V H GAVE G I R J O H N AC 1 E - J LL . >♦♦11 Poultry Supplies Custom Cleaning and Grinding ' ■— ■■■ ' - " * I♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ » ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ » ♦ ♦ « ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ < CONDENSED STATEMENT >♦♦♦♦< J. A. Felton ie assistirg et the My••• Grain A Seed Co. warefaouao during the abienco of Al Thompion, 1 who ia indulging in soma itrenuooi farming operation. Malheur County Bank | Graen Campbell returned from a faw ' wsak* visit with friends and relatives in Tenues*** Sunday. Ho was called there by tho serious Illness of hia NYSSA, OREGON fathers, who waa much battav upon At thd Close of Buerneee December 81, 1986 hia arrival and who fully ratovsred. P M. Binklay aeturned homo this LI ABILITI! RESOURCES weak for a faw days visit with rela­ Capital Stock................. . tives and fnaada. Mr. Binklay ia Loans and Discounts_____ $470.1 Overdrafts_______________ IS* *2 taking treatment a t the Vale sanita­ Building,Furniture, A Pixt. IS. too. 00 Surplus and Proflts____ rium, and returned there Wednesday. Other Real Estate ................ AMILO* Bills Payable_________ and Securities......... s. 000.00 Rediscount* _________ If you don’t see Cappy Ricks you Stocks Benda and Warranto______ 4. **1.87 will be sorry. Casa and Due Kaon B anks 84.Slt.S8 DEPOSITS..................... Jesse Swan, Mra. M. Brown and $611.8*1.1* daughter Lillian of Boite, Mr. and Mra. Clyde Hill and Mra. draco Wil­ kins of Paima ware guests at the G. R. Swan home Sunday. DEPOSITE Heat tha babies howl at tha Liberty December SI, 1*21................S*8*.788 St Thottre Monday night. December SI, 1922................. Sn.SST.17 December 31. 1923 ............... 838.444 84 December SI, 1924.-.......... 484.01«.71 COMMUNITY CHURCH December SI, 1*H................. 4Sl,m.T4 Hr. and Hri. H. T. Francia end Mr. and Mra. A. Iraduale of Emmett were Sunday guanta at tha H. R Sharwood home. Prank McKnight, (keep man, waa in town Monday buying auppliea. Rav William Beird of Bakar waa ia town Monday. Mi. and Mra. B. 0 . Fowlaa ’ Ontario via'tora Monday. Sid Burbidge want to Vale Tueaflav to bava aoma denial work done, in NYSSA OREGON. eluding the extraction of an aching molar. N. J. Garman and daugbtar of Pay ette were guests at the B. O. Pawler home Saturday. NOTES Mra. Paul Howe bad bee tonsils and We will hare Next Sunday Ma. and Mrs. Harsh*/ adenoids «moved Monday, Dri Sate* sin and Payne performing the opera­ will »change pulpit* and Mrs, Har- tion. abey’a theme will be, “ Are we taking G. E. Bertich has bought the Dr. Jaaus in earneatT’’ Saraain proparty adjoining H. D. Mr. and Mrs. Garrison gave the During Lenton Season Holmes, and moved in Saturday. Boy Scouts a royal good Urns at their home laat Monday evening. Mias H Moaea of Boise called on number of friends en routs to Portland A jeint meeting of the ehureh and to visit her parents. Sunday sehool boards waa held at the Glenn Brown having purchased Ihe Foster home on Tueaday evening. Re­ former Molenaar propei ty, moved hia freshments were astvrd at the dose of the busineas seaaiona. family there the first of tha weak. The Jnnlor Church move* right Plea Jonea of^he aeation during the along Tha beys and girl* will have a winter, has returned to Payette. Hr. and Mra. G. S. Hurls and fam worth while knowledge of ahureb or­ iiy motored to Niw Plymouth Sunday ganisation and government, as wall BURBIDGE & RAY, Prop, as spiritual teaching, which ia neces­ to spend the day with relatives. sary to a good foundation in any Don’t forget Cappy Ricks. chuToh. Mra. Gcarge Ward and ehildren On Wednesday, March SI, Mra. Her- of Payette were luncheon guesta of ahoy will entertain the ladies of both Mra, John Oancalmo Thursday and Nyssa and Apple Valley who are in­ afterward attended Guild at the home terested in world wide work. Mias | of Mra. J. Boyde|l. Por Rent -Three-soom houekeepir.g Celin Cowan, n Homsdaie girl who aparta* « ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦* ♦ ♦ >♦♦♦ *♦ ♦ ♦ « ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Binkley metored to Vale Saturday to to howl. Liberty Theatre. Drs. R. P. and Pearl M. Bradford, visit Mr. Binklay, who returned with licensed m Oregon and Idaho. Oarvar them for a few daya visit. For Sale- Piva milch cow*. Will ha g ra d a te s Consultation and axamin , See A rt Cook, Glenn Biown, Harlty fresh soon. Disk Tensen. m!9tf arto-i fra«. Twalva years sacoasaful practice in tba state. Pirat deor west Divan and Jack Snidar in the High SHAVING, HAIR CUTTING Brown Babies minatral show at the of bank, Nyaaa, Oregon. A Bargain. HOT AND COLD BATHS Liberty Theatre Monday night. House and two lota fer sal*, Inquire Mra. Holton Stevaga has bean quits Roy Pounds, Prop. There will be a St. Patrick’s Tea of Mrs. L. Barson Nyaaa, Or. m!92t givan by tha Ladies Aid at the Com ill with the sta tist fever but it re covering. Nyssa Oregea ' raareial Cleb room March 17. Every­ body invited te come and enjoy the For Sale—Plymouth Rock aggi for Cappy Rieka will benefit the H. S. afternoon. hatching; Me for salting of I t eggs athletic fond. m ttf M. R Quimby met with a serious Mr*. B. O. Fowler. injury Thursday morning while helping at tbo Towns garage. One of his arms Cappy Rieka will bn her*. was severely burned by the blow torch, whirh unexpectedlv flamed up thu blutu striking Mr. Qnimby on the - arm. Mr. and Mra. Tom Newby returned Weds aday from the Twin Palls coun­ An increasing Lifelong Monthly In­ try, whara Tom has been working on come if totally and permanently a dredge all winter, disabled by aeeidant or disc«** be i Wm Vogts and family havo moved for* age 60. from tho ten acre tract west of town to the Allred house in the south port M Nowadays everyone who reads knows that Cod Liver Oil The Mutual Life Insurance of town. Chas. Hoomb« has purehasi d is full of real vitaminea and that it has been used for Co. of N«w York. • the ranch and moved on to it tbit years in wasting diseases and to put weight on thin, , week. No forth* premium payments, scrawny people. Now, science hss succeeded in separat­ Choice Household Furniture for sale Sl'-O a month during first 6 years. ing from the disagreeable elements the really essential ebcap for cath. E. McLeilan. m6tf 8160 a month daring next 6 yeas*. parts of Cod Liver oil. and it ia available in tablet form. 8200 a month thereafter for life. | Mrs. Goo. Behwaisar ia cooking at And then $10,000*1 your death to tho Rosebud dnnng the abaenee of Dewitt’s Cod Liver Oil Tablets, which also contain iron yonr beneficiar«. Total disability Mra. Pielda, who ia visiting relatives and other well »nown tonip ingredients, are easy to take laating SO days regarded, daring at Bakes. and will not upset ihe most delicate stomach. So ia you furthe- continúan**, aa permanent. | For Sale--Idaho Rural seed potatoes. run down men. anaemic women or children who are un­ $20,000 if death, at any age, is ac­ J. D. Lackey. ml2 der weight and lack strength and energy will try De- Mr. an1 Mrs Harry Duoroek m e­ cidental parable in n single sum or aa income for t term of year*, or tored to Nampa Saturday on businaaa. W itt’s Cod Liver Oil Tablets for 80 days it ia safe to aay for life. Lost—Truck Jack, between Nyaea that the results will surprise and delight them. Talk with Hunter and Adrian. Reward of |8 will be paid for return to Cliff Tillman,Nyssa, Oregon. m lttf Mra. Chaa McConnell left laat Fri­ day for an inoefloito visit wtth b* r aistor at Ogden, Utah NYSSA, OREGON Loral Agent Spocial prices on honey for this men It) P. R Marshall m!2tf Nyss a Grain & Seed Co. or LOCAL NEWS IN BRIEF Fresh Fish at all Times J We meet catalogue houae price« all the time. You have the advantage of home service. Hoxie Service Station Oregon Trail the Air : City Dray Line ; Nyaaa, Oregon »*«4 >**>**I t I >*♦*♦♦< For Sale. III I I I H I M I I I I H W Cahoon in Charge Morsa A Fairbanks 6 hors* gas en W. D. Cahoon, a mechanic of many gine, Parma water lifter pump Bee It years experience in garage work, has or writ* C. W. Doty, Adrian, Or, taken charge of tha repair end of the work at the Hoxie 9*reice Station. He For Sale or Trade One i-room bungalow; easy terms. ia equipped now for overhauling your Will consider good used car. Addreet oar and putting it in flast class shape A. R. McCarty. SIO Hanno k street, and guarantees satisfaction. Ms, Ca­ Boise, Idaho, os eall at Journal office. hoon ia a resident of Nyssa Bid ex­ pects to remain her*. mlMt Tan to 70—talk with Hunter. Library Hours. Saturdays Only Open to town patron 2:80 to 5:S0. Out of town patrons 2:80 to 7:80 Gappy Ricks ia on the way. for the date. NYSSA BARBER SHOP OUR RIGID INSPECTION IS YOUR PROTECTION B a c k of th e g r o w in g p re fe re n c e for O ld s m o b ile , s ta n d s perform ance. B a c k o f th a t perform ance, s ta n d s q u a lity . B a c k o f th a t qua li ty , s t a n d s a m a n u fa c tu rin g policy th a t doea n o t to l e r a t e th e s l i g h te s t v a ria tio n from a cc u ra c y . O n e i n s p e c t o r to e v e r y s e v e n w o r k e r s , is t h e ratio i n t h e O ld a - m o b ile factory. E v e r y m a te r ia l is te s t e d to th e h i g h e s t s ta n d a r d s , • v e r y m e a s u r e m e n t v e rif ied w i t h th e g r e a t e s t p re c is i o n , e v e r y d r i v ­ i n g d e m a n d a n t i c i p a t e d a n d p ro ­ v i d e d for. { THIN MEN AND WOMEN I ( I Gain Weight-Health Strength the Modern Way NYSSA PHARMACY LATEST AND BEST J. R. Hunter Wateh For Sale—Viking Cream Separator, 60-lb can of light honey, $6.00. Dark nearly new, 660 uounda capacity. In­ 84.60. P. R. Marshall. tnl2tf quire at Nyaaa Barber shop. ft6tf i Chiropractors 8681, Guaranteed quality Tire«, Tubes and Motor Acceasories for leas than usual price« • Dependable standard goods sold on a close margin of profit, subject to your examination before purchasing. Nyssa, Or. Brainard NONE . 4H i.rrs.T4 A New Deal Nyssa Packing Co. L 4 4, SIS. 84 3*,*0*0* »04 Our price on Butter Fat is 45c Phone 6 .$ 2S.OOO.** . . You c a n d e p e n d u p o n a car j u i l t l i k e th a t. Y ou c a n re c o g n iz e t h e difference th e m o m e n t y o u t a k e th e w heel. T h e m o r e you d riv e th e O ld s m o b ile , t h e m o re y o u will a p ­ pre c ia te t h e s e e x a c tin g s t a n d a r d s . F o r t h e y g u a r d t h a t fine pe rf orm ­ a n c e s te a d ily , a s m o n t h a n d m i l e a roll by. T k f ear I Hut fra lad hart 1 • M * U a L u n t S r d a n priead *$111$. mil • ■ DAW *1025 A .à Lansing , plu » MB. POWELL SERVICE STATION Nyasa,'Oregon.