• A T I O T T JOURNAL N O T IC E Mr and Mrs Thomas Lowe drov* to Ontirie Thursday to meet Mra. Paul Notice la hereby given to the legal eotera o f tfc# Town of Nysaa, Malhau* Brainsrd of Manhattan, Kail. County, tiregcn, that a areetirg of the levyu g board of a* d Tawn wilt he NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to the legal votera of School District No. 26 of Malheur County, State of Oregon, that a SCHOOL MEETING of The Beaumont and Msrtm families he d in the Council rocm on the 12th d*y o f November, 19X4, *4 the , ” *ur *: said district will be held at School House, on the 17th day of November, “ ublUhed every Friday at Hyena. of the Koiony w re the guaata of Mr. 8:liu u’elocr p. m. lor the purpose of disco.--.ng anv or all ef tba different Items contained in the Town Budget tor 1926. hereinalter aet •*>*, with any 1925, at 2 o’clock in the afternoon for the purpose of discussing the bud­ Oregon, by nan Mr- Thus Lowe at a picnic diu citisen inur-slad. The fetlowing ¡« the Buoget prepared by the Budget com­ get hereinafter set out with the levying board, and to vote on the propo­ ner at Mot Springs, near Mitchell mittee of the T wn of Nyrra ana ah- «*• the amount of money roeasaary for sition of levying a special district tax. itae difterent » xpenars uf li.o town d'- >rg : hr ri ruing lirral yftar, together llutte, last Sunday. The total amount of money needed by the said school district during H F BROWN with the eatitaiatt d ivvenuer oi the Town from all ources other (ban munic the fiscal year beginning on June 15, 1925, and ending June 30, 1926, is Mr, and M>a Harry Evans and Mr ipal taxis estimated in the following budget and includes the amounts to be re­ TOWN OF NYSSA BUDGET FOR 1926 ceived from the county school fund, state school fund, elementary school entered at th# P ostola ** it N*ssa and Mrs Ed Hena'ii mutorvd to Wrisee Friday in tha Hennia Siudabaker at d Personal Service* ____ ___ fund, special district tax. and all other moneys of the district: ■starter -agon, as second-eis... Marshal.............................................................................. BUDGET Recorder.............................................................................. »W.M ranch nt«r Wei er, where they will 1.926 £0 Estimated Expenditure* L ib ra rie s................................................................................. I«6 00 plant potatuea neat season. Material and Suppliea Personal Service: SUBSCRIPTION RATES: (0.00 The Owyhee school board held their $ 2000.00 Printing and ad-ertising___ . . . .................... ........ $ 2000.00 1. Superintendent .............. - .......... 1 ItO.OO 10449.99 Office Suppbea ............................................................ 10449.99 9 ... 31.50 budget meeting Monday night. $60.00 Fire Department------------------—------------------- ----------- 200.00 702.00 702.00 1 .16 - months, in advance........ Mra. Hora B. Lowe attended th* Maintenance and Reoaire 60.00 _ 50.00 1 Fuel .................................. -.................... 100.00 B-ok club as a guest at Kingman 685.00 585.00 7. Truck Driver ................—......... 1 460 00 R e n t .... ..................................................... aeooo ..................... $13786.99 Thursday. Total Mr. and Mra. Cbas. Fisher and P° T , ^ r . Water. . . ...............................................- .............. MOO 00 Material and Supplies: 250 00 ....... $460.00 Nelir* took a picnic lumeb at Hot Repairs and Supplies...... .............................................— 1. Furniture (desks, stoves, curtains, 2.450.00 1000.00 ...... 50.00 improvements . . . . __ . . . . . . . . . . ----------------------------- Springs Sunday and took their guests, Mr and Mrs, Ed Henris drove to 750 00 26.00 Mr. and Mra Harry Beeler and daugh- ] 700.00 Payette Monday in search o f a second ........ 75.00 Emerge1 ey Fund_______________________________________ 1,000.00 her, to see this Owyhee wondeeapring. ........ 50.00 hand tractor that Mr Hennis expected Sinking Fund------------------------------ ------------------------------ * 1,900 00 Mr Baeler was formerly mayor o f Interest . . _______________________________ ____ _______ ........ 150.00 to trade tits Stadeb ker car in on 1 , 000.00 ........ 760.00 Str*. t Fu nd___________________________________________ 7>. Fuel ......V....... ......... ........... - ....... Vale. ........ 270.00 Mra Franklyn F*y, county P T A. 8. Light .............................................. A $10,535.00 ........ 70.00 8«cretary, lelt for Portland Sunday to T° ‘ *‘ ....................... ESTIMATED *RECEÍPTS ........ 15.00 10. Postage, stationery and printing attend th - state P. T A convention 2.000 00 ..................... $1905.00 Water Renta--------- -------------- - ...................... Total 60 00 as the Malheur county delegate. D a R. P. and Pearl M. Bradford, Interest___________________ ___ ________ 50.00 ........ $200.00 Maintenance and Repairs: Building and Fine*................ ; ............................................. Thi Evan«’ intend to sell their herd lic-nawd ir. Oregon and Idaho. Carver 800 CO .. $ 200.00 Total ...................... ............ Delinquent Taxes-------------------------------------- o f Holt »in milch cows, ae well as graduates Consultation and examin­ Road Fand................ - ..................... ................. 700.00 Indebtedness. their sheep and hogs, before they ation free. Twelve year* successful ......$2476.00 t 3,100.00 move in November. ...... 2588.19 practice in the state. First door west ToU l..................................RECÁPÍTU I. ATKIN ................. $5064.19 of Bank, Nyssu, Oregon. $10,635,00 Ms and Mr« Ray Cantrall amd Dot- Total estimated expenses for year-------- ----------- ------- ...... ................. $ 1250.00 Transportation of Pupils: ...... ........... 3,100 CO Total estimated receipts not inoluding proposed tax---- Sinking Fund ....... 3 _____ tie and th»ir guests, Mrs. J. P Me Mra. Charity Toombs motored to Insurance: ............ . ... * 200.00 Ginnie and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Slip pey, took a big picnic diansr at the Ontario Tuesday on a shopping tour. $ 7,435.00 Amount to be raised by ta x ----------------------------------------- Miscellaneous: Hot aprings last Sunday. State of Oregon / .$ 25.00 1. Premium clerk’s bond Fot Sale Cheap— Mv 1925 model Fond County o f Malheur f SS 36.00 Mr and Mrs Joe Minton hanc 3. Audit of clerk’s books | Total .. ....... .. $ 60.00 moved tnto the Jach McConnell home Fordor Sedan, W. H. Ciooker. o802t Town of Nyssa GATE CITY JOURNAL NOTICE OF SCHOOL MEETING Owvhee Chiropractors .„.$ 910.00 Emergency: ...... . Total Total estimated amount of money for all purposes during the year _____ Estimated Receipt* From county school fund during the coming school year..$2454.61 From state school fund during the coming school year.. 607.36 From elementary school fund during the coming school year .......................... ......... .................................... *..... 67640 Estimate of probable unexpended balance at end of current year ...... ..... ...................................................... 2456.81 Estimated amount to be received from all other sources durihg the coming school year, High School Tuition 2489.92 Total estimated receipts, not including proposed tax.... Recapitulation Total estimated expenses fo r the year .................... :.......$24906.18 Total estimated receipts not including proposed tax ..... 8683.70 Balance, amount to be raised by diatrict tax .......... ....... and we are glad to welcome them. 940.00 Bub Elliott had his best casualty be foro they were a mile from McCon- $24906.18 nell'e--their dog te l from the rtmamg board and broke its neck, Mr. and Mra. Frank DeBord, for­ merly of Owyhee snd now living near Payette, are just starting to cut their big acreage ol lettuce, and it is about the fino t p the country. { Sila« Bigelow finished stacking hi- »(. «i clave., tais week and is locking $ 8583.70 tor a thresher now Jubn Hite was operated upon for appei dicitie ir the Ontario hospital Tuesday. $16322.48 Harry Evans left Monday morning for Idaho Falls to secure seed potato a C. F Smith, bis cncle, accompanied b ’ra h-.j itr. asm« purpose. $ The indebtedness of District No. 26 is as follows: Total bonded indebtedness ..................................... $42100.00 Total warrant indebtedness ..........................................$ 2338.19 Total amount of all indebtedness .... .......................... $44438.19 Dated this 15th day of October, 1925. Attest: H. A. DIVEN, District Clerk. FRED KOOPMAN, Board of Directors. I, A. R Millar, do hereby certify that I air the duly appointed qualified and acting Recorder of the Town of Nyssa, Oregon, and that the above and Htsadfui high grade piano must be foregoing i , the Budget of Town expenses as certified to me by the Budget sold at onoe. Big saving and terms Witness my hand and the Town teal affix d this lith day of October, $10 monthly to rehaole party. For A. R. MILLAR, Town Recorder particulars writ« CKne Maiale Co. ,66 1925 Front St., Portland. Oregon. o4 4t [ se a l ] ________ __ _ ___________ _ ...... Piano for Sate Near Nyssa. ATTf IW itYS AT LAW E. M. SiODGETT Attorney afid Counsellor at Law Frac l ies m all courta Nyssa, Oregon CHIROPRACTORS Drs. R. P. and Pearl M. Bradford, licensed in Oregon and Idaho. Carver Grsduatea Consultation and Examination Nyssa, Oregon .v I Ui. n a*.i ur.u «he contract 1< i , U le.-rig.h .' • ••£ Wen sn ip of roao a r, • Ai »< art wo: k at once free W. B. HOXIE INSURANCE ORIGINAL ESTIMATE AND ACCOUNTING SHEET Office at Residence, Third • and Ehrgood Avenue. Nysaa. Ore/trou SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 26 This original estimate shows in parallel columns the unit costs of the several services, material and supplies for the three fiscal years next preceding the current year, the detail expenditures for the last one of said three preceding fiscal years and the budget allowances and expenditures lor six montns of the current year ( “ Six months of tha current year” means six months of tne last school year.) Subscribe for the Journal, tl.EO par year. EXPENDITURES ITEM PERSONAL SERVICE: 1. Superintendent ............ 3. Teachers __ _________ 4. Janitors ________ _____ 6. Clerk .............. ....... i ..... Other Services __ ______ 7. Truck Driver ...... ....... Total— Personal Services MATERIAL AND SUPPLIES: 1. Furniture (desks, etc.) ................. ..$ 450.00 2. Supplies (chalk, etc.) .... ..... ....... 3. Library books ...... ...... .................... 25.00 4. Science ........ ................. .................... 75.00 5. Typewriters ..................................... 6. Janitor’s supplies .......... * 7. Fuel ............ r .................. ................ ... 750.00 8. Light and Telephone ...... ........ ... 270.00 9. Water .................. ................. ............ 70.00 10. Postage and stationery ..._.......... 15.00 Total— Material and Supplies .......... $ 1905.00 CONSTRUCTION: ...$ 200.00 T o t a l ciiiMtraiitii» ............. . $ 200.00 MAINTENANCE AND REPAIRS: .....Buildings and grounds......... $ 200.00 1 otaI— Maintenance and Repairs ...» INDEBTEDNESS: 1. Bond interest .... ..................... ........ $ 2476.00 2- Warrant, and Interest thereon .... . 2588.19 Total— Indebtedness ..................... .. TRANSPORTATION OK PUPIL!*: ...$ 1250.00 Total— Transportation of ...$ 1250.00 INSURANCE: Total— Insurance « 200.00 MISCELLANEOUS: ...| 200.00 Sinking Fund .... ....... ............. . . . 1500.00 Total— Miscellaneous $ 1700.00 EMERGENCY: .$ 800.00 Total—Etnargaacy __ __ _ ...$ 800.00 ..... $24906.18 GRAND TOTAL ____ ..ZZLZ $ « 25.60 300.00 60.00 25.00 45.97 375.00 100.80 25.58 15.60 878.56 25.00 75.00 377.57 135.00 22.50 7.50 $ 1017.67 290.11 $ $ 25.50 45.97 754.15 201.60 61.15 31.20 $ 1368.48 W on d er “ JU N IO R ” Family Size — jj^IMPLEX $ 2009.29 $ 1138.70 78.53 78.53 $ 1238.00 3002.43 $ $ 100.00 100.09 $ $ 401.00 401.00 « 160.34 $ 1S7.88 $ 320.67 $ 100.00 $ 100.00 $ 200.00 $ 10Q.00 $ 100.00 $ 200.00 1 170.35 $ 170.35 $11740.71 V $ 400.00 $ 782.15 $ 400.00 $ 782.15 $13109.45 $23,777.99 <-»« » » M *»<>♦+♦+»4 H f 1 ^ ; t •; t l : : City D ray /Line ; 1 j 1 i AND CIGAR STORE ; > * C HLINEHMRBRG mom t t i b i n r i i Y : SHAVING. HAIR CUTTING ; ' HOT AND COLD BATHS ffism ouis Rate* L. B IIAMAKHR. Prap, RHONE 1« ! Hyena Or*##» ; ; "M**»«Oa|. t> 444M<|>4m,>t' I « I It > — §) $ $ 200.00 $ 2479.00 6004.85 $ 1238.00 2800.00 $ $ 167.06 157.06 -M -M 1 1» » I í $ 9 DOWN Ï 00.00 $ $ N O W — You Can H ave the 258.91 386.28 $ 9126.00 $ 6917.62 $ 802.00 $ 2059.10 $ 276.76 $ $ 150.00 jf * V :r . « 190.00 $ 650.00 $25112.45 $ 650.00 $26996.29 333.11 I. H. A. Diven, do hereby certify that the above estimate o f expenditures for the year 1926-1926 was prepared by me and that the expemtitures and budget allowance for aix months of the current year and the expenditure« for the three fiscal years next preceding the current year ai shown above have been compiled from the records in my charge and are true anti correct copies thereof. H. A. DIVEN, District Clerk. ; ; ; NOTICE OF CHATTEL. MORT­ GAGE FORECLOSURE' SALE Expenditures and budget Expenditures for three fiscal years allowance next preceding the last for six months e f last school year Estimated school year expenditures for the ensuing k Detailed school year Budget expenditures foiSecond year First year Expenditures ailoWance Uie last year in detail **" 0fa8[heyUar 0ive Giv0 In detail three-year period totala Yearl>'totaU ..$ 2000.00 $ 1000.00 $ 1000.00 $ 1999.98 .. 10499.99 8856.25 6220.00 4455.00 702.00 676.00 375.00 337.50 60.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 887.55 .. 585.00 270.00 270.00 $15449.99 $12770.00 $13786.99 $ 6112.50 $ 6915.00 $12468.78 W e haul : NYSSA BARBER SHOP : Anything Anywhere Any Time M- W . Cheeley Phone It and $7.00 a J RONER F or the M ost A ttractive Terms We Have Ever Offered ^ T h B ELECTRIC IRCNER that dota the w ttk ’ s inr. in* in juat ONE-FOURTH tha time required by old im hand ironing m ethod*- do«« it well and without result ant weariness. N o aching wrists and tired backs when you can iron white seated in a chair. That’s the Simplex way. And when the Simplex is not in uaeas an irorer, sim ply fold down the white enau eled top and it becomes an ideal kitchen table. See this wonderful modern ironing appliance, See how easily it operates and what efficient work it does. Convince yourself NOW that you need one In your borne that you may take advantage of these very special term* before the offer expire«—on Docember 1st. Aak for a Domonotratioa Electric Shop IDAHO POWER COMPANY Default having occurred in the (©) terms and conditions of a tertain Chattel Mortgage made and executed by G W. Cum.»ins, to the First Na tional Bank, Ontario, Oration, on the 10th day of April, 1923, which said Chattel Mortgage is recorded in Book 4 on pages 360 and 361, Records o f Chatte Mortgages, in She office of th* County Clark of Malhau« County, Oregon, and which said Mortgage was given to secure the payment of $11,000.00, with interest thereon at the rete et 10 per oent per annum from April I, 1923, in that eaid mortgagor has failed, neg lected and refuted to pag ssid Chattel Mortgage, or any part thereof, ai d ssid mortgagee, the Fi-st National tank, Ontario, Oregon, the undrr signed, having elected to foreclose said mortgage, am. having taken poa session of the personal property da scribed in said ('battel Mortgage; NOW THEREFORE, in conformity with the terms end condition* of ssid Mortgage, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN by the Undersigned, First National Bank, Ontario, Otcgon, that it will, ou the 31st day o f Oatob*r,l»26. at tbs hour of 11 o ’eleak a m. at tba ranrh know* as the Three* Scott Ranch, located about 20 miles south­ west of Jordan Valley, Oregon, sell to the highest bidder for cash, the fel lowing disotibed personal property, towit: Steers yrt. 3 Steers 2s 12 Steers 3s 12 4 Steers 4s 5 Heifers yrl. Cows »0 Calves 26 7 Weaners Bull 1 said above described personal prop erty bsmgaold to apply upon the indebtedness do* upon said mort- gage in the sum of $11.000 00, with interest thereon at the rate od 10 per cent per annum from April 3, 1923, together with $150 00 reaaenakl* attorneys fats, and for all costa and sxpeases of sale. Dated thie 14th day o f October, 1125. FIRST NATIONAL BANE, ONTA­ RIO, OREGON, Mortgage*. R. W. Swagler, Attorney for Morgagee. Date of Prat publication 0 *4. IE 19X6. Data ef iaet publication Oat. 30, I92g