PRICE Fudge Making Finds Favor W ith Co-Eds ONE FORM OF TOWN BOOSTING One Practical thin» we can do to promote the develop ment of Nyssa is to talk up the advantages of its retail trade opportunités whenever we can- When you make a purchase in these stores that pleas es you, and you show it to your friends, be sure to re mark that you got it right here in your horn® town, at such and such a store. If that could become the com mon practice among the people of Nyssa itwould be a powerful influence in keeping trade at home, and retain ing the city’s money for the development of its own in stitutions and business. BR IEFLY TOLD Mrs. H. W. Herding of Louisville was fined $10 for slapping a deputy who tried to keep her from kissing her husband in. jail. F udge m ay be classed w ith pie ns a Gordon Poland of Anniston, Ala., was fined one cent typical A m erican dish. It hns a place In e v e r y young for assault with a weapon upon Oco DeArman. lo an ’s h e a rt and Miss Evelyn Curtin, arrested for swindling merchants every g irl’s c a te gory o f a c c o m at Sterling, 111-, sawed the jail bars and escaped. p lish m en ts C o- e d s s w e a r by Unable to secure her parents’ consent, Miss Ethel Petts fudge an d “ fudge of Southend, En»land^secured a court decr®e permitting sh in e s" In so ro r her to get married. ity p a rlo rs a r e tho very la te s t Four men carried to sea in a small boat off Vera Cruz w rin k le In colle were saved when they burned their clothing as a distress g ia te c irc le s THE ESSENTIAL GARDEN T h e re ’s a big signal. w allop In u p la t It would help much in the development of Nyssa or any After being missing four years from his home in te r of fudge, th e Given. T 7 AI.UK o f h e a lth m ay not be reck- co-eds e x p l a i n . ambitious town, if the idea could be disseminated that England, Fred Herring, a blind man, was found in a oned In d o llars an d cents. T w o because it's one of the g re a te st so u rces every home place ought to be beautified by some effort poor house in Glasgow, Scotland. th o u sa n d y e a rs ago th e re w as p e r of energy, containing both milk, the at gardening. We should look at a home without this h a p s som e ex cuse fo r th e gustronom e, “p e rfe c t food,” an d sugar. James Morin of Chicago, caught committing a burg b u t to d ay th e re Is none. T h e w ay to If you’ve any doubt of th e place form of improvement, as too severely plain. It looks like lary, had an eye put out while resisting arrest. h e a lth lies In a b alan ced diet. H ip fudge occupies In th e young m ale a woman who never attempted to have any pretty cloth p o crates. th e f a th e r of m edicine, heart, try th ese re c ip e s on hint and After being blind for 20 years, James Pope of Bristol, figured along th e sa m e lines b a rk 4fi0 h ear his own answ er. B ach of th e a p ing, but merely wore the most severe and unadorned gar B. Q H e e x p ressed th e b e lie f th a t pended d ish e s w as p re p a re d by M iss ments that she could make from the plainest and dullest Eng., recovered his sight at the age of 85. th e science of m edicine h ad It» be M eta G iven, doing r e se a rc h w ork in material. When Mrs. H. T. Cheddington died at Racine, Wis., her gin n in g In th e effo rts of m en an d tho hom e econom ics d e p a rtm e n t of th e Thus the garden or the bed of shrubbery should be re clock stopped at the same instant. wom en to find b e tte r and sm o o th e r U niversity of Chicago, an d they a re diets. tho re su lt of m uch e x p e rim e n ta tio n . garded not as a kind of superfluity which is nice to have Isaac Nathan of London left all his large estate to D iet In th e hom e today Is becom C hocolate Fudge. but not necessary, but as an essential element in the com charity and this message to his three sons, “Go out and big a m a tte r o f p rem ier co n sld em 2 cups su g a r 2 sq u a re s choco pleteness of a home. % cup evaporated late tlon. W om en a r e ta k in g cognizance make your own fortune.” m ilk Few g ra in s of sa lt o f th o se Im p o rtan t food e le m e n ts Almost every home place has a little land around it V4 cup w a te r I tbsp b u tte r tsp vanilla 1 tbsp. corn siru p know n a s vltam lnes. T h ey have While Mr. and Mrs. J. Alcalde of Brooklyn were out that can be beautificd. If that .land stands idle and no learn ed , also, th e benefit to th e hu S h av e th e chocointo so th a t It will visiting friends, robbers carried away everything in thing is done with it, it is an element of waste. There m an body o f such m in e ra ls ns Iron, m elt m ore easily. Add th e su g a r, salt, calcium anil phosphorus. m ilk, w a te r an d corn siru p . Cook, s tir is an opportunity to make the home seem attractive and their home except one chair. ring until chocolate an d su g a r a re homelike, but that opportunity is not used. T h is know ledge h a s re su lte d In th e When it was announced that Anthelme Mangin, hou sew ife p lan n in g h e r m ena< w ith an m elted, an d th en only o ccasionally to There are some people so beauty loving that their French war vet®ran, had lost his memory and was seek eye open to d ie ta ry values, w hich Is prev en t burning, u n til th e soft bnll If their horn® mere ing his family, 15 widows claimed him as their husband th e big reaso n why m ilk h as assu m ed stage Is reached, or n te m p e ra tu re of homes blossom wherever they are. such a larg e place In th e m enu of th e 2.14 d eg rees F a h ren h eit. R em ove from ly has the tiniest city back yard, they have some flow Worry over the marriage of her 75 year old daughter A m erican fum lly. M ilk c o n ta in s every tire and add th e b u tte r. Cool until ering plants there. If there is no back or front yard, caused alm ost lu k ew arm . 110 degrees, add flu s tru c tu ra l elem ent fo r body building. the death of Mrs. Mary White, aged 102, of Dur voriug and bent vigorously until w hen then they probably have window boxes of plants that It Is an alm o st p e rfe c t food. D esp ite ham, N. C. th e b est re frig e ra tio n facilitie s, milk a little Is dropped from th e spoon It create a festive note. will keep sw eet only a sh o rt tl r a a will bold Its shupe. P o u r Into oiled There are some communities where gardening has thus Ethel Kahlman was fr®ed of a liquor charge at Bridge tin s ami m ark In sq u a re d M illions o f A m erican housew ives h ave become an almost universal custom, and where people port, Conn., when nine male jurors smoked out three wo solved th is big problem by u sing e v a p C ocoanut C andy. o ra te d milk, w hich Is sim ply fre s h would as soon think of having an undecorated home, as men dissenters with their strong pipes. I g cup su g a r 1 tsp. b u tte r 14 cup e v a p o r a t e d 1-8 cup shredded cow ’s milk ste riliz e d In c a n s to Harry Geise of Chicago sang over the radio, which having one with paint all worn off. Places with that m ilk cocoanut achieve keeping q u a litie s an d w ith 14 cup w a te r 14 tsp. vnnllln enabled his wife, to whom he owed alimony, to locate him character become noted for a long distance, and people six ty p er cen t o f th e w a te r rem oved. P ut b u tte r Into g rn n lte s a u c e p a n ; E v a p o ra te d m ilk Is not th e sa m e a s remember them and say they wish they had homes there. and cause his arrest. when m elted, ndil sugur. milk an d wn condensed milk, although m any p e r ter, and s tir u n til su g a r Is dissolved The silent influence of beauty does more t0 promote the A burglar captured in Vermont had in his pocket a so n s confuse th e tw o. T h e condensed H e a t to boiling, ami cook to th e soft development of those towns, than half a hundred town receipt for $450 from a surgeon who had changed the p ro d u ct Is a com bination o f milk anil bull stage. Rem ove from Are, add su g u r can e In a tw o-flfth can e s u g a r boosters emphatically shouting all the time, but not turn contour of his ears, chin and hose as a disguise. cocoanut an d vnnllln, cool to 110 tie an d three-fifth m ilk p roportion. E v ap grecs F u h re n h e lt and b e a t until ing their hands to do any real work. Raising crickets for sale to fishermen as bait is the no o ra te d m ilk hns no th in g b u t w n ter qream y an d m ix tu re begins to su g a r vel occupation of a man in Montgomery, Ala. ta k e n from It an d n o th in g a t nil ad d ed slig h tly a ro u n d edge o f pan. P o u r In S u g a r Is th e p re s e rv a tiv e used In MADE HIS OWN JOB to b u tte re d pan and w hen cool m ark ’ Oxford, Ga., recently had its first holdup in its 100 m a n u fa c tu rin g th e condensed product, In sq u a re s years of existence, and the bandit was captured. w hile h e a t only Is th e p re se rv a tiv e It seems that there should always be a job in this world Penoche. fo r ev ap o ra te d m ilk. F o r th is renson 8 cups brow n or 1 tbsp. b u tte r clarence Stacey of Rochdale, Eng., celebrated his 21st for any person who really wants to work,and there prob 1 tsp. van illa m aple s u g a r th e e v a p o ra te d p ro d u ct m ay be used 14 cup evaporated 2 cups chopped birthday and inheritance of a fortune by buying a cir ably is if he only knows how to find it. in an y w ay In w hich m ark s! m ilk Is n u ts milk 14 cup w ater cus. used. That using one’s head is often better than wandering Boil sugar, milk and w a te r to the aimlessly about seeking work is illustrated by the exper When Mrs. Mary Corther of Chicago was turned out so ft ball stage. Rem ove from th e fire H ave th e S a m e M eaning T he w ords "flue” and “ch im n ey ’’ •tdd b u tter, flavoring and n u ts. Ooo’ ience of a French Canadian, who removed to Vermont of the family home, she got a court order compelling a to 110 d eg rees F a h ren h eit, th en ben and sp®nt the summer looking after cottage dwellers on daughter to support her. may be tiaed Interch an g eab ly , but the until cream y and th ic k e n e d ; p o u r Int word "ch im n ey " u su a lly h as refe ren ce the shores of Lake Champlain. When the season was Uprooting of a tr®e by a storm disclosed a vein of sil a g reased tin and w hen tlrm cut. to thu u p rig h t s tr u c tu r e of brick, stone over he was out of work, but he had 13children and some ver-leaf ore near Clark’s Fork,, Ida., said to be one of the or th e llxe th a t ex te n d s som e d istan c e O dd L ightning Facta thin» had to be found to help tide them over the winter. richest in the state. above a b u ild in g ; It also bag refe ren ce P h o to g rap h y revculs m any thing-- to th e funnel or stuck of a ste am He heard that the Vermont school law required the Mrs- Raymond Adams of Gloucester, City, N. J., found about lightning. One Is th a t a gren- boiler. T h e word “flue’’ Is th e channel township board to furnish transportation for any group a diaimond worth $80 in the gizzard of a chicken she was or paaaage fo r sm oke, u lr an d the many flashes are m ultiple, consisting of ten or more children living more than two miles from preparing to be cooked. of sev eral d isc h arg es In rupld succes o f com bustion to puss through glon along th e sam e puth. sa y s N ature a schoolhouse. Ten of his 13 children were of school Dr. Richard H. McCarthy of Saratoga Springs, N. Y., U ugaxlne. T h e se flushes a r e studied F irtt F ountain Pen» age, so he asked the board to furnish them transporta canceled all bills owed him by his patients in celebration by m euna of a cutueru m ounted on s T he fo u n tain pen w as m a n u fa c tu re d The board agr°ed that his request was not to be of v ertical a x is and tu rn e d from side to tion. In E n g lan d ns early a s 183fi, but II did his recent birthday. not a tta in any g re a t deg ree of r uccess, side by clockw ork. T h e p ic tu re s are ignored, so he was employed to take his own children to Howard Rullman, a tourist from New Orleans was ac a s It did not prove p ra c tic a b le In the ta k e n a t n ight, th e s h u tte r being left school at three dollars a day. open until a flush occurs way It w as c o n stru c te d . In 1884 a cidentally locked in a dungeon of the Tower of London Yes, there is usually a job for each of us somewhere, jf p a te n t w ns g ra n te d for th e a u to m a tic for several hours. u n d erfe d pen. It Is sta te d th a t m od we will only use our heads to find it. Precious M etal» e m fo u n tain pens a r e based on tb e Afte workin» t\$> weeks with a fractured spine, John S ta tis tic ia n s rom pll* som e cnorm on p rin cip le of th is model. figures a t tim es w hen they aro seek Wilder of Cardiff suddenly collapsed'and died. That Missouri boy who attended school 12 years with Ing a to ta l Cor som ething, ns for In H igh in N u tritio n In compliance with his wish, the body of Henry Bod- sta n c e th e um eunt e f gold nnd sllvc! out being absent or tardy is almost too regular to ever T h a t tb e pecan la high In n u tritio n • lington was cremated and the ashes placed about the In ctrcul. .lo t In th e w orld, or If no: amount to much. ts a know n fact. T h la n u t r lt l .i vului in circu latio n , acco u n ted for. They roots of his favorite tree at Wimslow, Eng. la th e reault of Ita f a t and protein have set f o rth th a t th e v a lu e of -gold Apothecaries tell us that a dram contains three scru John and David Towers, twins, have been servants in content. T he pecan effe*» a Siigli foia, Is, roughly speaking, fil»,100,87 l.fl:t(l ples, yet prohibitionists contend that if you take a dram the home of a family at Manchester, Eng., for 50 vears. value In a c o n c e n tra te d tanni end fo -hereas th e value of «Uvwr Is about th at reaso n food a u th o r !f e e n i n n i you have no scruples. il6.2fl0.01fi.lfi» Mrs. T. H. Nixon of Chicago claimed insurance on her m end th a t It be e a te n la co njunction Senator Capper would have Congress set apart a na canary, lost in a fire, on the grounds that her policy cov with b u lk ier foods to secaaw p ro p er a« R eplace» Y ellow B anner •b n llatlo o tional agricultural day. Well, they might at least do ered all her musical instruments. C hina’s n atio n al flag co n sists of live h o rizo n tal stripe«, th e upperm ost that much for the farmers. G ood B ook’» H igh V alue red, th e n ex t yellow, th e next blue. | ABOUT WOMEN According to a Congo tradition, some years ago A good hook Is th e precious Ufi tbe n ex t w hite, nnd th e one at ill* blood of a m a s te r s p i r i t em balm ed bottom black. The'»- colors s ta n d re partly civilized tribe got heavily in debt and took to the Ms. Mabel Bassett is state commissioner of charities and tre a su re d np on purpooe to a Ilf spectlvely for Chinn, M anchuria Mon jungle for good. We can understand that impulse. and corrections of Oklahoma and is now investigating beyond life .- M ilton golla, T ib e t an d T u rk e s ta n charges of grafting in connection in connectio with the SIDELIGHTS handling of Indian estates- To err is human; to admit it is not. A little knowledge of biology saved a Norwegian sea Thrift note: Save gasoline by riding in other people’s Miss Sarah Beall, ^mathematician of the U. S. Coast captain $1,400 when he towed a large whale into Long and Geodetic Survey, has compiled a history of the as cars as often as opportunity permits. Beach for exhibition purposes. The authorities wanted tronomical work of the survev since 1846. to charge him duty at the rate provided for fish, but he Modern girls may be a little shy in cooking, but they Mrs. James Howard of Jefefrsonville, Ind., is secre proved that the whale was not a fish, but a mammal, on are wjse to applesauce and boloney, tary-treasurer of a lar»e shipyard and dock company. which there is no customs duty- It is alright to rob the graves of non-Christians af- Mrs. E. K. Childers is vice-president and chief counsel John Stroup of Atlanta is 108 years old and can prov® er they are a few hundred years old. it by the records. In his young days he never drank It is about time to put away* the revolving doors and or of a large oil refining company in Arkansas. whiskey, but says he bathed his feet in it and found it .he jokes which have revolved about th°m. Mrs. Martha A. Slafter, 54-year-old teacher of Har- invigorating, liquor being plentiful and cheap in those The latest Prohibition joke is the proposal to appoint risville, N. Y., and a grandmother, has recently com days. Prohis and antis may constru® Stroup’s experience a committee of “unbiased" men to investigate it. pleted a high school course. as best suits them. An Indianapolis ice cr®am manufacturer has gone Mrs- F. C. Gold, who has two sons as students at the Commenting on the fact that all life starts from a cel bankrupt, possibly because of too many frozen assets. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, is no wa fresh the philosopher of the Ozark, (Ala.) Star expresses the man at Mt. Holyoke college. view that in thes® days, if justice were done, much of it “Better Speech Week” no doubt serves a good pur- ¡xise, but a “Less Speech Week” would be even more Miss Charlotte Whitton, a brilliant Canadian woman, would wind up there. has been made chairman of the child welfare committee helpful. The feat of a Los Angeles policeman, who made six of the League of Nations. hull’s eyes shootin» from an automobile with motor run A Georgia youth who married two girls is declared ning full speed, was not'd in an advertisement headed: lo be mentally deranged. Alienists are almost forced Mrs. __ Henry - Lardes is a candidate for mayor ayc of Seat- “A Good Car to Shoot From.” The advertisement might to agre® for once. tie. *. While acting as m mayor two years ago she discharg- also make a strong appeal for the bandit trade. According to Dr. George W Crile of Cleveland, a man ed the chief of police. Candidates for the wrestling team of West Virginia is simply a machine made up of 28 trillion electric cells, Mrs. Richrd Croker, Indian widow of the late Tam Univ'rsity are to ho given training in dancing the ■ ach a tiny wet battery with positive and negative poles. many Hall chit f, will study law at Trinity College, Dub Charleston, which Co-'cn Harrick believes will aid them This may explain some of our famed “human dynamos.” lin. v in their foot work. A similar effect wns produced in A r°cent bulletin states that there are now’ about 1,000 the old days hv shooting at the barroom floor in the broadcasting stations in the world of which “538 are in Miss Ivy J ne Wvmore and Miss Grace Hazen are physicists in the government radio research laboratory vicinity of the dancer’s feet. the United States and Florida.” in Washing oil. J. W! Parker of Arkansas has had a remarkable run of ill luck. In five separate accidents he lost a l®g. an eye Seine pro skeptical of Mario* Talley’s future as a Miss Gla-, ,-s Podsw’orth of London won first honors as and an arm, had his thi»h fractured and two ribs broken. nrima-donna, inasmuch as she has not yet developed an accour' int in an examination against 228 male com petitors. „ To round out his misery he was elected to the legislature. I any fool ideas concerning artistic temperament.