T he G ate C ity VOL. XXIV. NO. 5. BIG IOWA CARAVAN LOUT BOOKii NOT SACRED LOOKS ID MALHEUR SAYS MR. M M journal NYSSA, OREGON, FRIDAY, MAR H 12, 1926. «1.M PER Having, I trust, conclusively shown also on the compensation and work ing conditions of postal employes. that the Apocryphal books form no Ho is ranking member (next to part of the canon of ¿Scripture, I Chairman) of the Committee on Ctvil come to this question in a similar Service, with 11 members, and, as form, viz., Have we now the com such, has charge of the Civil Service Retirement Pension Bill. plete canon in our possession? For it is undeniable that there have been Tho Senator Is also ranking mem Gate City Journal; other books etc., o f more or less Record of His Achievem ents ber of tho Committee on Claims, which posses on all claims coming be The Journal’s “ Facts vs Theory" value, which are actually referred to H. L. WALKER REPRESENTS Delegation from Three Conn lies fore Congress. During F iv e Y e a rs in Senate in the 1st column, page 2, issue of in the Bible, but which have long HUNDRED FAMILIES WHO Secure« Relief for Agrloulture, Make Petition for Immediate Coe the 26th ultimo, seems to indicate a since been lost. MAY LOCATE HERE. When Mr Stanfield became Senator, Basis of C an did a cy. st ruction of New Road. on March «, 1M1, agriculture was de disposition not to understand, and, These are: “ The Book of the Wars pressed, prices were down and many if possible, not to permit anyone of the Lord.” (Num. 21:14.) “ The Hie Important Committee Plaoee Help banks In western agricultural communi STATE HIGHWAY COMMISSION ties were on the verse of ruin. Although else to understand. As I trust I Book of Jasher (Joshua 10, IS; & an expert on agriculture and livestock, Oregon to Get Aid It Needs SAYS SURVEY WILL BE MADE have patience sufficient for the ob Sam. 1:18). “ The Book of Nathan Senator Stanfield found that the senior IN NEAR FUTURE. For State Development. duracy, however apparently wilful, the Prophet” (1 Ihron. 29,29.) ‘ The ity rule greatly handicapped him In his efforts to have an emergency tariff bill I hope to be indulged in a further Book of Gad the Seer” (1 Chron. parsed. Because no tariff bill eoverlr-t More Settlers Are Needed on Fertile letter to my purpose in building this 29,29). “ The Prophesy of Ahijah the Portland, March 11. (Special»—Mak solely agricultural duties had over been Lands in County to Develop Re ing, on behalf of Senator Robert N. parsed by Congress, ho found tho Com foundation, or setting forth clearly Shilonite’ (2 Chron. 9,29.) “ The sources Long Overlooked. mittee on Finance opposed to tho enact and distinctly ‘ THE FACTS”—see Visions of Iddo the Seer” (2 Chron. I Stanfield, due acknowledgment of the ment of such a law. Senator Stanftold do- ' assistance rendered him In Congress voted weoko of effort to portraying to ing I have championed “ THE BOOK by the other members of tho Oregon the Eastern members of this Cornmitteo With the knowledge of these lost j delegation. Senator Charles L. MoNary the actual conditions which made it im A delegation from the Central H. L. Walker, realtor from At OF TRUTH.” It is not an uncommon thing for books the question is naturally ask - 1 und Representatives W C. Hawley, possible for farmers and livestock men Oregon Highway association, includ lantic, Iowa, who may bring tmUce a profit on their product, because how can assure ourselves ourselves as a«, N J' stnnott- c - N- McArthur, now de- to Malheur, hundred Iowa families to Malheur the inspired writers of the New Tes ed ea, now can we we assure ceased, and Maurice E. Crumpacker. butter from Now Zealand, eggs from ing representatives from county in the near future, spent tament to give in writing, for the to the completeness o f the Bible as Hon. E. D. Cusick, manager of tho Chinn, tinned beef from Argentina and Harney and Deschutes counties, ac othor products wore being sold In tho U. last week here checking up lands first time, verbal utterances of some we now have it, (In the King James Gtanfiold campaign, gavo to tho press 9 at prices lower than like American complished its mission at the meet or satisfy ourselves that ■ tho state today a statement of the products brought Tho tr.fluontinl Chair ing of the Btate highway commission open to homestead entry, and list of the O. T. saints; for example (the Version), • u_ _ i. . i Senator's record of services during the man of the Finance Committee, Boise The Penro3e of Pennsylvania, was only par held in Portland Saturday. The road ing farms under the Warm Springs one quoted by the Journal) in Jude, in it we have the whole revealed flyc yoars he ha8 held oftlcc that await homeseekers. He also 14, (which the Journal quoted cor will of God ? Out o f this question complete statement, it Is announced, tially convinced, however, until one day has been designated and a prelimin will be Issued shortly in pamphlet Senator Stanfield, In riding through ary survey promised in the very visited Bums to get an idea of ex rectly this time), as follows: “ And two others naturally arise: Pennsylvania and Now Jersey, pointed First, What was the real nature for™ f°r general circulation Tho fol- out The first survey will to him cubbage rotting tn the fields near future. is tint; conditions in Harney county Enoch also, the seventh from Adam, of these, saying, Be- and purport of those lost books? |y"t£ f Hgh'ts^f Mr*' Stanfield's because it could not compote in price bo made from Vale to Harper. as well. Mr. Walker is the second ptophesied with cabbage imported from Denmark cometh with ten Second, how was the canon of the record In the senate: promotor who has been sent to this hold, the Lord Quick Action Urged nprt Holland. Shortly thereafter, on May 1921, the Emergency Tariff Act was thousand of his saints/ ( I sug» Bible settled? Splendid Committee Assignments, J. D. Fairman, commissioner, rep section to obtain land data for passed and furnished immediate relief by gest that the Journal read seriously In regard to the 1st question, it Senator Stanflold’s placement on tho large number o f homeseekers, who placing substantia] protective duties upon resenting the county court, suggest words of seems clear, from the very brief ln lh l Agricultural products. ed that the Central Oregon highway arc looking toward Oregon and par the next verse or tw ^ -th e Obtains Loans for Farmers. | references found in Scriptures, that United States Senate: ticularly Malheur county. L. H. Enoch s prophesy.) In order to remedy the condition of be located as soon as possible thru I call attention again to the words there were certain books written by 1. Public Lands and Surveys, hundreds of banks in smaller- western the Vale and Owyhee projects. The Schwiger was a visitor last month, (Chairman). towns, suffering from agricultural repres sent here by a Minneapolis club of quoted. It will be noted that not a prophets and others which have not 2. Finance, (most powerful and lm sion, Senator Stanfield introduced a bill right-of-way can now be had with hint is given of any “ Book of En- found a place in the canon o f Scrip- prospective settlers. authorizing the War Finance Corpora out trouble, but if the commission portant of all Senate Commit tion to moke agricultural loans. The waits until these developments have och” nor that his prophesy was tures. We are not actually told tees ). Good Agricultural Outlook became law Aug. 24, 1021, the War 3. Civil Service, (next to Chair Act General agriculture never had a WRITTEN, nor is there any record what their purport was, nor why Finance Corporation authorizing the mak progressed, a location for the road man). ing of loans to the amount of $478,000,- will be expensive. For about 20 brighter outlook in Malheur county in the whole of the O. T., of this they were allowed to disappear as 4. Claims, (next to Chairman). •> 00 , actually ndvanoing $208,000,000 of than it has now, in the opinion of prophesy of Enoch’s. Will the Jour they have done; while other books, 6. Post Offices and Post Roads. this amount In western agricultural and miles the highway will have to run livestock loans dul.ng 1021-1922 In order through these projects and the high (8rd member In 16). a local banker. An abundant sup nal tell us that Jude has therefore including the canon, and older than Surely the Holy they, have been preserved. It seem Stanfield and Oregon Appropriations- to asslrt the banka and local loan asso way will be of advantage to the ply o f irrigation water is assured made a mistake? affected to securo quick relief During Senator Stanfield’s five ciations under the Act, Senator Stanfield t ra v e settlers, as it will afford them a the farmers through the upper coun Spirit is free to give a revelation however, safe to assume that thej years' of service In the U. S. Senate, led through the west in 1921 and visited for the first time in the N. T. con were of a purely local and limite< means of transportation to market. try and a large surplus is assured ho has been n leading factor tn the many communities for thnt purposo. farmers on the Warm Springs pro cerning something which took place nature, containing matters, for in obtaining of the following appropria Worked for Agricultural Credits Act. Representatives Present Ho was a le-adar among tho senators stance, relating to certain experien tions for the state of Oregon: ject. The real import of this coun in Old Testament days. Among those present at the meet who secured the passage of tho Agricul (Totals for Five Years—1921-1926 ) And while I am about this, it may ces in the wanderings of the Israel try is just beginning to be realized. F- dcrnl Aid Highways......... $6,536,594 tural Credits Act of March 4. 1923 The ing of the commission was J. D. This spring will be the start of a be expedient to state some further ites (Nuin. 21:14) and incidents ii Forest Roads and Trails...... 6,701 087 law permits loans to be made through Fairman, Harper, Judge A. I. John Intermediate Credit Banks operating In, facts in regard to Apocrypha and the life of Joshua (Joshua 10, 13) Rivers and Harbors ........... 7.3*6,OoO conjunction new and more prosperous era for with Farm Loan Banks to son, representing the Harney coun 9,631,000 extend credit for a period of six months ty court; Archie Gowan, president David (1 Chron. 29:29) Solomon I Reclamation ............ fanners of our country and their Those Lost .Books.” Indian Affairs ....................... 2,118.547 to three years on warehouse receipts to* Apocrypha is the name given four Chi on. 9,29) etc., which it was net prosperity will be reflected through Crater Lake National Park. .. 292,750 Cooperative Marketing Associations and of the Central Oregon Highway as teen books, spurious books, for the ther necessary nor desirable to navi other apt (cultural organizations ’ ’„.proved conditions and a larger sociation and Judge R. W. Sawyer, Stanfield Bill for Loans on Homes. Total ............ ......................$32,696,978 volume of business for Vale. For TRUTH is that no living person included tn the permanent wt tir.p representing the Deschutes county Senator Stanfield is the author of leg A grand total exceeding all Federal islation now before Congress to provide court. city business to prosper, farm pros knows exactly by whom or when i.f Scripture. Cor, in the Scripture appropriations for Oregon from ita Government-supervised loans at low perity is necessary, and agriculture .hey were written. The word is a it should ')•• remembered we hav admission to statehood unttl 1921. rates of Interest and favorable torms of is the basis of all prosperity for Greek one meaning ‘hidden” or “ se n -t by anv n.eaps all the details in payment to homo owners, and Says: “ Tho Senate Seniority Helps. cret” and probably adopted because the lives and doings of the Ho States which re-elect thotr sonat.irs bankers, and industry through them, ho,»** this county. the date, origin, and authorship of brews, but, a divinely condense! and representatives have a far greater ^»ecured relief through tho Federal Re serve Banks; farm loans have been pro Diversified Farming .he most of them to say the least, summary of those doings includim influence In governmental affairs and vided at low rates of interest and long “ Diversified farming is the key . . . ... . . . ,, obtain much larger appropriations and time through the Federal Farm Loan s very doubtful. The date of some only those things which would servi othef Federa, aM ^ P thoe(, Btatee to agricultural success,” in the system; intermediate credits have been of them is supposed to be a few the divine purpose, as distinctly in which do not follow this course. The provided for carrying agricultural pro opinion of 0. E. Carman, dairyman enturies B. C., while others were dieated in 2nd Tim. 3, 16; and b( renson for this is tho seniority rule ducts until favorable markot conditions and rancher. “ On a number of obtain; but the city homo ownors, who evidently written very much later. “ Profitable for doctrine, for reprool ° f Congress, which requires every now pay the highest price named for all they Secretary of Interior Work was farms tributary to Vale, the cow, . .. , . . senator and representative to start in must buy, have been afforded no relief Some of them, particularly the books for correctin, for instruction n the hog and the hen are now play It is time these workers woro provided asked by the senate sub-committee of the Macacbees, may and do con- righteousness.” • And, everything with easy means of securing homes and considering the interior department ing their part in bringing a steady lain excellent history; but, generally which did not serve this great pur paying for them." revenue and their importance can This bill provides for a system of appropriation bill to submit an am peaking, they consist of a great pose was omitted, even in the lives Home Loon Banks supervised by the endment changing the present lang not be over-emphasized.” deal of legendary nonsense, with of God’s people. Albeit, many mat Government, with t>ond- issuing power, uage in the measure making state Mr. Carman has been engaged in similar*to that of the Land Bunks. some gross historical errors. They ters of detail, interesting enough in financing for settlers a condition farming here for several years, and Oregon 8hould Control Her Resource«. were never really acknowedged by themselves, may well have been re Perhaps Senator Stanfield’s biggest precedent to construction of the he declares that there has never fight Is based on the demand that the the orthodox Jews or the Christian corded in uninspired contemporary been a brighter outlook than now Government shall recognize the principle Vale, Baker and Owyhee projects. church to be canonical, inspired, or books. that the resources of the withdrawn and The provisions of tho amendment exists. reserved public lands within the lifiki of authoritative. Josephus, who was So that, when we read such an ex Oregon are really the property of the which the committee would accept bom in the year A. D. 37, and was, pression as, “ Now the rest of the State. All revenues obtained from tim were definitely outlined to him and therefore, a contemporary of the acts of Solomon, first and last, are ber or othor sales or from the utilization no mention of state of these lands should he paid to tho they involve apostles, wrote in his work against are they not written in the book of State, he Insists, In lieu of taxes that aid. Apion, book 1, Sec. 8, as follow s: Nathan the prophet, and in the pro these areas would pay if In private own Tho amendment which Mr. Work ership. Respecting this vital problem, We have not an innumerable multi phecy of Ahijah the Shilonite, and Senator Stanflled says: “ As Chairman must submit, if he does not wish tude o f books among us, disagree in the visions of Iddo the Seer.” of the Senate Committee on Public the altering of the bill in regard to Lands and Surveys, I maintain that the The county court met in regular ing from and contradicting one an That, in addition to the inspired re natural resources of Oregon belong to these projects to be taken out of his session on the first Wednesday of other (as the Greeks have), but only cord, there were other, and possibly the people of Oregon and not to the Gov hands entirely, would provide for ad ernment I am lending the fight to es twenty-two books, which contain the fuller, accounts of that strange and this month with Judge H. Lee Noe, tablish Oregon’s light to use the revenues vancement of $500,000 from the fed Commissioners J. D. Fairman, Har records of all the past times; which wonderful man's life; while the very from these resources to develop the State eral reclamation fund over a three- and to reduce materially the taxes now per, and C. H. Oxman, of Jamieson, are justly believed to be divine; and words used seem clearly to imply year period to be used in demon burdening our people.” present. Routine business and the how firmly we have given credit to that the Scripture record contained strating the practicability o f federal Has Worked Hard for Oregon'« these books o f our own nation is all that God eared to preserve for United State« Senator Robert N. Stanfield , Reclamation Projects. passing of bills was taken care of. assistance to settlers. Of that Senator Stanfield has worked unceas Mr. Fairman made a brief report on evident by what we do; for during our „ admonition. . ingly for the success of Oregon’s Irriga amount not more than $3000 could . . . , i ; *t the foot of a committee and stay Moreover, when we think of the thore unt„ tho dpath retirement or tion projects. Being In full accord with be advanced to any individual settler. his trip to Portland where he rep so many ages as have already pass the attltudo of the senior Senator from resented the court at a meeting ed, no one has been so bold as ei marvellous career o f the Israelites, resignation of a senior member per Oregon, The sub-committee in charge of Charles L. McNnry, Chairman with the state highway commission, ther to- add anything to them, to from the earliest days of their his- raits him to advance a grade. This of the Senate Committee on Irrigation the interior bill decided to give Sec and Reclamation, he favors the active to the time of their dispersion, "¡¡¡» h“ “ 0 regarding the Central Oregon high take anything from them, or to make tory , 1 . . . . . . . mlttoes have as many as 17 members. continuation of the reclamation of our retary Work’s » amendment priority way. Publication o f the delinquent any change in them.” the wonder is, not that there were ^ generally takes years before a new arid lands until i-very irrigable acre In over the McNary amendment ap- So that it is quite clear on the some half-dozen books outside the senator can obtain the chnlrmnnshlp OrT nn 18 reduced, *n <,u* time, to cuitt- proved tax list was awarded the Malheur yesterday by 22 western Only Enterprise, as the county official testimony of Josephus that, although Bible, containing partial records of of an Important committee. Since Stanfield entered th.- Semite, ap- senators, so long as it adheres th it unique uni-iue people, m-oole but but that that we we nave have outr(.nk twenty-two Republican Senators now proprtnM .ns amounting tn $8,<T3t,oofl hnv« strictly to the outline transmitted to paper. The legal will first appear some of the apocryphal books may that gp,,,,,,,,. Stanfield In s-nlnr been <jblntn--d fi <>m the Government for ., , . . , . - _ in the issue of March 20th. E. M. have been written then, neverthe not heard of many more such books. r. i v 1 in "regon the interior head. As a result o f a Senate Committees Control Blodgett of Nyssa, district attorney, less, no attempt had been made up In any case, it is evident that those; 3acks up m Nary in Federal Aid for discussion which lasted the entire Legislation, also met with the court on Wednes to the time o f the apostles to in that are named were made to serve As one of >o th?*,,!*kTnwledged leader« day non/itii “ WaS decided that the Prmctlce The leading committees of tho Sen clude any of them among the sacred the divine purpose for the time b e-' ... .no »V.. * 1 , . . I 1 r\ ( in » (La one rnf oru’a Ml/tAm. day. ate and House control all legislation among the 22 senators representing 11 of accepting the secretary’» recom western stntes, who organized on Moreh ing, as outside and independent evi This is because It Is Impossible for For years there has been a road Scriptures. mendations on the appropriation bill Moreover, had the Septuagent dence of, the TRUTH of what the Congress to consider thousand« of 3, 1926, with Senator MeNary presiding, should be observed in form at least, in the Big Bend district which for Senator Stanfield Joins in opposing in bills Introduced (In the lout Congress terior Department’« demand that settlor; even though in this instance the 3 miles runs on the boundary line translation really contained these prophet wrote. on federal irrigation project«, Including A very striking instance o f this tho number was 10,884) without flrnt Oregon, between Oregon and Idaho. It has apocryphal books in the days of our must be financed by the State change In the bill will probably con referring thorn to committees for con been claimed by neither Malheur Lord, and, with that addition, been occurs in Joshua 10, 13 in connec sideration, report anil recoinmendo and not by the O vernment. This finan flict with Work’s own personal cial a Id, Stanfield maintains, should come nor Canyon county, in Idaho, and at all generally acknowledged among tion with the sun standing still, n tlon. The chairman of a lending sr-n out of the fedcial re< views. J imotion fund, whleh has not been kept up. Through the the Jews as a sort o f Authorized circumstance which has been at ate committee possesses great power on June 30 1925, had a balance of $131,- The principal difference between over legislation because he elf cldcs, as 99 on bend efforts o f Tom Welsh of Big Bend Version (as some allege) it is na tacked and discredited more, prob a rule, the order In which bills shall 498.282 As a result, the Interior Department the amendment which has been re and the county court o f Malheur, it tural to assume Christ would have ably, than any other Bible account be considered. His judgment also has abandoned its demand for State aid quested from Work and the McNary has just gained recognition, and will raised His voice in solemn protest by some as to its improbability, and usually determines which bills shall and has agreed to use $600,000 of the amendment is that the former places reclamation fund for the purpose of of including by others as to its impossibility, op be reported out for the Senate to act making be jointly cared for by this county against the impiety experimental loans to .settler« on the authorization to aid settlers on on. them in the sacred canon; but in SCIENTIFIC grounds. certain project« over a period of throe the new projects out of the reclama and Canyon. Stanfield s Committees Big Asset for year». The Holy Spirit, however, who Thursday the court was to have a stead of this no protest whatever tion fund on a three-year experi Oregon. • Helped Pa«« Federal Highway Act* Senator Stanfield Is Chairman of As a member of the Committee on Po«t mental basis, special meeting with directors of is raised. And although there are, foreknew that there would come in while Senator Mc and Post Hoads, Senator Stan* the Warm Springs district for the in the N. T. about 263 direct quota the last days scoffers (2 Peter 3 the Committee on Puhll'’ Lands and Office« field was a leader In scouring the passage Nary proposed to make the arrange Surveys, one of the lending Commit purpose of getting at some solution tions from, about 370 allusions to, 3) who would disbelieve thin won toea of the Senate, with 14 members of the Federal Highway Art on Novem ment definite from the outset. o f the problems o f assessments and passages in the O. T., yet amongst derful story, actually anticipated | commttf»'' lfl of V!'st Importance ber 9, 1921 The Act provided for the In the event Secretary Work balks present designation of a system of Fed land values in the district, which all these there is not a single refer ijch objections by referring at th-1 to Oregon and the other ten western eral aid to Highways in the various at the suggestion o f tho sub-com have been recently foreclosed for ence, either by Christ or His apos rime to an outside. w.ifnspir'd cor.- «tatea because It handles all legisla states, and carried an Initial appropria mittee the McNary amendment will writings. temporary writer, who hod recorded tion dealing with conservation, reser tion of $75,000,000 He procure'! Inclu be substituted for the state-aid pro taxes. It seems that under the ir tles, to the apocryphal ration, uac and disposal of public sion of forest road« In this Act, with an appropriation of $15,^00,000 — tho first viso. rigation district laws, the district Thus we see how the Holy Spirit has that very circumstance, the writer lands anricipated in more ways than one, He has the distinction of being, with large appropriation for forest roads pass being none other than Jasher the has to assess land to the record The general accord between mem exception the only Senator from ed by Congress Since Senator Stanfield owner, which is now the county. against the altering o f the Scrip Upright, who from his name would o • r - Pacific the Senate, Oregon has received bers of the sub-committee and the Coast State tn he made a entered the Government $13,237.681 for high western senators today made It ap However, the county has no funds tures, by the pen of Moses, who had scarcely be suspected of writing member of the Commltte-' on Finance from ways and forest roads with which to pay irrigation as- Spirit-given visions of the unknown anything but the truth. —the most Important and powerful of parent from the beginning that the For Roo«av«it Military Highway. The economic value of the Ro*>«rv*lt state-aid condition was sessments, and under the general past wrote the first warning (as But, it would be PS absurd to sup all tl»e Senate commlttr-f a—In the pant doomed.— Military Highway to the whole State of sixty years This committee has 17 laws, lands belonging to the county given in my last letter) and Solo- pose that those lost books once form Thl« Oregonian. mem)» ra, handles all tariff and tax Oregon cann-d he overestimated mon, the wisest man that ever lived, ed a part of the sacred canon mere legislation and all hills portalnlng to highway should be completed at the earl are not on the tax rolls. |e*»t possible moment beonutc of the great At the last moment Ed. R. Coul the second, and John, to whom was ly because they are referred to in the tnonme of the Government .1. v«" ¡.fn! nf It will bring, porti* ulnrly Fttr T rade n j to Senator S’ aufbld racks third on the .11 If Western Or.»<m A h nearly all of Nearly 10,000 tnsrten and fox N r ter, attorney for the district, was _ granted such marvellous revelations ‘ be Scripture - ‘ t would be to gay Committee on Post Offices and Post Ms highway tr ■ tfcz. rillaDALigt- I .Irina are sold la Turkey la some that some of the heathen poets muSt unable to attend the meeting and of the future, wrote the third Roads, passing on all 1<-gUIalloB ah (Concluded on page 4.) ^ th «. It was postponed indefinitely. Now for the LOST BOOKS. (Concuded on page 4 ) testing 8SL«tal rales amj post roads; SENATOR STANFIELD’S SERVICES TO OREGON FARM OUTLOOK IS SfllGR STATE AID PROVISO FOR PROJECT DOOMED COUNTY COURT HAS BUST MONTHLY MEET J iW