T he G ate C ity J ournal vol . xxrv. NO. 1 . NYSSA, DEBATE ON INSPIRATION OF BIBLE GROWS WARM OREGON, F R ID A Y , F E B R U A R Y 12, 1*26. «1.5« P E R Y E A R MALHEUR COUNTY TO COUNTY AGENT’S OFFICE WILL HAVE NEW GRAN6ES CONTINUE IN MALHEUR COUNTY there is no error o f any kind or de­ gree fo r that is what the words I mean. Mr. Chapman admits that none of the original manuscripts is extant today. What we have are copies, no- A t the regular monthly meeting to state that it shall be the aim to ! body knows how many times remov- ed from the original. These copies BROGAN A N D A N N E X TO H A V E o f the county court, on Wednesday, continue the work along the line* monies from inspection fees were j established by Mr. Breithaupt aa had of course to be translated into F A R M E R ’S O R G A N IZ A T IO N certified over to the extension serv- much as possible. The inspection o f | English to give us the K ing James IN N E A R F U T U R E . ice o f the Oregon Agricultural col- nursery stock, quarantine and grade Antiquity, British Museum, the bible, and from these same copies , lege, for the continuance o f the certification will be administered have been produced a large number Work is practically completed fo r | county .agent's office. The service through this office as befori. Un- T H A T ACCOUNT, reject the whole o f other translations, all different in two more new granges in Malheur wag x madp posgible by and der the new arrangement there w ill history as spurious; would he be important respects, yet each claim­ justified in so doing? Would it not ing to be a true translation o f the county, one in the Annex and R iv e r : with t , COOp«ration o f the county be no assistant county agent except largely through public during the shipping season when ad­ be reasonable to tell him that the most ancient texts in existence to­ View districts across from W eiser court ^ and the other at Brogan. The for-1 subscr)p*,on Bu8inP88 men 0f Nyssa, ditional help w ill be necessary to name o f Havre-Marat had been in­ day. mer is to be completed on the 11th Val(, a„ d 0ntario generougly gup. take care o f inspection. How then can Mr. Chapman know serted, not by the original author i and the other on the 10th o f Febru-; purted the movem. n. According to “ Our first contact w ill be a squir­ of the history, but by a subsequent that our King James is an inerrant ary. W. R. Gekeler, State Deputy, A H chegteri who circuiated a rel poisoning campaign. We have translation? The King James trans­ edition o f it; and to refer him, for a Boise, Idaho, Feb. 1, 1926. proof o f the genuineness of the lators made no claim to infallibil- has been working on the gran ges, tition hartt V ale easily reached its a limited supply of poison on hand and has the membership practically quota t and are making arrangements to se­ Gate City Journal: W hy does Mr. Chapman make book, to the testimony of the whole I ity. all signed up and the prospects are! ,n { m ingpection fee8 re. cure more. The present weather I it for them now? In the 2nd paragraph q ! your edi­ French people or nation? for two live organizations. S evera l, ceived f „ ra the countyi the county conditions indicate that this work torial under ‘‘Facts Vs A S SU M P­ The fact is that our Bible does This suppsition so obviously ap­ other prominent speakers w ill be ag|fnrt o ifl, e w i„ take eare o f both will begin earlier than usual. T IO N ” , issue o f January 1st, you plies to the J O U R N A L ’S difficulty contain errors, many o f them. Too present fo r the meetings as well as j f e d e r a l ^ c o g n t y in g p e o t io n w o r k . “ Coming to you as a stranger I say “ Opposed to this A S SU M PTIO N that I cannot but recommend it to many self opinionated scribes have at the meeting o f Boulevard Grange w L shovP, Npw AgPnt would appreciate your getting in had a hand in preserving it for is the fact that Biblical research has its impartial attention. BUT, if at Ontario on the 12th o f February w L. ¿¡hovel, the new county a g - ' touch with the office at your first proved by the books themselves that this solution does not please the thousands o f years for anyone to team will be j ricultural agent, comes to M alheur! opportunity. Before we can assist Moses could not be their author. We Journal, I desire that it prove the be sure it is exactly the same as it when a special drill in instructing a j county well recommenedd. He is al-1 you in your problems we must get w ill give but two illustrations out of D A N mentioned in Genesis was the was three thousand years ago, or present to assist large class of new members. I rPady established at the former of- acquainted with each other and with many to show that this is so.” same town as the D A N mentioned even one thousand. I he grange is the most active or- f j cp ¡n Qatario. j n a recent letter ¡th e conditions under which we are Fq£ centuries it was the habit of I am going to take up the first in Judges; I desire, further, to have ganization in Oregon in rural de­ o f introduction to county farmers, I working. As soon as possible I ex­ one in this article; and if I can keep it proved that the D A N mentioned monkish scribes to change the scrip­ velopment and a large number of Mr. Shovel says: pect to visit the different communi­ it short enough, without expense to in Genesis was the name o f a town tural texts to suit their own prej­ prominent farmers in the county “ Through the combined efforts ol ties, arrange fo r meetings with the truth, w lil take up the other ‘illus­ and N O T o f a river. It is merely udices. To delete a passage here or are taking hold o f the work with a number o f farmers and business various committees and get into ac­ tration’ also, in the hope o f clear­ said, “ Abram pursued them, the en­ add another there was one o f their the idea o f rushing Malheur coun­ men o f the county, the County Court tual contact with the agriculture o f Even the King ing up your two illustrations to the emies of Lot, to D A N .” Now,- a ri­ favorite diversions. ty to the front in the work. In the mean time do and the Farm Bureau organization the county. discomfort * f the ‘fact’ you assert ver was full as likely to stop a pur­ James translators were influenced arangements have been made to con­ not forget that this is your office vs the “ Assumption.” suit, as was a town. Lot, we know, by that haughty monarch to prepare Captain William Hogbin, Civil tinue the work of this office the and that the Extension Department You cite Genesis 14 in which the was settled in the plain o f Jordan; a text not exactly in keeping with W ar veteran and one of a fam ily o f coming year. The office is now is here to serve you to the best of account o f A B R A M pursuing the and JO RD AN , we know was compos­ the original, when dealing with the twenty-one children, was driven out open and we are anxious to serve its ability, and that getting acquaint­ kings unto Dan, is given, and say, ed of the united streams of two riv­ divine right of kings. o f Dubuque, Iowa, in 1877 because ed is the firs t move toward a suc­ you as in the past. A monkish scribe in the dark ages “ According to Bible chronology the ers called JOR and DAN . he talked against liquor. "F o r your information permit me cessful year’s work.” city o f Dan was called Laish until So much for the Journal’s IL L U S ­ probably thought it proper enough its capture by the Danites 331 years T R A T IO N No. I. “ To show that to change the words a little in or­ at least will require no proof as he after the death of Moses,” conclud­ this is so;” I submit that it rather der to uphold his own ideas of what could no doubt produce 500 examples the Bible should say, and in this himself, and ing with "Anyone writing o f the verifies ‘TH E A S S U M P T IO N .” for Mr. Chapman’s city before that time would have re­ The last edition o f the Journal connection we might say that Mr. sake, one citation should be s u ffi­ ferred to it as Laish.” came to my hand today containing Chapman himself seems not averse cient at this time. I f my surmise is I observe that The Two Illustra­ most o f my letter of the 20th ult­ to adding a few phrases when the correct as to the sect with which Mr. | tions are those o f Thomas Paine in imo (w ith assurance that the rest case seems to demand it. Take for Chapman is affiliated, he sets great i his "A g e of Reason,” indeed, am per­ will appear this week) cut short, instance his explanation of the two store by the text in Rev. 20. 5: T H E i Portland.— Request that the state suaded that the Journal is actuated because o f scarcity of type, the Ed­ contradictory accounts o f the death REST OF T H E D E AD L IV E D N O T : From the Malheur Enterprise. game commission reimburse him for by the same reasoning and spirit of itor says; but this might have been of Judas. Matthew says Judas hang­ A G A IN U N T IL TH E TH O U SA N D ' On Saturday night our little city «18(H) alleged damages done to hia that work, so hopelessly lamented prevented had the letter not, ap­ ed himself, Luke says he fe ll down Y E A R S SHOULD BE F IN IS H E D . was saddened by the sudden death corn i crop during the last two years Mr. Chapman says This entire text upon a dying bed. Apropos of the parently, for the convenience o f the and was killed. is spurious, and o f Mrs. H. Lee Noe. Although she by Chinese pheasants was contained status o f this case, I have thought case, necessitated almost three col­ both statements are true because does not appear in the Vatican ms. had been ill a week, her condition in a letter from Trent Johnson of f i t to make this remark, with a view umns of PR E FAC E , by the Editor. when Iscariot swung himself up the Now fo r ye editor: This text, as was not considered critical, so the Vale, sent to the secretary q f stats o f suggesting to the Journal a £pn» 4 am persuaded, somewhat, that it rope broke and he fe ll down over well as all additions, elisions, mis­ news came with a distinct shock to1 and forwaiMed to the game com­ W ell, we are glad to translations and apparent contradic­ sidération o f great importance— occasioned more than laughter. 1 a precipice. The sum everyone. It seems that Friday mission here yesterday. know just how it happened, but how whether it has examined, calmly, am obliged, by the character, or tions should make no difference to | m w i m n p ; o n ® o u a x v t b u «• » v » » | / « r o morning she suffered a relapse and lost is about half his normal income o f the did Mr. Chapman find out about it? us, Mr. Ed.tor— unless we are go.ng I at „ 0,clock Saturday night drif ted and according to the best of its rather manifest tendency for two years, Johnson’s letter said. The bible writers didn’t say any­ to take the preacher’s words for it i • . ability, the arguments by which the Journal to dismiss “ as untruths all . __ . sleep. . -re.. end came . into eternal The Johnson took the stand that since thing about the rope breaking. And truth o f revealed religion may, in accounts not found by it in infidel that the Bible was intended to con -, p p a c e f u l , a n d t h e r g w a s „ „ g t r U g . the state protected these birdB and we guess that they knew as much the judgment o f learned and impar­ records, dictionaries, and writings, vert the world That it has not done to mark the eloge o f her gent,„, prohibited their shooting, financial tial men, be established? You will to be otherwise alright” ; to accept about it as anyone. this is the best proof that such was L , fu, chrjgtian ,ife responsibility for loss due to their Again in John 3:13 we read, “ No not its purpose ( i f it is of Divine allow, that thousands o f these, in no answers to its questions; to rely Dpath Unpxpprtpd depredations was up to the game man hath ascended up to heaven but all ages, have embraced revealed upon the infirm ity o f recollection origin), nor would two-thirds of it For th# two yearg ghe had commission. He also requested a he that came down from heaven.” therein for advantage; I religion as true. Whether these hoping have been hidden In symbols, Para-|bpen gubjpct to pprioda of ^ special dispensation to kill the birds. suggest to any H e rf Mr. Chapman, being evidently bles and dark sayingf, had that been ! heaUh but men have all been in an error, in- would, therefore, on Friday o f last week E. F. Averill, state game warden, 4« A ii i k / v » '« » K S A t/ w in ” Author’s purpose. I I C f inspired, veloped in the darkness o f ignorance, who may be following these articles at a loss to furnish a reasonable ■ its was afflicted with a very different said yesterday that the commission explanation again resorts to the old its purpose was intentionally hidden shackled by the chains o f supersti­ or letters and editorials, that you malady. It began with very pain­ had no authority to reimburse such tion, whilst you and a few others preserve each copy o f the Journal and tried if not true method o f the from all but a few who would be fu l eruptions in the ears and com­ losses and that Johnson could only have enjoyed light and liberty, is for reference, as I may have occas­ medieval monks and changes the un­ imbued with faith akin to Mr. Chap­ plications developed meningitis. Sev­ get satisfaction by means o f a spe- T o all others the Bible is a question I submit to the decision ion, in order that our letters may es­ changeable word by making it read, man’s. eral doctors were called and it seem- cil act o f the legislature . Investi­ cape the latest charge o f the Jour­ “ N o man hath ascended up to heav­ filled with stumbling blocks and j ^ that on Tbllrsdav ghe improVed gation by wardens had determined o f your readers. I f you have made the best exam­ nal, of repetition and doubling charg­ en to become acquainted with the rocks o f offense, and no attempt » gomewhat. w ith the rPiapse F ri. that a great part o f Mr. Johnson’s things in heaven and come down to made therein to square its state­ ination you can, and yet reject re­ ed against the Bible. day morning she drifted into ‘ a co­ damages had been caused by crows, I conclude this with a statement reveal them, save the Son of Man.” ments with science, “ so called.” It vealed religion as an imposture, I ma, and never regained conscious­ which are not protected, Mr. A verill pray that God may pardon what I touching the matter of “ prejudice,” This rank interpolation is presumed is only the misguided preacher who ness. said. So when, and esteem your error. Thomas Paine, religionist,” etc., employed by the to strengthen the faith of those who attempts the latter. Steps will be taken by the com­ Belovpd Pioneer believe the King James version to Journal, with the characteristic so- if ever, Mr. Chapman awakens to whom the Journal evidently quotes to remove the The events o f the life o f Della mission, however, the fact that the Bible does not have Noe may be stated in a few words, pheasant menace to crops in Malheur and accepts, was the foremost ex­ phisry common and so useful to in­ be both immutable and inerrant. Thus it has been throughout the to be "scientific” nor historically ponent and champion o f infidelity fidelity, that the writer of this let­ The commission will set but the story o f the influence o f her county. Blind leaders o f the blind, correct, the editor w ill lose his cor­ last ages. in the last century, and wrote his ter was, until ten years ago gentle, kindly life and the remem­ a number o f pigeon net-traps in the probably obsessed with the idea that respondent. And though I would brance o f her as a true w ife and de­ region in the near future, Mr. A v ­ book “ The A g e of Reason,” in 1793, fall, a rebellious, disobedient child while in a French prison. In this, of Hell, living in sin with prejudices, they themselves were in direct com*- not try to warn him away from the voted mother would fill many page«. erill stated, and i f enough birds are he refers to the Bible as “ A book etc., in harmony with unbelief, ex­ munion with God, have never hesi­ editor’s bear trap, yet I think a lit­ These memories will remain as pre­ caught will replenish the supply In o f contradictions and lies.” May periencing the T R U T H of the Bible tated to change the scriptures when tle reflection will convince Mr. Chap­ cious recollections to her friends different parts o f the Willamette man that the Great M ystery must and neighbors and as beautiful heri­ valley. I ask the Journal i f this is ITS es­ that “ the way of transgressors is it suited their purpose. In just this way many errors have remain buried in error, as far as timation o f the Bible? Its candid hard,” trying to find comfort in ev­ tage to the loved ones who mourn the world is concerned, until Satan her passing. W A T E R R IG H TS SE T T LE D answer o f this question will enable ery way, except God’s way of "r e ­ been incorporated in the Bible. Interested Observer. is bound: otherwise the Old Boy IN B U R N T R IV E R DECISION me better to understand and might­ penting and believing the Gospel,” She was a member o f the Christ- would know it all, and order his tian church, and order o f the Eastern ily influence the style- and charac­ even to trying to take on “ N EW Baker.— News that the long-drawn earthly kingdom differently. “ Aban­ Star. ter o f the subsequent letters. By THOUGHT,” a clever trap of the She was born at Corydon, don reason all ye who enter here,” Iowa, on November 16, 1875, and out contest involving water rights it, I shall know whether the occas­ Devil— “ My sins found me out, O is the plain Biblical admonition to was 50 years old at the time o f her on 27,425 acres on Burnt river and ion wap o f "its head or its heart.” wretched man that I was” when my its tributaries in Baker county had the household o f faith. A fte r Paine had done, in his book, heart turned for deliverance to The death. She was first married to H. state was re­ That portions of the Bible bear S. Bullock, who died a number o f been settled by the with what he was pleased to call the Lamb of God, even Jesus Christ, who ■vidence o f more than human inspi­ years ago. Tw o children were born ceived here today from State En­ grammatical evidence that Moses bore my sins in his own body on The rights o f 248 ration. I believe the editor will admit to this union, Claud and L. K. Bul­ gineer Luper. was not the author, o f the books at­ the tree, and I then found, “ BY users were involved. in his heart of hearts, as he is evi­ lock. tributed to him, he tackled the his­ T A S T IN G .” that this gospel which Hear Mr. Editor: About thirty years she lived In 1867 the Eldorado mining ditch I don’t know whether or not you— dently a student o f it, and must in Vale and vicinity. torical and chronological evidence, infidels despise, and o f which Paul was started, carrying the water for having fouilH the defender o f the have taken note o f the “ coincid­ and began wih the book o f Genesis. was not ashamed, to be ‘‘the power On December 7, 1922, she was He takes his first argument from of God unto salvation to everyone faith, with the requisite amount of ences” of history corroborating pro- married to H. T,ee Noe, who was at over 100 miles across the divide in­ This the single word, D AN , being found that believeth.” And from that hour temerity, for wham your heart has ohetic passages recorded therein. So that time sh eriff o f Malheur coun­ to the Malheur river basin. in Genesis, when it appears, from on I have been able to say with the so long yearned— will welcome this I refrain from boring him with any ty. Since the last election Mr. Noe ditch is now used fo r irrigation. In the recent adjudication the water the book o f Judges, that the town troubled Patriarch. ” 1 know that mv attempt to inject another syllogism of the more fam iliar example^. But has served as Judge of Malheur rights claimed through this ditch o f Laish was not called Dan until REDEEM ER liveth.” It is not prej­ into the controversy now raging in if he is unable to discern the spark ^ . , , , . were hotly contested the ranches on the columns of the Journal heween o f inspiration in the following from udice, my dear brother Editor; but above 330 years after the death of The funeral service was conduct- ‘ , , , . . ____. ie . . .. Burnt river being loathe to concede Moses; therefore the writer o f Gen­ Faith, Hope and Charity which will yourself and brother Chapman, but Isaiah, then his experience in trying K I ed from the Nelsen chapel M onday, , _______ is ‘ , , , . . . ’ ____ . any right in the present owners of esis, he concludes, (as does the convince any honest inquirer after I believe you are both shinning up to get some theologian to pick up his ‘ at 1 o’clock, with the Rev. Broyles, ' ■ ... * ,. . persimmon tree. Of gage has profited him little: (Baptist minister o f Ontario, o ffi­ the Eldorado ditch to divert any Journal) must have lived after the truth, that TH E H O LY BIBT.E is the wrong Isaiah, 56. 10: His watchmen ciating . Hundreds o f friend« crowd­ water completely out o f the water town o f Laish had the name of Dan T H E WORD OF GOD, the book of course, I have neither the wish nor are blind, they are ed the chapel and the street outside shed. As finally passed upon by the God hope to shake a faith o f the quality (shepherds) given it. Lest this objection should all books, T H E Book of Life. court, this right was allowed to 6 not be obvious enough to a common grant unto the Editor and all hi» ' apparently possessed by Mr. Chap­ without knowledge; they are all for bg]f g bIopk t(J p , y a |agt trib- limited extent. man, v.ho, like Mr. Bryan, is able Dumb Dogs (D. n.’s), they cannot ubp ^ tbetr gPntle friend and neigh- readers this knowledge and salva- capacity, Mr. Paine IL L U S T R A T E D to believe anything in the Bible, bark; dreaming, lying down, loving I bor Kpautif u| f|orai offerings cov- TE STS SHOW M O O NLIG H T thusly: “ Havre-de-Grace was called Hon. even though he knows it isn’t so. to slumber. Very respectfully, 11 Yea, the dogs are ered the casket of the loved one, Havre-Marat in 1793; should then TO BE "R A D IO W R E C K E R ” But o f the editor’s susceptibility to greedy, they can never have enough ;| tokpning the deep regard of the T. B. Chapman. any dateless writing be found, in Moonlight, a commodity generally ideas at variance with his own pre­ and these are shepherds that cannot J ^ „p ig 0f Vale. A F T E R T ’ MES, with the name of conceived conviction, I entertain understand; they‘ have all turned to' A nurnbPT 0f relatives accompan- believed to worry nobody but the Havre-Marat, it would be certain evi­ Intereftpd Observer some slight hope. At any rate, their own way; each one to his gain., |pd fbp body j,, RoeWen cemetery writers of popular songs, today was dence that such a w riting could not Joins the Discussion here goes: from every quarter. (Capitals a " 1! where It was sadly and reverently revealed in new role as a radio have been written till after the 1) The English version o f the Bi­ parenthesis mine). ’ ]aid In its final resting place. wrecker. One statement in Mr. Chapman’s year 1793.” Now this is a wrong Yours truly, | ------------------- _ Preliminary tests for the national conclusion, Mr. Paine and Mr. Jour­ article in last week’s Journal that i ble at least, (and we may as well PEACEM AKER. 1 L IN C O LN 'S ADVICE ;urvey of fading and static to be say all versions extant, as all are would appear to be open to criti­ nal. Suppose some hot republican, in France, should at this day pub­ cism is, “ now we have our King translations) is N O T inerrant; (2 ) P. S. I will ask to remain anony-' Abraham Lincoln’s advice on how conducted by the Stewart-Warner moss, as I have no desire to father,'to live was quite simple. It was: Speedometer Corporation in coopera- lish a new edition o f any old his- James version giving the world the there is no reason why it should be; I Eat three square «Hon with Northwestern University, (3 ) but all o f its text necessary to or have named after me a new war- “ Do not worry. tory o f France, and instead of iwtnnf sble inerrant word o f God. to intimate meals a day. Say your prayers. Be Dept, of Physics, on the nights of plan ring sect. Which is not Havre-de-Grace should write Havre- I f then we have an immutable and the unfolding o f the Divinp original in courteous to your creditors. Keep, Februry 9, 10 and 11 from 8 to It, Marat; and that, (tw o or three inerrant version in the King James (in due season) to the elect bears (ha( there is anything central standard time, brought uo- thousand years hence) a man like | translation, then we have the pro- all the earmarks o f more than hu-1 all this, for as the Preacher saith: your digestion good. Steer clear of * ‘There is nothing new under the biliousness. Exercise Go slow and expected reports on the insidious the Journal, Maynard Shipley, Geo phesies exactly as they were uttered man inspiration. go easy ” 1 acivitiea of the moon. O f the first premise the editor sun.” Smith ,of the depaitment o f Orient- long ages ago; a version in which MQ PUADMflhl HC D niC Ll “1 unflilflHIi DUliY tr™™ m il. Ur J wi»e M-*” * »«.■ > »»«.on MAKES ASLE DEFENSE OF HIS VIEWS MRS H .L EE N DE W A R M IN G S FARMER ANONYMOUS WRITER SETTLES MUTTER TO HIS OWN SATISF#0T!0N