THE GATE CITY JOURNAL ■ 11. .1 ___^ Rights Adjudicated GATE CITY JOURNAL the Low * home over tha week end uni looked after hie land holding* j near Sage Brush Springs. He i* Tom Mills’ father and Tom ui*d to live on Nyssa, t ie Owyhee. (Malheur Enterprise) On April 26, Rhea Luper. state engineer, filed in t he circuit court o f Malhjur county, an or ier in the Owyhfee river water H. F. BROY/N adjudication. There are 217 Th ’ following is from the Collegian, Fnterfd at the Postoff — at Nassa published at College Place, near Wal'a water rights involved, with 29- Miss MacLafferty is a 00C acres of irrigable land repre r iron, as second-cL__ — natter Walla, Wash daughter of lir. and E. L. Mac Luff sented. ( arty of Owy he*: The order provides that the SU B S C R IPTIO N F A T E S : Bern ce M-cLafTerty, one of our water shall not eXcead three One year, in advance ............ ..*1.60 ! moat interesting and promising young months, in advance ................75 ladies in tha music department, has acre feet an acre feet during the season, April 1 to found it necessary to leave school. ! irrigation April 18 she left fo r Aberde n. Wash , October 15. Another limitation --- - ■ where she has spent most o f her chi d is that not more than one acre hood davs. A complete rest < r. the farm foot o f water shall be used on and a visit with relatives will give her a change from strenuous college life. any single acre of land during Mr. T im Lowe rereived a letter Tnree pear * ago Bernice eompleteu any one month prior to June 1, from her friend, Mrs Julien Hurley, th junior course in voice, after wh'cb and not more than three-fourths from Fairbanks, A'aska, in which »he taught voice, piano, Spanish one of an acre during any calendar Mrs Hurley (who was form erly coun­ "ear at Gem State Academy. The month after June 1, ty sup rintendent o f schools o f Mal­ last two years she has spent at Walla heur county. Miss Fay Clark) svys The Owyhee river adjudica Walla College She was bo be gradu that she always turns to the Owyhee I uted frem the college course this tion is important in that it has a news in her Malheur county papers! spr ng, with modern language as her bearing on one o f the three large fi st. Mr. Hurley fa U. S attorney major. federal irrigation projects in- fur Alaska a-d they have been at Bernice has always shown talent n Fairbanks for tne last three years. c.uled in tee reclamation pro­ m isic When she was barely large Mr and Mrs. Fred Kllnghack mo enough to reach the p d Is o f the or­ gram announced at the last tored to Emmett Fridav and spent the gan she played at the Aberdeen session of congress The projects night with Fred’s brother’s. church. “ His Eye is on the Sparrow” include the Owyhee, Vale and Mrs Mary Rust spent the last week was ins first sol i bus sang in public Baker irrigation districts. Published every Friday Oregon, by •t Had to Leave School Owyhee visiting in Payette. Doc Pullen, with his sons Jesse and Clarence, spent Saturday vdlh Silas B igelow ’s. Guy Glenn cslleo at the Tom Lows home Tuesday and got a load o f fruit, flowers and shrubs to set out on the Wm Glenn ranch. Mr. and Mrs. Kay Cantrall and d tughter Dottie took dinner at the Chas. Fisher home Sunday Mrs. Verna Schweizer spent Monday afternoon si the Bon K err home. Jack Glascock spent Sunday in On ta.'io v-siting his family. Lynn K ygar had the misfortune to break the hack axle of his Ford Sun­ day. Harry Evans says it ’ s too late to plant corn now as hs just completed planting his £0 acres! Mr and Mrs. O R. Hite had open house Sunday in honor o f their baby daughter. Miss Betty Jean, who was burn Monday, April 27. Thoae who called and those who were dinner guest* were Mrs. Lou lie Good# and son, Mrs, Bill Schweizer and daugh­ ter. Mr. and Mrs John Hite, Mr and Mis. Cantrail, Mr. and Mrs. Fisher un i Grandma Bm lley. Naomi E .-ana and Georgia Rust took Sunday dinner at Evan’ s, at the age of eight. Bernice has ap p ared in many programs at the col lege. T e loprano o f the ladies’ qusr tette was sung by her. She was to have had a leading roll in the oratiorio ‘ The H ly C ity,” to be given May 9 Mrs Walin tne music director, lies xpressed de< p regret in losing Bt r nice as a student in the conservatory many friends la v e a I cany missed her from their c rclee. We hope to have Bernice again enrolled in thccol.'ege. Office Discontinued (Malheur Enterprise) On Friday, April 30, the Burns land office was discontinued and its business consolidated with the Vale land office with its headquarters in this city. By executive order March 17, the business and archives o f the Burns office were transferrec here, and tha officials of the Harney land office were in* structed fco forward all records ifid equipment to Vale the last of April, in order to hava them l ire for the opening o f business May 1. Mr and Mrs. Tom Lowe, Mrs. Big • low. Merle Kygar, John Bigalcw and Tlieo Rust drove to Valo Friday, wheie John and M rle rep e nt>d our school in the spelling contest A lte r tin conteat the delegation w m t out ano visited the natatorium. Could Raise Something i Just a Convenience, Anyhow She— Something seems to tell me that it Is my money you are after, and not me. He— My darling, how can you say such things? Your money is merely a worldly convenience. Without you it would even be unthinkable to me. Trying Hard “ Doris, that’s the fourth time you’ve asked me what trumps are, my dear.” "But you want tne to take an inter­ est in the game, don’t you, George?” Burn Wood Cheapest, Cleanest Fuel I f you burn wood this summer you are sure o f having a cool kitchen because wood makes a quick fire Then, too, when you burn wood you can regulate your fire so that it will burn out just about the t ;me the meal is finished. Good wood is a good fuel. It i* a cheap satisfactory fuel for heatei, range or fireplace. It is becoming a more popular fuel each year. Last year we found it impossible to accept all wood orders because they were received too late to be filled before our mills closed down- The Price of WOOD In Carload Lots o f 16 Corda on Car* at W. W. Smith took the Kolony school children o f his neighborhood on them annual picnic up the Snake river above Adrian. Nyssa J P. McGinnis and son Alvin mo­ tored to Ontario Monday, where he had all his teeth pulled. The Toastmaster— Why did you say Mias M -rtle Points spent the week that my story reminded you of the old Wheeze you pulled? They're not at all end with Georgia Rust. alike. Mr and Mrs. W alter Pinkston. Mr. The After-Dinner Speaker— No, but and Mrs Rex Johnaton, Mr anu Mrs. they're both printed on the same page H enry Slippay and Mr and Mr*. An* of a Joke-book published In 1830. drew McGinnis spent Sunday at the W. W Smith horn*. Plate’s Sound Advice Prefer diligane* before Idleness, un­ as yon esteem rust above bright­ ness.—Pia t.c $ 3.35 PER CORD IF YOU PAY MORE YOU PAY TOO MUCH Cars Reconditioned means that we have taken them into our shop, given them a thorough inspection and where nee. ssarv replaced and rep seed and refitted any worn partB. ard will guarantee any recondi tioned car wo sell for 30 days. Buy your used car ere and play aafe We are proud o f the New Ford Cora You wi I be surprised when you rile in one. Ask for fr ■« d.mon&tration. No obligation to buy, for we just I’ ke to show them. Y. B. Staples Ford Garage PHONE 23 We haul KEEP YOUR KITCHEN COOL THIS S U M M E R - The 1914 to 1919 As ie Runabout $45; T mriru $ 50 1920 Runabout, I.econdtionni $ll'5; Touring Rtcondi’ed $150 1 921Ruittt ( tt F citndit i n r $165; Touring Hecondi’ed $176 1922 Runabout Reconditioned t - 16: Touring Recondi’eO $225 1923 Runabout Reconditioned I2C4; Touring Reeondi’ed $286 1 921Ru’iabout Keconditionrd $363; TouringRecondi* d $340 1923 Coupe Record ticr.ed $846; Sedan Reconditioned $371 1924 Coupe Reconditioned $448; Sedan f cconditiored $4961 Order Your Wood NOW Place your order at once, then you will have your wood fully lessoned, ready to burn when you want it. All orders are filled in the order re ceived. Meke certain of receiving yaurs when you want It by ordering at one* I f you won’ t need a full ear yourself you will And your neighbors willing to split a car with you. Boise Payette LUMBER CO. © T O I'? OREGON • A tm © CHANCE TO M AK E GOOD On Ford Used Cars O NTARIO SAME GIRL W i l l some one send a lett er T o call the man who used to say W e ’re daily growing: be tter! Notice. ME at Disappointment A1—What started the riot last night? Bert— A misprint. At—A misprint? Bert— Yes, the Lyric advertised a show with 3ÔO people and 1ÛO cos­ tumes.—American Legion Weekly. I have sf Id the C ity Dairy to Geo Don’ t forget auto top and curtain E. Schweizer, who will conduct the business, collecting all accounta and work at Nyssa Harness & Saddlery paying all bills. Shop. H. F, Brown, Lady (at hack door)—“ You an ac­ Mr. and Mrs. Frrd Klingback spend tor? You don’t look It. What did you Monday attending hnsiness in Vale do on the stage?” Tramp— Impersonations. I could Im­ Ontario and took dinnei with F\ 1, personate anything. Just let me Inside DeBord in Payette. your pantry, and I’ll give a perfect Im­ There will be a Mothers’ Day pro­ personation of a vacuum cleaner. gram atnur Sunday school next Bun “ Indeed? Well, here’s my pet blood­ day, May 10, and each person attend hound. Let's see you give an Imper­ ing will be presented with a carnation sonation of Zev.” —American Legion and everyone is invited, for we have Weekly. plenty o f carnations and want you to Bribing the Parson have your*. Mose was equipped with rod and Mr ami Mrs. John Hite motored to basket when he bumped right into the Ontario Sunday. parson, the latter headed for church. Arnold and Alvon McGinnis and “ Where to. Mose?” asked the good their families will le ave for Long Val man, gently. ‘‘Well, parson, to tell yon the troof. ley Wednesday, where they have contract to cut lumber for the sum I’m on my way down to the river.” “ Now. Mose, doesn't your conscience m«*r months. hurt you?’’ Frink Leuck ani fam ily spent Sur "Yes, It do. I f I has any luck Til day with Mr. and Mrs Bob Elliott. leave you a nice mess of fish.” Mr. Elliott has just plantad 76 acres o f barley and 40acr*a of oats and the TH A T REMINDS crew that haa been helping him the last three weeks had a hall game as a celebration Sunday afternoon at the Jack McConnel place. During the g-m e Boh stopped a hot ball with his ,{< • - j cheek which considerably marred his beauty and cauaed him to loa* interest subsequent proceeding*. •M L. Mills o f Portland visited Avoiding Gossip Walter— I don’t like these girls who gossip about others. EU.a— Neither do I. There’s Betty Green, she’s always telling mean things about her friends, and Eva Brown talks dreadfully about her relatives. Thank goodness, I never say anything about anybody. Bible’s Inspiration Mr. snd Mrs. Flliis Walters and sor. visited friends in Parma and le ft Mas- t r B ibbin for a week’s visit. Ed Hennia and Ray Cantrall finished planting their apud* thia week Baby Six-year-old Mabel came over to her little neighbor’s the morning after the great event. “ I have a little brother now and you haven’t,” she boasted to Beatrice. In haughty toms her playmate re­ turned: "That’s nothin'. The doctor came to our houth first; hut my dad and I wanted a little sister.”— Every­ body's Magazine. May 13 is National Hospital Day and the Ontario hospital will be open to visitor* on that day from 3 to 6 p m. «j A special program is being, prepared for the occasion andi light refreshments with no charge will be served to all vis­ itors during these hours. Thi3 hospital is of great bene­ fit to the people of Snake river valley and Eastern Oregon and | son—Dud, i want to marry Dottle the management wants to ac- , Dimples, the chorus girl, quaint you w ith their up to date! Dad—I wanted to marry her myself accommodations and the work j when 1 " as >’our ase! they are doing You are urgent­ ly requested to look over the For Cross-Examination investigation*} hold their s w a y — hospital and b j entertained- “ Soy,” said the nervy youn^ man, 'Utering a barber shop, “ is my credit good for a shave?” “ Na*?,w replied the barber, “ I f you can’t raise a quarter keep on raising whiskers.”—Boston Fran script. ■ ■ New Resale Prices She Doet Not Can a woman keep a secret? We ll, it doesn't take a sa^re To supply a ready answer. Does a woman tell her age? The New ■ " ■■■■ ■ ■l'I 1*12'4 - - ■? National Hospital Day I know the Bible Is Inspired becnilse t finds me at greater depths of my eing than any other book.—Coleridge Mr. and Mrs. unyder visited at th K err hums Sunday. County Librarian Miss Davis is go ing to Uavo ib rut 50 hoiks with Mrs G ady# l)«G >ede fur the community reading and any special books desire can ha placed in the list by calling Mrs Bigelow at once. ___ U - L @ Anything Anywhere Any Time Cheeley & Teutsch I the creditors of and all perton* having claims Hgainst tha estate ot said da ceased to present them, duly verified as required by law, within aix mo ths a it .r tne first publication ot thia no­ tice, to stid administrator at the office ot' said E M. Blodgett at Nyssa, Oregon, being the place of business o f said admuiiotfa.or. E. M Blodgett, Administrator o f the Estate ot Et.a W. Otis, Deceased. First publication April 10, 1926. Last publication May 8, 1925. SUCCOR CREEK IRRIGATION S7-Phonse-75E5 D ISTRICT SUMMONS In the Justice Court for the District of Nyssa. County of Malheur. Stete o f Oregon. E. C. Wilson and Barney Wilson doing business under the firm name a ,d style of Wilson Brothers, Plain tiffs, vs. P ratt Walton and Hszdl Walton, De­ fendants. To P ra tt Walton an 1 Hazel Walton, the above named de endams: In the name o f the State of Oregon you are hereby required to app-ar and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled action on or beiore the expiration of six (0) week:- from the date o f the ttoBt publi atioi. of this summons, and i f you fail to answer for want thereof, the plaintiffs above named will take judgment against you on their first cause of ac tion for the sum o f Forty tigh t and 18 10(1 Dollars {48 18), together with interest thereon at the rate of six per cent (6 rer cent) per annum from the 80th day of June, 1920, until paid, and for plaintiffs’ costs and disbursements herein, including Twenty five Dollars (625) attorney’ s fees. And on tbeir separate and second cause o f action, plaintiffs demand judgment against said defendants and each thereof, in the sum of F ifty five Dollars (M> 00), together with their costs and disbnreements to be once taxed This summons is published and served upon you under and by virtue of the order o f W. B Hoxie, Justice of ihe Peace for the district of, county of Malheur, state o f Oregon, duly made and entered on the i 6 th day of March. 1925. E M. Blodgett, Attorney for plaintiffs residing at Nyssa, Oregon. Dave o f first publication April 17, 1975 D>te o f last publication May 29, 1925 NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the County Court of the State of O egor for the County o f Malheur In the Matrer o f the Estate o f D la W. Otie. Deceased The undersigned having been pp- pointed by the County Court o f ti S u te o f Oregon for the County i Malheur, admini trator in the ea’ e of Ella W Ottis, deceased, and t i d ­ ing qualified. notice is hereby given t< NO TICE In Hit s litte r or the Petition o f John Beeck, ior tha exclusion o i certs.n Lunas from the District. N o T i c E 18 u h i t h a f G IV E N , that there uas oeeu in u wiui me ttua.d oi Directors c l the succor C ieik tloi. O lSilIU, a petition D> JoDll ISOCCS, that c t i u u laitue desc.loeu as: i h e W e s t h u l l u l o u u U j s e & L i)u ar - t e i ( A J o V V i ) anu D oi s i n r e o (8) u l dock.on aix (0) tow n atop i w e l u > m i t e ( Z o ) 8, R a d g e Four 47, bask W. M. Oe exe.Ukleu nom said District, and kuat khe oounuanee o l the L i s t * l e t oc c n a o g e il accoiuii.giy. Ah persons interested in, or who may be ulfeCkSd oy such change in the uoundaiius or the D isu icl, aie requir eJ to appear at the utii.e or the hoard at tne Van Petten Lumber Company -.tore at Ahriao, Oregon, at 2 o'clock P in. on May Xu, lszo, being the next regular m ee»ing ot said bouru, anu show cau...e in writing, if any they nave, why tne 1 nange in the bounds ries oi said District, as picpctsu in earn petition, bhouid not ou Da.eJ this 22nd duy Or April, iv26. by ordrr oi the rtjardui Directors U. F. bene, secretary. àUCCOE GREEK IR R IG A T IO N DIET K iC T N o t ic e In the M atter o f the Petition o f J. W Grad tor the Exclusion o l certain Lands from tne District. n o t i c e ia i i c K e b y g i v e n , that -buie has oeen liieu with the Loara ot Directors of the 8u cor Creek Irriga kion District, a petition by J W. Grati ilia, c e n ti lamia described as: Ali m at portion of th Northeast Q .a i.t r u l the oouthcttbt Quarter (N EJEEi, tne auuth Hull uf the aoumeusi ( 8} 8k i ) , and the oouin Hal. ot the bouthwest Quarter ( 8 JSW) oi Section One ( i ) and the southeast Quarter of South­ east Quarter (SE iaE J) o f Section t wo (2), lying on tne South aide o f Succor Lreek, in Township 23, S, Range 4H E W. M. e - xciudeu from the said District, d . hat the boundaries ot the Dis tn cl be changed accordìi gly Ad persona inL restiti in, or who i ay b. alfecled by such change in the boundaries ot the District, are re­ quired to appear at the office o f the Boari at m e V .n Petten Lumber Company atme at Adrian, Oregon, at 2 o’ clock p. m on Mav 16, 1925 neing the next regular mce mg o f said Bocrd, ani show cause in writing, if ny they have, why the change in the boundaries of said D istri-t, as pro >osed in raid petition, should not be nade. Dated this 22nd day o f April. 1925 By order ol the Board o f Directors. O F. Sel'e, Secretary. For Saie 4-Acre Tract Near town H. F. Brown.