T he G ate C ity VOLUME XXIII. NO. 48. journal NYSSA, OREGON, FRIDAY, JANUARY 8, 1926. T mm NIMRODS FARMERS GET GOOD !E PRICES POPULAR YOUNG COUPLE REQUIRE LICENSE " OWYHEE ’ JOINED IN MATRIMONY $1.50 PER YEAR ONTARIO KILLS YOONS MAN j RANGE DORSES TO BE MADE FERTILIZER Little Katherine Shinn and Mari-1 lyn Oxman will entertain with a i birthday party at the Oxman horae j Saturday afternoon. GAME LAW CHANGES ARE IM- R. L. HUTTON IS CONFESSED Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Whitworth of FIRST SHIPMENT OF 300 HEAD PORTANT REGULATIONS FOR SLAYER OF HAROLD BRAD- Weiser were Ontario visitors Mon-' CONSIGNED TO PORTLAND HUNTERS IN COUNTY. day. LEY, FARM HAND. COMPANY SUNDAY. The home of Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Mrs. H. L. Griffen has been en- Martain was the scene of a pretty Several changes o f importance! Robert Link Hutton, pioneer and M ,, . . . , ... , home wedding on New Year’s day Nearly 800 range horses left cattleman of Harney abou( g. * W ° as en 1 0 when their eldest daughter, Bernice, concerning hunting and fishing li- i prominent six weeks with a nervous' eastern Oregon Sunday, bound for was united in marriage to Wm. B. censes have been made by the state County, is charge® with the murder breakdown | Portland. Their days of roaming ‘ Toombs of Nyssa, Rev. Hershey of and notice of the change has been I o f Harold Bradley, 23 year old farm Ivan Oakes left on the evening 1 8a« ebru8b 'and Nev«r Nyssa officiating. Besides the im received here by county officials who hand, who came to his death Tues- Butterfat Approximately 20 Per The * * ^ Portland on business | T I Z i d fiee £ j day from gun shot wounds. mediate families o f the bride and sell licenses. Cent Higher-Poultry Shows Same One big change is the setting of \ shooting took place on the ranch . ^ C W e ld of Ogden, Utah, ^ were lead into a hopper—to become groom guests of the occasion were Range of Increase. j f erti)jzer Mr. and Mrs. Beaumont of King- an age limit for those getting a owned by Mr. Hutton on Wagontire *n ®ntar'° installing radios. R- W. Swagler, prominent attor-j The fin(t 8hipment wa8 consigned man Kolony, Mrs. Harry Schooler hunting or fishing license. Another mountain. Mr. Hutton ney. returned from a ten days’ trip (to tbg portlancj Feed & .Fertilizer Farmers o f Oregon were in an and two children and Mrs. D. Nebel- is that women must have licenses j Tuesday afternoon in the future, as do men, and that a , came to Burns voluntarily and gave to Los Angeles, Campany. The horses were gather exceptional position in regard to sieck of Tennessee, Idaho. Mrs. Van Petten entertained the ed on the range in Malheur county, Mrs. Toombs was a graduate of report of game killed must be made himself into the custody of officers. marketing this fall due to abundant j He made a statement to the effect Wednesday Bridge Club. Mr. on application for a license. most of them products of the Jor crops here and shortages in other Nyssa High School last year. Every boy or girl over 14 years that he shot in self defense as Brad- Mr. and Mrs. Larry Grames left dan Valley country. This first parts of the country. Potato grow Toombs is a prominent farmer of ers were especially fortunate in the Nyssa. They will make their home of age must have a state license to ley was threatening him with a ham- Monday for the coast, where they l trial will be in the nature of a test were no eye witnesses. will make their home. land the price will be based upon the state, and received high prices for on the Dr. Saiazin ranch in the near fish outside his or her home county, mer. There If remaining within the county li- Mr. Hutton was given bond in the jyjrg ^ E Cockrum entertained 1 success of the venture as will also their products, according to the O. future. censes costing half of the state li- sum of $10,000 and must appear be- the Monday Bridge. Mrs. Arthur B .' future shipments. A. C. Extension Service. Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Bigelow enter cense cost may be secured by boys fore the next grand jury, Cockrum won the prize. 1 It has been said that on the ran- Heavy Potato Crop According to a Burns paper, Mr. The potato crop here was approx tained at dinner on Wednesday of and girls between the ages of 14 and Mrs. John Dunphy entertained the 1 of eastern Oregon, southern Hutton is one o f the pioneer stock- T “ "T rullvT.......¡I " , Idaho and Wyoming there are en- imately V6 million bushels greater this week in honor of Mr. and Mrs. 18 years. The prices of the licenses are not men of the country and has always ay Bridge f lub. Invited . . . . of Waitsburg, ough unwanted horses to keep the this year than the 5 year average Carl Quackenbush crop, whereas the rest o f the coun Wash. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Lowe changed but remain at $1.50 f|>r borne a good reputation. The young ? “ e8ts were Mrs. Mf. ML Wood and plant in operation for five or six county licenses, $3 for hunting or man who was killed was also highly Mrs' b rank ° xman Jr- __ _ ___ ____ __ ____ ________ years. The animals are a nuisance try shows a decided shortage, par were also guests. Mr- an<i Mrs. E - M. Greig enter- j ¿() stockmen who prefer to have ticularly in eastern territory. This Mr. and Mrs. Fred Klingback fishing license and $5 for combina- esteemed. The coronor’s jury found j two shots had entered the body of tained thp Tuesday Club with an eve- them uken 'care of ¡n thjg manner has resulted in boosting potato pri- | made a business trip to Ontario th e .^ on bcense Every applicant for a license this Bradley, fired from a high powered n' nK party Friday night. Sixteen ratber tban to gboo4 them. ces far above the ordinary, with Or first o f the week. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Bradley and year wiU be required to fill out a rifle, one striking him a short d is - 1 quests were present Mrs. John The Portiand company 'says that egon potato raisers reaping greater ughters Ruby and Alta attended blank form showin8 what game, if tance below the heart and the second Dunphy and Mr. J. D. Billingsley every every process procesa is is to be human, humane but profits. e district rally of the B Y P U. any’ be kdled during 1925. These striking him on the lower jaw, tear- j won the prizes. nevertheless to many a cowboy and Butter Fat High Ontario on Friday night blanks are so arranged that if hunt- ing it and his tongue completely! Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Billingsley left buckaroo, it doesn’t seem quite Price« on butter fat are approx Tuesday evening for a trip to Hono- right. There is a sympathetic spot . . . ing was done in more than one coun- away. imately 20 per cent higher than William Glenn spent part o f the * ^ The shooting occurred early Tues- lulu. They will be away about six in the heart of the man who too has last year. The cost o f feed is week rounding up cattle on the Mal ty a separate blank must be used for each such county. The number j day morning in a garage where both weeks. lived in the open for the illfated somewhat lower. heur. o f hunting days and the species of j Hutton and Bradley were repairing J. s. Howry is here from Twin cayuses that have been his com Poultry shows the same range of William Peutz and family were the animals or birds killed is other j tires. After the shooting Mr. Hut- Falls. pany. Yet when all angles are con increase in price of products and j among the people from Owyhee data required on the application. , ton went to a neighbor and brought lowered cost o f feeding. Mesdamcs Fhaser, C. R. Emison, sidered, the action seems the best , . . . I who attended the Friday night --------------------------- him to the scene, and together they Ivan Oakes, and Miss Emison spent course to take. The useless range A general survey of farming con-I dance Bt Bj Bend. nags will become useful and the ran ditions s compiled and has been Rowena Glenn t rt o f the ?;e m o v e d th e / ° iun<|ed man (to, (the Monday shopping in oBise. & _____ house where he died a moment later. broadcasted each month by the ex- . . . . . . . _ Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Boyer enter ges upon which they feed will be „ . „ „ , „ , _ . . I A Baker dispatch says Hutton was tension service. While some bran- ^ 0ok at the Myres home on Deer Real Estate Transfers Recorded . , - . . .. , tained the Monday Bridge Club Mon used for cattle and sheep. j estranged from his wife several ches o f the industry are »till below E at' Geo. M. Hope to Farmers and j weeks ago and left home, returning day night. Twenty were present. the pre-war level, conditions are Mr- and Mrs- Overstreet and Mr. Jim Woodward, a pioneer from more favorable generally than at and Mrs. Judd of Kingman Kolony tSockgrowers Bank, Lot 7, Bolck 25, shortly before the killing occurred. Eldredges Add. to Vale. 12|28|25. s oem time ago he deeded all his pro- eWstfall, died at the Holy Rosary any time since 1919 and are improv- entertained at dinner on New Year’s I perty in Harney county to his wife, hospital January 3rd, of Brights dis I day for Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mor $10.00. ing. Joseph A. Koopman to Brady O. consisting of big ranch holdings and ease. He was buried Tuesday, Jan. gan and children Margaret and Ted 5th, at Ontario. He leaves three and Mr. and Mrs. Greeting and son Fowler, E%NE14NWt4 Sec. 31-19- seevral hundred head of cattle. He 47. 12|21|25. $2,850.00. 1 deeded to a daughter, said to be brothers and a host of friends to Merritt. Malheur County to F. C. Ellis, 1 living in Baker, a ranch located in mourn his loss. POTATO INSPECTION LAW VIOL Jap Duncan and Ed Stofer of Mrs. Sam Taylor entertained the ATORS FINED WHEN DISCOV 22-18-46. Lake county. No motive for the i Jordan Valley fed their band o f acre in SW '^NE'A Sec. crime has been given by Bums news Noche Club this week. ERED BY STATE OFFICER. ! 200 head of range horses over night 4|4|25. $14.82. papers. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Griffon en U. S. A. to Heirs o f Mary Rich ; at the August Tuleson ranch near | the Owyhee bridge. The price of ardson, NW % Sec. 29-20-46. 4|29|25. Portland.— Seeding of winter wheat tertained with a radio party Satur One thing the various farm or OREGON STATE BOARD HEALTH , $3-00 per head was paid . for Sheriff C. W. Glenn to Forrest on Oregon this .fall appears to be day evening. . . these . ganizations have learned, says the Mrs. Frank Oxman and Mrs. Vic cent of the acre_ ADVISES EFFICIENCY IN LIV horses. They are to be shipped Jones, E%SEV*SE% Sec. 25-20-38; onl about 92 State Market Agent, is that o f sys from Ontario to Portland to the ' SWViSWVi Sec. 30; and Asessor’s age geeded a g F. L. tor Johnson will entertain with a tematic marketing— they no longer ING AS WELL. . . ... , , _ . .. cannery. We think they could be Tax No. 1, Sections 29 and 32-20-39. Kcnt> statistician, United States de- large radio and card party this Sat- , The efficiency o f the business of «hipmenta if used to a better purpose How j 12|19|25. $112.29. partment of agriculture. T h ise s ti- urday evening to listen in on Station f ' ut the marke‘ living is taken for granted until about a fur coat from the hide. Ask prevent This .s part.cular- Sheriff C. W. Glenn to First Bank mate is baged upon reports received KFI Midnight Frolic where another hey ^ , , , ~ _ ... . „ ly noticable m the wheat trade. In sickness and premature old age dem Fred Klingback. | o f Juntura, N % SE% , and SE14SE14 from nearly 8000 farmers located song written by Lela Oxman will be / former years it was the custom to onstrate a permanent disability. Dry Don’t furget that Parent-Teacher Sec. 12-24-38. 12|19|25. $93.32. in all of the principal wheat produc : rush the larger part of grain to mar- rot creeps into the business of living is “ Charleston Blues.’’ Sheriff C. W. Glenn to H. J. ing counties of the state. meeting at the home of Mrs. Chas. I ket as soon as it was threshed, but just as it creeps into any business, Fisher on January 14, at 7:30 p.m. Sloan, Trustee, 1 acre in NEÍ4NE- | now an orderly system is practiced whether through lack of interest or & D. Fruit Farm Subdivision. 12|12|- Mr. and Mrs- Emil E - Dean ot ’4SE % Sec- 7-19-47. 12|19|25. $296.- j and steady shipments cover a much o f supervision, or low ideals of man- 23. $1.00. (Q. C. Deed). longer season. “ If we can get cred agement. A fussy,'‘ “ "faultfinding! Emmett, Iduho, spent Christmas and 38- Julia Kiesel et al to Anson E. method of management is not good the week end a‘ ‘ he J. B. Smith G. J. Magenheimer et ux to E. C. it to carry us, as wo have been abel metnod of management is not good Oregon Trail District ¡Jensen, N%NWV4SW!4SEV4 Sec. 23; Powell, Lots 4 and 7, Block 6. K. S. o do this year, we will not rush all for a business and is not good f o r j nolne ,n tne Oregon Iran District. ( ’ o w i/w w v „„a 13263964 & d. Fruit Farm Subdivision. 12|12|- ur wheat in in three months,” said the body. Man’s period of efficiency; Mrs. Lucile Johnson of Oregon j X T r l l / X T T 1 M / ’ D _ _ n t r o n / x r n / 23. $1.00. (Q. C. Deed). NEÌ4NWK Sec. 25; and SE14NEV4 one of the eastern Oregon growers, Is brief compared with the length o f I Trail has been on the sick list, A. E. Powell et ux to Raymond R. Sec. 16-16-43. 12|24|25. $1.00. “ for we hace many times seen the his days. The period of full vigor | Owyhee Votary precinct is com- Charlotta M. Kelley et vir to Mar Amens, Lots 5 and 6, Block 5, K. price rise rapidly after is was out of and efficiency is from 18 to 31 j posed o f three two room schools. S. & D Fruit Farm Subdivision. 6|- tha G. Thomas, portion of Lot 1, FORMER EDITOR OF MALHEUR jbe growers’ hands. But when we years. The work span is from 20 plang are being made for a gpen. 19|23. $500.00. Block 11, Vale. 12|21|25. $50.00. ENTERPRISE PLANS CAMPAIGN rannot get credit, then we have no to 40 years and the military span ing contest between these schools in Elta M. Benson et vir to Leara B. Sheriff C. W. Glenn to R. M. ON REPUBLICAN TICKET choice but to rush It in.” from 18 to 42 years. The Biblical preparation for the spring contest Horn, S ttS E K , E % S W % , and W % - Helton, N H N W % N W (4 Sec. 20-19- It Cost Him $20.00 limit is placed at 70 years. There of a„ the scboois. 47. 12|21|25. $1.00. SW tt Sec. 25; Lot 4, and SE 14SE H Guy Junke, proprietor o f a farm is no longer any doubt that the span U. S. A. to Anna M. Cripe, NE)4- Baker.— George Huntington Cur- 12|29|25. $4,130.50. Fred Klingback was a Boise visit Sec. 26-28-44. ers’ fruit and vegetable stand at o f activity can be increased by the SW14 Sec. 6-20-42. 6|27|25. rey, Jr., publisher of the Arlington (Certificate of Sale-. or this week. 96th and Stark streets, Portland, was appliaction of will power and intel Oregon & Western Colonization Bulletin, and a former resident of Minnie K. Watts et vir to Bertha arrested for failing to comply with Earl Dean and family of Payette, ligence. Co., to W. H. Cripe, NE14NE*4 Sec. Baker and LaGrande, Is planning to the law in grading the potatoes and An intelligent, well-directed, hope- Idabo> spent Christmas with Mr. and Goldston, south 125 feet o f Lot 5, of run for representative in congress stenciling the sacks of potatoes sold Block B of Barton & Short Plat in 9-20-42. 12|12|25. $1,200.00. fui, courageous management based Mrs. J. B. Smith, W. F. McNaught to A. P. Gladish, against N. J. Sinnott, according to Sec. 4-18-47. 12|19|25. $525.00. to Portland families. He peladed Mrs. Ray Cantrall and daughter upon accurate knowledge of condi Mr. Currey was Sheriff C. W. Glenn to Ontario Lots 20, 21 and 22, Block 4, Villa j a reliable source. guilty and was fined $20 and costs. tions is the ideal of the modern, Dottie are home from their vacation j Park Add. to Ontario. 1|2|26. $10.00.! a recent visitor in Baker having National Bank, SE 14N W 14, E%SW State Market Agent Spence says competent business man. It is the at Long Valley and state there is no ' SW * SW !4 Sec. 3; SE14SE- Sheriff C. W. Glenn to Oregon & j motored over from LaGrande. that when dealers openly violate the ideal to be set up for the manage snow to amount to anythmg, and the £ ’ and ^ 9.20. 37 Western Colonization Co., NE '4 and Mr. Currey is a Republican and law, thinking that they can get by, weather is warmer than here. * ^ ment o f the business of living. SE>4 Sec. 26; SE14, S W 4 , and S-|if he decides to enter the contest then there is no other course than Old age, physical failure, and Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Bradley and sh erjff c w G,enn t0 j c Gor. W14NW)4 Sec. 23-27-38. 12|19|25. will file in the Republican primaries. arrest and prosecution. Potato in sickness . .. ... are .. factors that must . . be | family attended Sunday School and d g E ^ and SE^ g w t 4 Sec. 25; $285.99. He was formerly publisher of the spectors throughout the state are on dealt with if wc are going to in-1 church in Ontario Sunday, where vxtq w u n w v w « Malheur Enterprise, Vale paper, and the watch for violators and report Marriage Licenses Issued crease man’s efficiency and extend they will leave Miss Alta to resume 36.2 5 . 40. SV48H Sec. 30. Lots 1( 2,' is well known in Malheur county.. ing the cases to the market agent. D. Robert Toomb and Bernice human life. I school duties and Miss Ruby will g and NEV4NW* Sec. 31-25-41; Lot Martin. 12|29|25. EMORY COLE, OLD TIMER, What have you planned for 'your- return to Boise to business college, 2, Sec. 4-21-40; SHSW14 and SW '4- Henry C. Terwilliger and Lucy W. HAS CLOSE CALL TUESDAY self this coming year? What were I Mr. and Mrs. Carl Quackenbush CRESTON SE*4 Sec. 33-20-40; EV4NW*4, and Morrison. 12|29|25. you rplans in the years gone by ? j returned to their home at Waitsburg, NE«4SW^4 Sec. 10-28-37. 12|19|25. Emory Cole, old timer o f Brogan A. J. Aumick and Lconia March. T. R. Beers was a passenger on Are you trusting to luck not to fall Wash., after a short visit with Mr. and pioneer of Malheur county, was $851.92. 12|30|26. ill, not to wane in vigor and vim and ( and Mrs. T. M. Lowe, Saturday’s stage to Riverside. the victim of a sudden attack o f ill- Sheriff C. W. Glenn to H. D. James A. Duncan and Mildred Frank Shumway took Walter the will to live ? Have the old years ( it has been reported that Grover , ness early Tuesday morning. It was Holmes, Lots 18 and 19, Block 150, Stockton. 1|2|26. Shumway and Harvey Jones to Riv been more or less filled with various Douglass ate his first dinner in a | at first believed he had suffered a Wards Add. to Nyssa. 12[19|25. $45.- erside the last of the week. The miseries of mind and body? Aer <,heep camp at the Mendiola ranch Compalints Filed in Circuit Court | paralytic stroke and the household 63. you planning to jog along in the Saturday! boys were returning to school at Hitta Anderson vs Frank L. A n -; was extremely alarmed. However, Isham G. Anderson et al to A. E. Weiser. same old way, accepting them as the Pat Connely’s band of sheep are \ upon the arrival o f Dr. Clyde G. Powell, Lots 5 and 6, Block 5, K. S. derson. 12120)25. Divorce. Mrs. T. R. Beers shipped another common lot? Why not trade o ff the j fjrst in from the hills and were sta- Walker, it was found that Mr. Cole big lot of dressed chickens to Port old years o f shiftless living, or per-1 tioned at Mitchell Butte Saturday HELPING YOURSELF. had suffered only partial paralysis chance, misdirected living, for new night. Everyone of the throat. The attack passed land markets last week. years in which the business of living! Mr. and Mrs. John Jarvis are liv- Everybody will agree that a man succeeds and pros quickly away without leaving any is w p II pleased with the prices they for their dressed turkeys. 9hall be run on sound business prin-1 on the upper Klingback ranch pers only when he spends less money than he receives noticeable ill effects. Dr. Walker received Mrs. Gugle visited at Mrs. E. Ro ciples ? j looking after Fred’s bunch o f cattle. says Mr. Cole is convalescing nicely. gers’ the first o f the week. Other pupils who return to school in a given period o f time. STORE ROBBER IS LODGED Frank Shumway and Dave Rogers Let’s apply this great economic test to the situation v e t e r a n s s w w t o IN COUNTY JAIL THIS WEEK „ APPLY FOR BONUS spent the first of the week rolling _ . _ , , Bigelow and Orville to Caldwell and in Nyssa. Our business men have invested—and continue One out of five entitled to com rye on the T. R. Beers ranch. E. J. Taylor who was arrested in Kpmlrtb MarDonald to Payette. Ontario the day before Christmas, Tbp „ma|, „ „ „ of Mr and Mr. to invest—their money in stocks o f goods brought here pensation under the bonus act have Mrs. Clyde McClure and children for taking , mack.n.w from one vj(.pnte MendioIa who ha, b ,en quite failed to apply for relief granted by I visited Mrs. T. R. eBors one day last to your very door to meet your daily needs. store and lifting a shirt at another. fw , omp time ia rpported ^ be congress, figures given show. It is 1 week. is lodged in the county jail. His npw on (hp rogd , o diM.0TPry Through the pages of this paper they advise you of estimated that 21 per cent of the 70- i Quite a large box of home made preliminary hearing was held be- ^ „ . „ . b e r the Owyhee Sunday their ability to serve this community. All of us know 0. 000 veterans eligible for relief hard sosp went out on Tuesday’s fore Judge G. L. King when Taylor ig * ^ dismissed that all have not applied. General Robert stage. And remember, the D. Davis, adjutant general of the The Crcsfon school started Mon entered a plea o f guilty^ Officers gttPnd ihv pirtare Mnd lecture that they deserve our patronage. are of the opinion that Taylor had fhp Nativitv zi„ n at Kmgman more you trade with them, the more funds they can in army, has announced that the bureau day of this week. The school bouse a prison record mid that he may be Ro, schoolhoU8e January 10th at vest in larger stocks and new lines. will receive application until January had been cleaned, the floors oiled, A man recently released from tne _ 1, 1928. ' land a coal stove put in. Let’s help each other along. MARKETING CONDITIONS IN STATE BEST SINCE 1919 SAYS O. A. C. EXPERTS* REPORT. CONDITIONS BEST SINCE ISIS County Statistics FARMERS LEARN SYSTEMATIC SELLING NEW YEARS FOR OLD GOOD HEALTH RULE GEO. H.CURREY PLANS RACE Baker Jafl. 2 P ”