it which returns a total $10.00. The Kingman Kolony will have a confident would be done. Others the road boosters with a banquet at Track Cupe of $720. Against this is charged 24 U. S. A. to Guy H. Travis, Lots 1, the Drexel hotel and annual election school picnic at the Big Bend park present at the meeting with the com tons of hay at $9 a ton amounting 2, 3, and NW14NE14 Sec. 6-24-39; Three silver cups will be offered next Friday. The P. T. A. will fur mission, were C. H. Oxman of Jamie o f officers was held. to $216, 36 months of pasture at $2 Lots 8, 10, 11, 12, and SW14SE14 at the track meet again this year, nish a treat for the children. son, member of the county court, Jes Visit Neighbor Towns. cups that made their first appear- a month or $72 and succulents and Sec. 31-23-39. 1|28|26. Mrs. J. W. Kygar reports a hatch se Hamstreet o f Brogan, secretary The caravan accompanied by a U. S. A. to Guy H. Travis, L ots. ance last year. The school winning grain at $71 for the year, making a large delegation from Vale drove to of one hundred and five turkeys of the John Day highway association, grand total of $360 or a balance 11 and 12, Sec. 30; Lota 1, 2, 3, 4, the greatest number o f points at Nyssa Saturday morning and were from one hundred and twenty eggs B. A. Robertson of Condon, president, credited to man labor for the year 5, 6, 7, and 9, Sec. 81-23-39. 1|21|26. the meet will receive the silver cup that were set. and several others from varoius of $360, estimating that 1000 hours’ immensely pleased with the pictur U. S. Land Office to Heirs of Tar offered by ofifcials of Malheur coun The O. K. K. meets with Mrs. towns along the highway. esque and fertile farming section The girl winning the most time during the year was used to|ver K. Lawrence, W14, W%NE14, ty. Advertise for Bids throngh which they passed, many of Adah Schweizer on the second in take care of these cows. , W14SE14, and SE14SE14 Sec. 11; points will receive the trophy offer stead of the third Thursday, making Bids for the surfacing o f this sec them for the first time. Poultry, the report shows, from N%NW14, and NW14NE14 Sec. 14- ed by the Vale Volunteer Fire De the date May the 13th. Mrs. Ij>'. Fri tion of the road through Malheur A t noon they were entertained by partment. These cups are to be the standpoint o f utilizing man la- 14-38. 7|6|26. (Final Certificate), er, a former Owyhee teacher is to county have been advertised, and will bor, appears favorable. This indus-1 Geo. S. Parks et ux to James W. held for one year only or until won the Ontario Commercial club with a be here to attend the meeting. be let in Portland the first of June. try, however, does not fit in so well j Parks, NE14NE14 Sec. 3-31-42. 4|- three times in succession by the luncheon at the. Moore hotel, and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Corbin of Construction will proceed at once. same school. wih utilization of farm crops pro- 20|26. $10.00. were assured cooperation for the Nyssa were Sunday callers in the It is probable that the remainder Last year the school cup was tak duced on the farm of which hay and | Sheriff C. W. Glenn to C. R. Emi- completion of the John Day high Joe Minton home. of the road in this country and some pasture are important items. way. Five son, all Blocks 22 and 23, Nysss. en by Wade district, the boy's tro The Owyhee school closed Friday, ten miles or so in Baker county will phy by Victor Hickox o f Wade 10|27|25. $7,128.60. Banquet Here. with a picnic on the spacious lawn also be surfaced this year, as one of hundred hens, the report says require U. S. A. to Jacob Hughes, Lots 1, school and the girl’s trophy by Ma- about the same amount of labor as at the Lowe ranch. Refreshments A band concert early in the even the commissioners favors the com do six cows and the return per hour 2, 3, S % N % , and S% Sec. 6-26-37 garet Hunt o f Nyssa. Wade school ing was much applauded. A fine of ice-cream and cake were served pletion of the road. students have^ been the champion for man labor may reasonably be ljl6|26. banquet later at the Drexel hotel and furnished by the teachers and While in Portland, the John Day expected to average 60 cents more Sheriff C. W. Glenn to D. W. Pow- tracksters for several years. honored the visitors. Ralph A. Holte, the P. T. A. highway delegation was treated with than from the dairy enterprise. In- ers, NW14SEI4, Winners of first, second and third NElkNEVi, and The irrigating in the Kingman every courtesy, according to Mr. Nel president o f the Vale Commercial places will recieve ribbons, in eafch vestment however for poultry in this SHNE14 Sec. 14-19-46. 5|1|26. $400.- club, acted as toastmaster. There Kolony district is being delayed on sen. event. A banner will be given to amount is much higher in the be- 00|. motor at the were many round table talks made, account of the big To Map Road ginning than other livestock, and it ; Henry L. Glascock to Lewis L. the school having the largest per the principal visiting speakers be pumping plant burning out. While in the city, the road repre is pointed out, poultry is a highly Glascock, EHSE14, and SW14SE14 cent of its pupils present at the ing H. H. Hendricks, Fossil; E. W. sentatives held a meeting for the pur technical enterprise in which t{ie Sec. 9; W H S E H , and SW14 Sec. meet. Snell, Arlington; H. J. Simmons, pose of adopting some plan of road May 7th is a school holiday for average man is not so likely to suc 10; NW14NW14 Sec. 16-14-39; 8W- Mr. Showns, and Mr. Clark o f Fos advertising, so that the advantages 14l*W(4 Sec. 4; S14NE14, SE14NW- all districts that attend the meet so ceed as in dairying. sil; Mr. Shelly and Mr. Knox o f Ar and scenic features will be better The committee, therefore, sug 14, and NV4SK Sec. 11-14-42. 11|10|- a large number of visitors is expect lington; A. B. Robertson, Condon; known throughout the state. Even ed from every section o f the county. gests that the poultry enterprise, 25. $10.00. L. L. Steiwer o f Fossil and C. H. at the present time, when the sur Sheriff C. W. Glenn to A. H. Vale welcomes everyone. except in special cases, be regarded Oxman of Jamieson. Local speak facing has not been completed, the Sec. as supplementary to the dairy en O’Leary, S%S%S%SE14SE14 ers were Robt. D. Lytle, president SHEEPMEN WANT STANFIELD highway is excelled by none. In fact, terprise. In this way skim milk 10; and north 12% acres of NE14- QUOTA FOR JUNE ONLY ONE- of the association last year, Geo. W. James Cameron is numbered it has been said that a part o f it NE14 Sec. 15-16-47. 4|21|26. $61.88. may be utilized for poultry instead HALF FILLED AT ARMY McKnight, I. W. Hope and T. T. Nel- among the wool growers who are scarcely needs surfacing as the thor of swine. Poultry will utilize some TRAINING CAMPS. aen. supporting Senator Stanfield for re- oughfare is already constructed of pasture and other succulent feeds Complaints Filed in Circuit Court election. He considers Stanfield’s nntural road material, and has as Officers Elected DeTweeds Northwestern & Paci Uncle Sam gives a month’s vaca- ...... m can n be grown. ____ The ___ numbers ________ which Annual election o f officers was tion at the various training camps, smooth a surface as an oiled high- <|( _ou]try may be proportionate to fic Hypotheekbank vs Edward New work at Washington for the live held A. B. Robertson of Condon is wthout cost to those who enroll, ^ay. After some discussion, it was j t h e amount o f surplUs labor avail- ton et als. 4|29|26. Foreclosure of stock interests of the west as one o f the Senator’s most important ac- president, T. E. Shelley, vice-presi with transportatin, board, lodging decided to have a map o f the road j ab)c aiter the requirements for crop mortgage. $1,312.87. complishmetns for Oregon, hence the dent, J. E. Hamstreet, Brogan, sec and clothing furnished gratis. There Printed on a small card, showing all, ,nterprigeg the dairy and general ---------------------------------------------------- a 1 Ferry Canyon sheepman is urging retary, and L. L. Steiwer o f Fos are daily exercises to teach the t"e towns along the route. The des- > overhead labor have been met, and JORDAN VALLEY j the retention of Stanfield in the sil, treasurer. Mr. Lytle was asked rudiments of military training and jgnated road will continue froni Ar- accor(li to the ¡„dividual situation, — • I Senate.— Condon Globe Times. to accept the nomination again this the care and improvement o f the hngton to Boise on these proposed ad- In general, however, it appears that •-------------------- ---------------- Shearing at the Thomas creek cor- year but declined. physical body all under the best o f vertising cards. 500 hens would demand the available rals was finished Saturday and t h e V A L E IRRIGATION MEN The recreation- ! m_______ HUZZ A board of directors was elected expert instructors, labor on the average farm after the machinery moved to Soldier creek, t CONFER WITH ENGINEERS with a member from each county al features include swimming, base other requirements have been met. Shearing is also in progress at the j JUNTURA From the Malheur Enterprise. through which the highway passes. ball, tennis, boxing and all kinds of Those who desire to specialize in Antelope springs plant. Both plants A delegation of local irrigation Ralph A. Holte represents Malheur, sports and games; then there are Miss Davis, our county librarian, poultry will keep larger numbers are owned by Brunzell and Costello, men conferred with R. J. Newell, Mr. Hardman, Baker county, E. W. the dances and other forms o f en- was visiting in Juntura Thursday and perhaps devote less time to crop, A number Qf the hor8e raiaers acting superintendent of reclama Snell, Gillam county, W. W. Hen tetainment as well as week-end trips and Friday. and other livestock enterprises. , are bugy ridinjf for honiei! the paat tion, and B. A. Stoutemeyer, counsel dricks, Wheeler and a director was to points of interest in the vicinity for United States Reclamation Serv The Juntura school had their try a----------------------------------------------------- ■ two weeks. chosen for Grant county. o f the Camps. The vigorous life in ice, in Boise on Friday afternoon, out for the spelling contest. Those R O N I T A Ms. Martin and daughter were the open, the comradeship with Good Results chosen were as follows: sixth grade, ■ ---------- ----------------------------------------------* over night guests o f Mrs. Sharp and relative to the contemplated con The importance o f diverting all young men from distant localities, struction of the Vale project. As Mr. Phelan went to Brogan Mon Blanche Thursday. Inglie Woodward, Howard Baker; westbound traffic over the road and the spirit aroused in a common seventh, Esther Claypool, Orin Cur day on business. soon as the supreme court approves Jabe Potter o f Danner was a busi the sale o f water by the Warm- while the Oregon Trail is being oil- patriotic service makes for better ry; eighth. May Nutt. They will be Bert Hammack and Paul Grondone ness visitor in town Thursday. ed, was discussed, and an effort was citizenship. General Pershing says: springs district, it is believed that in Vale May 6. drove to Huntington and other points made to bring about this routing, “ The young men grow more ag- The Danner school closed Friday. actual construction will proceed. this week. The Tom Woodward home was the which should prove effective. . gressive, more confident; they get , . , Mrs. Watson and daughter will leave Attending the Boise conference were Mrs. L. A. Bilyeau is taking treat-, the first of the wwk for ber holne> Another outcome o f the visit by ®P'r'* ot leadership and initiat- scene of gay festivity Saturday in R. A. Holte for the Vale district; ment for a lame spine at the Vale going to Caldwell with John Denny. the highway boosters was the circu ive and in every way become bet honor o f Helen Lee’s third birthday. Percy Purvis, Stanley Mallett, R. H. Sanitarium. Ice cream and cake were served. Leo Hains was a business vistor DeArmond, directors of the Warm- lation of a petition to the state high ter able to meet the problems of The little tots, and many grown-ups Elmo Corder went to Vale on le at the Fenwick ranch Tuesday. way commission, requesting the com every day life.” springs; and H. G. Kennard, state gal business Wednesday. In the several Camps located in enjoyed it. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Palmer' and watermaster. pletion of the surfacing o f the John Mr. and Mrs. Goodman visited h . E. Foster drove over from Lime David Graham drove to McDermitt Day this year. Several hundred the Northwest applications have hors o f Mrs. Emma Sharp gathered signers were secured here and in the been received to about half fill the Robertson’s on Otis Creek last week. Saturday night to visit his family Saturday on business. Andy Masonholder returned from at her home Thursday and gave her county, and the petition will more quota allowed. Young men contem- Dave Kent returned to Juntura here, staying over Sunday. Those present than likely result in immediate sur- plating attendance should make ap- from court attendance. Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Stream and Caldwell last week, the proud own a surprise party. Mr. and were Mrs. Edith Denny and family, facing o f the road in Malheur court- plication at onre. Infantry Camps Mr. and Mrs. Don Masterson of family enjoyed the ball game at er o f a new Ford truck. Mrs Masonholder are preparing to! Mrs. Martin and daughter, Mr. and are to be held at Vancouver Bar- Juntura are business visitors in Jamieson Sunday. rarks and Fort George Wright, Burns. leave Cow Creek and expect to trav- j Mrs. H. E. Baltzor, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Jones and little Washington. The Field Artillery el and see the county during tbs Jabe Potter and chlidren, Walter Wm. Jones, cattleman, was in Vale son Roger, who have spent the win NON-VOTING PERIL and Stanley Bowden, Will Clemons, Camp will be held at Camp Lewis, summer. ter in the Willamette for Mr. Jonea’ this week. CITED BY COOLIDGE The evening Washington, while the Coast Artill L. R. Stanford o f Jackson creek and Everett Miller. Russell Robertson was a witness health were visiting old friends in is seeding barley this week. Washington.—President C oolidge ery section will be trained at Fort was spent playing games and dan the valley Sunday. We are glad to sees a serious danger to representa Worden, Washington. Blank appli on a case in Vale, court week. Dick Malloy o f Succor Creek has cing, and everyone reports a jolly Mabel Hess was in Vale this week. note that they all look as if the Wil been spending a few days in town. good time. tive government in this cohntry m - cations and any information regard lamette agreed with them. The sheep shearers are here. The less the people are aroused from ing the Camps can be obtained from The alfalfa on the Chevalley Miss Della Miller left on Monday's Alfred Guerber’s pack tram ar stage for her home in Ontario. their present lack of interest in the Commanding Officer o f any of town seems busy since their arrival. ranch is being badly damaged by rived on the mountain Saturday. Tom Woodward shears at Beulah public affairs and go to the ballot the Camps above mentioned. Mias Freda Owings returned home large worms, which are eating the this week. C. E. Johnston, a maheinery deal Saturday from her school on the crowns o f the alfalfa. boxes on election days. It remains FOUR TRAGEDIES Jewel Carter went to her home er o f Nyssa was in the vicinity Owyhee. to be seen if they will entirely kill Citing figures to show the in A man struck a match to see if Saturday 'at Jonesboro. The Carter Thursday. Miss Hilda Jones and Miss lone out the alfalfa, but they have almost creasing number o f voters who are It family received the sad news of the Mrs. Beatrice Woodcock and a Marie Minger rode to Flint Satur ruined the field for the first crop staying away from the polls, the the gasoline tank was empty. Another man touched a death of their grandfather. He re party o f Boise friends motored up day, to enjoy the trout fishing on of hay. Mr. Chevalley in poisoning president appealed to 100 members wasn’t. to directions received Sunday to call on her sister, Mrs. Flint creek. Miss Jones is the guest according o f the Daughters of the American trolley wire to see if it was alive. sided in Washington. A man jumped out o f a of Miss Minger, who Is teaching from W. L. Shovell, county agent. Bob Madden, wife and son went Harry Reed. Revolution who heard hint Monday It was. Bill Hains went to Caldwell last He to Ontario in their new car, and re Fred Reed is still a very sick school at Flint. night to use their influence to get boat to see if he could swim. Dr. Jones made a trip to his mine week to consult a doctor. out the vote of women as well as couldn’t. A man cut out his adver port a wonderful time. They visited man from spotted fever, although Hayletts receved a pedigreed white men, pointing out that extension of tising to see if he could save money. Mrs. Madden’s parents at Homedale. Sunday night he rested fairly well. above Flint Sunday. Harold Baltzor, the seven-year-old Collie last week from Caldwell. Mrs. Claypool and daughter Es Eugene F. Pratt, Jr., is home from suffrage to women had not brought He didn’t. The grade schools o f Jordan Val the results anticipated. ther were week end visitors at the the Nyssa high school where he com son of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Baltzor La Grande, April 24 — Evidence ley gave a very entertaining pro fractured one bone o f ha arm last country home o f Mr. and Mrs. Difin pleted his sophomore year. He "The whole system o f American (hat at one time prehistoric mons Goodman and family. A large spent the week end in company with | week when he fell from the top of gram Friday evening. government rests on the ballot box," ters roamed the hills of Karte m crowd was present and all report it Kaylor, Kenneth Baugh, and Harold i a high gate. he said to the women, who are here and Joe Elliott, schoolmates at Nys-, Miss Dorothy Masonholder o f Cow the best school program ever given from every section o f the country, f>. egon exist in the finding of a gl- S o I f è Noi Rof or mo é in Jordan Valley. for their annual congress. “ Unless rnt tooth, lielievcd that of some It Is the young who wont I » reform sa high, at Ironside on a fishing i Creek spent last week the guest of Mrs. Herbert Baltzor received ■ | her aunt, Mrs. Fred Palmer in Jor- citizens perform their duties there rris?-eating mammoth, on the hills the » » r i d . hm don't turn» I mi » : sad M trip. fine bunch of I-eghom baby chicks Mrs. Johnston was a Sunday visit- dan Valley, such a system o f govenment is tast o f Union, 15 miles southeast la the »Id » b o k n u » h »w . imi «re Irta ^ or at Phelan's. | A few of the friends and neigh- Wednesday of La Grande, by A rJian Go > I >r.J. Indifferent tu d r II - K i . i u n | l (loomed to failure.” BOOSTERS FETED M A LH EU R COUNTY A N N U A L E LE C T IO N H E LO H ER E 5 TR EN C H YOUNG MEN INVITED TO TRAINING GAMPS j