Gate City Journal Supplement N YS SA. OREGON, April 8, 1925 Farewell Tribute School Notes A gathering o f friendo met ot tbo residence o f tlio KHngbaek family to bid the DeBord fam ily all good wiabea and happinea in thalr naw home near Payette; Idaho. Tha Kingman Kolony Sunday school, Mrr DeBord being its superintendent, united with the O K. K 'a and parehaaed a Waterman writ* ing ast, fountain pan and tvsrabarp pencil. Thi waa praaanted to Mrs. DeBord by Mra Tom Lowe in tha name o f the two organisations, expressing in bar own way that tha lose wa sus­ tain will be the gain o f the community where they will now live. A reading waa given by Mra. Robert Elliott, the article composed by Mrs. Fred Knng- hack, aa follo w s: This life is a mixture o f good things and bad; Sometimes wo are merry and some­ times sad Bat the thought uppermost in oar heart today ls,a good friend o f ours is going away. The aonasl County Declamation Contest was heid in Nyssa Saturday avaning, March 28. 1925. Tho winners ware as follows: f irst— Barbara Castlcman, Ontario, "H o w Salvator Won ’ ’ Second— Grace Walters, Nyssa. •‘ Willie, the Angel Child ’ Third—Tony Yturri, Jo don Valley, "H om e, 8 w e (t Hom e.’ ’ May you have bast e f luck, may yoar joy be complete. Bat yea’ ll surely bo missed when the O. K . K ’ a moot. T o a r place in oar senter will be hard to All, But wa wish you Godspeed with a hearty good will. And tonight wa have brought this email g if t hare fo r yoa. So please don’ t forget as, whatever yon do. A nd whan yea are snug in year heme once again Wa expect yoa to ass the new pencil and pen Is ona hint enough » must I suggest Wa all want yoar letters, new please do your beat. H O NOR R O L L We haul Anything Anywhere Any Time Cheeley & Teutscn 87—Phon* s—75E5 The honor roll, which consists e f those whose grades are above B, for The world waa msde in six days. the high school du> ing tbo month o f You see, there wasn’ t any senate to March is as follows: Seniors — Bruce Gilchrist, Franeaa consult. Kllnkenburg. ------— L - l ' I "■ J ------- . . . . . = ■ Juniors—Max Gilchrist. Sophomores— Lucile Clement. Freshmen—Viola Blodgatt, Marga sat Crockett. Harold Hoxie, Herbert Hoxia. Marion Hlmkenberg. I NYSSA BARBER SHOP Grass Fire ; AND CIGAR STORE \ . i ■ i , . i - IM - < • ' | ; : 1 SHAVING, HAIR CUTTING ' > ; HOT AND COLD BATHS ! ! A grass fire in tha north end o f town today psovided a reasonably amount L. B. HAMAKER, Prop, o f axeitemant for the large assemblage who gathered to witness it The blase started on the Pern property and quickly became dangerous to the near­ by residences because o f the great amount of woods which burned fiercely In the strong wind. Tbs quick arrival o f tba fire depart­ ment relieved a very dangerous situa­ tion. Bparks from a passing locomo­ tive is thought to have started tha elase. Saddle Making i Nyssa Ovegaa ' ATTO RNEYS AT LAW ifi. M. B LODGOTI Attorney and Counsellor at Law Practica in all courts Nyssa, Oregon C H IRO PRACTO RS A DBS. B RAD FO RD BRADFORD Carver Method T o Rosa Parkinson probably belongs tba honor e f having made the firstj Consultation and Examination Fres riding saddle ever manufactured ia ■ Nyssa, Oargpn Nyssa Mr. Parkinson baa added th is! A shipment o f naw spring kata will Hoe to his rapidly growing business. W. B. H O X B arrive tomorrow (Saturday). Drop ia and w ill manufacture his own stock, , IN SU R AN O S and look them ever. which adds oaa more industry to O ffice at Residence, M M and Mrs. B. J. Powell. Nyssa Ms. Parkinson ia a an export Ehrgoed Avenas. workman and guaraatsaa first Mass* Nyssa. Oregon steak. I New Hats wcwkat tS m * t * 1 ° V^udSiosy For Rem O STE O PATH S DR H A R R IE T SEARS Bow horrible tbo killing o f ahfidrea Oataopathic Phyaiclaa Apartments—either two, throe or by ears woald bo i f tha Turks ware four rooms, furnished for hoesaksup­ Ontario, Oregon doing i l ina, •* —f umiak ad. S . R. Swan. O ffice: Wilson Bldg.. Over Ràderà'