T R GATE CRT JOOTHIAC CONDENSED STATEMENT Whirl of March Winds Poultry Supplies OF THE Malheur County Bank Custom Cleaning and Grinding NYSSA, OREGON At the Close of Business December 31, 1925 Nyssa Grain Seed Co. NYSSA & RESOURCES Loam and Discount!...........$470,686.61 Overdraft!............................ . 189 92 Building, Furniture. A Fiat. 13,600.00 Other Real E state................ *,908.09 Stocka and Saeuritiea____ 2.000 00 Bond* and Warrants______ 4,691 57 Caas and D ub F rom H anks 84,316.38 LIABILITIES Capital Stock........................ $ £*,000 90 Surplus and Proflta.............. 14,312.04 Bills Payable....................... 39.SO OO Rediscounts_____________ NONE DEPOSITS............................ 481.TI8.74 $581.091.10 $601,001.68 OREGON. December 31, December SI. December 31, December 31, December *1, -g We will hare Fresh Fish at all Times During Lenton Season Our price on Butter Fat is 45c Nyssa Packing Co. BURBIDGE & RAY. Prop. Phone 6 - Nyssa, Or. The Mutual Life writes policies at ages 10 to 70 DEPOSITS 1*21............. $286,7*8 OS 1922 ................ 272.3*7.17 1923................ 336.444 *4 1924................ 436,010.71 1*86................ 4*1.771.74 LOCAL NEWS IN BRIEF This week's masting of the Tuesday evening bridge club wee held at the home of Mrs. Gltnn Brown, three tables being in plsy. Mrs. Ernest Wilson won first prise end Mrs. C. C. | Hunt second. After the gsmes de­ licious refreshments were served by ‘the hostess end social converse en- ‘ joyed. I Mrs. Thomas of Marshfield Oregon, was a guest over Sunday of Mrs. H. T. Francis. Mrs. Thomas and Mrs. Francis are old time friends and the formes stopped off for a day whila an route from a visit to ladiana to her boms at Marshfltld. | Chas, Holton of Waisar, Idaho, moved into tba 8. D. Goshert bouse on north First s tweet this week. Mr. Holton is bead mechanic at the Tensen Motos Co. , Mrs. C. L McCoy and children are spandiag the week in Nampa visiting has aisles. Tha Nyssa Packing CO this weak purchased tha residence property of Elmors McLellan. It will be occupied by Dewey Ray, a member of the firm. HOXIE SERVICE STATION A GOOD MAN PASSES Tha community was shocked to hear of tha death af Hoy J. Beaten, which oc cue red last Monday morning be­ tween 10 and II o'clock, after an ill • ness of about a weak. Death was due to a severe attack of pneumonia, with numerous complications. Although feeling unwell, Mr. Benson did not taalisa the serious nature of hia ill- new» and continued to attend to hia usual farm duti s until within a few days of his death, Fsneral services wars held in tbs Christian church at Payette Wednesday at 1:80 p. m. and the remaini laid to rest in tha Payette cemetery. Mr. Benton was 48 years of age a id laav. s a wife, Mrs. Bita M. Benson, j who la tha primary teaches in the public school, and a daughter, Dorris , Elisabeth, to mourn the loss of a hus­ band end father. We Meet Catalogue Store Prices Change your open car into a convenient closed car, with a glass enclosure. Not much higher in first cost than ordinary curtains, with less upkeep expense. Place yonr order Motoreze, Aristo Oils No better on the Market Hoxie Service Station Nyasa, Oregon COMMUNITY CHURCH NOTES The home Is the cornerstone of the Mrs. John Bruce of Parma called on nation Mrf. Harry Francis Sunday. Religion Is not a creed. It Is life. Miss Fay Swan Is pending the week It takas a brave man ta honestly 'SEE end In Boise with her brother and face himself. friends. It la always possible to have tha Mrs. Fsank Hall returned Tuesday windows open toward GOD. from Boise, where she had bean In tha In thssa times tha greatest Interpre­ AGENT, Nyssa, Oregon hospital lor about 10 days. ters of life are those who psay. •i-;-H "l-^ -P » 4 -K » H 4 - H -4-4-4'4'4"M -*4’4’4-» <-^4-M»H->~i-4-i~l-4-l-4"l 'H ' >» 4"I-4- I E M. Blodgett was in Boles on bus- The Ladies Aid Society mat a t tha inafs Wednesday. homa of Mrs. Dennis In business ses­ For Sale—Pointer Puppies, bast No Preparation Necessary. | Mri. Chscl«. UcConneU is so the sion for ths purpose of making plans blood Unas in Pointer family. Will be In regard to tha first meeting of tha slak list this week, for ths aooked food sal« to ha held right age for next fall training. Sirs nutrition expert, mentioned on first Mf and Mfi A, Thompg()n> and Raps Pphle Spot No 82769; dam Bird pegs, no preparation is necessary M„ R j DaY,t and Mr aad M„ Saturday of this weak at tha Commas elal Club room. May Rap No. 96944. O. T. Splawn, for the first meeting, except to have Jim Beam was* among those from Nlnstssn gold pins were awarded to Vale, Oregon. f£6£t the women these and to have a faw Nyssa wba attended the funeral of pupils for regular attendance in Sun­ cooking utsnsils which aha would list E M Benson at Payette Wednesday. day sebool during ths school hous last Wanted—Rhoda Island Red laying and sand to you after the date is set- y , >nd Mri 0 . p u i | , „ an l fam Sunday. Tha total attendance for ths hens. Apply at Swan apartment I tied. The pl.n i. to have three meet ily ngs about tan days apart. Thssa Payatts. house. thara la room for others who do not ___ meetings are leetures, demonstrations attsnd Sunday athoel alsawhsra. Re­ Mm. Frank Fowler and children and and discussions, and at tha first mast» member tba change of time for the Mrs. Al Schaeffer and son returned to For Sale, . ing the speoialiet tails the womea what thair homes, afsss a week’s visit with opening of the .sehool, 9:46 instead of 10 a. m. Standard make piano, lika new, to she wants them to do tot the next be sold for unpaid balance. Piano lo­ meeting, and make other plans. So thslr mother, Mrs. Johanna Schnstter, Morning worship sermon by tha cated between Ontario and Nyssa that now all ws have to do is plan for and other relatives in Nyssa. pastor at 11 a M. next Sunday. Mrs. J A helton returned the first Will be sold to reliable D s r t y on p a y the first one. The meetings usually Several members and friends of tha meats of **.00 par month. Writs last from about 10:30 to 4:00, or sc ms of ths week from her trip to the toast cities visiting her dsughtesa. Mrs. G. church mat at tha church Monday for thing of that kind. SAMPSON MUSIC CO., | Wildman at Seattle and Mrs. Ed Jones general repair work, cleaning, paint­ Wsiser Idaho. ing, cementing and carpenter work; at Hood River I Por Rent -Threc-noom hooekeeplr.g also a pot luek dinner was partaken of j Mrs. J. W. Spaneei rsturnsd Mon For Sale or Trade for good teat i of apartments, furnished, at tha Swan at ths parsonage. j8tf day to her horns a t Union, after visit­ horses a hay derrick. P. Van Twiek. apartment house. Noah E. Hssahsy, Pastor ing for t few day with her mother, Three room bungalow for raat Oall Mrs. Joseph Mayav. For I s la —Una fresh cow Mrs. Rsmbaud. f2 ttt Mr. and Mrs. Lester Ernest moved f!2 8t Irvin Barcholomcw No Cat Show the first of ths weak to ths Brown ! Bros, foav sere tract near tha railroad Nyssa. Os., Fab. «6. 1926. bridge They expect to raira tburkya Mr. Harry Btown, Nyssa. Or. and chickens on an extensive seals and already have two incubators is Dear 8ir. operation In your paper of February 19, 1926. W. L. Gibson sold two carloads of was a cut of our boaaat, also a state- spuds this week to Boyar Bros of msnt that ha would appear in vaude­ Ontario. Ws understand ths pries ville April 4 at tha Liberty Theater. received was *2.00 per hundred for I wish to say th a t is not so, as ws ass not going to play at tha Liberty carotids. Spring is about bare and you are going Theater on Friday, April 4, os any O. R. Swan is buildings eommodtora to need comething to help you throw rhiekea bouse and otherwise improv­ other day or data in Nysaa this year. ofl tha dullness of winter inactivity R H. McNee. ing hia apastment house property. and put you in condition for your Ssvcsal ebangas took placa this spring work. COOKED FOOD SALE weak in ths personnel of the fosna at tha O. S. L. depot. Agent Crooner Given by Ledine Aid March 6, in was tranafersed to a similar posirion Commercial Club room*. The follow- at Rishfleld, Idaho and left Tuesday Ing will be on sale: accompanied by bis son Paul, to his Gaka new Hold. Bob Martin, who has Cookies been day operater for sovorai years, Doughnnts Will arouse that sleepy liver and en­ was gives tba position of agent, and Piee rich your stagnant nlood with life- C R Evans of Bancroft, Idaho, has Parker House Rolla giving rad corpuscles so that you can thaben Bob's place as operator. Cinnamon Hollo go at your work with the PEB which Candy For Bala—Viking Cream Separator, accomplish!« things. aoariy now, 660 uounds capacity. In­ quire at Nyssa Barber shop f26tf Library Hours. Mr and Mrs. B O. Fowlar, Al atd Open to town patron 2:80 to 6 *0. FOR SALE AT Dan Grmbls spent Sunday with rsla- Out of town patrone 2 JO to 7 JO tices at New Plymouth. Ms. and M rs. H. A Divsn wars over Far Salo—Automatic Eioetrfe Wash­ Sunday guests with the letter's slater. er and soma ho nee hold goods. Mm. M*s. H. A. Goshert at Em m ett Agnot Hsmaker. f 19St NYSSA, OREGON Mr. and Mrs. C, P. Lackey of Onta­ rio visited relatives in Nyssa Sunday. Tea to 70 -talk with Hentor. Toombs J. R. HUNTER Service Station Gas and Oils, Whis Anti-Freece Miller and Seiberling Tires and Tubes AUTO SUPPL1E8 Prompt Service Toombs Bros., Props. THOSE WHO TRY I T - B U Y I T T h o u san d s of Oldsmobile owners first rode in it, drove it, put it to one te st after another. T h ey found th a t attractive as Oldsmobile ie in appearance, inviting as is its low price, its g reatest excellence lies in perform ance. T h a t is w hy you owe it to yourself to learn w h a t these Oldsmobile ow ners k n o w - IT'S TIME TO GET READY base your decision on performance! J ♦950 Thatcher’s Liver and Blood Syrup NYSSA PHARMACY POWELL SERVICE STATION Nyssa, Oregoa raenu.-v v I J