¥- •" v. *»•*>'» y - . ri ** Big Special T H * C A T E CTTT JOURNAL NOTICE OF SCHOOL MEETING GATE CITY JOURNAL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to the legal voter« of School District No. 26 of Malheur County. State of Oregon, that a SCHOOL MEETING of Myaam said district will be held at School House, on the 17th day of November, . 1H25, at 2 o ’clock in the afternoon for the purpose of discussing the bud- g t hereinafter set out with the levying board, and to vote on the propo- I o -.on or levying a special district tax. H F. BROTYN the total amount of money needed by the said school district during lire fiscal year beginning on June 15, 1926, anu ending June 30, 1026, is e .(..mated in tne toliow.ng budget and includes the amounts to b e ’ re 1 ntcr d xt tfi«» ut N'aaa, c.ivcd tiom the county school fund, state school fund, elementary school **V'Ti, as saco ml-cl__ -.-oi mattar rui.u, spcc.ai district tax. and all other moneys of the district; 1 ublished every Friday Oregon, by at BU1K.ET i Estimated Expenditures SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Une year in advance............ *1 50 Personal Service: ! month*, in advance......... $ 2006.00 7Í 1. Superintendent 3. Teachers ................ ....... 9 10449.99 4. Janitors ................ ....... 1 702.00 5. Clerk ...................... ............. 1 50.00 7. i.u ck Diiver .... ........... 1 580.60 Total ............................................... lirsdford. 1 Id iho. (’ «rver «¡erial ard Supplies: graduates ConHultslicn and examin . i rn.Lurc (u.oka, stoves, curtains, etc.) ation free. Twelve years successful . .jupjji.es (cnaik, erasers, etc.) ................ practice in the state. First door west . L.b.uiy books ............................................. o j Equipment .......... ........... .............. o f hank Nv»"». Oregon. Chiropractors $ 2000.00 10449.99 702.00 50.00 $85.00 ------------ *13786.99 SS2 ...*4t0.00 ... oo.60 ... 26.00 ... 75.00 .. 50.00 ... loO.CJ ) S. L ght ........................................... ......................... .. 2.0.00 3. Vvuter ... ............................................... .......................... ^ 70.00 1J. i ostLge, stationery and printing .................................. .. 15.00 | Total ....”............."....... ....................... ........ 4 $ . c UtUil. I S. 1. iiueic3t on Bonds ............. .................................... ..........;2 -116.60 I. Wc*r;a.it, ana iiit.reoi tno¿\ id .......................................... A.Ooó.1 J 1 o.ai ................... . ......................................................... 1.« . .....,i i,, pupils; ..... ..................................... i i* ...» i u*.u ........................... ... . | inuuruu.c: ................................. ......................................... ................. vCenerai M anaqer ^-AoCERS i M'sec lie..eous: 1. t’runium clerk’s bond ...... Audit of c.erk s books ...... Total .................. . 7 > ” * f 200.CO i 'Í J.' iN 25.00 35.60 A t T ? -CSV*, P. S. There will he another pice here two Weeks from now. Look for it. NIC«' Of IbS S°r t llcS >c*i H * k e l 0 0 .e«t<3£ f? i*n the be.ia Prir'¡’> Co. ’- Recap! tula, lion Total estimated expenses for the year ___ —.................... *24306.18 'total estimated receipts not iuciuumg proposed tax ..... Boj3.i0 Balance, amount to be raio.-a oy (listnet tax _________ *16322.48 k - ? | > & JL * ^ * Ì Ì 1 be or. di-pltty ai (he Hotel Western Given ÍA J W ¿ -> iïc & ic îs $ 1 . 0 0 ; t a x 206.00 2o0.60 ICO 00 78.53 2iio<0U 1 6 .o 3 j 1. iiond intere*i __ 24/Ö.0U • vv“ “ »nl, und luteivsi jk . I ™ ............ * 208.4.13 lOcai— uidebivanca* J -•rtîun ......... T'RANBEURTATIUN o f PUPILS: I 1250.00 T o ta l— 1 ra n sp oria iip . ot pupila r r . .... $ 1250.6V) INSLRANCE; a iola l— insurance $ 200.06 .d48CT.LL.VN ’ - .............. ..OL'S: 200.06 Sinking T .................... 1560.00 4 mu |— » cund ........... 1706.00 EAlBr -'4i»cclla»eo«a AGENCY: 800.00 T ................................... 8u0.0ti otal— Emergency .......... $24966.18 . GRAND TOTAL ....... t 1 2 3 0 .6 6 3ob2.a3 106.00 lot.oo 157.06 467.66 1238.00 2806.06 2476.00 6664.85 $ 200.00 $ 3126.00 401.00 4J1.00 802.00 160.34 1*7.83 326.67 100.00 100.00 206.00 11)0.06 1 * 0.00 200.00 782.15 400.00 170.S5 782.15 406.00 170^> $11745.il $13109.45 *23,77 < ,99 ..♦*-» * » e n ♦ »-• *re4r«-s « t , iv*r-í Dray 1 Jne " \ ICtl uni L) C i O Á b i SlU tilh KI.H'KKNIIKI p r o m i i a l l * ‘ n v «U« Ret« PRONE 16 •w York Ck g a e lU c ; S p e cta to rs 2 5 c W H A T HE K N E W » The guide baited her honk and tossed It Into the water. The fair angler re warded him with a smile and Inquired: “ I suppose you understand all about fish?” T ig guide considered this question In all Its aspects before he replied slow ly, “No, I wouldn't go so far as 10 say that. I know only 1,973 reasons why they don’t bite." H istoric Swedish Jail Ostorninlin prison In Sweden Is the oldest Jail In that country and one ot the most historically Interestlns In tin rope. One of It» exhibits Is that o I 1.800 skeletons of the Swedes who f'U In df fending Vlshy 000 year* age Many of the skeletons are still Indo»"1 In coats of chain mall. Fine old for nitore from all putts of Europe Is « li on display in the prison yard today Lady Jurors Show M ercy For Sa'« Cheap- My 1926 Model F rd Ford r Sedan. W H. Crooker o302t '‘Ladles and gentlemen of the jury,” began the attorney for the defense, "can you look upon the prisoner’s tear-stained face and not take pity on her?” And all six of the Indlps on the Jury did take pity on her and offered her their co.-metlcs. — Western Christian Advocate. The trn i l,ne Ithmry e know tnday o a» he un lo T'P’t In the otate of New York urder th# leaderablp of the *eat III -arlan Mil vi' Oewey. New York »■■nt horts htrgely tn stipplemeot nr atrengthen librarles alrendy In exist en ce. EXPLAINING Travcli-rg Labrarles B eauty P e'e^ e U tility Stenographen are often engaged for »thetic ns woll n» »rilltnrian n*»«nn« ?t ta rarely, however, that t)** latter are completely Ignored, aa ivas the 1-nae in an advertisement that appeared In a New York newspnper. "Wanted," *t rend, "a stenngrnpher. Must ha good-looking. Knowledge of tvplng n.V necessary." wseci CONSTRUCTION : ! .otal—Eonstruciiuon .......... â lA i.i ItN A N G i AND «D t / .iK a : ! , .Buuuíügs ana gioun. AÖ........ ai d u ir* .... * < - H v * v » v v .-»% ♦ rV-t -> 111 Fifth Avenu«. Ni i V. .ar. 275.75 $ 150.00 $ 650.00 $25112.45 Little Bobby—What's the difference between matrimony and patrimony? Professor Letterktnk—The words are $ 386.28 derived from the Latin. Mater, mean ing mother and pater, father. Thus, patrimony Is supplied by the father $ 5917.52 while matrimony Is promoted by the mother. $ 2059.10 $ $ 333.11 190.00 $ 650 00 $26995.23 above « tir a r te of ‘ vff r I, H. A. Diven, do hi treby eerti. that the ^ _______ months of the current year and the expenditure- hy me and that the ex p. ndituraa > ' nd, t,ulJ“ et * llr° * ‘* r ' .s shown' above'have been compiled from the records ior the three fiscal year, . naxt prec ed’ ‘’ « th* cunent ys r aa shown ao R A . DIVEN, District Clerk. j in my charge and are t rue ami co. ri'tct C0P1C'» l“ e,eot- '-»•»«rantoed b y W , J'dZZ A Com; Jete Line of Pretty ( ostumes 040.00 f éé, fe I mwnstii - ----- ------------;______ ■ ______ — Enplane! and France, smoking vu x iic i i \ A L A i\ D A C C O U N T I N G S H E E T ready made Cigarettes fought two : and a half years and couldn’t make n C iio d ij D tS iltlC T NO. 26 the first down on Germany. Ger in s o. „ .m l ultimate shows in parallel columns the u..t. to.-.s ot the several services, material and supplies many smoking old tow lines off i i**e ... < nii-ai y.-uia lie... pic.Ju.ug t..e cunent y^a., uie detail expenditures lor the last one ot said Ships, Sawdust, Cabbage leaves, r -.cu .'k in-tui jc...u dim ui. t i n t a anowuiices ...u exptnu.tuies lor six months of tne current year u.i., uioiniis ui iiic cunciU year intuiia six uioutns l i tne last school year.) Horse Blankets, and second hand Gun Powder couldn’ t make the EXE ENDTT LUES grade. But when Americans arrived Expenditures and budget Expenditures for three fiscal years with no equipment and no training, anowance next preceding the last but plenty Bull” Durham, and for six montiis of last school year E sum ai« 1 school year Nerve to burn it vvuh, in T w o expcuuiutr es ITEM weeks the French were trading for me ensi ung Detailed scituui yc« r ., Budget expenuuures foiSecond year First year Legion o f Honor Medals for a Expenditures >llowani;e ^ laat ytar i sack o f Bull.” O n e sack was in detail detail oi ^ Give Give worth two quart; of Iron Crosses. three-year period yearly totals yearly totals t iuiiócìNAt. Silit t it,*,: Englishmen have even been known r. du^u.ni.ciidi-iit _____ 4666.66 * 1666.66 * 1393.98 ......... * '¿biH/A'U a. a cacaci a ............... to sacrifice their afternoon tea for 5226.66 8856.25 4455.66 ....... — .Cosu.v.lh 1 .Juintu** ............ ^ 376.66 010.66 331.06 .......................... U - .o u a putf of Bull” Durham. Even i>. Cnak ........... 56.66 56.66 66.66 ------- od .od afrer the war an American private, i uiacr ¿Service* ...... . 88 i .55 occupying the Ruhr, went into a V. Truck Driver .............. 270.00 276.00 . . oob.tVl it ia i— i tioonai Service* $12770.00 $15449.39 German Restaurant and asked for $ 6412.66 * 6940.00 *42468.78 ..*13786.9.9 si A m iu A L AND SLEE i AES: a glass o f Milk. l i e couldn’ t make e r umiture (desks, etc.) * 290.11 * 306.00 $ 258.94 the Waiter understand so he drew "•.... —-..... * 450.00 ... Euppiies (ciutik, etc.) 0Ü.U0 OO.Ü6 the Picture of a C ow , and a Milk 3. Dioiuiy boons 25.50 25.60 26.56 20.66 4. ù cieu ce .............. Pail. 1 he Waiter im m ediately ; 6.66 ypewriteis ................. 25.60 returned with a Bucket o f Beer 5 6 .6 6 toi s supplies 45.97 i o .06 45.31 106.06 and a Sack of “ Bull” Durham t i. T del ........ .......... 764.15 371.57 3 10 .0 6 ■ 5 0 .6 6 1 1> . Eignt ano 1 obucco. I hat Private was a better 264.66 Telephone. 430.66 4 66 .86 27 0.66 ¡3. Water .... 54.45 2¿.o0 •Artist than he thought he was. 25*o8 10.00 id. Postage 34.26 7.50 4 0.6 6 - a“ u »tuf.onery 10.00 $ 1138.70 $ 2009.29 lo.ul— material una äuppnes J 1368.48 .o i o.c6 * 1047.57 .............* 1960.Ü6 Z & C , A >, .V i." ? I U* A Ï 60.00 The indebtedness of District No. 26 its as follows; Total bonded indebtedness ........... ................................ $42100.00 Total wanunt indebtedness ..... _ ................................... $ 2338.19 local umuiiiit ot ad tnddbtedueas ................................v»4»a8.19 Dated tins loth day of October, 1525. Attest; 11. J\. GIVEN, District Clerk. T'K u D iCCiUr’t 'A N , Board of Directors. IS ÌmÀ..J ÌL.d«k» J loUÜ.OU Estimated Receipt* T rom county school fund during the comitng school year..*2454.61 T ruin stale school fund during tile eomrug school year., 507.36 l rom elementary school fund during the coming school year ........ - ..................... .......................................... ...... 675.00 Estimule of probable unexpended balance at end of current year .......................... .................................. ..... 2456.81 Estimated amount to be received from all other sources during tne coming school year, H igh Scauul Tuition 24o9.92 Total estimated receipts, not including pruposuu tax.... * 5683.76 • Who Won the War? M ‘7- xV- A. V * 260.00 Total estimated amount of money for all purposes Curing the year ___ ____ :............................ ... ________ *24366.15 ii anient by W ill Rogers, Zieg* fcld f-ollicH anti screen »tar, and le a d in g A m e r ic a n h u m o r ist. M ore com ing. W atch for them . ? 1 F- »•SR. Oof S Î ;ïî f m m f m i ' A * $5064.10 * 1250.00 Einergeucy: ................................................................................ $ 046.00 Total .................. ...................................................... _ .......... * Another null” Durham acfver- ' Ki ■ > J « • a t * ^ E 'i - $1905.00 200.00 .V.tintcnance aid Repairs: Building an! gioun-.l.............. EYE - <?! r - . . s c Ik'•’G. «r r u HA,B GETTINO toLB H IIAM .R-KR. O re«»« .♦♦le* We haul Any t hing Anywh*re Any Time M- W. Cheeley n »««* sr She Loved Dogs "H o w I lo v * d o g « ! ’’ th* m aiden c r ^ d . A nd w h in h er s u ito r s o ftly s lg l. 1: ‘ 1 w ish I w ere a d o g . you k n o w — “ Oh, w s ll,” s h s said, perhaps y o u *1 g r o w .” Hidden Treasures There Is many a rich stone laid up In the bowels of the earth, many a fair pearl laid up in the bosom of the sea tliul never was seen and never will be seen.—Exchangv. C redit, Not Morals The adjective in "a good neighbor nod" doesn’t refer to the morals of he people, but . to their credit.— Baltl jore Sun. For Sale Cheap—My 192* model Fard Fordor Sedan. W. H. Ctookar. oS02t M oved a Long W a y Since “My boy has a camera, a radio set. and goes to the movies three times a week.” “ Well. Jim. when we consider what ft talee» to amuse the youngsters of t o â ç . : I often wonder how the deuce we kids were ever able to get a thrill by looking Into a kaleidoscope.“ Animal Talk ATTORNEYS E AT LAW M. BLODGETT Attorney and Uuunaelloi at Lae "rsetie* tn all roi.r-> N y a sa . O itg< CSIROPRACTOKS Th« new seal had arrived at the aao. Dra k P. and Pearl M t r.idford. All the Inhabitant« thereof crowded licensed In Oregon nd 1-iaht. around the newcomer and gazed Carver Grsdoa’ ea him In wonder. “Did they send yon in a hanate ConauExlioa and Essminauor. “ rev car?" ventured the »fuck-up porcupine. Nyssa, Oregon “No. b o ," -.-*1 tba answer. “ I’m a box car teal." W. B HCXIE INSURANCE am L eft H er Pondering Ea mestine- “M net people admire ay mgtiti. Do you?" Eraeat—“ Rather: iW * W I» immense Progresáis-» Grue». Office at Reaitotre, Third Efcrgood Aveno«. N vsaa. O 'erara