The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937, February 26, 1926, Image 2

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Pub linked
m r r Friday
Oregon, by
Entered at tha Poetoffla* at N faaa
Oregon. aa Mcood-etaa« mall matter
Ona year, io ad'
W r month*, tn advi
R A T E S:
of the Bible. There was no dis­ to Christ, and makes thara to be 28
pute on this question.
He generation*. Th* book o f Lake give*
merely gave in tiresome detail, alao a genealogy by name from Christ,
through Joseph, the husband o f Mary,
which few people will read, d >wn to David, and makea there to be
what we had stated generally as 43 generations; besides which, there
a fact. There are a lot of un are only tw o names o f David and J o s ­
answered questions awaiting eph that are alihe in the two lists
It seems strange two divinely
discussion for which we believe
the space could be used to better inspired writers, in an inerrant
Bible, should differ so radically
on a matter as important as
ANENT INTERPOLATIONS Cnrist’s genealogy. An explan­
In John 5:4, King James Ver ation would seem to be in order.
siun, we read:
Is NearEa t
Relief Needed
For an angfl went down at * certain
season into the pool, and troubled the
Mr*. M. M. G realln«. Ny***, Pr*s. w ater: w hosoever then first after
Mr*. Ralph Haworth, Wad* Vi*e the troubling o f the w ater «tapped 'n
was made whole o f whatsoever ciaaara To the Editor-
Mr*. F. C. Fry. 0 rayon Trail, See. he had.
I have visited many communities in
Mi** Catherine V. Conway, Ontario,
This is s definite and positive the Northwest during th* past year
Praas Chairman.
statement, and has been taught and in all o f them I have ene iantesid
the tame general inquiries about the
(and still is) as divine truth. Near East Relief. They ar* about as
But the Revised Version elim- follow s;
Officers County P. T. A.
We were “ Interested and
amused” at some of the state-
ments in Mr Chapman’s letter
this week. It seems incredible
that he would make statements
that are so contrary to tha facts
and which are so easily proven
untrue. His first statement is:
“ There is no record o f any
inspired writings prior to the
days of Moses.”
We brieflly referred last week
to the book of Enoch from which
Jude quoted as follows:
¡nates the entire verse, evidently How Long Is This Going to Last?
considering it an interpolation of
If reference is made to war and the
a superstitious editor. The ques- conditions that bleed war, of course
tion is, which one of tr.ese ‘ iner- no one ia wise enough to an.w er ex
rant” Bibles is correct?. We’ ll cept to s ty that sums very radical
change* a rj going on in the Near East
leave it to Mr. Chapman to say. and that we are having a lot to do
with these transformations
Bat so
For the Son o f man i* come to *ave far •* the Near East R e litf is eon
that which wan loat. Matt 18 11 King cerned a very defiaite answer esn be
Jamea Veraion
given. It ie thst we will be reedy to
This statement was left out of relinquish our task ju st ss soen as
the Hevised Version, as was the ways can be found to guarantee homes
following from Luke 9 56, King and self support for the orphan child
ren now on our hanoa. Our National
James Version:
Board has set a goal o f about three
Foa the Son o f man ia not com e to
this will mean the outplacing,
■And Enoch alao the aeven.h from
bsinging to self support ot their spon­
We don’ t understand how two soring for their period* o f dependency
Adam, pmphasied e f thcae. laying,
Behold th* Lord comath with ‘ »"i inerrant Bibles can show such o f about 18,000 childien a year..
tbouaaod o f hi* aainta.
differences. It would seem that
Do These people Try to Help
Yet Mr. Chapman says there the King James must contain
is no record of any inspired interpolations or the Revised
to bs thatdusing the
writings older than Moses.
must be incomplete.
last tea years 6,600,000 people have
His second statement is.
been forcibly displaced throughout the
“ There is no reference to such
area in question
They left every
In the second chapter o f Ear* the thing bnt their money behind them
Not only did Jude quote from w riter givee a list o f the tribes and and that was soon gor*. Notwith­
the Book of Enoch, but the Lord families, and o f the p ecise number o f standing this, psobably lass than ten
quoted from a number of early rouls o f each that returned from Baby- per cent o f these people are depeadent
,h* Near Seat Re-
books that have been lost and Ion to Jerusalem ; and t».ia enrollment *«*■» * nd 10 f "
at the persons so return.d appears to |l,ef " ««ncerned all are a*If aappo.ling
are net in included in the Bible. have been one of the principal ob jects * * l!*P t 85,00b little
little children.
Yet Mr. Chapman says there is for writing the book, but in thie th ire three year* we have don« little for
no reference to such writings.
is as error that deatrova th* intention adult« except distribute old clothe» to
His third statement i\ “ There if the undertablng. The writer begins them and chan is so organized that the
11 » enrollment in the follow ing man- coat o f h ind'in ~ the clothing is more
are no remains of them.”
tap, chapter 2, ver, 3: “ The children than met. E ve« the chiidaen in our
Ths ijithors o { the Old Testa ■ f Paroah, tw o thousand sne hundred care are partly aeif-auppoiting. The
ment frequently extracted ma evenly and f o u r ." Ver. 4: “ The rapid, a I moat miraculous, recovery of
tsrial from much mors ancient children o f Shephatiah, three hundred j th*8* P*°P1*» tB economi* d< pendence
books, word for word, at times seventy and tw o.” and in this mann r ts a matter o f frequent remark on the
part o f peop'e who have recently vis­
giving eredit to the original he proceeds through all the fam ilies; ited the Near East.
and in the 64lh verse he makea a total
Pour of these lost and lays, the whole congregation to­
W hy Do We Have to Do It All?
source books are the Book oi gether was forty and iw o thousand
j W* don't. I have before me th*
the Wars of Yahweh (or Jeho three hundred and three score. But Pocket f the last monthly meeting of
▼ah) quoted in Num. 21:1415; whoever will take the trouble o f cast­ our national boar 1. It contains, among
The Book of Yashar, quoted in ing up the several particulars will find other tilings, copies o f two cables, one
2 Samuel 1:18 27 and Josh. 10:12* that the total is but 29,818: so that the from Sweeden f o n ^ d i r g 8 ,SOU francs
error 12,642 . . .
ahd another frem Denmark sending
18; the Book of the Matters Per
Nehamiah in like manner gives a 13,030 francs, th* contribution made
tainining to (he Kings of Israel, list o f th* returned fam ilies, and o f in these countries on a tingle day. The
and the Book of the Matters the number o f each fam ily. He be­ gifts from the "d a v e the Children”
pertaining to the Kings of Judah, gin !, as in Ears, by ea yirg chapter 7, and "L ord M ayor’s ” funda in Eng
both often mentioned, as in verscS: “ Ih e children ot Parosh, two land, Canada and the colonies have run
thousand three hundred and seventy into the millions. G reece has spent
1 Kings 14:19, 29. etc.
tw o ," and ao on through all the fsm 1 for relief during the past three years
These are in addition to the ¡lies. Th* list differ* in several o f the more lhan for alt other government
quotation from the book of particulars from that o f Ezra. In the purpoaea, beside and in addition pri
Knock, yet Mr, Chapman says 6(ith verse Nehamiah makes a total vata ailiaen* have coatsibuted $28,
there are no remains of any and says, as Ezra hud raid: * The 0 0.003, this largely for people who
whole con gregation together was forty
inspired writings prior to the and two thousand three hundied aid have no claim o f cittienship upon
them. Am eaica’ s contributions have
days of Moses.
three score ” But th* particulars o f been large; ao has also her ability
Biblieal scholars know there this list make a total o f but 81,089, so been great. It can be ihown. If that
are many lost books, some of that the error here i* 41,172.
i wi r* necessary or desirable, that out
Errors like this seem out of gifts have been a good financial in
them very ancient, that are
place in an inerrant Bible and vaatmant. The recant order for 10,
quoted from by Bible writers.
we have already asked Mr. 000 trachura fr< m th* Ford works by
the Agricultural Bank o f Soviet Russia
Chapman to explain them.
is but one initauce o f th* commercial
We have been wondering why
Mr. Chapman used up so much The book o f Matthew gives, chap. I, advantage ascrulng from our relief
space this week in giving s his- a genealogy by nam* from David, up operations which have had thair weight
tn adding 800 per cent to th* annual
tory of the different translations through Joseph, the husband o f Mary, purchase* o f the Near East countries
Wood Stave
..Treated and Untreated.
Boise Payette
Lumber Co.
H. T. Francis,
Local Sales Manager
Talking Honey
Majestic Tomatoes
Grape Nuts
Per pk g.....................................
’ ■'* 8 l x
A Londoner had occasion to visit
Dundee to see a Scotsman on business.
During the whole of the time he was
there a heavy mist prevailed- On his
return his wife asked blm what the
Scotsman was like.
"T o tell you the truth," he replied,
“ I couldn't see whether he wns a tall
man with a beard or a short man with
a sporran.”—'Tit Bits.
On Leave
"Madam, could you glioma a piece
* f pleT"
“ What are you 7”
T o a sailor."
“Then why ain't you at work on a
‘Ain’t you heard of that ten-year
naval holiday?”
Seven Devi! Peas
Dill Pikles
Standard can____ __________
Standard ease______________
(T ub
Per esn ____________________
Sweet Potatoes
Per Can____________________
Excellent fo r Lunches
Per esn ............................... ......
Maximum Pineapple
9 cans fo r ............
Baking Powder
5 lb esn ____________________ $Z 93
2) lb p k g .................................
Bulk Beans
4 l b s fo r ............................ ..
T h e s e a iv o n ly a f e w ite m s
........ 81 00
Kerr’ s Hot Cake
G roceries.
Maid in Idaho
Large s>z c a n . . . ................ . 28c
4 cans fo r _________
_____ $1.00
Excellent standard
Per san...... ............................
Sandwich Tana
Royal Club Hominy
Per can................... .................
RoyahAnne Cherries
Standard Stock of
the r e s t o f o u r stock.
w ill p a y y o u t o p r ic e
Standard cans
Per can ____________________ 12c
Per c s s * ................................... *2 75
Fresh Coro Meal
9 lb b a g ......................................
While many beekeeper* still extract
their honey that way, many also bate
a central extracting plant at some con­
venient location, ia a tight building
Usually it ia equipped with electric
power, a ateam boiler and running wa­
ter. with aewer to carry off the waste
The honay is loaded on trucks at the
out-yards, carefully eovaied with a
tarpaulin to keep out duat and dirt tn
the way, and hauled to tha central
plant. Hara the unloading is don* in- j
aide the buildirg, and tha honeycombs
put through the extractor. The liquid j
h mey is now run into big reoeiving |
tanks, being strained through two
th ckncsses o f cheesecloth or w iie
stsainars on it* way. It is than ready
to ba drawn off, into cans and pallr,
and packed for market. A t t h * close
o f the day’ s run the extractor* and
floors are thoroughly washed down
with ateam or hot water, so that
everything about ibe place may be
kept sweat and clean. Such methods
produie a high grade o f honey, well
worth the extra trouble involved.
Grocery Dept.
Ontario, Ore.
Dra R. P. and Pearl M. Bradford,
licensed in Oregon and Idaho. C krvw
■ radm u i
ComMjitetum and exagdn-
ation free. Tw elve years Bucaeawful
practice in the state. Firat d oor w a it
o f bank, Nyest,, Oregon.
In the County Court o f the State o f
O iegon for the County o f Malheur.
In the Matter o f the Estate o f Mre.
A. J. Baekmsn, Deceased.
The Undersigned, having been ap­
pointed by the County Court o f th*
Btste o f Oregon, fo r th* Uounty o f
Malheur, andministsator o f th* estate
Nyssa Parasites
o f A. J. Blsokmnn, deceased, and
having qualified, notice Is hereby given
to the creditors o f, and nil persons
Fees Reasonable. Apply at Commer­
having claims against ths nstnts o f
cial Club rooma any time but
o f said deceased, to present them
meal tim e.
duly verified as required by law, w ith­
in six months after the firrt publica­
tion o f thir notice, to saM ndminietm
tor St hia office In the Town o f Nyssa.
Malheur County, O regon, th* pise*
wnese said administrator will rsssie e
said claims.
. . . .
J. Eoydsll,
Administrator o f th* Estate o f Mr*.
A. J. Baekmsn, D esessed.
publication. Fsb. 6, 1926.
Last publication March 6. 1926.
Short Hours
“ Why did Fisher’s business go to
the dogs?”
“ He thought too much o f his per-
aonal appearance."
“ Dressed too extravagantly?"
“ No. He neglected his business
while waiting bis turn in the barber
ah ope."
: City Dray Line ;
“ I golfed with Jack this morning nnd
he proposed to me at the ninth hole.”
“That’s nothing I golfed with 1dm
last week and he proposed to me at
the third hole."
since the war. I f Am erica has helped
largely, eo also has aha profited
istg rly .
R .‘ atoaabl* Kate*
-•+4 <-:■ 4 + -.-M
-H 4 4 44 !♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦
Bridge Too Narrow
What Remains to Be Done?
The taak to he finished ia tha re
sponsibiliiy, definitely assumed, of
caring for an army o f little children,
about 36 000 c f
whom remain to
this day. Not all o f these abildeen
will have found homes by the and of
three years, but all o f th an ahautd be
ao underwritten ts to guarantee their
care and tiainkig antil self-support Is
aaachrd. I will aay nothing q f th*
thousands o f little once who might
have been saved from another wiatar
j»f tha b itteicst want and suffering,
'nor o f the multitude o f women and
children who m ight, have bean aliv*
today had we been willing to do what
little Grace* has dona, but tha raapun
aibility which w* have accepted, that
we will surely not relinquish until w*
hays deeantly haished it.
i . J H AN D SAK ER,
! Regional D irector, Near East Relief.
Before honey production became the
extrusive industry that it ia today, the
beekeeper kept his baea all in ona
place, often in the garden or the back
yard. The extracting and other work
o f praoaring tha honey for market
was done in a shad or in th* family
A* the industry grew, and aapeeially
sines th* aulomobiie make« travel
sw ift
beekeeper may have
in "o u t yards”
farms, each
containing many hives, and many
miles apart. It then become* a prob­
lem to harvest the honsv. The com ­
mon way is to have a portable extract
mg outfit and travel from yard to yard,
¡extracting the honey in the bee yard,
I sometimes in a tent ot shed.
Edwin— And we’ll be as happy as
sny married couple that ever lived.
Angelina— At least as happy as any
married couple that ever lived to­
Forbidden Smile
Mirth sinks Into s mute repos*
Avoiding careless chsIT.
The funniest things In life ere those
At which you dessent lsughl
Subject to Release
She— But, Aljty, I'm very cross with
>u, really I You promised faithfully
to bring your engagement ring to-
He— Believe me. dear. Pm sorry.
The truth Is— the other girl hasn’t re­
turned It yet.— Stray Stories.
Saying Good Night
Harry— I’ m going to say good night,
For Sala My piace aonsiating ot 46 dearest. I bare to get up e a rl; In the
aerea, 84 on t a ialand and t l on thè morning.
Harry (la ter)—I'm going to any
main land. If Interusted cali and talk
it orar.
good night, dearest I want to get a
| Tw o sbarca o f Owyhau Ditch stock bite o f breakfast before going to
Will trad* for a couple o f calve* or work.
|one y ou rg bori*.
John Piati. ( 1221 .
Down In the creek
Sleeps Jerry Bass;
The bridge was narrow!
He tried to pass.
Just the Thing
"I could relate Instances that would
arouse your righteous w rath!” de­
clared Hon. Thomas Rott In the midst
of his address. "I conld tell you things
that wonld make you blush— “
“Tell us I Tell us I" cried several
eager voices from the crowd.
Blarney With an Object
•Why Is a strong man like you
found hogging?”
"Ah, madam. It Is the only profes­
sion In which i gentleman can address
• beautiful lady without the formality
o f an Introduction.”
Visitor— I presume your children
ask you a great many emharasslng
Dad—Tes, If Is wonderful how like
their mother those youngster« a re—
Edinburgh Scotsman.
For Sale—Rhode Is'and Red eggs for
setting. 60c for setting o f 16.
m tf
Fred Ksrshsll.
V-A--a. k A J I I S i r « > , . .
■ • *■■ ■ FT eTT vw
Roy Pounds, Prop.
"n *
Ore gee
4 » W l * a n r n 'm K » mfT T T T T T T T T i
E. M. B L O T flC T T
Attorney and C om .'« ior at Law
Practice in all court*
Nyssa, On gon
Office at Residence, Third
Ehrgood Avena*.