n s GATE CVfT M O M AC ’ CONDENSED STATEMENT Poultry Supplies OP THE County Bank Malheur Custom Cleaning and Grinding NYSSA, OREGON At the Close of B usines« December 31, 1925 Nyssa Grain & Seed Co. NYSSA - . RESOURCES Loam and Discounts_____ $470,6845.62 Overdrafts.............................. 189 92 Building,Furniture, A Fiat 18,600.00 Other Reel E state................ $.908.0* Stocks and Securities......... 2.000 00 Bends and W arrants______ 4,691.67 C ash and D ue F rom B anks 84,216.38 LIABILITIES Capital Stock............... ....... » 28,000 66 Surplus and Profita___ ....... 44,812.64 Bills P ay ab ls............... .... 36,600.66 Rediscounts................... DEPOSITS__________ $681.091.10 $581,061.68 OREGON. December SI, December 81. December 81, December 81, December 81, ++++++ 44 ~< |^ i We will hare Fresh Fish at all Times LOCAL NEWS IN BRIEF »eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaeeee# A1 Gamble of Tillamook arrived in Nyssa Tuesday and is visiting at the Brady Fowler home. It is hinted that Al would tike to sell out at Tillamooe and return to Nyssa to live. George Skinner returned this weak feom an extended visited to Arizona end New Msxiea. The Nyssa Boy Scouts played basket ball with the Ontario Boy Scouts Tues- • day night. The eoore was 22 7 in favor of the Oatario hoys. Helen Diren of Ontario was the guest of Thelma Cools over the week end. Hie Ruth Share, Mrs Gertrude Ramsey end Flarry Lawrence, all of Caldwell, Idaho, were guests of the COMMUNITY CHURCH George Schweiser family Sunday. NOTES Owen Davie had his tonsils removed BURBIDGE & RAY. Prop, This la the barinning of Lent fWad. today, Dr. J. J. Saraiin performing tha 17th) and all tba Poteatant church* the operation. Miss Annette Blodgett motored to ea are now recognizing the time as opportuna for evangelism, especially Ontario Monday on business. In the lundey school. This chusch Rev. Hershey held aerv’eea in Vrle will make use of this eeason. Let 'Sunday. He is just recovering from every member cooperate. ■e**5*v*« *X*r a lame leg that confined him to his room for a eouple of weeks. | A Junior ehureh organisation has been effected The grade school | Hi. and Hre. Otto Schweiser w rit children will be the proper age for guests of the George Schweizer fern» this society. The officers will be My Sunday. ( chosen to correspond to the same in t Hiss Mery Matheny entertained the , , y UIer organisation. The order of ♦ M M I I I M young people's class of the Church of worship will be observed, A choir Christ from Fruitlend Sunday. | ,ud Ladies Aid will be organised. All Mr. and Uze. Warren Fenn left departments will be led by the child- Monday evening for Uteh, owing to ren themselves, except the five min the serious illness of the latter’s fa uta sermon which will be given by the ther. pastor or his wife This service will SEE Mrs Dave Hawkina returned Wed be held at l:Si) ou Sunday afternoon. nesday from Baker, where she had A very Interesting board meeting been attending the bedside of Mr. was held on Tuesday evening at tha Hawkin’s father. She reporta the home of Ms. and Mrs. Jim Beam. Tha patient has undergone an operation rtp o rt for the first five months of the AGENT, Nyasa, Oregon and bea a fair chance of recovery, al oonfarenee year show marked progress though his case bad bean pronounced in every line. Delicious refreshments hopeless. Dave is still there. were served bv Mrs. Bsam. For Sale or Trade for good learn of For Sale—One perfectly good * hor- Significance in Name Next Monday evening the Boy Rndlo vacuum tubes are called horses a bay derrick. P. Van Twisk. toscope " Only used once. Enquire 8couts will put on an initiatory dagraa. "valves” In England, because they let of M or B as several boys have passed the re electricity through In one direction and Rev. N E. Hershey and family mo quired tests. For Sal*. not in another. It is planned to have an all day at work Standard make piano, like now, to tored to Caldwell Saturday. on tha ehureh property Monday, with Mrs. Lloyd Marshall has returned be sold for unpaid balance. Piano lo For Rant -Thre--soom houekeepir.g aparem nts. furnished, at the Swan cated between Ontario and Nyssa. from Twin Falls where she visits! a pot luofc dinner served by the women of the church. Fuller announcement apartment bouse. j8tf Will be sold to reliable Darty on pay friends and relatives for a month. ments of $9 00 par month. Writ# Mrs. F. D. Hall la in St. Lnka’a hoa will be made Sunday, Noah E. Hershey, Pastor SAMPSON MUSIC CO , p'tal in Boise undergoing treatment Weiser Idaho. for a minor ailment. She expects to return home in a few days. Thelma Cook’s Birthday For Sale—Rhoda Island Red eggs for Mrs. J . W. Spencer and son of setting. 60c for setting of 16. Thelma Cook selebratsd hes 12th Union, Oregon, are visiting Mr*. f 12tf Fred Marshall. Spencer's mother, Mrs Joseph Meyer, birthday last Friday, February If. A G et rea d y now fo r th e a t tha Hotel Waatern for a few days. 6 o'clock dinner wa* given and after For Sala--My plaee consisting of 46 s p r in g w o rk . H av e y o u r For Sale Autematic Electric Wash wards games wees played. Those who acres, 24 on t> e island and t l on the er and soma household goods. Mrs. attended ware Miaa Matheny, Miss H a rn e ss oiled and re p a ire d Bracken Helen Golden, Donna Cook, main la 'd If Inte-ested call and talk Agnes Hamaker. fl92t d u rin g th e slack seaso n . Betty Coob, Oiive Hunter, Deans it over. Mr. and Mrs Harry Francis spent Two shares of Owyhea Ditch stock. the week end in Emmett visiting Al Smith, Doris Smith, Betty Tensen. B rin g th e m to u s a n d Evlyn Schweiser, Charlotte Chieley Will trada for a couple of ealvee or bert Iredale and family. h av e i t w ell done. Out of town gueata ware Miaa L. one young borae. John Pratl. I122t. Mrs. Ida Biumbaugh returned to Riggs, Helen Divan. Nyaaa Harness & Shoe Shop her home al WaHowa, Or., Monday, ' Nvs»a. Oregon For Sale—One fseah cow. after a pleasant visit with her sister, (12 8t Irvin Bartholomew Mrs. Tom Butler. Kensington Meets The Dirwiddia family were gueata The O. E. 8 Kensington was held at a t the Fred Marshall home Sunday, ft being ill the nature of a farewell visit the home of Mrs. A H. Boydell. with before the Dinwlddiea left te r their Mrs, J. Boydell as hostess, Wednesday afternoon. A goodly number were home near Nampa. E M. Benson la sick with an attack present in spite of tbo bad roads Af of gall stones, necessitating the at ter tha business masting games were played and a aoeial hour enjoyed, fol tendance of a «rained nurse. lowing which a delicious two-course Mrs. Dewey Ray and son Stanley, luncheon was served. The rooms ware Mrs. Tom Butler and Mre Ida Brum tastily decorated, with a Washington Spring la about here and yoa are going baugh spent Saturday visiting friends Birthday motif The next meeting to need something to help you throw at Jamieson, Oregon will be held March 19 at tha home of ofl the dullnesi of winter Inactivity Mrs. P. M Binkley spent Saturday Mrs. C. C. Hunt, with Mrs. Dick Ten and pul you In condition for your i i Vale and reports Mr. Binkley re sen as hostess. spring work. covering from his attack of rheums i tiim. Mrs Al SheelTer and small eon of Will Join Xi Beta Gooding, Ida , are spending the week O. O C., Corvallis, Feb. 16 Mona with her mother, Mre. Johanna Lee Smith of Nyisa is a pledge of Xi Schneiter. Tba 8t. Paul Guild was held at the Beta, loeal sorority, which will be In Will arouse that sleepy liver and en us Alpha Omega chapter of home of Mre. A. V. Cook, with Mrs. stalled rich your stagnant blood with life- Alpha Delta Pi, national aoeial soror H. T. Francis assistant hostess, giving rod corpuscles so that you can this week. Refreshments were served ity. Sixteen active members will bo go at your work with the PEB which end a social time enjoyed. A very installed as ebarter members of the accomplishes thiagi. profitable afternoon was spent in sew new chapter. ing and making plans foi a bazaar to be held at Easter. FOR SALE AT Episcopal Strvice Mrs. Frank Fowler of Ogden, Utah, and little daughter, are spending a Archdeacon Crsaaey will be in Nyara eouple of weeks with Mrs. Fowler’s Sunday, February 21, for service at 4 mother. Mss. Johanna Schnettac. o'elaek in the afternoon. A cordial ) Mrs. Hales Martin visited her psJ invitation la extended lo ail. NYSSA, OREGON ente, Ms snd Mrs. W. B Hoxie, Thursday while en route from Nampa Tea te 70 -talk with HunUr. to Bar paw boms at Huntington, During: Lenton Season Our price on Butter Fat is 45c Nyssa Packing Co. ' ] Phone 6 Nyssa, Or. The Mutual Life DEPOSITS 1921................$266,786 8» 1922 .............. 272.867.17 1923............... 336,444 $4 1924............... 486,010 71 198$................ 411,778.74 HOXIE SERVICE STATION Change your open car into a convenient closed car, with a glasa enclosure. Not much higher in first cost than ordinary curtaina, with leas upkeep expense. Place yoar order Motoreze, Aristo Oils Hoxie Service Station N y ssa, Oregon >oooow»eei M IM I I IIIIMI writes policies at ages 10 to 70 Toombs J. R. HUNTER Service Station Gaa and Oila, Whix Anti-Freese Miller and Seiberling Tires and Tubes AUTO SUPPLIE8 Prompt Service Toombs Bros., Props. FA R M ER S THOSE WHO TRY I T - B U Y I T T h o u san d s of Oldamobile ow ners first rode in it, drove it, p ut it to one te st after another. T h ey found th a t attractiv e as Oldsmobile is in appearance, inviting as is its low price, its g reatest ex c ellen c e lie s in perform ance. T h a t is w h y you ow e it to yourself to le a rn w h a t these Oldsmobile ow ners k n o w - base y o u r decision on perform ance! IT’S TIME TO GET READY ! ♦950 Thatcher’s Liver and Blood Syrup NYSSA PHARMACY P O W E L L S E R V IC E S T A T IO N Nyssa, Oregon 9