T he G ate C ity J ournal VOL. JLZHI NO. 36 NYSSA. OREGON, FRIDAY, NOV. 27, CONDENSED STATEMENT OF TEE Back on the Job t Poultry Supplies Malheur County Bank RESOURCES Loan« and D¡«count!______$418,007.61 O verdraft*............................... 619 00 Building, Furnitur«. A Fiat. 14.761.66 Other Real E sta te ................. 6,988.0* Stack« and Securities_____ 1.000.00 Bend* and W arranta......... 4,049.71 Cxaa and D ub F bom B anks 117,309.17 «686.676.30 *5t«.fT».S0 County Fund* for w hi-h Surety. Bonds era F u rn ish e d ......H O N E OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS H. J . Waid, President John Raj.JVloo President J . P. Dunaway, Caahiac 0 . G. Bauar, A ssistant Cashier H. A. D irea, A ssistant Oaahler J . F. Rase« • J . J. Sarsain G. L. Phillip* Nyssa Grain & Seed Co. NYSSA - - LIABILITIES Capital Stock......... ................I 26.000 Sarplui and P r o f i t a . . . . . . . . . 44,661 Bill! Payable.......................... NON E Rediaceunts............................ NONE DEPOSITS..............................61fi.Wfi.4fi R 8 Custom Cleaning and Grinding DIRBCTOB8 Tha Uttl*. unlookad for aervieoa, aourtaaiea and alteatiooa, oatalda th* I OREGON. path of roadao, era what have counted moat In making loyal tenters for this bunk. - e i ^ M> i ? LOCAL NEWS IN BRIEF In addition to . Fresh and Smoked Meats Klsa Eva Boydell name borne Sun. Mrs. Jim Fog la and d eag h ta r Paul day from The Dalle«, « h er# she had | na |aft Thuraday fo r Jo h a Day to at- We carry a full line of b**n teaching, and Monday was tak e n ; tend the funeral of h a t m other, who to Boiso, w here she underw ent an died very suddenly, operation for appendieitis. Her meny A full bouae greeted R B. Claae, friend* will ha «lad to knew th a t aha is rtaovaem g nicely from th a opera­ •saistent superintendent of tha Anti- Saloon League o f Orogou, Sunday tio n . night a t th a Mathodlkt church Ms. and Mrs. Tom B utlar had •• he g a ra bis moving piotura en tertain ­ their guests Thanksgiving Mr anu m ent entitled “ Tha Triam ph o f Ju s­ Mrs. Q. P. Laokay of Ontario, Mr. tice A collection of ftfi was taken. and Mrs Baacb of Payette, Ms. and Data Garrison, son of U r. and Hr*. Mrs Daway Ray and aun and Mrs. P. Chaa. Garrison, was aerioualy injured BURBIDGE & RAY, P M. Binkley. last Friday whan hia hand w as «aught Tha Tuesday evening Bridge Club in an alactrln washing mnahlna a was hald a t th a borne o f Mra. A. H. badly mangled. D r. Snraiin w Boydall. Three tables wara in play. called and daaaaad th a wound, Miaa Edith S cott, g u ast of th a avo- Mr. and Mrs A rth u r Cook and fa ning, won first prize and Mra. H. ily lo ft Wodnoadag foe B aker to spend Divan won second, The Tvaning the week end and p artake a f thair concluded with delicious refreshm ents Thanksgiving turkey w ith Arthwn’a (M alheur E nterprise) ■ s la te r ' served by th a hostess. Ifr*. Coyla Dunn a f P an as, people thara. Miss Mabel H a rt and Glann Pounds, of tha Wilson boya, dlad a t har M*. and Mr*. Jo*. -Cwing le ft Wed­ A. R. McCarty wax down from Bois* popular among V ais’s younger sat, In th a t city Monday m em lng, a fte r a nesday fo r Pooatello to spend Thanhs were the principals of a simple wed- I ngerm g illnasa aausad by to baren giving with Mr. Ewing’s parents. Tuesday looking af tea hualasaa m at­ te rs. rin g ceremony performed in Walaer I isia. Mr*. Duna, who is a nativa of Mias Edith Scott of Jordan VaHay, on Wednesday afternoon lmmdiutaly Tonnosaoo, bad llvad la Pasm a a i u b - Misa Monti* A dna« spank th« faw form er Nyasa teacher, spent the week a fte r the wedding they went to Nyasa ber of yoars. Sha ia «urvivad by a rem aining days of vacation a fte r tha and a t th i J . Boydell home. and war* entertained a t the home fath a r, two «malí d aughters asd ala in stitu te a t Vala nt har hem« a t Mid­ Mias Mahal Hugg and Mias Kata of Mr*. Dsltaa Dunsan, a siste r of brotbara Sha was 16 gaar* a f aga. dleton, Ida. F o ster of Boiaa spent Sunday in the bridegroom. Funeaal aarvteas wara hald a t Parm a Mr, and Mra. H«rseh«ll Hamby and Tha b rd e is e d a o g h te r of Mr. and Tuesday, a numbar o f toU tivaa and Nyaaa, th a guests of Misa Chaa. He two ohHdron of B aker returned to Mrs. G eorge H a rt and baa lived in friends from Nyssa baiag In nttend- Connell. their horn* Saturday, a fte r • woah'a The Wood B ro a , bee man, have th is city sines oarly childhood. She v isit w ith Mra. Hamby’« parents, Ms. graduated from the Vale high school gono to Boiaa to work till spring, their and Mra. J . N. Shalton. with the «less of ’23. Both aha and own baoa Laving been properly taken A number of the neighbor* and car* o f for th* w inter. has husband w ars membess of tha friends of Mr. and Mra. J , A. Faltofe Novelty Four o rch estra. Mr. Pounds Mrs, D wight Sm ith and Mra. Lucile Miss V irginia Thompson was hostess arrived Tutaday m orning an aonoano- has also lived her« the past two years, Wednesday avuntng to I . B. friends Johnsion en tertained a t Thanksgiving tb a t they had tom s to spend tha day w ith tb* »«caption of the past faw a t a party a t har bom*. Tha evening dinner th e J . B. Smiths, Dean Smith with thasa worthy peopl*. An enjoy­ months ha sp en t in W ashington. was happily spent In playing gamas, ■nd lamily, Mr. and Mrs Frank Fry, able day was «pant, gaod ants baiag a Besides many relatives, th a young liataning to music aad partaking of and ■. If. Daau and family of F ag­ prom inent and pleasant fsatu as of the couple have a host of friends in thia otto. delicious rafiashm ants. occasion. oom nunlty who wish them every joy. The Ulaaea Monti« Adams, Pernice Those present wore: R obert Clot. Mr. and Mra Founds expect to Hve Mra. Rosaoa Cloak a f Nampa visited •on, hlarjo Cowins, R obert Thompson, Vorhice. Iva and G r-ee W alters spent ness Nyssa. with Mrs. O W. Rabeogat S aturday Paul Caookar, Georgia Thomptoa, Saturday a fte r soon in Ontario on a •nd Sunday. Gaorga Nawby, V erna T hom pson,' ahoppiag trip. Mra. A. Brcwn waa a visitor 1« Fay* Few Tired Feet Now Mildred Long, A rth u r Serve*«, M ary) Miss Bcrniaa Vorhies Is spending • tta S aturday. “What’s become of old George Had- ■wan. Daria Graon, Agnas Swan, Otis tb* weals w ith friends in Boise. alott?” asked the visitor to the old Croekar, R ath R abargar, George Mr. and Mra. W. William* of Twin A rthur B erross and Paul Croekar home town. “Oh, his business failed Davis, H erbert Hostia, Ruth Shalton, Falls viaite a t th* J. A. Felton taaah w ant on a hunting expedition Tuesday and lie’s In the pnorhouse now,” re­ . plied the native. “Too bad. sorry to Iva Walter«, Max G iiehriat, Doaald •nd returned w ith six ducks apiece, Saturday. Ail th* Nyaaa taachera «pant M o» whloh put them in a proper fram e of hear It. What business was he InT” Gambia. "He manufactured a powder to shake mind to fittingly observe Thanksgiv­ day and Tuesday a* th a Institute I d In the shoes to ease tired feet. He ing. Vale. W anted a Change did pretty well, too, until the automo­ Leonard Slopar spent Thanksgiving Dorothy yawned snd anaouncod: “I Tha football game he’d Friday be­ bile ruined his business.”—Cincinnati do wish that sckaol was over, aad tween O ntario and Nyssa high schools in Boise. Enquirer summer was over, and I had a new was a disappointm ent to our alda, tha Miss R ath Shelton anjoyad Thanks teacher.” Her mother looked op «tel »core being 26 to 0 is favor of Ontario. giving day w ith her friend M ill smiled. “Why do you w kk all fhetT' f h i i O ’ ie S u r p r i s e d h 'im she asked. Dorothy yawned agate Thia. howavar, does not discourage Rowans Glenn on th a Owybea ru th s ' r h tig er tlm n (lotion M. M s J BoydsII ia In Boise with har “Well.” said aha. "I’m to Bred of do our boys. hi S78.OIIO.OtSI w orth of co rse ts we splsing th* same teacher I" * Miss Viola MeCurdy is spending te r 'd au g h ter. Miss Eva Boydall. who un- de lam voar.—Columbia Record TicAtion in Nysasa She is teaching d arw jn t an operation on T uesday xr.fi a t Ironside, Oregon, this year. is repoatad doing nicely. Lunch Goods * friends Nyssa Packing Co. I Phone 6 - Mrs. Dann Passes Virginia Entertains Reconditioned a id GuaranUed For Sal* Nat S a x « phone. Mrs Zana Rsmbaud. n272t Dra R. P. and Pearl M. Bradford, licensed in Oregon and Idaho. C arver graduates Consultation and examin­ ation-free. Twelve years saccaasful practice in th i state. F irst door waat of bank, Nyasa, Oregon. TH E M UTUAL L IF E Th* Mutual Life Insurant* Com­ pany of Now York has a record of EIGHTY TWO YEARS ot prosperous and successful business. It has passed through panics, pestilences srd wars unharm ed sad today, as a resu lt of eight decades of endoavov, offer* fl- nsnei il strength, reputation, m agni­ tude, leadership, and life inetfraaaa aarvleo. J. R. HUNTER. Agsat, Nyssa, Or Service Station Gai and Oils, Whiz Anti-Fresea Miller and Sei barling Tires and Tubes AUTO SUPPLIES Prompt Service Toombs Bros., Props. sm s: Njraa, Or. Glenn Povnds Married Chiropractors Toombs | FORD CARS 1920 Touring Starter 1921 Touring tta r ts r 1922 Touring Starter 1923 Touring Starter 1924 Touring Starter 1924 Coupe Starter 1923 Roadster Starter — 1 r ~ ■ ■ -r,----- ---------- ANNOUNCEMENT Oregon Far Sala 6ix fiuiry a n f a y GaateaU. *|fiSI| Union Oil Company’s GAS AND OILS AT THE GREEN PUMP Hoxie Service Station U n equ alled Value T h e Oldsmobile Sedan is ac­ tually in a class by itself— an unmatched value. Compari­ so n an d d e m o n s t r a t i o n prove absolutely that no other automobile offers you such Beauty—such Perform­ ance— at such a Low Price* / SEDAN We aare now displaying our HOLIDAY MERCH­ ANDISE for your inspection, consisting of a com* plete lise of Toilet Acceaaoriea Leathsr Goods Flashlights Stationery Pens and PencMa Thsnaoa Dottles 7 025 '"lourind J<575 Coach ° *950 P ik s t / . a. I. Lanrfng, (ae eatea e’u Candy Perfumes Greeting Carda Irory V. B. Staples Ford Garage Ontario The Best THE NYSSA PHARMACY Powell Service Station Nyaaa, Oi OLDSMOBILE i