T he G ate C ity J ournal VO L. X X IV . NO. 10. SUMMARY OF 1925 ASSESSMENT ROLL . . . . ___________ SHOW S D E C R E ASE IN V A L U E A N D AC R E A G E . ' NYSSA. OREGON. F R ID A Y . A P R IL 16. 1926. IL M F. I. MORGAN OUT FORjGARObN PESTS ARE MANY THIS YEAR OWYHEE Mr. and. Mrs. T. M. Lowe attend- ^ ! ed the dedication o f the air mail I service at Boise on April 6th, also | the carnival at night put on by the j Legion, the date being the anni- ! versary o f the beginning o f the war. N Y S S A R A N C H E R IS P E R S U A D ­ C O U N T Y A G E N T G IV ES E F F E C T ­ ED TO F IL E C A N D ID A C Y FOR IV E POISON B A IT PR ESCR IP- 1116 8treet scenes portrayed a night C O U N T Y O FFICE . in France during the war. T IO N AS R EM ED Y. S T A N F IE L D D ID N T S IT | From the Oregon Voter, Portland. Candidate Steiwer comes out and ! brands Stanfield as a “ truant sena­ to r" because o f Stanfield’ s fre­ quent absence from Washington during senate sessions in the early | part o f his term- Where was Stanfield worth more to Oregon, as an office boy sitting on a chair, or doing exactly what Garden slugs and cutworms are * he was doing in helping rescue the numerous in Eastern Oregon this agricultural and livestock industries year, according to Don C. Mote, en- from the 1920 smash ? Was not tomologist at the experiment sta- Stanfield originating, initiating and tion. The pests have come through organizing the $50,000,000 pool the the winter in large numbers because bankers put up fo r agricultural re- o f the mild weather. Reports of a lie f in December, 1921 ? Was he not large number o f these pests in sev- 1 the man who finally put over the eral districts indicate the necessity i plan fo r the War Finance Corpora- of control measures. tion to come to the rescue o f agri- Cutworms are small and vary in culture? And force ta r iff adjust- co]or from a greenish-gray to ment? And was not his work at a duu dark brown. They curl up ( this time o f fa r greater benefit to PER T I U I IDAHO TRCGXMEN MUST OBSERVE LAWS J. H. GORDON O F P U B L IC S E R V ­ ICE CO M M ISSIO N E X P L A IN S L A W S A N D R E G U LA T IO N S . The County Council held in Nys sa April 10th was well attended by From the Malheur Enterprise , the members o f the Owyhee circle With April 16th the last day for Truck men from Idaho who have who state they were well pleased candidates to make form al filing been bringing loads into Oregon and --------- with the program as they were also and have their names on the p ri­ then solociting business fo r the re­ Sheep, Beehives and Foxes Show In- with the delicioU3 dinner served by mary ballot, little time remains for turn haul, will have to obtain an crease. W hile Horses, Cattle and Mi" En* er » " d her clasp of girls the announcement of new candidates Oregon license, file schedules and in domestic science whom we hope for places in the state legislature. F. Swine A re Lower in Valuation. rates just the same as Oregon truck­ reaped a substantial reward for T. Morgan, rancher and farmer of men, declared J. H. Gordon, o f the their efforts. The Executive Board the Owyhee, has been persuaded to Oregon Public Service commission, A summary o f the assessment of the P. T. A. wishes through this seek the republican nomination for while in the county the latter pert rail q f Malheur county fo r 1926, a * column to thank Mrs. Bigelow, Miss county commissioner, to fill the o f o f the week. He stated that t fe finally equalized by the state and Juanita and Orville Bigelow for their fice now held by C. H Oxman o f practice along the border must be county boards o f equalization, shows excellent music during the dinner Jamieson, which terminates this stopped, as Idaho truckmen with a slight Increase in the total value hour. W e are also» proud o f our when disturbed. They pass the w in -' Oregon than his mere voting and their low licenses, no schedule o f o f all property in the county. The teacher, Miss Stewart, and her pu­ ye“ r‘ . e is the on y canddate who ter jn the goij an() f eed f oracious-. listening presence in his seat at rates or service and no insurance total value o f all property subject pils who acquitted themselves cred­ runs fo r the office, he w ill become _ . . . . fees are able to monopolize the itably in their share o f the program. . ____ o r f .u - ..................-* to taxation in 1926 amounted to a member the county court with 'y ln the sprlnK on manV plants- be- Washmgton? m g especially harmful to truck And take the personal side o f it business. 114,040,174.32 and in 1924, was $14,- Mrs. Lin K ygar is the proud own­ J. D. Fairman o f Harper, commis­ ‘‘Idaho truck men can haul loads crops. In April, May and June the into consideration. In the spring of 027,692.66, an increase o f $12,481.67 er o f a new electric washing ma­ sioner, and Judge H. Lee Noe. adult moths appear and deposit, 1920 Stanfield was worth $3,000,000 which originated ln Idaho,” said os all the taxable property in the chine. r 0= r 0, L \ * * * * on the limba and leavea o f ior~more. W e~w is backing the m w £ M r Gordon. «they can deliver them county, both real and personal. Mrs. L. Pennington who has been tree" and other food plants. The ment to make a wool center out o f and return- Th®y ®a"not solicit Increase in Utilities known and respected throughout the living on the A. G. Kingman ranch He bought $1,600,000 o f work and haul It to a point in el The increase in total valuation for was taken il land has gone to Baker county. He has lived ln the vicinity worms o f this second generation do Portland. a great deal of damage, and trans­ wool at 40 cents and shipped it to ther Oregon or Idaho without ob­ the county, was not due to higher for an operation. o f Nyssa fo r some twenty years or form to moths in August and Sep­ Portland, and went on over $2,000,- taining an Oregon license and com­ valuation on farm lands, but largely Frank Morgan who is helping ap­ more, first coming to this county as tember. Eggs are deposited and the 000 of other sheepmens paper. He plying with the regulations o f Ore­ to higher valuation on public utili­ worm, ^ * the aoil praise land for the Owyhee project a teacher. It is beheved he w.U fill h, , f also put something like $1,760,000 in gon laws. ties. Valuations on improvements overwinter. is working in Oregon Slope this the office if it .s the desire o f the whpre t„ "A n idea o f what this means may to feeding. A few days before the on deeded land, on town and city people to nominate and elect him j A c c o r d i to w L g h o v e l c o u n . week. be gained by the penalty given t t primaries which nominated him for lots, on sheep, on the bee industry for the good o f Malheur county and t H en and cut_ Mrs. Verna Schweizer was a Sun­ the senate, the wool and sheep mar­ Baker to H. W. Thomas, driver for and on the new silver fox industry, the state. . the Oce Schewizer worms are effectively controlled by ket went to hell, and Stanfield was Johnson A Brent o f Weiser, whe ha” « also m aterially added to the day visitor in “ I w ill serve Malheur county to home. the application o f poison baits as not only wiped out, but found him­ hauled a load from W eiser to Baker total valuation fo r last year. the best o f my ability,” said Mi follows to the infested areas: coarse self owing $1,000,000 or $2,000,000. and then soloclted business fo r the The Klingback fam ily werp Ontar­ A decrease in valuation is shown Morgan in announcing his candidacy. He was fined $60, In­ bran, 50 lbs.; calcium arsenate, 2 He was tempted to decline the nomi- return trip. >yette visitors Friday, call­ on merchandise, on shares o f stock, io ar cluding costs, and $50 on another DcBord home where Mrs. A S A N E C IV IL SE R VIC E P E N ­ lbs.; molasses, J qt.; salt, 1 lb.; wa-1 nation and confine himself entirely on farm implements and machinery, ing ter, to make a coarse, crumbly mash. | to his own affairs, so ah to pull him charge fo r having an improper li­ SION. father, D. E. Tufts of on hotel and office fixtures, *•-» hors­ Kli' cense.” • " "■ ! lc. But stodr sriendolef E TA O N _ is visiting. es, cattle an dswine. From The Omaha Bee Farm Barden Lightened Mrs. Chas. Fisher was a business Men and women n Omaha, mem­ The fanner’s burden o f taxation visitor in Ontario Friday. bers o f the Unted States civil serv­ elected as senator, and try to save has been noticeably lightened fcg the Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Overstreet and ice, are interested in the provis­ Real Estate Transfers Recorded his creditors and himself while county as a whole. According to Mr. Judd were Boise visitors Mon­ ions incorporated in a bill intro­ T. H. Moore to Theodore H. serving as senator. figures in the summary, the acres day. duced by Senator Stanfield o f Ore­ During these nerve-racking years, Moore, 6V4 acres in N H N E H S W H o f tillable land were rated 104,022 Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Fisher were gon that would put retirement rules when Stanfield was deep in the hole Sec. 4-18-47. 3|31|26. $6,000.00. and the value affixed at $6,033,160.- dinner guests in the Ham Brown and pension allowances upon a san­ James Kissick to E. S. Montgom­ and all agriculture and livestock 00 fo r 1926, a decrease from 105,- T R A N S F E R OF R A IL R O A D L A N D home near Nyssa on Sunday. er basis. were in the worst kind o f a fix, ery et ux, N E H Sec. 31-16-47. 3|29- 082 acres in 1924 at a value o f $5,- A t present retirement is compul­ TO G O V T . T IT L E R E S U LT S IN Stanfield was in Idaho, in Portland, 26. $10.00. 130,876.00. This makes a difference M AM M O TH T A X LOSS. sory at age o f 70 and the maximum Sarah E. Gambil et vir to Geo. in New York, in Washington, in o f $97,726.00 in favor o f the farm ­ BONITA _ pension is $720. The result is that Eastern Oregon, in Chicago— he woe L. Phillips, L o t. 13, 14, and 16, ers, and accounted lo r a material trying to be pretty much every­ Block I l f Nyssa. 8jll|26. $1.00. difference in taxes. Non-tillable ” Harry Reed and Mrs. Carl W ood-j® 'vil service employes dread retire- In 1916 the title to the O & C E. S. Anderson et ux to Elisa where all the time. He was figh t- land was raised and valued accord­ cock made a business trip to On-Lment, with its inadequate pension, Grant lands was taken away from and thousands of them hang on to ing for his life and also was work- Smith, S ttS E H Sec. 20-16-47. 4|3|26 tario Tuesday. ingly. the railroad company that paid tax­ plans— which succeeded $100. Another statement o f interest on Wilton Stream went up to Iron­ their jobs past their usefulness and es fo r over 50 years and placed in ing out largely due to his initiative and his ' Francis Crawley et ux to Chas. C. the summary is the decline in value side Sunday evening to work for long after they would willingly have the government that does not pay retired if the pension were adequate. clear conception o f what could and Crawley, Lot 4, Block 20, Brogan, o f farm Implements and machinery. Doug Lofton. Actuaries assert that the saving to taxes. would work— plans so rehabilitate. 3|26|26. $400.00. In 1924 the valuation was $102,620.00 F ritz Preston is working fo r Mr. the government under the Stanfield This has resulted in a loss over livestock and agriculture. And yet Samuel H. Corliss et ux to An- and in 1926 it was $92,440.00, a de­ Phelan, plan would be expressed in mil­ $5,000,000 to Oregon in taxes. The the record is pulled on him to show ! drew Robinson, S E H N W H , NEH- crease o f $10,180.00 in valuation. Eldon Stream and Chet Lanman lions, due to increased efficiency act provided fo r and the government Thnt he was not sitting in his sen- SW(ffi, N H S E H , and N E H Sec. S l­ N ew Item Appears are helping E. F. Pratt put in the under such a plan. Under the pres­ has paid and charged against the O. ate seat while Rome was burning. 26-41. 4|2|26. $100.00. A new item appears on the sum­ one millon Ben Jones place. ent plan the government loses be­ & C. land grant over Fred J. Palmer et ux to Ffank W e hold no brief fo r Stanfield, m ary card fo r this year, the num­ Mr. and Mrs. Hutchins and in­ cause of the many superannuated dollars (4 years’ accrued taxes) and who has enough to answer fov, both Palmer, 8.33 acres in Lot 1, Sec. 14- ber and valuation o f foxes. The six million dollars ($2.50 per acre) in a business and personal way. But 26-43. 12|26|1912. $1.00. number is stated as 2 with valuation fant son, recently o f John Day, pass­ employes, the aged employes lose to the railroad company. ed through Cow Valley Saturday on because there is no longer any joy R. M. Carlile et ux to S. A . we hate to see such little stuff as at $200. Ten years have passed, and up his time-table, and the location of Moore, Lots 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10, Block The increase in the valuation of their way to their old home in Col­ in their work, and worst o f all, many of these aged government servants to November 1st, 1925, the sales his sitter, sprung by an opposing 127, Ontario. 2|28|26. $10.00. various public utilites, such as rail­ orado. are often in danger o f being dismiss­ amounted to three million dollars, candidate, who E. J. Rich, Admr. to Albert Spring seems to really be here should have some roads, power and telephone, is $16?,- leaving a debt o f over four million. grasp o f the realites o f a hard sit­ Hlnsch, south 40 feet o f Ix>ts 8, 4, and everybody’s fancy is lightly ed, when they are on the point of 866.67. retirement, because they are unabld I t w ill take over 10 years more to uation. A senator has something 6, 6, and 7, Block 6, Nyssa. 11|4|25. Summary cards may be obtained turning to thoughts o f gardening. repay this. The taxpayers have suf­ else to do than sit, especially when $410.00. Chet Lanman accompanied Mr. to carry on their duties. from the office o f Assessor A . M. Under the Stanfield plan employ­ fered keenly from increased taxa­ he went through what Stanfield F irst National Bank o f H alfw ay and Mrs. Eldon Stream to Vale Graham. tion because o f the transfer. Under went through in 1920, 1921 and 1922, to J. P. Ritter et al, S W H N E M , Saturday on a business trip. Mrs. es would have the right to retire these conditions the government and SW M and accomplished what Stanfield ac­ N W H N W H , S H N W M , Hattie Reed went with them as far after thirty years service, without CRESTON regard to age, and the maximum an­ should advance to Oregon what she complished for agriculture and Hve- Sec. 12-17-44. 4|6|26. $600.00. as Brogan. has lost. Senator Stanfield has in­ Henry A . Hyde et ux to H e n rj stock by being out o f his seat and Jim Yost passed through Creston Dick Reed was over from W estfall nuity would be $1,200. ^ gome ?ood. There is now in the pension fund troduced a bill p r o v i n g fo r this where he ^ Fitchett, Lots 9 and 10, Block 10, Friday o f this week on his way to fo r a week end visit with relatives W estfall. 4|5|26. $125.00. some $40,000,000, maed up largely (S.3255). I f the bill can be passed Burns as a witness fo r J. Turner, here. at this session it w ill mean prompt S. D. Bigelow et ux to J. B. B ige­ o Frank Simmons o f Vale was ln f contributions by government em­ proving up on his homestead. ployes. The Stanfield plan would payment o f over four million dol­ low, Lots 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10, Block David Rogers made a business our locality Tuesday. lars to Oregon. 146, Wards Add. to Nyssa. 4|3|26. trip to Riverside Thursday o f this Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Stream and set the employes’ contribution at $ 1 . 00 . 3 tt per cent o f salaries, and actu­ fam ily and Wilton Stream were week. Miranda Watson et vir to Alvon Frank Shumway was a Riverside Easter dinner guests o f Mr. and aries have computed that the funds McGinnis, part o f L ot 2, Sec. 2-21- Mrs. E. F. Pratt. Eldon and W il­ thus collected and added to the $40,- ealler the last o f the week. 26. $700.00. O. Jenkins went to Riverside for ton and Lou have been strangely 000,000 now in the federal treasury H. W. Champneys, Trustee to a pack loan o f provisions fo r his reticent as to who really ate the would make the pension fund self- CO NSTRUCTO R V A R N E Y M EETS Federal Reserve Bank o f San Fran­ sustaining fo r fo rty years. sheep camp Saturday, returning the most eggs that day. M A N Y M IS H A P S W H E N S E R V ­ cisco, N W U N E U , S W H N E H , SE- The attractive features of this Lee, John and Fred Hammack firs t o f the week. IC E IS IN A U G U R A T E D . MNWV4, and N E H S W M Sec. 2-16- a new road plan direct it to the attenion o f ev­ Creston has been vsited with some are busily building 43; all o f See. 85; N E H N W M , RE- ery member o f congress. I t is to be from the stage road near Bonita good rains this week. C L A IM S M UST BE F IL E D W IT H David Rogers lost a valuable straight north to the road which hoped that congress w ill make re­ T A X The Pasco, Wash^— Elko, Nev., K S W U . W V4NEH , and W H S ^ U CO LLECTO R H UNTLEY tirement possible after 80 years o f horse last week, when it was cut by passes Eldon Stream’s. air mail service started last Tuesday Sec. 86-15-43. 4|9|26. $10.00. BEFO RE M A Y 28TH. H. E. Noah et ux to C. C. Cotton, loose wire and bled to death. The H. E. Foster has taken a posi­ service, without forcing public serv­ by Walter T. Varney, o f San Fran­ w ire was around the resrvoir where tion in the cement mill at Lime, on ants to hang on until a compulsory cisco, has been temporarily suspend­ O. 67 acres in SEMNE14 Sec. 12- Burnt River above Huntington. E l­ retirement at age o f 70, and that the stock has to g o to water. Portland.— A ll tobacco retailers, ed according to word by local postal 21-46. 8|20|26 $1.00 M arriage Licenses Issued Harold Gugle called at the E. don Stream took him over in his the Stanfield plan will be adopted jobbers, wholesalers, importers and authorities from W. C. Vandervoort, W alter Henry Erdelbrock and Ford on the 9th. Mrs. Stream and for an increase in the amount o f the manufacturers who desire to obtain superintendent o f the reaihray mail Rogers home last Sunday. Anna Bennett. 4|7|26. T . R. Beers and fam ily attended the children accompanied them and pension. a refund from the government on service, with headquarters at Seat­ Senator Stanfield deserves to be taxes paid on cigars, as provided in tle. the picnic dinner at Mrs. Frank they will visit relatives at Hunting M. Vandervoort has been in Complaints Filed in Circuit Court Oregon A Western Colon. Co. vs. commended for wtfring out a plan o f the new revenue bill, and who car­ Pasco since the start o f the serv­ Shumway's home last Sunday. A ton on their way home. Peter Williams et aL 4|9|26. Recov­ pleasant time was spent. County Surveyor J. F. M iller and such merit to civil service employes ry approximately 4000 cigars on ice. Mrs. M iller came up from Vale Mon and yet o f such financial gain to which the tax has been paid, may One mishap after another has met ery on note. $1,660.00. His record shows file formal claims in the office o f Varney in his efforts to establish day to receive Paul Grondonas fen­ the government. R A N K E X TR A V A G A N C E , cing along the highway fo r the coun­ him to have been the author of many Clyde G. Huntley, internal revenue his line. Two o f his six planes have SAYS FARM ER constructive measures approved by ty. Mr. Grondona will start Mon­ collector at Portland, on or before not been delivered by the factory C. E. Spence, State Market Agent; day at Brogan making cement congress. although they were to have been May 28. In an issue o f the Rainier Review Although only serving his first blocks for Mrs. Kennedy’s new store As announced by Huntley, the ci­ received in time for testing before I read a statement, attributed to term, he is already an influential there. gars on which the refund may be the inauguration o f the line. the market agent, that the average Gill Slayton, pioneer resident of member o f the senate finance com­ A 60-day recess has been granted person on the farm spends $66 for claimed must be in original and un­ Harper, died at the Carter House in P IO N E E R S G E T FRE E mittee, the moat important commit­ contrasting clothing during the year, or did broken packages and in the same the Varney air mail Ontario very suddenly Saturday H U N T A N D F IS H LIC E N S E tee hi the snate, and Is the first containers in which they were pack­ firm in the Pasco-Elko route to per­ during 1926. I feel that I must en­ night. He had been in poor health senator from Oregon to serve