THK GATE CITY JOURNAL Talking Honey Mr. SLIPPING version. Jesus also quotes from is given by inspiration of God,” Chapman an unknown book, Luke 11:49 51 etc. That is the King James Let us pause for a moment in and in J«ha7:38, also Janies 4:5 7 rendering, hut it it obviously our theological discussion a n d Reiterates Fa^th PiklfaM if « r Friday at M: Now tk; Scristures themselves erroneous. The rendering in the ■ay just where we are at. O regon, by in the Bible “ Every so plainly showing, even by the Revised version is: In the issue of January 15 Mr. mouth of our Lord himself, that Scripture inspired of God is also Chapman attempts to prove that Botze, Idaho, Feb 16, ¿926. H. F . BROW N our Bible Is not the COMPLETE profitable for teaching,” etc Moses wrote the Pentateuch. To G ate Gity Jo u rn a l; word of God, what becomes of Tnere is an important distinction provs this he maintained, among 1 feel like zinging “ How Firm e E ntered a t tha Pootrrfflso a t N yssa. our friend’s bombastic cia:m to j here that should be borne in other things, that Moses wrote foundation ye sa in ts of tha Lord ia ° r —uD. as eveond-etnas m all m a tte r immutability and infallibility? mind the account of his own death and laid for your fa ith in his ex ee l'e n t w ord ’’ And all th e people »ai l amen! burial. This is merely a dog [M r. C hapm an here hag a column SU B SC R IPTIO N R A T E S : m itic claim and not legitimate and a half of m a tte r about Tom Fam e, ________ .11.BO One year, in advi REASON ISAIAH’S PROPHECY m onths, in advi ____ .76 arg um ent. In his letter last b u t aa it has nothing to do w ith any l Mr. Chapman, in discnssing “ Abandon reason nil ya who e n te r here, la is th a plain Biblical injunction week he admits at least one in Bible question we a re d stc u stin g we Isaiah’s prophecy t> Aha?, in Officers County P. T. A. terpoiation in Genesis of nine blue penciled it. —E d ito r], t > the household of f a ith .’’ which he assures the king that I conclude this le tte r (which it was Mrs. M. M. C re elin g N yssa, Pres. This is a quotation from Vc*r3es, and by inference several not my design to inflict upon you, a t his enemies should not be able to Mrs. R alph H aw orth, W ade, Vioe others He thus admits th a t “Peacemaker’s ” article last th is tim e a t lea at) w ith a a m ple re ­ prevail against him. says: P resid en t. week, and he hit the butlseye. Moses did not write ALL the flection or two upon the anim adversions These kings did NOT ta k e Judah nor Mrs. T. C. Pry. O regon T rail, See. Pentateuch. of th e J o u rn a l's la st issue, the prac Miss C ath erin e V. C onw ay, O ntario, p rsv sil s s s in s t Je ru slem and m aks s To accept present day religion, Another claim Mr. Chapman t i.e of which iu intended to becloud breach therein. of any variety extant, one must P ress C hairm an, made was that t h e R ih lp U th e ieaue ana tec-ape confession of the To show how erroneous this give up reason inerrant.” ¡T R U T H (which would fa r b e tte r) ' statement is it is only necessary But is it desireable that we ‘immutable and , as w as openly done in th e pazagsapb THE INFALLIBLE BIBLE to quote a few verses f i o n 2 givs up reason? Had we done aim itting interpolations Mr. in the middle o f th e th ird oolumn Mr Chapman having admit­ Chronicles. 28th chapter, begin so in the beginning, or at any Chapman admits that the Bible Yes; Mr. Chapm an re je c ts, cannot ted that the Bible is not immut­ ning at the 5th verse: point down through the ages the is not immutable, for immutable receive as a u th o rity , any and all th a t oppose the Word of God, which is the W herefore th e Lord his God dell* able but may. and indeed does, world would have been a very means unchangeable. If the contain interpolations by non* ered him (A haz) into th e hand of the different place from what it is. Bible has been changed how Holy Bible. Please b ear in m ind th a t Mr Chapm an accep ts ana believes the of S y ria ; and th ey »m ots him and prophetic writers, we will briefly e king does Mr. Chapman know it is . Bible to be ju s t w hat ha ela ms and trrie d aw ay » g r e a t m u ltitu d e of To go back no farther than our consider the claim of infallibility them cap tiv es and b ro u g h t them to own time, we would still believe inerrant? h»s w ritten a bout it, n o tw ith stan d in g It is amazin* that anyone who Dam ascus. And he was also delivered in witches, still Helieve that the Mr. Chapman claims that the m isquotations, om issions and m is’n- claims any familiarity at all with Into the hand of the k in g o f Isrc e ', ■ G i r t ., h is flat and that the sun 7th chapter of Isaiah contains a I te rp se ta tin n s of hia le tte rs . L et us the King James version should who amot« him w ith « g re a t slHUKh 'e r. revolve» around the earth, still prophecy of a coming Messiah, ’ re read w hat has bean w ritte n and we shall see the earns sp irit to w re st the For P ekah, the son of Ram aliah, take such a position. The King •law no authority to j m eaning of my le tte rs t s the Scrip in Ju d a h (Jeru salem ) an hundred be'ieve that slavery was a divine I ul he cited James translators never pro and tw enty thousand in one day, which i institution, still believe that sistarn this claim nor argument ta re s. tended to have supernatural were all v alient u.en; because they hi d ruled by divine right stil I worth a moment’s consideration. As to the J o u rn a l’s “ Ah, h a !’’ a t th e top of the third colum n, it will be power to select t h e t r u e from t h e forsaken th a Lord God of th e ir fa th e rs be against prohibition (about Two writers in the Standard false w^en they compiled their And Z ichri, a m ighty m an of E phra half the church is opposed to it Bible Dictionary show conclu- found to be as m uch “ a boner pulled” s i a d m itted in th e case o f S aul’s slaw M a a srjab , Ihe k ir g 's ion, book from an enormous lot of im. and A zrikam th e governor o f the now) still Pe opposed to weman s vely that the prophecy did NOT d a u g h te r Miohal. A nticipating, som e­ old and supposedly inspired house, and E lkanah tt a t w as n e x t to suffrage. Reason has won all refer to the birth of Christ w hat, the ah ha, th e three»line p a ra ­ writings, the greater part of tha king. In harmonizing contradictions g ra p h was added to th a t answ er, to these these things, not because And tha children of Isra el carried avoid, if possible, giving the a n ­ which they rejected. of, but in spite of, the Church. Mr Chapman’s method is sim­ sw er of o th ers a t g re a te r length, Mr. Chapman is evidently away captive o f th e ir b re th re n two plicity itself. He supplies out And Reason is still forging m ore is harm ouy w ith the quite unaware of the fact that 1 hundred thousand, women, to n s a id d a u g h te rs, and took also aw ay mucD ahead. This spirit is known as of his own head, in the form of w rite r's view, which m ay be done, hia “infallible” version does not spoil from them , and bro u g h t the interpolations, whatever is need a f te r I haye tre a te d some of his other Modernism. The dogmatic spirit contain all the Scriptures or holy spoil to S am aria. is known as Fundamentalism. ed to make two conflicting qiestion writings whose authority is at­ statements harmonious. This | T he word RELIGIONISTS appears It is plain enough from the At present these two forces tested by the Bible itself. There­ above that theai t w o kings DID system is practicably unbeatable. it0 be “AN AWf,UL thing, too. But in the Church seem about . equally v Mu u . . j ____ ... , . .. , ! a s I ’m r o t concerned about ANY com- fore we ask, how “ infallible” is take Judah and DID p r e v a i l * lc e l8P ° se j ¡ng u n d e r that te rm . I notice it, only, divided. But r e a s o n , o r mod-rn- 1 ‘ , e . . . . . itT against Jerusalem, Mr. Chapman ism, will gradually increase a n d 0 f t h e fc‘, |J a h a n d Judas incidents t o say th a t its use ia only to prejucice. For proof of the above we cite to the contvary notwithstanding I'm concerned ab o u t God’a in. rra n t. dogmatism decrease until a new 8 r e c a s e s in point. you to Jude, verse 14, where the Briefly, M r. C h a p m a n admits in,n,uluable w o r ,- 8° f» ith fu 'iy p>a- We presume Mr. Chapman plane is reached. book of Enoch is referred to as that Moses did not write ALL th e-,erv,e H d’ . ‘T ' ' 9t. \*d’ (K *"d the „ | world in the 1 ng) James ’° ver The attempt to suppress reason . an authentic Scripture, y e t ia was in ignorance of the facts first five b^oks of the Bible He gjonB. Heart belief in this with due not found in the King James when he quoted ‘ All ScriptuiT will not succeed. admits tt.ere are interpolations, re p en tan c e , a i d obedience makes hence the Bible is not immutable. Christians Son« of G>d—who do not burn forlks (a t the Btake) but . with He seems to be slipping a little. th e ir living testim ony to th e tru th of GATE CITY JOURNAL I„ It ta k e s the beea aa long to m ake tha honey com b aa it does to fill it w ith bouey. So th a m odern b aekeeper uaea a m achina called a honey e s tr a e to r , rem oves th e honey from th a com bs and send« tb s " e m p tie s ” back to th a bees to be filled ag ein T hus a g r e a t saving is m ade in tba beea’ tim e ju a t w hen they a re busiest. A honey e x tra c to r ia a s o rt of m e ta l tank-about as larg e aa a b a rre l, w ith a screened fram ew ork inside m ade to w hirl around a t the r a te of 280 re v o ­ lutions per m inute. Honey fo r a a tra c tin g comes in largo combs a bout 8x18 inches W hen th e baea have filled end capped th e combs the boo- m an p a ie s off he capping w ith a sh a rp knife and places th e com bs in th a “ n a sk e la ” inside th e e x tra c to r, which is then p u t in m otion, and th e honey­ combs go w hirling like a re g u la r honay “ m erry -g o -ro u n d ,” and in a few m in­ utes all the honey has baen w hirlad out o f one aide end ia dripping down inside the e x tra cto r. W hen ena aide of the comb ia cleared of honay tha ‘ b a sk e ts” are re v e rte d and the p ro ­ cess re p e a te d until th e o th e r tid e ia em ptied. The com bt a ra now ready fo r th e beer to fill a g rin , w hile th a honey !s draw n off in to a ta n k and stra in e d , through cheesecloth e r wire, and is ready fo r use. N ot all beekeepers e x tra c t th e ir honey alike. In my r e x t talk I will have m ore to aay ab o u t a x tra c tin g honey. W. W. FO STER. Card of Thanks. We desire to thank the m any frianda and n eighbors who to kindly helped us during the illness end d e a th of our beloved son, and fo r tha b e au tifu l floral offerings. Ms. and Mrs. E. R, H uffm an, Library Hours. Open to town patron 2:80 to 5:80. O ut of tow n patrons 2:30 to 7:80 For S a le —4 inch c c n tifu g a l pam p, 5-horse electric m otor Cell or aodreas G eorge C. M acLafferty, N yssa, Or. jxesa Chiropractors Drs. R. P. and P e a rl M. B radford, licensed in Oregon and Idaho. C arver g ra d u a te s C onsultation and exam in­ ation free. Twelve yeara successful practice in the sta te . F ira t d oor w a it of bank, Nyas», Oregon. t i e Bible I ex p ect to confine my le tte rs now NOTICE TO CREDITORS to an effo rt to cle ar up w h atev er d if­ ficulties the Jo u rn a l m av p re sen t, “ so In th e C ounty C ourt o f th e S ta te o f O regon for the C ounty of Mulbeur. fa r as in me lie s .” (R eaders, w h a t­ ev er quotations a re m ade c m pare In the M a tte r of the E s ta te o f M r*. A. J . B ackm an, Deceased. them w itb th e original le tte r). The U ndersigned, having been ap ­ V ery resp ectfellv , pointed by th e Couuty C ourt of the T. B. CH A PM A N . In the 24th ch ap ter, (Joshua) vep. S ta te of O regon, fo r the C ounty of 81. it i* said, " t h a t Isra el served the M alheur, u n d m inia.rator of th e e s ta te ,ord all th e dnya of Jo sh u a, and all of A. J . Blackm an, deeeaaeti, and the days o f th e elders th a t outlived having qua.ified, notica is hereby given J o ih u a .” Now, in the n . n e o f oom to tha cred ito rs of, and all persons m in aense, can it he Jo sh u a th a t re having claim s a g a in st U s e s ta te of lutes w h -t people had done a fte r he of said deceased, to p re sen t them w as d> sd? T his account m u st not only i duly verified as required by law, w ith ­ | have been w ritte n by some historian in six m untbs a fte r toe first publics t h n I ved a f te r Joshua b u t th a t livid tiou oi th is notice, to said a d a u n ittra also a f te r th e eiders th a t outlived tor a t hia office in the Town ol N yssa. Jo sh u a M alheur C ounty, O regon, tb s piaco i Turn- is here showing thst w nete said adm in istrate, will racaieo J ishua could not have written said claim s t :e ¡took o f Joshua. What think J . I oydeli. A d m in istrato r of the E sta te ol Mrs. y \ reader. A. J Beckm an, D eceased. F irs t publication, F eb 6, 1826 L a st p ..e m o tio n M ate 6. 19,6 en .'a- 1 1 I, l>, i , Ip th ough Jo sep h , ihe husbanu of M .ry, to C h rist, and m akes th e re to be 28 frfrfri' m i » gen eratio n s. T bs book of Luke givea also a g enealogy by nam e from Cbriat, through Jo sep h , the husband o f M try BOBBY down to D avid, and m a k a t th e r e to be Who will ap p ea r in vaudeville a t Ihe 43 g e n e ra tio n s; beeidee w hich, there C. KLINKENBERG L ib e rty T h ea tre on T hursday, M arch 4 a re only tw o nam es o f David and J o s ­ prom » r delivery eph t h a t a ra a lik e in tke tw o lists. NUTS TO CTACK Following are some of Tom Paine’s criticisms of the Bibfe taken from his book, “ Age of Reason ” See if you can an swer them: . ,-' Tabe A dvantage o f Our .'-Remarkable Second Annual' -.. * S t / • ‘ ' , . I > ' \ ' \ N x ' v FREE TRIAL OFFER Is your kitchtn the w oikthtp of yorr heme.-the pooiest lighted room in your housez In many homes it is. but it should not be so. If there is any room weere good light is needed it is certainly in the kitchen. Flood Your Kitchen With Daylight Now! Try this light that dispels every glccmy spot in tha woole room- and doos it without eye-tiring glare. Discover for yourself the juy of working beneath a restful, modern Daylight Kitchen Unit that throws its soft ■hadowless daylight glow everywhere. Try It FREE for ten days Wo w an t you to try one of th- ae «(Orient D aylight U nite In your hom e on 10 d a y e ’ F R E E tria l. You will b#]am asod a t th e d ifference It will m ak s in your kU chau. T h ar* la no oblig atio n on your p a rt. If you decide you do not w n u t it n fto r the fre e trinl, we will tak e It down and rep leee your old fix tu re free of charge. KITCHEN LICHT i Installée/ Complète a n d You P a y Only 751 Have One Installed Now PHONE TODAY! ELECTRIC COM SHOP PANY ID A H O PO W E R : City Dray Line ; It seems strange two divinely inspired writer*, in an inerrant Bible, should differ so radically on a matter as important as Christ’s genealogy. An explan­ ation would seem to be in order. Almost thou persuadest me to believe in the prophets. We have never taken Bible prophecy very seriously, They appear for the most part to have b e e n written purposely vague and obscure so that if any of them happen to hk within a thousand miles uf ihe mark it can be claimed that they were fulfilled. But “ Peacemaker’s” reference in last week’s Journal to Isaiab 56:10 has got us lo thinking. It seems impossible that Isaiah could hava looked down through the corridors of time for nearly 2700 y ea n and •o accurately depicted present day conditions without having had a little divine assistance. Th;s is on a of the prophecies we had overlooked. There might be something to it, alter all. Early Adventurer» In the sum m er p f 1783, Alexander Mnrkenzle, Montreal fu r trad e r and explorer, m issed the Rocky mountain» and what Is now Rrltish Columbia, and came out upon the Pacific coast or June 22. He was the first white m ar to cross this continent by a route north of Mexico. At that very tim e Captain Vancouver was exploring and char: 'ng the coast of B ritish Columbia. R -asopabls Ratea PHONR 16 +4 frfr->+4 frH 4 4 4 i m •♦ ♦ ♦ M il I I K I t i444 H | m NYSSA.BARBER SHOP AND CIGAR STORE No Precite Definition The “dark of the moon," is that part of the lunar month when the moon Is not visible. It may be considered as covering a period of approxim ate!) four days, two days before and two days a fte r the tim e of the new moon. The rest of the lunar month may be called the "light of the moon." These are popular expressions and are not susceptible of precise definition. Odd French Cuttom In msny French hosoes the old cus­ tom of breaking an egg on a m arriage day ia still kept up. It la believed th a t a bride, In order to be happy, must step on a broken egg before th e enters her home. SH A V IN G . H A IR CUTTING HOT AND COLD BATHS Roy Pounds, Prop. Oregon ATTORNETS AT LAW E. M. B LO rflR TT A ttorney and »or a t Low Practice in nil courts Nyssa, Oregon Not Nature’» Plan W. B. HOUR A m an’s ears a re so placed th a t he may catch the things said to his face. It waa never intended th a t he ahonld hear the things th a t are said behind his Office a t Residence, Third nod INSURANCE Ehr good Avenue. ____ Ni