PIONEER POSTOFFICE NEW AUCTION BRIDGE MERGER COMPLETtO TO SE RE-ESTABLISHED RULESJOR 1926 (jp m rrss» •rr .s «s. ■<«««» *»» JUNTURA T'OR. S. D. TAYLOR IN WEST l l l i i i ROCKVILLE Mr*. Frank Mullinix made a trip to Caldwell last week. Mr. and Mrs. C. A Miller of Sun­ ny Slope, Idaho, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mullinix and family. Another enjoyable picnic was held on Spring Mt. Sunday. Ice cream was made of the snow from higher- up. Mr. Anderson, the assessor, passed through, assessing sheep, Saturday. Jim and Ed Share are riding for horses. Jim Molloy returned from town Friday, having had some dental work done. Andy Masonholder and Charles McIntyre returned from Caldwell Saturday, Mr. Masonholder having puchased a new tuck while out. Chester Mullinix was home over the week end from Caldwell where he is attending high school. Mrs. Duncan McKenzie went to Caldwell Monday, taking her little son, who had a fall, to a doctor to find out how badly he was injured. Ed Stallard at present living in Marion county, but well known in this vicinity, visited at the home of Of course Vsle suction bridge _____ Mr. and Mrs. Moffett. The lower grade pupils and teach­ LETTER RECEIVED FROM FOR­ D. H. HAYLETT WILL BE POST­ er went to a hike to the big bridge MER VALE PHYSICIAN WHO MASTER AT SHEA VILLE ON rules just proclaimed. A New York! WITH MALHEUR PRODUCERS' over the Malheur. After enjoying ASSOCIATION. LIVED HERE YEARS AGO. COW CREEK. correspondent says: games, picking flowers and eating a Even for those of us who con­ hearty lunch a bunch of tired young- stantly have to ask “What’s trump?” A merger of the the Farm Bureau and wended tneir their way home, having The old Sheaville poetoffice on " V “ ¡r. ‘ A mer^er of Farm Bureau and iter« wended From the Malheur Enterprise 1C U 1U o iic a v iu e J tu a iu iu c c u n l .w Creek is | „iaW8 Q, , ..... ,.. 9 « ” brid the Malheur torm here The followng clipping was re­ Cow U to be reestablished. reestabiUhed. uction 1926>, Producers’ association kad a happy day. At about the Urn* that old F « t !whieh wi„ the ag plajr. was the result of a meeting of the There was a heavy rainstorm here ceived at the Enterprise office this Some of our week, as it was believed that Vale Lyon was vacated by the troop. In j ^ ¡n ^ Umted s u te a the t urrent two bodies held in Cairo Grange hall Saturday evening. last Saturday. The question of join- friends of the city started ahead of folk will be interested in the where­ 1869, the postoffice was moved from r ing forces to promote interests for the storm for Drewsey but turned the Fort to the old Con Shea ranch y . ' . . In drawing up the new rules the the farmers of Malheur county had around “wobbled” home, sad and abouts of Dr. and Mrs. S. D. Tay­ now owned by D. H. Haylett. It was . . . . . ., lor, former Vale residents. , , .. . . . . Whist club, recognized authority on later moved to the Knight ranch1 auction bridge, has aimed to simpli­ been discussed for some weeks prev- disappointed to think the week end Ward, West Virginia. ious. . j bad to be spoiled. where it remained for many years. Dear Editor: fy and clarify the game. The action was taken as a result The Catholic church is undergoing Then it was moved to the Albert Twenty miles from Charleston, W. Aside from the method of scoring of a proposal that the Producers' interior carpenter repairs and reno­ Emory place at the foot of the Suc­ Va., on the Dixie Highway near the honors, the changes from last year’s amend their by-laws so that mem­ vating. cor creek grade, on Succor creek. It mouth of Kelly’s Creek is our home rules are not radical. It is in the bers were not bound to sell their Two carloads of horses were ship­ for the past three years. was discontinued about nine years matter of trump and no trump hon­ produce through the association, but ped to Portland for chicken feed. ago, because on one would take it. Here, everything is a part of a ors that even those who reduce their might do so or not as they desired. Messrs. Goodman and Jones are large coal industry and every one Since that time the people up and bridge to the simplest form must Another important reason for the gathering horses. down the creek have had their mail take notice. works for the same company. A merger was the inability of securing1 Pete Joyce was in from the sheep company capitalized at $20,000,000 come to the private houses on the After April 6 when the new laws continuing Farm Bureau members, camp. stage road, but this has not always . , i and known at the Valley Camp Coal became effective, no difference be­ Under the new organization, an An epidemic of colds and sore Qo W(i haye g beautiful littie town been entirely satisfactory. Last fall tween suits is recognized when it active manager who will work for throat prevail at present. ' of 3600 peopie and an modem con-, BOUQUETS FOR THE PAPER a petition was circulated asking for comes time to score trump honors. the members all the time in an ef- Mrs. Jack Joyce entertained Mrs. Y€nj€ncea a post office, to be called b y ' the The local newspaper in the United “Simple honors” count 30 points, fort to assist them in marketing will Delsoe Madden and Mrs. Welcome w hj|e we are en(fa(?ed in mining' sta te, is each year getting on old name in honor of our best known whatever the trump. Four honors be sought. It was brought out Sat- at tea Saturday afternoon coa, ^ |g none used here. A11 firmer foundation and becoming early settler, Mr. Con Shea, now re­ divided, 40 points; five divided, 50 urday that there was a difference Mrs. Claypool and daughter Es heatin(? and cooldn(? is done with i more and more usefuI to itg home siding in California. points. of from 25 cents to 35 cents per ther were week end visitors at the natural gas and the power to move The office has been allowed and community. Four honors in one hand count 80 bushel paid to farmers of t!#j Big ranch home of Tom Woodward, Mrs. Haylett appointed as post mis­ the thirty-two motor trains that It is the home newspaper which points, four in one hand and fifth , Ben<| diatrjct alone for wheat laat Mr. and Mrs Rodney Moffet made tress. bring the coal out of the mines, a boosts the town, year in and year in partner’s 90 points, five in one fal]j due ^ lack of pooled shipments, two attempts to climb the hill with Mr. Haylett is preparing to build distance of about two miles, is fur­ out, which takes the lead in every hand 100 points. An effort will be made to correct their car last Sunday, enroute to nished by the Appalachian Power a fence for the office and some time enterprise which has for its purpose “No trump” honors remain un­ such inequalities that have existed Drewsey. The result was failure Company. We are mining between in the future will put in a small the upbuilding of the community. changed, as does the scoring of in the past. caused from recent rains. store, and cream station, both ol four and five thousand tons daily. We frequently hear it said that tricks. ------------------------- Mrs. Crissie Joyce and daughter which will be a greut convenience to The purpose of this change is to ------------------------------------------------ m Margery were Sunday dinner guests Our climate is wonderful, the tem­ the old-time independent spirit of the community. perature seldom reaching zero in the newspaper is gone, that its edi- eliminate further the difference be­ JORDAN VALLEY at the home of Mrs. Jack Joyce. the winter and going to about 80 toiral policy is now subservient to tween suits, an aim of bridge law­ Mrs. Duffen was a welcome guest in the shade in the summer. the business office. Yet this is not makers since the days when spades Jordan Valley has had a ten days' at the home of Mrs. Worthington, We attend church in Charleston, true. There is more unselfish ideal­ were 2, clubs 4, diamonds 6 and rain, which was greatly needed and Many children of the town were hearts 8, and “no trump” as yet un­ is of great value to the country. All made happy by little colts given to also the shows and lectures, but we ism in the average local newspaper have at Ward one beautiful church than in any other business enter­ heard of. grain and hay crops are looking them. They were left behind from that has a large attendance. This prise. It frequently speaks out in The effect of the change is to de­ fine, and prospects are good for a the shipment. church was built by the president the way which it believes will be for crease the advantage of the player bountiful crop. The range grass is ------------------- ------------- of the company and donated to the the good of the country and of the Shearing is beginning in Malheur who happens to pick up a good hand good, but there is a shortage of cat­ BONITA people and in it is a pipe organ val­ community, regardless of what the county with every promise of the of spades instead of clubs, and to tle to eat the grass, and a great d ea l: # Born t Mr and Mra ^ Ham. ued at $10,000. Our average Sun- consequences may be from a business best grown, lightest shrinkage clip simplify the honor score and facili- of hay was left over from last year’s ___ . „ 0_„ „„ .*! n to mr' ana day school attendance is over 600. standpoint. this section has produced in years.) ta^e addition. crop and there are no prospects of mack on on Friday Friday at at tneir their home at j y fe „„ (0 charleston because the »ho nome at The local newspaper is the princi­ Shrinkage will average five per cent I Under the new laws the revoke a market for hay this fall. Bonita, a daughter, Dr. White of oo-mile drive down the Kanawha ri- pal booster for the community, and less than last year, and may even penalty for either side is: J. A. Robertson, state traffic of- j Malheur in attendance. The little ver is similar to the Columbia river it does its boosting often without Two trick for its first revoke, one ficer, made a trip to Jordan Valley, lady and her mother had many call- run lighter, by reason of the excep­ drive near the town of Mosier, Ore­ hope of material reward. Unfortun­ trick for each subsequent revoke, tional weather conditions which have and • several citizens were requested ers Sunday afternoon, gon, and the scenery appeals to us ate is the community which neither if any. prevailed all winter and spring. to purchase new licenses. j Mr. and Mrs. Fritz Preston are very much. appreciates nor supports its local These tricks are taken at the end Markets, however, are very un­ Mrs. Nellie Frost of Caldwell j living on the George Lees place at In coming here from Enterprise newspaper.—Wisconsin State Jour- of the hand from the tricks of the satisfactory by reason of the drive spent the week end on Cow Creek present we drove a total distance of 4130 na]. at prices on weakly held wools to revoking side and added to the tricks and Jordan Valley, looking after Mr. and Mrs. Harry Reed moved miles and were on the road 21 days. ■— depress the market before the new tke otker s'de- the Purser ranch on Cow Creek, on the 18th to the Harris-Hathaway We traveled the entire length of They count exactly as if won in clip comes off the sheep’s back. formerly the Ditton ranch. , ] property, which Mr. Reed has leas- California, across Arizona, Texas, play and may assist the declarer to Be a Milk Tippler, Robt. McConnell and son Alfred e<*' Kansas, Missouri and Indiana to make his contract or to go game, or Louisville, Ky. We had eleven were business visitors in Caldwell Bert Hammack returned , from Says Dr. Schireson may assist the adversaries to defeat WESTFALL Boise early in the week, bringing punctures and no car trouble at contract, in which case they carry week, returning home Friday, a fine Oldsmobile. Mr. and Mrs. all. Mrs. Oliver Sandy had 100 per full bonus values. If they make a ] Mr. Shovell, the county agent, Harry Reed accompanied him on the Peuches and cream complexions of I have had the good fortune since cent attendance in her school for the total of 12 or 13 tricks for either] came to Jordan Valley on business trip, Mrs. Reed visiting her mother coming here to meet some of the American women have their founda­ month ending April 16th. Mrs. San­ side they carry the proper slam ; Saturday, and held a meeting at the tion In a milk for a short time. best medical talent in the U. S.: Dr. dy, who is director of Zone 4 for bonus. 1 Cow Creek hall Sunday. Owing to diet, according to Mrs. Beatrice Woodcock and Miss Crile of Cleveland and Dr. Dandy the spelling contest will hold a zone The following is important, as i t 1 a hard rain only a few people were Nellie Aired who have been visiting Dr. Henry J. spelling contest at the Westfall constitutes an important change. Schireson, famous present, but his talk was both inter- Mr. and Mrs. Harry Reed, left Sat­ of Philadelphia, the greatest brain surgeon in this country, and numer­ Chicago derma­ school Thursday P. M., April 22nd. “After surrendering these tricks eating and beneficial. urday. ous others of wide renown. tologist and fa­ Mac Lee and wife were up to visit the revoking side may score for its This is the county agent’s first A. McWilliams has bought a Ford cial plastic sur­ We are preparing now for a trip the latter’s mother, Mrs. Lex An­ remaining tricks as it would if it visit in our community, and some coupe, and made a trip Saturday to geon. in June to the Shriners convention had not revoked.” derson, Saturday. doubts were held as to his coming, Burnt River, driving thence to Cald­ Doctor Schire­ in Philadelphia and on to New York Heretofore the rule was that a but we will hope for a better crowd well. The dance given here Saturday son has won and Washington. We like the peo­ declarer who had revoked was not next time, as he has promised to re­ n«me by beauti­ Mrs. Hattie Reed is taking care of ple here and we like the climate, night for the benefit of the base turn soon. fying motion pic­ Mrs. Lee Hammack and little Miss but we still feel the call of the West. ball team was well attended and permitted to make his contract. There is no provision in the 1926 ture, m u s i c a l A telegram was received stating Hammack. all reported a good time. There Dr. S. D. TAYLOR. c o me d y and will be a practice game Wednesday laws for an optional honor score that Rev. I. V. Parker had been ser­ Milton Stream has rented a place vaudeville stars penalty. Two tricks must be taken iously injured near Baker. His car of Doug Lofton and will run it this evening. Dr. Schireson. and many society for te first voke and one for each skidded and rolled over three times season. Miss Iola Presley and brother Or­ IRONSIDE women of America. Ife transformed subsequent voke. down an embankment. Latest re­ Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Stream and ville motored up from Jamieson to Fanny Brice’s nose, rejuvenated Eva ports are that he is out of the hos­ family arrived Tuesday from a visit Mrs. F. G. White and Mrs. H. C. Tanguay’s face, removed sixty-four attend the dance Saturday night. pital and is being cared for at the to relatives at Mesa and Huntington. I Elms motored to Vale Friday, where pounds of adipose tissue from Truly The Westfall post of the American BROGAN minister’s home in Baker. They ran over a large rock in Road Mrs. White had some dental work Shattuek In one operation, straight­ Legion met the evening of April 12. Mrs. W. R. Helm and Virginia re­ canyon left by the grader in the | done. They returned the same day. ened the cross eyes of the leading Henry Boswell, well known resi­ There will be a Legion dance here Mr. and Mrs. Len Tureman drove lady of Singer's midgets, and has per­ dent of Brogan, died suddenly Mon­ turned to Jordan Valley the first of road, on their way home, and their May 8th. formed other corrections for making Jack Mendasona was up to see Ru day morning, April 19th, at his April from Boise, where they have car sustained some injuries, not, to Malheur river Sunday from Mal- people young and beautiful. spent the winter. however, so serious that they cannot heu City. fino Arrien two nights last week. home. His death came as a shock Doctor Schireson has one Infallible Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Ditton return­ be repaired. _ Otis and Robert Anderson attend- prescription for the attainment of While in the vicinity Mr. Mendasona to everyone, and the sympathy of Henry Foster bought a Ford car in ed (be dance at Bridgeport Saturday benuty. It Is: “One quart of milk s purchased a horse from John Muir, j the neighborhood is extended to ed home from Caldwell last week with a late model Star. Vale on his way to Lime last week. night. Oliver Sandy and wife called on Mrs. Boswell and their small son. They repored a good time day, one hour of sunshine, and re­ Shearing began Monday at the Mrs. Henry Foster spent Friday and a large crowd. Joe Randleman Sunday afternoon. D. O Young made a trip to Cow peat ad libitum.” Toms creek corrals, having been de­ as a guest of the Cow Valley school. "Beauty specialists and cosmetic Earl Vanburen went to Unity on Chesley Hart caught a nice string Valley last Sunday, layed for some time by the rain. It is an encouragement to teacher business Tuesday evening. makers,” says Doctor Schireson. of trout on Cottonwood the opening J. A. Smith of Ontario passed The J. A. Ditton family have mov­ and pupils alike for patrons to take day of the season. through Brogan on his way lo Iron Frank Elms and Raleigh Vanbur- “would be driven out of business la ed to the Knight ranch. an interest in the school. an spent Saturday in Ironside from a few weeks If all the women of Charlie Pearce and wife enjoyed a s'de last Friday, America would drink their quart of While here last week, Traffic Of­ Chet Lamman is working for B ert. x Inity. fishing trip up Cottonwood Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Coleman mo- ficer Robertson appointed the I. Hnftnack on the Howard place. | j p gmith came up from Brogan milk a day. Wm. Perkin* and wife spent the tored to Ontario Friday, Crops are looking fine. The warm TUesdav to look after his land in- i ®ahles a d . h. d “ h e week end at Brogan and Vale. Mrs. J O Thomson, Gladys Thay- 0 . N. Garage a light testing station ____ _____ __ „„„J ruesd»y to lo.o k a.n e r ms land ,n | plexlons of angels for the reason that weather and light showers are con- teregtg for a few day. . _ _ # are __ .w Miss Mae Rowley visited at the “r and Joe Silvers went to Ontario for this part of the county. they fed _ largely on milk. Milk J. W. Baltzor made a busipess ducive to the very best growth. The gnJ Mrg R .lelg', Vanburen used externally or Internally la a Fahy home Sunday. Monday. They took Muriel Thomson range never was more beautiful. and Mrs. Frank Elms were Ironside beautlfler. Anna Held, I believe. Mrs. Jack Welch helped Mr*, to the doctor to have her arm treat- trip to Caldwell last week. Daniel Haylett Jr., Mrs. D. H. There are only a few silver threads „¡.¡tors from Unity Tuesday, return- the first actresa who adopted the milk Wayne Hyde paper her dining rooo ed (be san,e day- hath. While this was s novelty at Thursday. Mr*. M. Strout returned Thursday Haylett, Mrs. E. Vinson and E. F. and patches of snow left on Juniper, j Baltzor of Cow Creek were Ontario Mrs. Bronson was over Sunday c ,.arlie ,,ientli g'herff, Glenn the time, and her press agent un­ Jack Doland was up in this vicini- from Yakima, Wn. ty laat week looking after the wa- While feeding hogs for Charlie and Vale visitors the past week. Mrs. to see her daughter, Mrs. Lee Ham- g|)j ^ | | . Blodgett rr-ee-utlng nt- doubtedly made the moat of It, the principle In Itself was sound. Bat a ter. , Hudson, Jack Pearson stepped on a Vinson was proving up on her land I mack, and the little new grand- , orncv m)J deputy yheriff chag ..cavM v tr e Ironside visitors F .i- beauty secret of even more value la Mrs. Rose Hunt and Mrs. Charlie rusty nail and was hurt slightly. on Toms creek, with Mr. Baltzor and daughter. the dally qnnrt of milk taken na a They . . . . ____ Pearce spent Wednesday afternoon He accompanied Jack Dolan to Vale Mrs. Haylett as witnesses. part of the diet NO DIVORCES IN on DU* c,s made the trip in ten hours via Wil with Mrs. Charlie Johnson. Monday. SWAN FAMILY &Ir *nrl Mrs. A. E. Nick Ms went “The milk-fed girl is easily dis­ Earl Johnson, a Ford salesman of Brogan and Jamieson will play ball der and Parma. They returned over A pair of swans make an inter­ to bi'-gar triday t" v s't tkoir sen tinguished by the velvety texture and the new highway up Succor creek the healthy color of her skin. Milk Nyssa, was in thia vicinity Saturday i this Sunday on the Brogan diamond, esting attraction for a private lake 0 rv • *rd fhu ily. and Sunday. D. O. Young bought a new car and found the road in fair shape or pond, says the U. S. department Mr. Robertson of Malheur City Is a wonderful body builder, because with the exception of a few wash­ It contains every structural element Rufino Arrien and family motored from the Malheur Motor Co. of agriculture, but warns us they was an Ironside visitor Tuesday, It Is. In a way, id elixir of Ufa. to Ontario Saturday and returned John Boswell of Vale was in Bro outs. looking for seed grain. Andy Masonholder of Cow Creek should be bought in pairs. There is "Authorities agree that milk Is the Sunday. I gan Sunday. John Westfall went lo Ontario to no such thing as divorce in the Sixteen books were cheeked out C. C. Smih came down from Iron- went to Caldwell Saturday to pur­ swan family. spend the week end with his bro­ moat nearly perfect food hut It la aa They are slow to extremely delicate one as well. Heat ther, Henry Westfall and family. last Thursday. We have three new side Monday, returning the same chase a new car. sufficient to kill all bacteria is the Amos Stitzel has moved to thé choose their mates, but once mated members, Mrs. Ivan Hart. Mrs. Tom; day Ironside has had several nice it is for life. Living on a placid essential of absolutely pure and M. L. Allen is putting in 20 acres j Dunagen ranch on Cow Creek, Ware and Charles Pearce. showers the past week. sterile milk. One of the advantage# pond may have something to do with of |ieach tree*. I ^®c* 1 Pa,m*r '* moving from the George Jones is working for Wm. Mr. Kennard, water master of of evaporated milk, which la simply it. Mrs. C. W. Hudson went to Helena RuhY ranch t0 th® 1>alm“r ranch on Perkins. Vale is in this vicinity adjusting the fresh cow’s milk with sixty per cent Harold Skinner is the first of the week and after a water for irrigating for the farm­ of the water removed, la that It Is Clint Hill and wife visited Stuart Mont., on account of the illness of ,,ooker cre*k moving to the Ruby ranch. entirely sterile and la more easily a» few days visit there she will go to er*. her sister. She left Monday Hanna and family Thursday. Alfred McConnell is moving on the Hot Lake Sanitarium for treat­ Thelma Smith came up from On­ Mr*. Oliver Sandy enjoyed a visit Frank Anderson came in from almllated than ordinary market milk. “Milk Is mentioned forty-seven ttmee with Mrs. Herbert Corrigall Satur­ tario Saturday. Marie Anderson ac­ the Ditton ranch, having rented it ment. Pendleton and will spend a couple In the Bible. The Promised Lend of for the year. Mrs. Ted Conners has been quite days with his mother. day night. companied her. e Israelites was said to Hot O. H. Hains and John Chevalley |]| the past week, Fred Lenter, Jr., came to Brogan Pauline Zimmerman and children The cattle sale of Mrs. Anderson mlIk an(J hooey and Ovid graded came in from Caldwell Tuesday with o ,r is Driscoll brought Ambrose spent the week end with Mrs. Henry today. has been postponed another week j milk as second only to nectar, tha Shelton is working for Mr. a cr*w of men ,ia m * and a" Maher down from Pleasant Valley by Sheriff Glenn Wakeriig. j drink of the goda “ Ixigan, seeding alfalfa on the Chevalley .Saturday to consult Dr. Jones. Mr. C. and Summrrs Smith took their Might at Laaat Do That Several people were up for the ran<’>> Cow Creek. Later they Maher had been suffering from hic­ Kamt* Epitaph cattle out to s immer range Thurs- g society baa been formed, eaeh will finish the reservoir for Chev­ coughs for six days At laat report The grava of John Resta ta the dance. daY- member of which has to sow a packet alley bro#., and also build a mile of he wa* resting comfortably. Protestant cemetery In Rome, Is rev­ ______ - flower *®®da alo*>« country road*. road to the Baltzor ranch. Sipn at Miss Agnes Shea who has been ered with a slab on whir1! Is Inscribed f U r t Sound Adm ca I presume that motorists are expect- Mr. and Mra. Chas. Murphy were visiting her mother, Mrs. Mary Shea, the epitaph, (Jk-lsted by Keats him The world Is making some progressa _ _ d*l ace before Idleneaa, n v ^ ,n **°P ,ong enough to pluck Mo» self: “Here Ilea on# sh in - n eoe was Not a# many girls are named Itlrdb up from Danner last week. returned to her home in Portland you «- taem mat above bright- ”>nm ,nT " wreath to lay on each forni' ' j \lchl-"ii ilMsc nrit In water" Mrs. Gua Hill left for LaGrande Wednesday. All< len pedestri an.- Ixmden Opinio*. i —Pie’. BUMPER WOOL CROP PREDICTED BTi GROWERS a