m A N N U A L F IN A N C IA L R E PO R T OF TH E D R A IN AG E DISTRICT. August 1, 1935. m «ATE CTTT Term At s n m N YSSA A R C A D IA U. C. Hunt. J. J. Cune- V a » ard I h m ». F. Coward. Auditing C om m ittee T R I \L B A L A N C E Dr. Cr. 4» 90 A d v e rtis in g ____________________________ ______ . . . . . . . . . I 100 00 Attorney Fee Fund__________ ___________ __________. . . . 5.438.96 Benk of Nyees . . . . . _________________________ __________ I 81,000.00 b o , d e _____ _______ . . . . . . . . . . . . . ____. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bond Coûtions peid_______ ______________________ _______ 41,490 00 County Ass- n o r ____ 9,637.74 91,889.65 Drainage Tax Record_________________________ _________ nraùiage System Construction________________ 86,420 15 Expanse_____________ 6,i36 20 Emergency Fund___ . . . __. . . . . . ____. . . . __. . . . . . . . . . . . . 284.89 E m ergency___ _______________________ . . . ___ . . . _____ _ 61 u0 First Netiooel Benk o f Vale____ ________________ - _____ 1,166 20 1,996 27 Interest end D iscount___ ______________________________ Maintenenco Fund________________________________ 458 78 Meintenenee____________________________________________ 22,247 13 Material Fund_______________________________ ______ — 41 21 H aterial .................................................................................49142 Netional City Bank o f New Y o rk ___ . . . ________ _______ 80 00 Salary and Office Expense Fund______________. . . . . . — 167 47 Salary and Office Expense_____________________________ 1,088.81 1.798 62 Warranta Outstanding___________________________ $176.183 64 $176.188 54 1 I ■ rr: No Other Method of Cooking R E C E IPTS Augast 2, 1924, to August 1, 1925. 1.814 86 August 2 1924. Cash on Hand________________________ _____________ 253 34 Sept. 18, 1924, Mai aur County__________________________________ — 3,687 83 Oct 20. 3924. Malheur County________________ ____________________ — 224 75 Nov. 22, 1921, Mtlheur County______________________________________ 241 45 Jan. 16, 1925. Malheur C ou n ty______________________________________ 319 25 Feb 16, 1926. Malheur County------------------------------------------------ April 18 1925, Malheur County_______________________________________ ‘ -781 „ April 26, 1925 Malheur County_______________________________________ 2,334 9 1 ’ la y 25,1926, Mtlheur C ounty--------------------- ----------------------------- ‘7 July 21. 1925, Malheur C o u n ty ---- ------ --------------------------- ---------- *68 14 2 98 Dec ::6, 1924, N y «»a Co Operative Drainage Aesociat on----- --------- 2 98 July 10. 1925. Nyaaa C<> Operative Drainage Aaaociation................... - 889 62 Dec. 22, 1924, Bank o f N / »*a ----- --------------------------------- ----------- 119 62 July 6, 1924, 1 ank of Nvese-------------------- --------------------------------- 2 25 Feb 6, 1926, State Induatrial Accident Com-------------------------------- e9 Feb 9. 1925, State Industrial Accident Com--------- ---------------------- 15 38 June 9. 1925, Nob HUI Pipe Line ......................................................... Warrants Outstanding....... .................... — ---------- ---------------------- 1,798.bl Total R eceipts.................................................................................. ........ 83 equals that o f the ELECTRIC | RANGE 1 Equip your k i t c h e n with an Electric Range and forever banish the smoky, hot, dirty old , cook stove method. E X P E N D IT U R E S f 12.00 Advertising . . . . . . 1.000.00 Bonds paid 48,600.00 Bond Coupons paid 6,425.34 Maintenance . . . . • • • • 106.00 Material 30 00 The National City Bank o f New Y ork . . . . 20.66 Office Expense 94.60 Supervisors . . . . . • • 180 00 Secretary . . . . . . . 112.728 50 Total Expenditure» . . . . . . D IS T R IB U T IO N o F CASH Attorney Fee Fund............... — ................ - ........................ "* ¿ 2 ? 2» Emergency Fund..........................................-.......................... ‘ 34 S9 Maintenance Fund ------------------------------------------------ — 453 I b Material Fund----------------------------------------------------------- Salary and Office Expense F u n d...................... - ..................... lu7.47 937 33 Total cash in funds ----------------------------------------------- »13,665 83 Total expenditures and c a s h ....... - ................................... By a simple turn o f a ( switch you will have in- exhaustive heat at your service Your kitchen will be cool clean and comfortable- ( Better Cooked Foods i GATE CITY JOURNAL Install an NOW! Avail Yourself o f This Splendid Opportunity i'U .W J J Published Friday Oregon, by at Nyaaa. ing that science and religion are liar mon'oua. Assuming that in this case by “ religion” ia meant the Bible, we ' find a fundamental difference. The Bible teechee that the earth was i t e ­ sted In six days and that man was created complete end perfeat and has etnea degenerated. Evolution teaches that man has evolved from a very low organism to hit present state. One may choose which ever theory he pre fers, but tha attem pt bo harmonize tbe two w ill prove futile. O f course, if we bad a T R U E religion and a p er­ fect science they would automatica'ly harmonise The main trouble in the situation ia that Religion arrogates to A Definition of M iddle A ge Middle age aia/ parbapa be deSaad aa that period la Ufa wbaa yeuYa se­ ing to feel Juet as well as y e » ever did 5 a day or two,— ffihlw StaW- Jouraal. G o o d W o rd fo r W in te r Take winter as you find him, and Carelessness o f Modern Living Results in Digestive Disorders, he turns out to be a thoroughly honest Sick Headache, Gas, Biiliousness Dr. Thachsr’s fellow, with no noasense In him and tolerating none In you, which la a Remarkable Prescription Relieves Man>. great comfort In the long run.— LowalL A neglected liver can often causa rore trouble than a botttla o f poison, . . . i . . „ d it fails to secrete the juice» necesaary to digestion and alimination. Worst of all it fails to purify tne blood Drop erly When this happens annoying symptoms tell you that a state o f self poisoning exists in your body. Symptoms Lead to Sick Bed. . „ It explains why a sluggiah livar >• attend'd by such symptoms as consti- pation, biiliousness, headaches sour ness and gas on a weak stomach, loas of appetite, pains in the back and sides, and a nervous, rundown condi- ion -symptoms that lead to the dan- gerous and expensive sickbed unless co-recteci in time. Dr H. 8 Thaeher, noted medical practitioner, perfected a wholesome vegetable prescription to keep the N o t M o re T hough Some men are no sympathetic that vigor to numbaiahere. This preserip- they ary willing to share your lrfst dol­ tion, known pharmaceutically aa Dr. lar with you. Thatcher's Liver and Blood Syrup, doesn’ t cost much, is pleasant to take and contains ingredients that aie known to physicians for their correc­ tive and health building properties. ¿OFESSIONAL Notice Quick Difference DIRECTORY T ry this great prescription yourself, Notice the quick difference in the way vou look, eat, sleep and feel. You will be completely satisfied; otherwise there will be no cost, Dr Thacher’a Livar and Blood Syrup is sold and recommended by the Nyssa Pharmacy and all leading druggists. 'n -,n m »T"JW AT LA W E. M. BLODGETT Attorney and Counsellor at Law Practice in all courts Snap Bros. Coming to Mai. Co. Fair on*nth«.time The fair committee Biggest Traveling Carnival to Furnish Evening sttrsetions— Old Fashioned Race Meet Is Attracting Horsemen. Snap. Bros. Carnival, the largest traveling show o f its kind in the West, requiring 25 cars to carry its shows, cences- sions and performers, will be in Ontario to furnish the evening performance o f the Malheur County Fair. September 8, 9 and 10. Ontario will be a veritable Coney Island every night of that week, while the old fashioned race meet will furnish thrills galore for every afternoon per­ formance on Sebtember 8, 9 and 10. Beside the big carnival the entertainments before the grandstand every day will be a' * ATTORNEYS three days, and there will be some worth while events going Nyssa, Oregon . C H IRO PRACTO RS has im­ Drs R. P. and Pearl U. Bradford, bibed enthusiasm over the ar° licensed in Oregon and Idaho. rival o f real prosparity in this Carver Graduates section. Times are better and Consultation and Examination Free the crowd will be bigger, the Nyssa, Oregon directors are certain, and they are going to giva that crowd a W. B. HOXIE real opportunity to properly IN S U R A N C E celebrate prosperity’ s return. Office at Residence, Third and EhrgoBd Avenue. Nyssa, Oregon Chiropractors Drs. R. P. and Pearl M. Bradford, O STE O PATH S licensed m Oregon and Idaho. Carver DR. H A R R IE T SE AR S graduates. Conaultation and examin­ ation free. Twelve years successful Osteopathic Physician practice in the state. First door west Onfario, Or ego a o f bank, Nyssa, Oregon. O ffice: Wilson Bldg.. Over Raders’ N O TIC E FOR P U B L IC A T IO N . : : Gity Dray Line Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at Vale, Oregon, July 1, 1925. Notice is hereby given that Fred Scott, o f Rome, Oregon, who, on July 15, 1920, made homestead entry No. ¡I 06846, for S i SW1 Sec. 15, N i and SE* Sec. 21, N iN W i Sec. 22, Town- pie, there will be 25 separate »hip 82 South, Range 42 East, Wiliam- __ ___ __ _ rn____ ette Meridian, has filed notice o f in- events on every program. There tention . .. , „ , , . . to make final proof, to entab- W111 b® a String of horses |jBh c|ft|n to the land above described, entered in the b ig running card before Register U. S. Land Office at than has ever been listed in this Vale, Oregon, on tha 12th day o f PROOF OF C ASH »1.230 81 Cash in Malheur County Bank---------------------------- ------- — 293 48 Outstanding W arrants------------------------ — ------- ----------- » 937.93 Cash on Hand August 1, 1925 ------------------------. . . . . -------- R espectfully submittted, C. C. Hunt John J Caneelmo A ttest: bigger and better and more nu- Thos. F. Coward Frank D, Hall Auditing Committee. merous than ever. For exam Sacretary Treasurer. Foods cooked in an Electric Range do not shrink to almost half their size as is the case in other forms of cook­ ing. The even distribu­ tion o f heat which holds the moisture in the foods preserves original size- Electric Range Many Here Poison Themselves Daily ■■■ C. K LIN K E N BERG PROMPT DELIVERY PH O N E 16 For Sale section. Already enquiries as to AuKu,t> 1926- Claimant names as witnesses: dates and stalls have been re , William Blevins, Ira Scott, William H. F. BROW N ceived from horsemen from F Stin, > Ike Loveland, all of Rome, Oregon. Idaho and Nevada who Oregon. G. w . MeKnight, Entered at tha Postoffica at Nyaaa, Register. are contemplating running their One 2 Ton Federal 'rearoa, aa second-eia*.- j u i l Matter horses in this meet and at Cald­ One 2 Ton G. M C. well the week following. One 2 Ton Denby SU B S C R IPTIO N RATES: The good roads leading from One 3 Ton International One year, in advanea-------------»1.60 all over this section are making One 1 1 2 Ton Maxwell » months, in advance....... — . .76 it possible for horsemen from itself perfections^ fi* b t,*’ eTi3'thj[’i* 1 the John Day eountry o f Oregon,* that conflicts with that assumed irfa l RECONCILIATION The Meadows and upper Idaho, libility. It is not willing to accept The following poem was published Truth from whatever source it may from Meridian and Star in Idaho, in the Corvallis Gazette Times of to say nothing o f the Caldwell come. July 18 and was apropos the light be strings and those from the tween scienee and religion: Looks like the Dayton trial ia gonna south end o f the county and be a Tannesserial -Birm ingham News. Nevada. Than there will be the “ Do not divorce tham from th eir bed. old reliables from the Malheur Nyssa, Oregon Religion Science—tbay ar# wad. Another easy way ta g et along with valley, from Ironside. Brogan, Steadily down the path o f life tha yailow races ia to treat them Vale and the Fayette valley men They move; unheeding children’s ¡w h ite .—Baltimore Sun. A t night after the evening meal is the will have their fast strings, strife. ‘ W right hour” . Then read aioud to the family Eternal Truth forever stands while Durkee and Baker, will Perhaps tha Riffiians are fighting to W W H a r o l d B e ll Tha centuries through. Though seas furnish some real competition make tha world safe for Morroccracy. and lands for everyone. Phona 87 May change; though tides o f human New York Evening World. Gymkshna Events Daily la te s t and best s t o r y ,“ A Son o f H is lore Father” . Several hundred thousand fam­ The Caldwell cavalry troops Roll wave on wave upon the shore e * e e e t»4 'i i u r n t w m > n ilies are doing this within a wetk after The Powere will confer on China, p u b lic a tio n . Beoneofthem . J^ COacopy O f time. GOD IS. Back, He, of but unlsta precedents are ignored, will be here with a big bunch of at a ll booksellers. I). Appleton A Company Publishers, S5 W est Sind Street. N ew York. thought; what they will confer on it won't be spectacular riders to feature a Immutable. HOW HATH HE m u ch .-N orfolk Virginian-Pilot. genuine riding circus. They W ROUGHT? will be accompanied by a bunch Laying U p GladneMM Tha queetion meets man everywhere. The ambition o f millions o f Am eri­ o f women riders who do all All men are glad to have pleasant The earnest seeker has no care can youths was realitad by the bugs I manner of stunts and enter all memories, hut not all are provi ng Save Truth, wherever it be found, _ H A IR C U T T IN G 1 who went on tbe etanu at D eytor to the material for »nch memories. If • I'll GOD IS. The universe is bound H O T A N D COLD B A T H S testify against the teacher.—The New kinds o f races. O f course, there would look back by and by to so - j By law. And man, with Anita mind, will be wild horse races and re­ thing that yo« will be glad yon said •• Yorker. D. B. IIAMAKER, Prop. Can only seek 'hat h- may find lay races for cow ponies as well did. now la the time to do or say sou­ Hyffia Gragea That law And truth, what’er it be, thing which will give yon food foi I f »volution depended merely on tb e , as racing horses. There will be Will ultim etilv set him free gladness.—Henry Clay Trumbull. From doubt and dogma, ruin and survieal o f th# fittest w# should ton* < p o n y express races and a pro ago have had the aonglaaa mosquito — creed. gram o f such variety as has From selfishness, lust, Dride and Boston Hors'd. never been put on at any exhibi 4 4 M I - + Í *'♦ + M ♦ ♦ ♦ 9 H I H 4'H - H 4 4 I 9 t H --M > ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ greed. tion in this section. An eaaayiat writes that “ the world And i f this world in seven days Big High Dive Daily Was made -g ive unto God the praise. never realivea what a poet has done until a fte r he it d ead ," and than o f Every day o f the fair a special Or If, In aeons o f countless time course he is s a fe .—Puneh. Through evolution's work sublime. stunt will be shown, when a man The earth tnd race have reached a goal will dive from a one hundred In growth and knowlede o f the soul. Easy, brethtan! A little persecu­ foot pole into a ten foot tank of Give Ged the praise. The mind o f man tion will make evolution a Cause in water. It is a stunt with a real Is impotent to charge his plan ” stead o f a theory.—San Francisco thrill that will be worth travel« The author o f the above poem ia Chronicle. ing miles to see. parity right and partly wrong, ’ f aro The Fair committee this year correctly interpret his meanoig. He it Perhaps Brother Dawes will con right in saying that “ tha mind o f man vinee the aanata by personal example has started earlier than usual to is impotent to change Hia p lan." I l a that unliaaitad talk ia a bad thing.— line up its attractions and pre­ purpose, w hatever it may be. will be Cleveland Timas pare its program. That means carried out, regardless o f man’ « puny — — one thing—a bigger and better effort. Neither does it m atter from N o on# should adopt the early h'rd There will be. all told, whet source Truth is learned—whether pokey without Aral ascertaining Fair. from the Bible or from the reeearehes whether he rlaaeea aa a bird or o nearly $10,000 distributed in o f learned men. He it wrong in teach worm. —Arkansas Gasotte. premiums and prisea during the Used Trucks Extracted HONEY M. W. Cheeley We haul 10c lb W. W. Foster Anything Anywhere Any Time f Y » W r ig h t’s | Join the great number o f th rifty housewives who are buying an Klee- ( trie Range on this plan. Enjoy your range while you are paying for I it. $•'’.00 brings one to your homu and the bal­ ance is easily paid in con- i venient monthly sums. Tbe Latest Models W e carry s splendid variety of Electric Ranges in types and sites to mee t ths requiroments o f all f amities. Con ie in and 1st us dem onstrate the ones best suited to your needs. ELECTRIC SHOP ID A H O P O W E R OO. i » a ft O u a Ä fs e n ¡ ¡ Reasonable Rates M. W. Cheeley r AND a CIGAR m STORE shop W I For Sale 4-Acre Tract Near town H. F. Brown.