T he G ate C ity J ournal NYSSA. OREGON, FRIDAY, JULY 24. 192ft. VOL. XXIII NO. 18 CONDENSED ED S T A T E M É ^ Poultry Supplies Custom Cleaning and Grinding i Nyssa Grain & Seed Co. LOCAL NEWS IN BRIEF The Wilson party returned Friday ! from a two weeks trip to the Dee- ehates river near Bend They repost ■ah plentiful and in spite of the fact that the biggest ones got away. Wt usual, there were plenty left. Three Ane specimens were on display at the Myssa Packing Co. for several dags. R. G. Swan, owner of the apartment bouse, was looking after property in teresia here recently. Mr. Swan has traded a ranch neap Boise for a hotel in Parmo and is now living in that city. Earl Riohardson and George Newby returned the tiret of the week from C«mp Lewis, where they have been taking s military training course. Frank Rambaud, who was with them, shopped ofl in Portland for a visit with relatives. Malheur County Bank Ny*aa,JOt®B®ffi at the clow ot business Juna 30, 102ft. RESOURCES L U Bl LITI — I 26,088 JO Loans and Discounts.. . . . . . W7.4M.87 Capital Steek___. . Overdrafts________________ 66.68 Sarplus end Profits — 40,888 81 Building, Furniture. A Fiat. !4,76:18 Other Real E state________ 6,888 08 Bills Payable......... NONE and Securities____ $ 8.008.80 Rediscounts______ The C. C. Hunt family spent the Stocks MONE Bonds and Warrants______ 3,888.88 week end at Payette Lakes, C ash and D oe Faun B ank * 141,748.88 DEPOSITS............. — 601,MR 88 George and Ruth Reberger and Mr. 8688,817.88 866R88Î M and Mrs. Posey and family of Vale DEPOSITS lett this week to spends few days at June 30, 1920 ........................ 8137.888.08 Payette Lakes. June 88, 1921 .................... . 287.U1.67 The Nyssa band will play for the June *0, 1982-.:.....................838,888 81 ica cream party given by the Nyssa June SO, 1923 ........................ 804,807 88 high school alumni at the Chas Garri June 30, 1024........................ . 848,188 48 son this (Friday) evening. June SO, i m ......................... W l.a u M G. E. Bertch and wife motored to Wilder and Parma on business Thurs OFFICER* AND DIRECTORS day of this week. Jack Hunter returned Monday from a trip through the Twin Falla country m the interests ef the McConuon com- OREGON. NYSSA • J 2 2 8 ÌI- P»ny. Mr. and Mra. Adolph Schneiter and three ohildren left Sunday for Bend, H. J. Ward, Prwmdant. John Ray, Vic® President- Oregon, where he will work in the Frank Reberger had hie tonsils re­ J. P Dunaway, Caahiar. timber. moved Thursday at Salt Lake. Ha is . G. Bauer, Aasiataat Caahiar Mr. and Mra. H. T. Francis and expected home on tonight’s train. - A. Divan. Aaaiataot Caahiar. Mr» Alice L McCurdy, aged 44 Albart Iredale returned Tbnreday J, F. Reece, J. J. SaraMn Q. L. FhUlipa year», died in St. Luke’s hospital at W. M. Grooker, A V. Cook and Mra. from a two weeka auto trip to the WARD MAXWELL Director« Boise Tuesday morning, July 21, at Frank Stubbs went to Payatte Thurs­ coast. On the return trip at La The marriage of H. J. Ward and 6:37. She rtas buried at Nampa on Grande they bBd a car accident which day evening to attend a concert given The little, unlooked for service*, courtesies and atteatiena, outside the Mias Corinne Maxwell was solemnised Thursday at 3:00 p. m. Death was path of routine, are what have counted moat in maklwa level delayed their arrival here a ceuple of by the Payette Ceunty band. due to typhoid fever and followed an at New Plymouth, fdaho, on Tuesday, days. toners for thia bank. The new Nyssa Gsrage building has Ju'y 21, 1926. They will be at home illness of several week». been completed and the garage was At Thompson end family returned Deceased was born at Georgetown, to lhair friends at Parma, Idaho, K. Sunday from an auto trip to coast moved from the Hoxie building on the Idaho, August 30, 1880, and was F. D. No. 3 «V e corner of Third ai.d Main to its new |H /v - , Mr. Ward is one of the early set­ points. united in marriage to G. F. Mc­ home adjoining the Powell Service Mr. and Mrs. ArtLur Boydell and Curdy at Eley, Nev., on March 4, tlers of the Snake valley and has » Station cosner Second and Main. The 1901. She came with her family to extensive farm and stack interests in family returned Sunday from a two new building is 80x40 feet, built of weeka vacation. A week was spent the vicinity of Nyaau and is president Nyssa in September, 1920, and has cement blocks, with 14 foot wall. Her­ since lived at her home a few miles of the Malheur County Bank. His in camping and a week in visiting ret man Jowne will be in charge.* south of town. She leaves to mourn charming bride is a daughter of Mrs. ativea in Portland. M. M. Maxwell of Owyhee and is a Dr. and Mrs. John Long of Salem U. E. Bertsch’s cow Jersey Maud her loss a husband, G. F. McCu-dy, four children, George, Charley, Ernest well known teacher of instrumental are visiting at the J. T. Long home. in April, 1926, produced 960 pounds of and Viola; a sister, Mrs. H, E. Han* musie. The well wishes of a host of Dr. Long is a sun of Mr. and Ucs. J. milk and 62 8-10 pounds of butter fat. friends are extended. He also has a fire-year-old half Dur­ T. Lon*. sen of Nampa. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Browr. and ham from Jiraey Maad that predated family are spending a vacation rusti­ 41 6 16 pounds of butter fat the eeeeed Large General AgeHcjr, estab­ NEWBY MINTON month after freshenin 4 * lished thirty years, wishes Two of Nyasa’a moat popular young cating in the tills. Mrs. Ernest Wilson was hostess oa Ted Chauser of Payette, who was in energetic representative for were united in marriage on charge of the Boise Payette lamber Thursday evening for a moat enjoyable Nyssa and vicinity to sell fire, people July 19, when Thos. S. ynrd here while H. T, Francis was hr dge party. Gueata were present automobile, plate glass, accident Sunday, Newby and Mias Ruby Minton were gone on bis vacation, left Friday for to make four tables. Mrs Frank and liability insurance and made husband and wife. The cere Fruitland to relieve, the manages at Hall won lisetafcdnors and Mra. Chen. surety bonds. Wt. rfll furnish mony was performed at high noon at that plaoe wmle be is taking a vacs Crawford copped the consolation prize. advertising matter and cooper­ the Methodist parsonage in Payette, tion. ate in helping to build up profit­ Rev Hall officiating. Mr. and Mra Poaey and family of able business. Give references Both contracting parties have grown Mr. and Mrs. Charles Thomason and Vale and David Richardson of Nampa and experience. Send applica from childhood in this community and Mrs. Bert Hoxie spent the week end ware dinner guests at the C. W. Re­ tions to Gate City Journal. have a host of friends who will wish in Emmett at the home of Mra. Hnx- berger home Sunday. them a pleasant voyage over the ie’s brother, Newt Taomason. Do you know that it is more import- Mrs. Kuth Lackey is axpectei. • nt te keep the bowels regular during For Sale. matrimonial sea. Mr. Newby has ac r, Uirrive the first of the week from Red Cow, three-quarter Jersey, giv­ cepted a lucrative position with Moi >ot waather than any other time. It is i f Fb- ing about three gallons of milk daily rison-Knudson, Boise contractors, and"P^rn‘a ®Per,d some time vie ,»cause diaease germs are all over— j22tf George Goodrich. will be employed daring the summer wtth her parents, Mr. and Mrs. w i n v « % k m v » V p Team, harness and ¿ray wagon. Thursday and spent a very deiightfni Kingman, who died at his home in 31-inuh wagon with gravel bed. afternoon end the hostess served de­ Ford gave way, cauaing a temporary Kingman Kelony early Sunday morn­ ending to hia journey and rudely in­ One 2 horse frasoo. lightful refreshment!. terrupting hie pleasant reflections ea ing, were held in the Kolony school One 2-section harrow Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Lowe, accom­ the amount of money he would tisac house on Wednesday morning at 10 One 12-inch walking plow. ' panied by Mra. Silas Bigelow and by tne sale of h’s load Hi ioe. Mrs. J. o ’clock. The services were conducted Lumber for barn 10x12. Round Oak cook stove, in good con­ Mrs. Chas. Bradley, called at the Cancelmu soon came along and Mas te ad by the Rev. Snow from Payette. Mrs. the Kingman home Sunday afternoon of passing oy on the other side *■ the C. E. Peck of Big Bend, Mr. and Mrs. dition. an l also attended the Kingmin funeral priest and uie Levite did b I i # stepped Joe Bruning and the Misses Lydia and Household goods. to render first aid. The Teneen Mo Mausine Johnson assisted "'ith the Other articles too numerous te men­ Tuesday. tion. Frank Stubbs. Mr. and Mrs. Chat. Fisher spent tor Co. was notified by phone and as music. The services were attended by Monday evening at the Fred Kliag eietance soon arrived and the disabled e very large number of people, both car hauled to the garage lor repairs. from hie own and neighboring com­ back home. munities, and there were many lovely For Sale Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Chslendea of floral offerings. Mr. and Mrs. Ctrl Quaeaenbueh arc Second hand fruit jars. Phans or an far on thair way from California Zarlen, Ida , spent Sunday the guests Mr. Kingman was the founder of Mrs. the eeetion known as Kingman Kol­ call at the raneh. Mrs. W L Gibaos. te the Owyhee se the Grand Canyon of Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Miller. of the Arisona and w ill be home aeon Chalender was formerly Mise Julia ony and the first settler on that side Clore. aew. of the Owyhee river. He reserved for For Sale. E. H. McDonald aod Mr, and Mis. Mrs. A. E. Ivanhos and C ruse Lou F. R. Marshall spent Wednesday in himself, by hemesteacing, about 120 Several head ef Jersey cowl, freeh. Ivanheo left Friday, after a nice visit Apole Valley at the Murdock Mc­ acres of lend lying along Snake river, Wm Schweiaar, Nyssa, Or. jl94t where he has since lived. Mr. King- with the Lowes. Donald home. man was largely responsible for se Mra. Harry Evans and daughter For Sala—Exceptional Bargain in a Mr. and Mrs. O. G. Bauer and eon curing both settlers and Irrigation for used standard make Piano in 8ne son- Doris Grace suffered an attack of Robert left Wednesday morning for a' the Kolony and was one of the beet dition. Price 8160; terms 112 cash, $7 ptomaine poisoning ttsnday from eat­ week’s vacation at Payette Lakes. known and respected men in this part per month. Write Sampson Musie ing canned baana. Both are better Mrs Fioyd Edwards returned to j of the country. now. Co , Weiscr, Idaho. j22t her home in Boiae Saturday after vis- . He was born near Feeirnnt, Illinois, iting her sister, Mrs. J. Csncelmo. June 17, 1847, and lived there the She accompanied her husband, who greater part of the time before com­ W ia»s^ /i> i *u « /l -n sb a ^ M t w ^ N 1* was returning horn) from attendance ing to Oregon. He waa married in 1884 to Miea l.isfie M. Kipp, and they at the Elks' carnival at Portland. » had two daoghters. Liaaie Kipp Mr and Mrs Fred Powell went to Kingman died in 1898, end Mr. King the hills the first o f the week for a man married again in 190C to Miee vacation. Nellie Kipp, who sorvivee him. His Dr and Mrs. J J. Sarasln and Mra. daugters are Mra. Harvey Brie of J. Boydell attended the Kingman Adrian, Oreaon and Mrs A. R. Wade funeral at Owyhee on Tuesday. of Lewiston, Idaho There are eight Mrs Agnes H»maker and son Rob* grandchildren. ert are spending the week at the C, W. Barrett home in the country. They »•sled Bids aspect to go to Meridian for a couple Sealed bids for e driver for tbs of days next week. carryall and janitor will be received at You can’t cover black heads, pimples, the office of the clerk far School Dis­ red spot on the face with powder; trict No 18 The hide for jaaiter they’re bound to be seen—don't worry should be for the brick eeheel havoc, or spoil your temper, take Hollister's also another bid for the two houses Rock Mountain Tee estb week—'twill Bids will be opened Tuesday, A ugust 4. banish them through the bloed. the The beard raservee tha right to reject only sure way. Ms. any and all bids. BUItBlDVE * RAY, P*op. Nyaea Pharmacy By ordar of tbs 8eho#l Board. Holly Bros Adelen. M. A. Mean, Clark ■ft I Death of Mrs. McCurdy A t Hymen’s Altar 8 TVo-Acre Tract For Sale H. F. B row n Owyhee A. G. Kingman Passes For Sale City Property for Sale H . F. B row n If You Need i MEAT OR ICE Phone ô Nyssa, Or. Nyssa Packing Co.