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About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (March 5, 1926)
THE GATE CITY JOURNAL honor, ab, « h a .? With kindest leg a id s to yourself and Mrr. MeNaa, and all good wiabai to old acquaintance», I am Nyaea. Very »incerely, W A. Teutach. GATE CITY JOURNAL Published •vary Friday Oregon, by H. F at BROWN FOR WHOSE GOOD? TALKING HONEY Entered at tha Poatofflea a t Nffasa. ; Green apple* and ripe onea. What’» O -.-u n , aa second-cloi- avail Matter tha difference? ------------ ----------- - ------------- ~ I Thara i* tha »amedifferance between SUBSCRIPTION RATES: j ripe honey and unripe honey aa th- re O io yf \ r , in advaoea---- --------- I 1 M j» between a ripe apple and a green t - m nths, in advance.............. ,11' on „ v, ................................. Officers County P. T. A. Mr». M. M C reeling Nyaaa, Pra,. Mra Ralph Kaworth, Wade, Vice Prcaident. Mra. F. C. Fry. Oregon Trail, See. Mi»» Catherine V. Conway, Ontario, Preja Chairman. - : We w ere o b l i g e d to le a v e o u t Mr. C h a p m a n ’s l e t t e r th is w e e k , ns it was too long to set by hand at this office and it arrived too I: te to be sent to Vale and set on the machine. It will appear on t h e front page next week. Any , communication over a column in length should reach this office not latter than Monday to insure its publication Ihe same week. Ludy Visitor—Wonderful roads you When honey if brat gathered from have here; but who's beneiited by the fl-twers it ia almoet a» thin a» wa •hem liesiaes tlie m otorists? ter The bee* »tore it in cosaiia ard H ost—1 m ight mention tb s under f .„ „ t l t h their wing» at night ur ti taker, I think. more than h»if tbo w ater i* evaporat ad The ripening prueeaa take» more Needs More Leg » |ta n , week When it haa finally be C onsider the daxchund. i<J(ne thi<.k , nd , horough'y ripen.d, O h . w o e is t h e b e a s t ! H e tra t» on fo u r legs the bee» "cap” it, or atai It over will. Wlisa be n e e d s six at least. an airtight capping of pure b n « 1 In an etlort to iu»h the work n...i y Good Excuse b-«k«.pera extract their crop before Sophomore— i thought you weren’t t L . t. . „ti., nnmtklnlolu I nunt ri a It tha btea k have completely r ripened a d coming buck to college next term. eipped I he combs. The result ia Ju n io r—I know, but a few weeks ago '-green” honey neither as rich nor I heard father say there was a tine thick nor eat»b!e as honey that is lef opening In the business. ia tfce h've untl1 th* be®* huve fini!,hCTi Her Idea Such hoDV wiU ° ' ttn Brown—I hud no idea you were go tha cans and never has the lint i t flaV0|> (ng to m arry th at little widow. . Beekeepers who aim to produce a farcy article ot honey n ver ea'rart It from the comba until the bias have almoat completely eapped or “ seeled” the content*. H om y eo ripened will Jones—Nor did I. rets. The Idea was Suspicious Russell (looking for w ork)—Where la the proprietor of th is restaurant? W aiter —H»'a -rnn* out to lunch. PENCIL MAKES I FAHM PAY BETTER A muu phoned a Minneapolis ab stract company tba other day and “I am going to speak over the radio asked who the owner was of Lot M l Block 1 Blank addition, according to tomorrow night." “I shall listen In with great in ter a story floating Into th* National Aa ' soclatlon of Real Estate Boards from est,’’ said Miss Cuyenne. “I shall talk about the ideals of our its member board In Minneapolis Farm Accounting Reveals Losing He wak Informed that It w it owned modern culture.” Methods and Points Way to by John Jones and Jane Jones as “ Simply w onderful!" Bigger Profits. “ Would you like to hear It before Joint tenants. “Oh. no, that cannot hand?" be,” be i rotested. “That's Just a va (From Banker-Farmer) 1 “No. Save It, so th a t if I don’t hnp- cant lot.” A farm cannot properly be called Pen 1° Uke It I can tune out for my successful unless It pays a fair rata favorite hotel qrchestra. Washing- B ea u ty B efore U tility of interest on the investm ent and re- l ° n Star. Stenographers are often engaged for turns (air wages for the farm er’s la- ------------------------- bor. A griculture is considered by all SPORTS IN PROPER PLACE esthetic aa well aa utilitarian reasons It Is rurely, however, that tit* latter odds the most im portant industry in are completely Ignored, ns was the the world, and yet in no other indus case In an advertisement that appeared try Is the business end so neglected. In a New York newspaper. “Wanted,” it is common to find a farm er with It read, “a stenographer. Must ha an investm ent of fifteen to tw enty good-looking. Knowledge of typing not thousand dollars, yet does he keep necessary. ” book3? Perhaps he m ay Jot down a note now and then of an Im portant deal, but this is of no value in an S uggestive N icknam e analysis of his business as a whole. Baron Hiiynau, an Austrian general No other Industry, however sm all. Is of the early Nineteenth century, was carried on without books of some known us fhe “Austrian Hyena,” on sort. account of Ms cruelly as well as his Farm ing Is a business and to be appearance. He was the natural son successful m ust be conducted in a of the elector of Hesse-Cassel. businesslike way. The business m an's mind should have indelibly printed upon It two questions: W hat profit is H aw aiian Canoes my business m aking? How can that A Haw aiian “outrigger” canoe re profit be increased? To know the lat cently rescued three people from e ter. one m ust find out the form er; and College Head—And sports have tlielr disabled m otor launch 14 mile» oat to find out about profits requires the proper pluce In our curriculum , of from Honolulu, deapite a heavy sea keeping of books. According to Ilaw nllnn history, tha It is not necessary for a farm er to course. Student's—Glad to hear It—glad Island was settled hy peoples from th* have a course | n bookkeeping. Al South seas who m ade the trip la tha most every ahricultural coilege In the to know my boy will have some chance kind of ce"«* , country ^ ag issue(j a simplified farm to study, you know. acco'Jnting book which it sells at cost, Had No Honker 5nd only a few m inutes are required H e rs he sleeps, “T he good golf lia r Is out of a Job each day to Jot down the day’s hap Henry McNee, t h e proud owner of ®G ii w'h beep for years, and be hb On« J o h n n y F o n k s r t these days, with everything frozen In.” penings. Be r o u n d e d a turn B 'hby, the only trained bobcat in cap- good a» when it wus fir-t extracted, if “He might have him self culled to Accounts Increase Profits Without a honker. t V ty, ia in raceipt o f the follow ing it h a s be n p acid in jars or cans arid Instances num ber a thousandfold testify before one of the Investigating c mgratulatory letter from W. A. stored in a dry place, comm ittees In W ashington—Just to where farm ers have profited by know In Every Home W. W. FOSTER. T -utsch, who w rites fiom Jackson ing their business. Accounts kept by | "Are you going anywhere tonight?” keep his hand In, you know.” nineteen farm ers in Illinois led them asked the maid. ville. F ioriia: to improve the organization and oper Casus Belli My Dear Hank: Beauty Always Longed For “No. We are planning to stay at atlon of th eir farm s in ways th a t add home.” All men want p e o p l e to be free. 0 r page 128 of the February 13. Although they had no beauty par ed approxim ately |G50 to their aver A l l m e n d i s h o n o r flout . “Anybody going to call on you?" 1926, n u m b ir of the Western Story lots lo visit. Hie Homan ladle« spent as If there "another war" should ha, age net Income In 1922, the seventh “I think not.” Magazine, which 1 am enclosing, I much time lu self-iidoninn-iit as worn W h a t w o u ld w e lig h t about? year they had kept accounts. "Then It'll be perfectly safe for me hi v e read with great pride of th* well en of any age. Yet the effort w as tint An Iowa farm er found a t the end of to order onions for the dinner table.” en tbolr p a rt—they had »laves a-plenty P olite A pproach earned fame you have a t t i n d the first y ear he kept books th at crops to apply »neh decoration as they con “ Sir, I am compiling a volume of fed to livestock brought more money through owning Bobby, the sola and sidered becoming. To show that their Looking A h ead than when sold outright. His figures only highly trained and well insured palnsiaklrg toilet» were appreciated. addresses.” said the nmn at the door. “ But I have never done any public showed th a t his cows were poor; "H ave you any last request to p el lynx in the world. * e may recall that l)vld found time to speaking,” said the man of the bouse, com pared with other farm s in the make?” 1 take pleasure in extending, from Mrpreas himself at length In doft-nse of “I merely w ant your nam e fo r tha state, he found the num ber of acres "Tea. Ask the m inister who preaches euniiy Florida, my congratulations on ensue tics. city directory.” cultivated per man on his farm , as my funeral sermon not to say I am having secured nationwide publicity well as the num ber of acre s per horse, better oiT.” for your own prow.iss and in bringing were below average. He rented more "B ut you will be better eff.” In A dvan ce Superstition Explained th e old home town into the glare of land and replanned his fields, so that “I know It, but my wife will think The superstition that It is had luck “Alice has her bridesm aids all picked tha spot light. I will look forward the crop a reas per m an and horse I told him to say it.” tw take three lights from one mulch out.” now to seeing you very soon either on were increased. He sold some of his originated In the Russian Orthodox I “Indeed I Whom la she going to scrubs and bought good cows. The tha vaudeville stage or on the »ilver chords, where It was custom ary lo light m arry?” Bashful screen. Whet with my term as mayor three candles with one tap e r at fun I “Oh, she h asn't picked out the man second year his Income from the “The office should seek the man, farm , a fte r paying all expenses and aod your feat in attracting the- a lien yon know.” ala T his led to the practice being yet.” Interest on the money invested, had tioo o f millooa, the town has had great associated with death. “Yes, that’s all right,” replied the been increased over 1350. candidate, “but I gave it plenty of The P rodigal Costs Can Be Regulated “W here Is your oldest hoy, Toofus?’ ! “I have discovered,” says one farm time, and it seemed bashful.”—Deni son Flamingo "D one run awuy from home Mi bookkeeper, "th at the kind of m in Woggs. thank you for asking I csn'i you have on a Job, a s well as the say he's out In the cold world because particu lar team , often m akes quite a WHAT HE KNEW variation in the cost of perform ing he left on a hot day." certain tasks. I have learned from The guide halted her hook and tossed the pages of my book th a t If I could K n ew th e Signs It Into the water. T he fa ir angler re Clave increased the yield of my wheat “Funny that Brown should have warded him with a smile and inq u ired : such an aversion to borrowing, Isn't field by two bushels and my corn by “I suppose you understand all about five bushels I would have realized a It?” flsh?” su b stan tial profit from them .” “Y es; how much did he Induce you Tljg guide considered this question In W hile the farm ers may not be able to force upon him?”—Stray Stories. to fix prices on th eir products, they all Its nspects before he replied slow do have a voice in determ ining the ly, ’’No, I wouldn't go so far as to say costs of production. To reduce this that. I know only 1,973 reasons why cost they m ust first know what the they don’t bite.” costs are. Lady Jurors Shew Mercy The num ber of farm ers who arr beeping books on their business hat- "Ladies nnd gentlemen of the jury," increased rem arkably in recent years, began the attorney for the defense, but the num ber of businesslike farm "can you look upon the prisoner's ors is woefully small when listed tear-stained face and not take pity alongside the sum total of the (arm on her?" ora in the country. And all six of the ladles on the Jury Inventory Is Indispensable did take pity on her and offered her The basis of any system of farm ac their cosm etic» — W estern Christian counting is the annual property list Advocate. or Inventory. It is the sta rtin g point 02 the farm records. One m ust take EXPLAINING Into consideration decreases or in creases in the value of all property owned to gauge the progress of the APPARENTLY business. Lacking facts as to the value of his property, no business man College Man—Would you object If I can form an accurate estim ate of how kissed you? he stands financially. Increased cash Co-Ed— (No answ er.) m ay be due to property which was “W ould you care if I kissed you?” sold, or Increased debts m ay be due (No answer.) to Im provem ents made. If a farm er “ W ould you mind If I kissed y o u f (3 falling behind, the Inventory will (No answer.) em phasize this fact. O ften when “Say, are you deaf?" m an Is discouraged and thinks he Is L ittle Bobby—W hat's the difference “N o; are you dum b?”—Princeton m aking no progress, his inventories Tiger. will tell him th a t be Is b e tte r off than between matrimony and patrimony? Professor L etterklnk—The words are be thought. At the end of each year a financial derived from the Latin. Mater, mean H ow It H appen ed ing m other and pater, father. Thus, Judge— When you work what do statement Is drawn off. T his is the farmer's rating and no farm er with a patrim ony Is supplied by the father you do? good financial statem ent need fear while matrimony Is promoted by the Hobo—I'm an organist. mother. Judge—Why, a man with such talent walking Into a bank and asking for a should never be out of a Job. Wbat'r, >oan. She Loved Dog§ You h*T* ahr»yB wanted a good vacuum cleaner. the trouble? H o w I lo v e d o g s !" th e m a i d e n cried, BANKERS HELP Her» 1 » your opportunity t o get i t A v a il yourself of Hobo—My monkey died.—New York And w hen her s u ito r softly sighed: Central Times Magazine. t h i s exceptional twin-offer. W e w ill a llo w you $12.50 "I w i s h l w e r e a d o g , y o u k n o w — ” A bank in Monrovia. Ind., testa seed *‘O h , w e ll/* s h e » a id , " p e r h a p s y o u 'll fo r your old •leaner on the purchase price of a grow .” corn for farm ers. A basem ent room ______ o f w het make or how old it is, and • low one H er O wn M edicine was fitted out last season to r the pur far only . DOWN e new Premier-Duplex will be de- First Collegian—Hurrah, I have ■ pose and 25.000 ears were tested for M oved a Long W a y Since date tonjght! Uvarod to Yooni not miss the convenient fifty-six farm ers. One-fourth of th» "My boy boa a camera, a radio se*. Second Collegian—Then you aren't and the Premier will soon be paid seed tested last year was unfit fo/ and goes to the movies three time? a coming to onr stag? seed. T his year the percentage wil First Collegian—Sure I am. In a run even higher. The work is don., week.” “Well, Jim, when we consider what la a M g ti - » n a h , s f f M s n t a s n a n i. few minute* III call and break my under th e supervis'on of the high T V doahi* actios»— date. Tbta girl “ditched" me four school ag ricultural teacher. He reports It takes to amuse the youngsters of w ork of aU clcantnc. today, I often wonder how the dene* times, at this axcrpttoaial that the com m unity will have a aur we kids were ever able to get a thrill plus of seed corn this year. by looking Into a kaleidoscopes* The banks of Conway, Ark., have P en a lty of Selfishness TODAY1 offered prizes for the most marketable The selfish man suffers tunes fron A nim al T alk sweet potatoes produced on one acre Ida selfishness th an hi The new seal had arrived at the see of land. A firat prize of *130 la ef t h a t selfishness w it h h o ld s fared, along with three district prize* All the Inhabitants thereof crowded portant benefit.-- Cmernaw. ef 1*0 each. The «runty agent and around the newcomer and gazed a» the hanks are working out the details him In wonder. M tA U A POWER l A U / t D COMPANY P A M D iM V « "Did they »end you in s baggage Th* Coonty Bankers Association IDAHO B aby Fish Food ""ht?“ ventured the stbek-up porcupine. help to employ a fall time county All gante fish live during babyhood “No, no," asm the answer. "Taa a this year for boys’ and girl* n» minute water lire that live on wa- work tn Calhoun. Cheroke* and boa car seal.” M il l ■ ■ W W W i*r raffetatloo.- Science Servie» I Ylau counties, Iowa. H ?« .5 F am #» 1« S n r p a r l i n a never iern,,nt or » p »'1- Though it ra in e IS o p r e a u i n g wjM granu| at. or candy ia eoluweath R e m a rk a b le LIFE’S [LITTLE JESTS I C ouldn’t Be T enanted PLAYING SAFE A m a zin g R eticence From a boy’s essay—"The Sphinx Is a woman with a great head. She hasn’t talked for 3,000 year».”—Bos ton Transcript. • The M odern F lat “That fellow must live In a very small flat!” “What makes yon think that?” ‘‘His dog wags Its tall up and down Instead of sideways."—Answers Excellent A d vice Look up and not down ; look forward and not b n ck ; look out and not In; and lend a hand.—Edward E. Hale, Chiropractors Dra. R. P. and Pearl M. Bradford, licensed m Oregon and Idaho. Larvar graduates Consultation and exam in ation free. Twelve year* successful practice in the state. First door w est of bank, N yssa, Oiegon. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the County Lourt of the State a Ureg ,n for the County of M lb> ui In the M atter of the E slai* of Mr» A . J backmun, Deceased The Uoderaignsu, having bean ap pointed by tha County Court of th S tats of Oregon, for tha County o Malheur, «ndmlnis rator of tha astat- -t A . J. Blackman, deceattu , am navmg qualified, notice la hereby givai to the creditor» of, and all parseo having claims against Ins aetata o of »aid deceased, to prasanl thaaa duly verified as required by law, with m six month« after the firat publics lion or this notice, to said admimalra tor at bis office in the Town e t Nyaea Malheur County, Oregon, the piaea w neie »aid administrator will receivt said claims J. Poydell, Administrator of tha E state of Mrs A. J Backman. Deceased. First publication, Feb. 6, 1*26. Last publication March 6. 19.6 *++<■*+******<■****W H I l i t » : City Dray Line j C. PROM Electric Shop J L l LIVKRV R.1aso -«bla Rotea ON THE FAMOUS u p le^C KLINKENBERG PHONE 16 ■»•* 4~4—*~, “*♦>4,41*4,.I I-H 4 -H -H + + >+++« I 1 NYSSA,BARBER SHOP J AND CIGAR STORE £ SHAVING, HAIR CUTTING HOT AND COLD BATH* Roy Pounds, Prop. Nya ATTORNEYS AT LAW b . m . B L on =rrT Attorney and Coir.'« tor at Law Practica in all courts Nyaaa, On (o n W. B. H 0XIE INSURS. N C I Office at Residence, T hird and Ehrgood Av . Ni