A N yuaite’s Views GATE d H JOURNAL From N y m to Base Ball AGAIN! in a commuication The Nyaaa and Vale high school teams played at Nyaaa last Friday, Boulder by Auto] to A the Nysaaite Oregon Journal relieves tha game ending with a score 5 to 4 in Published every Friday at Nyaaa, Th« Journal ia in reeaipt of tha foi himself aa follows: favor of Npasa Tha batteries were: Oregon, by lowing latter from Mra. W. W. Poe “ The indications are that Nyaaa—G. Klinkeabarg and C. Fan- tar deacriptiva of their trip ti ton. Nytaa to Boulder, Colo , and aa it will something will be done for irri H. P. BROWN Vale—Hutton, Heuaton, Moa and doubtleae bo intareating to tbair othar gation in Oregon this year and Knowles. Entered at the PoatoffUa a t N t u » friands as well aa ths Journal wa pub as the Owyhee project is consid The Vale boys mada six hits, four ered one of the beat and most runs and around a doxan srrora. Tha r*rejroa, as aeeond-eUMS mail Matter lish it: Boulder, Colo., April 18, 1926. feasible in tha West wa expect Nyaaa li isap waa aa follows: Deal Mr. Brown. something to be done on this Name position errori hita runs SUBSCRIPTION RATES: We arrived on Wednesday afternoon t • 0 2 One year, in advance------------ 81.60 and thank ths Lord for a safe journey project, especially so since set C Benton G Klinkeoberg p P-v monti», in advance........— .78 I t 1 and that everyone is wall. tiers have been waiting 20 years L Haley t b 1 1 2 We left Nyssa an Tuesday afternoon for Uncle Sam to act. There ia 8 M Klinkenberg • b 1 • 1 Officer» County P. T. A. Ore plane wae (till dying when we got 1 just one objection to com F Kambaud t b 1 1 Mrs. M. M, Grceling Nyeaa, Pree in Boise. 8pent the night with the 2 0 t pleting the Owyhee, Vale R Thompson a a Mri. Ralph Haworth, Wade, Vice McCartys They are happy and well G Newby r f • 1 1 P. 8. Next week the secret is out. and Black Canyon projects, and located. V'lited with Harry Coehoat President. Hereid Hoxia e f 0 0 0 ■ n i i m i i iiin iiiiif il Mra. t. C. Fry. Oregon Trail, Sec. the Bristol. He bed just brought bis that is that the products—cattle, K Graen 1 f 1 0 1 Miss Catherine V. Conway, Ontario, ton John home from the hoepital. He hogs, sheep, hay, grain, potatoes, i Total»......... 6 . . . 10 6 was much batter after a prisf but Raaerva Distriet N» II Preaa Chairman. onions, lettuce, apples, peaches, j G Klinkenberg pitched tha «hola Charter No 168 very serioue attack of ptemains pois gam« for Nyaaa, striking out nine and REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE M ALI EUR oning We drove to Filer (149 miles) prunes, berries, etc., will be so walking three. Hutton fea Vala COUNTY BANK and spent the night with our sister, great that the United States can ■ truck oat six and walked faur. Moa At Nyssa, in the State of Oregon at the Close of Business Mrs. Harpsr. The neat morning wa not consume them. However, if for Vale atruek out ona and walked A pril 12, 1926 took her, Rachell and Paul with us, you don’t allow the bridge to be two. Hoxia for Nyaaa mada a record making ten in all. We found our built across the river between jth,t e»n’t *>• b«®t. Ha got up four RESOURCES “ irairie schooner” comfortable riding 1 Loans and diacounta, including redseounta, acceptances or bills Portland and the sea maybe by i time" ,n d 80t four walks, leaving him of exchange, sold with er-ooist s u i t of the fcenk (inducir f aid water proof in the rain. They a 1000 per cent batting average f< r items siiowri in 29, 30 and 12. if any)— --— . —. . . ------- ......8468,981.16 opentd the nice camp at Po-:a.*lla for doubling the tracks of railroad that game. No score was made the Overdrefis secured and unsecured------------------------------. . . . ’ 968.00 us (137 m iss that day). Lost somt from Eastern Oregon to Portland first inning by aither team. The sec Other bonds, wararata and securities, inc'uding toreign gov E ditor en d Ç eneral M a n a q e r tun - because we forgot to get gas we can ship products to Port ond inning Nyasa mada ona score and eminent, state, municipal, corporation, etc., Inclauing those W IL L ROGERS 7 shown in items 30 and 8a, if any_______ __________________ 6,316.26 Fine roads that far. Vale none, leaving the acora 1 0 in land and have the big steamers Banking house f8.600.00; furniture end fixtures,86.000.60......... 16,600 00 Friday the roads from Hot Springs favor of Nyssa. The third end fourth Real estate owned other than banking house................... ......... 6,868 0 9 to Soda Spribgs were so bad wa cov load for foreign ports at Port innings Vale made two and Nyaaa (ab) Cash on hand in vault and dua from banka, bankers and ered only 70 miles. Camped with only land. trust rompanieadeaignatad and approved reserve agents of none, leaving the score 2 1 in favor of soda water from the spring, well this b a n k -------- ------- -------------- ------------------------------------ 49,244 74 “ By the way, why don’t they Vale. The fifth, sixth and seventh Checks on banks outside city er town of reporting bank and a . known for its medicinal value. Got tunnel under the Columbia in innings no scores »era made by either other cash item*................................................................................ 181.30 stuck in the mtd b»fore we got out of stead of building the bridge, te im. The eighth inning Vale made Total cash and due from banks, items 8 9, 10 acd 11 town the next mornirg ana had to be ....................................................... 8 49.423.04 anyway? Then you will have a one score and Nyasa none, leaving tha 16. Other pulled out a sets, if any, items in tran sit_______ ____________ . . . 1,891.79 ■sore 8 1 in favor of Vala. Vale went scenic highway and a scenic sub Saturday was a warm day and wa to bat in tha ninth, making one score. Total____________ __________ - ■ - _____ ____8546,936 S3 surely enjoyed Ihe ride around beauti way and a Hoosevelt highway.” Nyssa want to bat and made two outa. ful Hear lake in Utah They said the L1BILITIES Jules Verne. Than things began to happen. There Coke villa road was almost impsssale. were three men on bases, two outa Capital stock paid in___ _______ ______ ________ _________ f 86,000.00 Leaving Lake Town. Utah, ws took Surplus fu n d ____ _______ ____ ________________________ 86,000.00 and two atrikea on R. Thompson, who ihe cutoff to Sage, Wyo ., where we (a) Undivided profits.._____ ___________________ $ 17,817.88 was up to bat. Ha knocked a three- (b) Lass eurrant expanses, interest and taxes paid__ 7,188.61 10,189.12 camped out in the open. This cutoff bale hit, running in thraa score and Individual deposits subject to cheek, including deposita dua the was quits steep in placea. It took us Bea* aran’l at all choice In their ae- leaving him on third. Ona tally had state of Oregon, county, cities or other public funds................... 238 808.49 one hour to make four miles and we Ijction of a home. They would ju«t b en mada in tha ninth before Thomp Cashier’s checks of this bank outstanding payable on demand.. 6,867 44 made but 90 that day. Total of demand deposits, otber than bank deposita, eubject to aa soon taka a hollow tree or the «pace ■on went to bat, making four in all for Sunday morning we hoped to get to between Ihe walla af a building for that inning. reserve, items 23, 84, 26, 26, $241,165 98 27 Time certificate! of deposit outstanding.^_________________212,681.18 Kemmeser for Sunday school, but had thair homeaterd aa to occupy the flneat R. Thompson waa tha hero of the Total of time and savings deposits payable on demand or subject a flat tire aad were late. This I* a painted hive that a beekeeper can hour, owing to hie lucky hit, and waa ton notice, items 27 and 28.......................................$212,68118 coal mining town where thev had the maka. They often And lodgment under enthusiaatiaally cheered by bis mates 81. Bills payable with federal reserve hank or with othar banks or awful acclcent and so many were houaea, between the rafter» or ip Coach Jack Snider says the ball club trust companies____ _______ 20,000.00 killed two years sgo. We stopped to chimney», and in at leaat one instance owe» him a new hat, s i when Thomp Total.................................................................................................... $646,936.33 cook dinner, and took our time, drove on record they found a home in the son nail« tha famous bit ha threw hit A n o t h e r “ B u ll” D u r h a m ad v er- late and made only 78 miles. Camped flrabox of a temporarily abandoned bat down and jumped on it. The Vai# STATE OF OREGON, County of Malheur ss. tia e m e n t b y W ill R o g era, Zieofeld I J P Dunaway, cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear F o llie s a n d s c re e n s ta r, a n d i Iead- on a barren piece of shale leal at locomotive. boys were so eiy disappointed, but that the above statement ia true to the teat of my knowledge and belief in g A m e ric a n h u m o ris t. M o re Green river, the only accommodations c o m in g . W a tc h f o r th e m It ia when they And entrance to tome took it good naturediy. Green’s arm la J. P DUNAWAY. Cashier. 1 they have. part of a houae that they become the improving rapidly and it ia thought ha Correct, A ttest: H. J. Ward. G. L Phillips, J. J. Sarsxin Direetora. Sold six cates of comb honey at Rock greataat nuisance, and it ia aomatimea may pitch a game oc two before tha Suoaciibad and aworn to before me this 22nd day of Apiil, 1926. Sorings, aa out cash was about gona ao aaay m atter to gat rid of them. season ends J. Poydell, Notary Publii My commission expires November 15, 1927. Drove 70 milts over barren ooantry Beekaepera ara often called on for as before we r. ached a gaa station at sistance in auoh cast a, and tha prob- Basket Social Warmautter, then 46 on in to Rawlins. lem ia not always easy of solution. For Sala—Idaho Rural teed potatoes NOTICE OF SALE OP BONDS (181 that day). Our only interest was A basket aocial and promenade wl I J. D. Lackey. m12 If thara are only one or two holes or Seeled bide will be soceivad by Wm. the big new signaling lights and land ----------------- Schweizer, school clerk of 8ehool Dis I went to Washington the other ing placea for the air mail, which wa oracka where tha beat ean enter, the be held in the Big Bend Park on sat- j urday, April 24, given for tha benefit For Sale-Five milch cows. Will be siiiplcst way la ty close thaaa up en day. 1 visited "T he House of Rep saw the next morning. trict Na. 18, Malhaur County, Oregon, ml9tf tirely with strips sr chinks of clolb, of the Big Bene school Nyssa Deop!» frsah aoon. Dick Tensen. until tha hour of 4 o’clock p. m. on the resentatives," they were in session. Rawlins has the dandieat cump, thus imprisoning tna baea. This should are extended a spec al invitation to W hat I mean by being in session, with natural gas, laundry, hoi and 3rd day of May, 1986, and immediately ha present. thereafter opened by tha aeboal board the tax bill was up for debate and cold water, and even the luxury of be eone late in (ha evening after tha Sealed Bids baas are all imiJa. In time they will of said School District No. 18, Malheur they were arguing on "Better Golf Hhower baths What fun for the die and create no odor. If one can Sealed bids for sprinkling the streets County. Oregon, at the school houae High grade Piano near Nyssa will ba courses for the medium salaried children I We were all under cover, man.” I suppose if the World and how thankful we were, aa it waa And or mako an entrance in the wall seid to reliable party at big saving; during the coming season will be re- in said School District No 18, Malheut Court bill had been up, they would ■bowing hard when we got up. We above where the bees are located, and $10 monthly will handle. A real buy, eeired by the Town Council up to and County, Oregon, for tha purahaaa of have been talking on "Shall Amer ■oon drove out of it and the h ghways pour into it a oouple of ounces at car write at onca for particulars. Tall« including Monday, May 3 Bids shi.uld bonds of said Diatafet in tha sum of bon disulphide, to be had at any drug specify rata per hour, bidder to furn Eight Thouaand Dollars ($8,000 00). ica park oblong or parallel.” wer.) clear but rough, with an w banks store, then close tha hole tightly, the mao Piano Storr, Salem, Ora. a96t ish tesm. Bids will be opened at Coun said bonda bearing interest at tha rata beside the road. It was very cold rid- W ell, then I went over to the fume* will kill tham in a tew hour*. of eight per cent (8 per cent) per aa- Fred Klingback will buy your bum cil meeting first Mcnday in May. Senate. They had adjourned, so I isg that day oyer the mountains by This it an aaay way to rid a chimney By order of the Town Council. annum,interest payable semi annaally, M dieine Bow to Laramia (125 miles) lambs. Krad Kllngbabk. a233t felt that America was not having P. M. Worsen, Mayor. of them also. Care muat be taken in dated July lat, 1926, and duo and pay Had three Urea flat. Put up at the the uaa of this chemical, lor it ia ex such a bad day at that. W e were able July lit, 1946, but radaamabla al caSinsjin tha auto park, but tha water plosive arid inflammable. Mrs. R. J. Munger of Jordan Valley only 50 percent inefficient T H A T CITATION. tha pleasure of the district on and frote on the buckets inaida i visiting with Mrs J. R. Hunter. DAY. 8'Song burning su'phur fumes forced IIN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE after tha date of said bonds; bioa mast The drive to Fort Collina waa won- forced into their heme Is aafer, but You know we all joke and kid STATE OF OREGON FOR THE b a aecon pained by a certified chock about Congress, but we can’t im dorful, thru our beloved Rocky moun not so eaay to accomplish. If in the J. R. Hunter returned from Jordan for five per cent (6 per cant) of tha COUNTY OF MALHEUJt. tains Could sea snow covered Long’s etde of a houae or between floora, Valley Thursday. He report* tha prove on them. No m atter who we In the Matter of tha Eatate of An par value of the issue. peak. How good II aaemad to gat probably tha beat and aaieat way ie to roada in bad conditian. elect, he is just as bad as the one he nette 8. McNea, Deceased a Tha School Board reaervaa tha right heme again. We made about 960 wait until quite cold weather, when replaced. So with all their faults To Robert H. McNe*. Albert to reject any and all bids. miloa on about 90 galiona of gaa. Car Ike beet are dormant and aliff, then we love ’em. They are as good as Flak Rad Top tires give satisfaction. J. McNee, Everett McNee, Delia Dated this 22nd day of April, 1986. ried about 1600 pounds of baggage and remove some of the boarda ar d the the people who vote to put them McNee, Dean MtNee. Blainey Mr- about 1000 pounds of folks. Wa aspect beat and honay can ba gotton at with, Hoxia Service Station, Nyaaa, Or. Wm Sehwetaer. there, and they are 10 times better Nee and Velma McNee, being a’l tbe School District CUrk of School Dia to start back about May 4 With out danger. If at all timid you can than the ones who don’t vote at all. ftu iin e st D on« by Chock» heira and next of kin of Annette S. U-ict No. 18, Malheur County, Ore pul on a veil and glovaa. They are like "B ull” Durham, kindest regards, The term "bank clearlnga” relates McNea, dacaaaed, and to all othar per gon. RUTH C. FOSTER Only a practical baekeepar can re- to the aggregate amount of check« and they are not perfect, but they are sona interested in the estate of said First publication April 23, 1926. move beat from a building iu aummar, drafts exchanged between members of the best in their line. Last publication April 80, 1926. deceased. * and ha la usually far too busy to un a clearing houae association and car> IN THE NAME OF THE STATE rled there dally for aa adjustment of dertake Ik then. Spelling Contest the differences. In Inrge cities more OF OREGON, and under and by vir Lost—Brown mare, brand R. O. on W. W. FOSTER. than 90 per cent of the commercial tue of order of tbe Honorable H Lee loft shoulder, The results of the preliminary Sorral borse, flax business Is dona by means of checks Noe, County Judge and Judge of the mane. Weight about 1000 lbs aaeh P.S. There will be another piece spelling contest for zone ft, County Court of Malhaur County, Sta e aad drafts and less than 10 per cent in this paper soon. Look lor it. which was held in Nyssa last a ltf of Oregon, duly mada and entered in T. F. Coward. Is dona with cash. Friday, areas follows: the matter of said »state on ths 19th day of April, A. D 1926, you, and Eighth Grade. S te e l L ong im V e t SPECIAL—A limited quantity each of you, are hereby cited and ra Chiropractors Dorothy Kaylor, District No. of 31x44° FISK, a heavy, high Steel has been known from ver r quired to appear in this court on early times, but where and how It wai Drs. R. P. and Paarl M. Bradford, 61. graie BALLOON tire. Brat manufactured la not definitely n< Thursday, tha 3rd day of Ju n ., A. D, licensed m Oregon and Idaho. Oat Gladys Wilson,District No. 39. Fits the regular rim on the corded. Damaak steel uaod In maklat; 1926, at tha hour of of 11 o’clock in graduata». Consultation and a] Seventh Grade. smaller ears, such as Ford, Chev ■word blades waa know* In Oriental forenoon of eaid flay at tha court hoase atlon free. Twelve years in Vale, Oregon, to then nnd there Irma Betti, District No. 46. rolet, Overland 4. Maxwell, etc. countries from a remote period. | show cause, if any you have, why an practice in the state. First door waat Henry Hatch, District No. 46. Superb in quality, lower in order of said court should not ba made of bank, Nyaaa, Oregon. A p p ro p riâ ta price than any balloon on the authorising and empowering Dwight Sixth Grade “1 ran never understand" min Piano for Sale Near Nyaaa-^Beauti- Minerra Looney, District No. market A REAL tire. Thompson to hit friend, “why you In Paircs, aa administrator of the eatate sist on calling your new hooae a bun of aaid Annette 9. MeNoe, deceased, ful high grade piano muat bo aaid al 47. calow.** "Well, (t'a vary easily ex to sell at private sale the following once. Largo discount, and term a |l0 Mildred Zittercob, District No. plained.” waa tbe reply. "In thy flru! described real aatata belonging to aaid monthly to reliable party.^ffkif par 36. ticular« write Clin« Piano CaTfB Front Three per cent off this LOW place the Job waa a bungle and in th t estate, towit: Lot four (4) in Section thirty St., Portland, Ora. ft Fifth Grade. PRICE on mail and personal second I still owe for K.” (80) and the south half (St) of Lot Irene Gilchrist, District No. order where cash ia paid. A ona (1) lo Section thirty-on« (81), Lighthoaoe Guide» Plano» ATTORNEYS AT DAW 26. liberal price allowed on your old all in Township twenty (20) south. The most powerful lighthouse la the Rachael Neel, District No. 47. tires if you wish to refit all world Range forty six (46) east of tha has been erects« on a mountain E. M. BLOrOETT The above will represent Zone around. Willamette Meridian, dry lend top near Dijon France, to «en » aa a Attorney and Cornar lar at Law ft at the Anal to be held in Vale You can’t beat Fiak quality or check on location and direction tor having no income derived tbeae- Practica ia «11 airplanes.—Science Servie«. fsom and valued at $100 00. Thursday, May 6. priee. In witness whereof, I have hereunto Nyasa, On g The pronouncers were Mrs. H HOXIE SERVICE STATION. sot my hand and affixed tbe teal of C at1» ”N in e Live»” | K. Sherwood and Mra. Ada Ha* Nyssa, Oregon. Why a cat la mid to have "nine •aid County Court at my «Ac* in Vale, W. B. H O IK Guaranteed by | warth. The Judges were Mrs. live«’’ la really-aav# that nine w „ on» Oregon, this 19th flay of April, A. D. INSURANCB 19M. of tbe »acred numbers—not'-m '«it u S D. Goshert. Mrs. B. H- Brum- H. S Saekett. Count« Clark. tribute to Ita body. Ita spin. -yy Office at Recidane«, Third and For Rent-Three-eoo-n hooekeemtg Bv Roy Daley, Deputy- bach Mrs. Ernest Wilson and eperun-nte. furniehed. at tha Swan tough: Ita paw» are thlcklj t md; tN C «*P «A A T t> Ehr good Avena». Data af flrat publication, April 21, 1926 apertmeet house J8«f Mrs. B. W. Shaver. 111 Fifth Avenue, New York City and Its body la extraordinary flevlhl* Date of la«t publication, May 23, 1926 Nj I WE REMIND YOU 1st AND 20th 8 > DON’T FORGET ' The BULL'S EYE TALKING HONEY Í Congress No. 1 '¿¿JL' n ' $ 15.50 f $15.50 B ull D urham i