THE GATE CITY JOURNAL NEARLY INSANE AT TIMES Mr*. S* under* Tell* how Lydia E. © r d k ir i M l ffi INCREASE PROFITS BY GROWING FEED Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound Relieved Trouble* o f Change o f Life m ( APPLE BLOTCH CURE FO U N D IN SPRAYING Worlds lo w est P riced Sedan with The dairy farmer who can rnlss all or a big proportion of the feed for his dairy cows has a distinct advaatage over the dairyman who has to pur­ chase his feed, according to Prof. J. B. Fitch, head of the dairy depart­ ment at the Kansas State Agricultural college. His feed will be cheaper, giv­ ing him greater profits on Ills milk products, and he lias the chance of getting market prices for his surplus feed. Alfalfa is the best hay for dairy cattle, Professor Fitch stated. In sec­ tions where alfalfa cannot be grown, sweet clover is being used to great advantage. Soy bean9 and cowpeas are being used in some sections, both as a hay crop and protein substitute. Corn or “ cane” silage Is the best and cheapest feed with which to sup­ plement legume hay. As to the use of corn, “ cane,” or kafir as a silage crop, Professor Fitch recommends the one which will give the largest yield with the greatest degree of certainty. For higher production it is neces­ sary to use grain in addition to the bulky feeds. Kansas produces corn, oats, barley, kafir, “ cane,” and wheat, all of which may be used in a dairy ration. Itran Is another popular con­ centrated feed because o f the large amount of wheat milled. Linseed oil- meal and cotton-seed meal are both used as concentrated protein for high producers. Besides the natural pasture crops, the use o f wheat and rye for pasture is very extensive. Sweet clover and Sudan grass, both of which are rel­ atively new, have also become very popular as pasture for dairy cattle. The Illinois agricultural experiment Knoxville, Tenn.— “ I took Lydia E. station has made the following recom­ Pinkham’a Vegetable Compound while going through the mendations for the control of applo Change o f Life. 1 blotch: was very nervous, The first step In the control o f apple could not sleep and blotch la to remove water sprouts as bad m e la n c h o ly spells. In fact, I | they are very susceptible to blotch in­ was nearly insane at fection. Following this the top* o f tho times and my mem­ trees should be well pruned so as to ory was almost a permit thorough spraying. blank. I was so weak High pressure, from 225 to 250 I could not do my pounds, should bo used, driving the housework half o f spray through disc nozzles with small the time and suf­ openings. Discs should be replaced fered dreadfully with my back. My doctor said I would have whenever the openings wear too large to worry it out and I went through this to give the finest mist spray. for three years before I began taking Trees should be sprayed thoroughly the Vegetable Compound which 1 saw but not drenched and care should bo advertised. I think it was eight bottles taken to apply the spray to the new that I took. It has been two years since wood as well as to the fruit. The In­ I took any and I haven’t had a doctor terior and under parts o f the trees since for that trouble, I do all my washing and ironing and I have gained should be well sprayed. Sprays should from 116 to 138 pounds. I feel so well be applied on time, not on certain I think I do not need any medicine now, dates, but with reference to the tiino but I advise all women who suffer phy­ ( C o p y r i g h t, 1925.) of the fall of the petals. The following sically and mentally as I did to give the schedule Is recommended for blotch-in­ 26— A h e a v y w o o d e n m a l le t Vegetable • Compound a fair trial. I Horizontal. fected orchards: 28— A s t e m o f a s p e c ie o f p a lm hope it will do as much for them as it l-M o tln n a - A b a r r ic a ti« * 29— q u a d r u p e d o f M a d a g a s c a r did for m e.” — Mrs. T. A. S aunders , The first and most Important spray 16— (•odd**«« o f m ln r h le f 32 — E a c h 711 E. Depot Street, Knoxville. Tenn. for apple blotch Is that applied as 11— D lK a r r a n g e d t y p e 34— N e a r b y 13— P r f llt , eq u al near to three weeka after the fall of 3(1— A g e n t l e m a n 's s e r v a n t 11 - D is t e n d 16— A c t o r * 3s— D e p a rtu re the petals as possible. I.ime sulphur 19— A In rare b ird E x tr e m e in C o ld «►— A n a r t i c le u se d t o e x p u n g e A in e a n u r e o f t y p e and lead arsenate should be used at the 2 1 — Coldest condition In the world Is 41 — P r e d a t o r y In c u r s io n 22 — 'T h e « o lu n k o ii . hp 43— D e t e r io r a t e that o f frozen helium gas, which Is rate of 2V4 gallons o f lime sulphur and 23 — A n e x c la m a t i o n -A n a r c h 2 pounds of powdered or 4 pounds of 2 7 — C o m b in e « I t h n lr 44— H y p o t h e t i c a l a p e m a n within one degree of theoretical abso­ 40— C o n t r a r y o f e v e n i n g paste arsenate o f lead In 100 gallons 3 0 — P e r t a in in g t o n tiu o n p h e r e ( c o m b . lute zero. 48— M o c k fo rm t of water. 31— H i g h ly fin ish e d w o r k o f a r t 31— O rd er ___T im e A second and Important application 3 3 — A b e v e r a g e 32— N a r r o w b e a m o f lig h t 53— A s s u m e o f lime sulphur and lead arsenate 3 3 — T h e eica o f a a m a l l I n s e r t 5 7 — S q u a r e o f a t y p e b o d y ( p i .) should be applied two weeks later, or 3 7 — C o a r s e c lo th n iu d e f r o m Ju te 59— T r i c k 62 — S lv t h n o t e o f a c d ll 3 9 — A n a la r m five weeks after the fall of the petals. 42— In n n o t h e r d ir e c t io n T h e s o lu t io n w i ll a p p e a r In n e x t I s s u e If apple blotch Is to be controlled 4 3 - ( l a « « e « o f t w o s p e c ie s by spraying, the fruit must be protect­ 47— H e r e d it a r y 40— R e g a r d i n g ed during the period from four to six SO— T h e s m a l l w h i t e h e r o n le k n n m e f o r f a t h e r weeks after the fall o f the petals, be­ Solution of Last Week’s Puzzle. D e « lg n cause this Is the time o f greatest In­ £ « c !u m n t lo n o f d is d a i n fection. Applications made three and •"»7— \ fish d e s t it u t e o f v e n t r a l fln s 6 B e l l - a n s !W — iA s h o r t « n n g five weeks after the fall of the petals Declaring that the future o f the Hot water 6 6 — B e lo n g in g to m e C l— A t r e e will accomplish this protection, pro dairy herd depends a great deal upon *21— T i t l e o f a d d r e s s ( p i .) Sure Relief -I sureKener vlded heavy rains do not occur. 64 — O b lit e r a t e s tiie care given the heifer calves which In the event o f heavy rains follow will be tiie cows of tomorrow, H. M. Vertical. Ing such applications. It will be neces Jones, dairy extension specialist at 1— T h e fin e st o f I n d ia n s i lk sary to apply extra sprays o f lime sul South Dakota State college points out 2— » r a i d 3— And (F re n c h ) 25 3. 8. 9. o f scion required, trim the top in the gins to glow in ttie Co., I l l 8. 8 9. same manner. The bark o f the tree clicoks, tlie com­ B ld g .. Atlanta. Edison Tells How He Wales Credited With Ga., for special p l e x i o n becomes above and below the wound Is split booklet on the Talked to Sweetheart Venus-like and iiu- Blood. and the edges are loosened. The bev­ Some Snappy Comeback ate! T ry It. eled ends of the scion should then be The great Edison confesses, in The prince o f Wales is the hero of If a cow receives sufficient nutrients It will do It every time. S. S. S. builds Inserted in the slits, with the beveled Ilearst’s International-Cosmopolitan, an anecdote that does credit to his wit. to maintain her body weight, the per­ the red-blood-celIs you need for a edges on the inside, against the wood that lie couldn’t talk to his sweetheart, The prince was held up one Septetn- beautiful complexion. Begin using centage of fat cannot materially S. S. S. at once, and give yourself what o f the tree. After being pushed into now Mrs. Edison, without holding her ber evening by a reporter in a New change for any considerable period of hand. He sa id : you have been working for, for years. place, the scion should lay reasonably York night club. feeding or by supplying any particu­ close to the trunk. Following this It *'I taught the lady of my heart the “ Sir,” said the reporter hurriedly, lar kind of feed. Cows that nre great­ s. S. S. In sold at all g o o d Is well to tack both ends of the scion d r u g st o r e s In t w o sizes. The Morse code, and when she could both "will you please tell me why, at your ! ly underfed may produce milk some­ l a r g e r size is m ore e co n o m ic a l, i to the tree with a slender brad. Ad send and receive we got along much age, you are not yet married? Is It dltional scions should be set at inter­ better than we could have with spoken true that you were once engaged to the j what lower in fat percentage than Worlds Best vals o f about one and one-half inches words, by tupping our remarks to one king o f Italy's daughter and that the normal. AH experiments conducted to the present time show that there bod Medicine until the girdled portion is entirely nnother on our hands. Presently I engagement was broken off? If so up covered. Both ends o f the scions asked her thus, in Morse code, if she what m h s the cause o f the rupture? Is no positive evidence of any contin­ should be thoroughly waxed to pre­ would marry me. The word ‘Yes’ Is an Would you he willing to marry an ued direct effect of a feed in stimulat­ ing milk production or Increasing the vent drying out. easy one to send by telegraphic sig­ American girl? Would your parents percentage of fat. No kind of feed or nals, and she sent It. If she had been be willing? What dowry—” care will cause a Holstein to give milk obliged to s|>eak It she might have “ Hold on.” , the prince interrupted rich In fat like the Jersey. However, Gummosis Is Controlled found it harder. “ lo ti must first tell me your name, age a cow may be fattened before freshen­ A Clear "Nobody knew anything about many and salary. Are you single, married by Cutting Out Cankers ing and caused to milk off this body Healthy Skin o f our conversations on n long drive in or divorced? If divorced, what all Cherry, plum and peach trees are Insured bjr Every-day the White mountains. IfAve had spoken raony do you pay? Do you really pay j fat In the first month of lactation, U se o f Cuticura Soap subject to gum flow, or gummosis. and thereby raising the percent of butter- words, others would have heard them. it? Ever been fired? If so. why? Hoti from a number o f causes. Winter In­ fat in her milk.—From Colorado Ex­ 'Ye could use pet names without the did it feel the last time? state—” jury will frequently result in a flow periment Stn'ion Bulletin 203, "Make least embarrassment, although there But here, with an impatient laugh, of gum, borers will signify their pres­ the Dairy Pay." were three other people In the car­ the reporter turned and hurried from ence by n similar phenomenon, and AND CHARM riage. W e still use the telegraphic the night club. ninny diseases, including the bacteria ^ Nothing: so mars an other- code at times. When we go to hear / wise beautiful face as the causing a peculiar gum flow disease, a spoken play she kee^s her hand upon inevitable lines of fatigue are heralded by an exudation of gum. my knee and telegraphs the words the California Coeds Take and suffering caused by Excepting In the case of the bacteria tired, aching feet. ALIEN S actors use so that I know something to “ Solitary Tennis” which causes gummosis there is noth­ FOOT-EASE, the Antiseptic, about the drama though I hear nothing Healing Powder, Insures ing special that can he done other of the dialogue.” Sometimes cow-testing shows that The latest sport to he introduced at foot comfort. it is a ToL than to find the source of the trouble tot Necessity. Shake it Edison has been deaf since his the University o f California is "soil- the cow you think is a "poor stick” is In your »hors in the and strive to remedy it. The bacterial twelfth year. tary tennis." being maligned. morn:i! l . Shop all day- • • • gummosis, is almost unknown In the >P»u«f si! evening— The court for this gntne consists of than let your mirror tell East, though in the West where It is See that the pasture fence Is in a green board wall, with a horizontal tha story. Trial pack- present it is controlled by removing Saved Money and age ami a Foot-Ease line painted three feet above the good condition for tiie summer, mak­ Walking 1 ail cankers and disinfecting in much to represent the top of the net. ing necessary repairs. r t e e . Address Alto.t's Fas»-Ease, le la*. * Y. Wear on Trousers ground • • • the same way as Are blight Is handled. Sot'd a t D r u g d u d D efitn tm en t S tore The player stands behind another line An Indiana pedagogue, who. since The orehardlst should look for bor­ drawn on the ground 28 feet front the 1 Freshen np the premises with white­ the events narrated In this story, has ers in his trees, and should atm to board. From here the ball is served ' w a s h -a ll buildings and fences which ! Improve the vigor through cultivation attained some prominence in state edu­ again-t the wall above the white line Flmr.Nl »nywhcrc. DAISY FLY KILLER mltrmrl« mng have not been painted. cational circles, decided to buv a new “■ “ “ , ornaments! eoneenieM and • • • and general good care. When trees r‘'«*mp La»ta »)!«««• suit soon after arriving at the mliege '« ,h” ' ,ba^ thp / » < * « | , Ms.le nf metal, are in a good strong condition they are The cost of producing milk msy be emn't «pill or tipov*r; t o w n for f o r ills h i. H r . , semester „ r In In ........ .. W' e,,l' r "• «T '® * »« the ! town first college. m ill not »oil or injur* not so subject to the Inroads o f de­ ball above the white line. If the hall reduced by using pastures. The feed ; ir.ythirz (iumrmnttmd. He liked one suit very much. It Just DAI SY structive agente as they are when F L Y K i l l FK seemed made for him, but he viewed hits below It is counted as a net ball cost is generally the biggest expense 1 they are in a weakened condition. item in pr< during tnilk. » by EXPRESS, prop« l. «1 9 the pronounce,! crease In the trouser and served again. * • * HAROLD SOMKKS.1M D» Kalb A*a.. Brwfcly*. N. T. The game is popular with co-eds. legs with trepidation and finally stam­ who have found It Increases the swift­ See thjt the salt boxes in the pas- | mered : Aphids in Apple Orchard STOP B U Y IN G SHOES “ Well. I like the ault hut I don't ness of their strokes and develops lures are kept well Oiied. Milk cowa «h u Krnn. (he Sole 8*%er. m.tkea ordinary There are three aphids which are accuracy In placing the hall and agility need more salt when on green pasture. ! •ho« sole« w ear one year. B asil) applied to nearly always present in the apple like that wrinkle.” • • • light or h eavy nolaa In a few m inute» by anybody. Just the thin « for children tiuar- He later eame to accept the “ wrin­ In f«Plowing It around the court. orchards east o f the Uocky mountain* anteed to *l\ e O N K T H O I S A N D M IL E S of Continue to feed liberal grain ra- w ear to lt» shoe». W ould you like to in sufficient number* so that they may kle." however, in fact, he became such Bons to the cows In milk especially, j have your aolea ou tw ear the uppers* Ara a slave to It that he worked overtime T o R e m o v e C a n d le C r e a te he considered o f Importance. These you tired of buy In* shoes every few w eeka? Fresh green grass is very watery and j to keep it. One night two college Send $10® for enough of this preparation to All that Is required to remove can­ are the oat or grain aphla, the give* contains little food value. tak e care o f the average fam ily for atx chums went to bis room and found dle greaae Is a blotter or a piece of apple aphis, and the rosy aphis. Of m onth« D. L A N St WO, MS W e st I t S t , • • • him, trouserless. studying To their brown paper and a hot Iron. The blot­ L O S A W O R I.E S . C A L IF these aphid*, the ro*y aphi* 1* general­ The feed end care given the dairy tnqtilry as to tits cause o f his state he ter or brown paper Is placed on the M D A N ( .R D ( K — p m * r f c ir a o e l ««««I. U M ly considered the most Important, *• cow will bear a rich harvest all hundred, ««ek ed . Q u antifie» cheaper D ry replied: grease spot and the hot Iron Is plared through her coming lactation period tt* feeding produce« a more marked land m ow n R obert O eary. r ir * lr » * w . Celo. "Oh. It rests me so much to keep the on the blotter or brown paper After effect upon the fruit. Next la th , It will help her to start well and that crease In 1 Just thought 1 wouldn't a few minutes the Iron snil blotter ov BATHE TIRED EYES green apple aphla, aad ef lew at impor­ mean* she will continu* well, if ,o m wear my trousers when I was In my paper are removed and no trace of th* v i i * Dt Thoaipeo* '■ Breveter tance. Uta aat apbla. to your part. -Indianapolis News. grease spot remains. Sure Relief FOR INDIGESTION S lid in g G ear ‘Transm ission E A S Y TERM S D FOUR DOOR SED AN DEALERS EVERYWHERE Champion is outselling throughout the world b e c a u s e it is the b e tte r s p a r k plug. Future of Dairy Herds Depends on Heifer Care B e l l - a n C h a m p ion X fo r F ordsftO c. B lue B o x fo r a ll o th e r ca rs, 7 5 c . Mora th a n 9 5 ,0 0 0 d ea lers sell C h a m - pion s. Y o u w ill know th e g e n ­ uine by th e d o u b le-rib b ed core. s Cham pion Spark Plug Co. T o le d o , O h io W in d s o r , O n e ., L o n d o n , P a ris Pimples Bridge Grafting Saves Trees Injured by Mice Butterfat and Feed Are Most Important Items i SS'fc C u tic u ra ,,r Let, ]>e conservative and tru th fu l/ Being just as conservative as th« quality of MonaMotor O il permits, w« submit these facts to every car owner MonaMotor Oil is better than 95% of all oils on the market. MonaMotoi O il is equal to the other 5% o f Bcttei Oils. There are none better. These conservative and truthful fact; can mean only one tning to the care ful car ow ner — MonaMotor O il iron now on. M onaM otor QU Company Ban F r a n c i s c o , Cal. » Kill All F l i e s ! e v in s i;.- Dairy Notes DISEASE** m , r n S Los Angeles, Cal M o n a M o to r L o v e lin e s s FIRST AID TO BEAUTY ... Oil» & G re a se s Poverty may he a blessing in dis guise, hut ofteu it never puts off th« disguise. Do Yon K now Th at one-fou rth teaspoonful o C al um e t B a k i n g P o w d e r a d d s text uri and b * d y to a m e r i n g u e . especiall> b e ca u s e o f Its s l o w r i s i n g qualities w h ic h m a k e s It u n u s u a l l y sa t i sf a ct or y be ca us e o f the s l o w o ve n n e c e s s a r y foi meringue? Most o f the advice given Is a b o ; disagreeable duties. This Is why 11 Isn't taken. r ro rr ■ To Housewives I 1 | ■ Send u sy o u r name arui f JV- w e will send you, FREE " ■ ■ and POSTPAID a 10cent bottle of LIQ U ID V E N E E R . W onderful for your daily dusting. C leans.dusts and polishes with one sw eep of your dust cloth. Renew s pi­ anos. furniture.wood w ork,autom obiles. Makes everything look like new . M akes dusting a pleasure. Moreover, w * w ill tell you h o w to obtain, F R E E , a $ mmnvKm m op Has rem ovable sw ab for w ash in g and all yarn center. Y o u ’ll be delighted. N othin g to sell ~ no orders to take — ju st building u pa little good w ill for Liquid Veneer P olishing P*^- ducts in your neighborhood. W r i t e now Four FR E E sam p le end particulars. A V M ■ -i«a •affato. I f. L D. S. Business College school o r crrtciC N c*