Gate City Journal Supplement NYSSA. OREGON, April 8, 1925 Owyhee The big dredge *hat has been work­ ing on the vericue lower Owyhee (arms finished ita work and left for Ardad a Friday. The Peutz, Fisher, Reece and Feilder contract netted the contractor $11,000 and will reclaim around 200 acres, and part of this will be cropped thia year. The Phillips, Larsen and Hitea drainage waa dona Independently and will reclaim almost as much land as the other contract. Mr. Pautz expressed himself as vary well pleased with the reeulta. The Oregon Trail baseball team of little school beys went over to Rig Bend school Faiday sad took a drub king at the heads o f their hosts, but same home and said "anyway, it waa good practice. ” The teachers. Miss Lillie May Hunt o f Nysaa and Miss Verdi Miller o f Vale, are getting their track team in order for the county traek meet. Miss Dorothy Kayler o f Kingman Kolony spent Saturday night and Sun­ day with Miss Doktie Cantrell. Me. and Mrs. Lon DeGoede called at the Keans home Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Ed L. Hennis trans acted business and visited Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hennis in Nampa Satur­ day. Miss Viva Caywood returned to the Owyhee Thursday after a week's visit with her mother, Mrs. Ethel Caywood, la Nampa. Miss Geòrgie Rust was entertained at dinner at tbe Ray Cantrell home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin McGinnis have been employed by Mr. Reece and will live in the big white house cn the Reece place this summer. Mr. end Mrs. 0 Schweiaer attended a big birthday dinner in Big Bend given in honor o f Mrs. Bradney, Mrs. Scbwelser's mother. Mrs. Tom Rust and daughter Mery wsek, the first this new year. Their are moved and living In toe house names are Juanita Cburney, John next to Mrs. Mary Rust Subiserotta and Viola Edison. Mr. and Mrs. E. K. Huffman have Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hennis were mar­ rented a farm near Nyssa sDd will ried one year Monday and Mrs. Hen­ move right away nis prepared a big anniveiaaiy dinner The Oregon Trail P. T. A. will give and invited the Evan* family. an April Fool party at their schoel Sunday school wiK bo held in the house the evening of April first and Owyhee school bouce every Sunday will render a short program and are morning at 10:80, and we sro well or­ planning an April Fool refreshment ganized and want you to corn« and for which a small charge will be made help. Any neighbor who wants to for the P. T. A. work. An especially eoma and haa no way let us know snd good time is promised and all are cor a diver will come and get you. dially invited. Mrs. Poorroan, Mrs Fisher and Mr. Miss Mary Adams ealled on Mrs. J. Bacon attended Sanday sebooi in the B. Smith Thursday. Kingman Kolony Sunday afternoon. Those attending the photo piny Mr. MacLafferty has received word “ North of *6” in Nyssa Friday night that bia non Goreon was third in a eon- from the Owyhee were Mr. and Mrs. thst to aeeure subscriptions to tha Chas Fisher, Miss Nellie Compton, Walla Walla College annual. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin McGinnis, Miss Mr and Mra. Klingback and family Mary McGinnis, Wanda and Oral Hite, Werner Peutz and Mr. and Mrs and Myrtle Points aecompanisd Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Lows khs play given John Hite. by the "all star” east o f loeal talent An epidemic of chicken pox has at the Kingman Kolony Fsfday night. st-uck our neighborhood and found it­ The name o f the play waa "W h o’a self unwanted by Peggy Schweizer, all Who?” the E. R. Huffman children, Doris Mr. and Mra. Harry Evans and fam­ Evans and the Kygar children. The latter were uuusually sick with it. ily drove to Ontario Monday on busi­ Miss Juanita Bigelow and brother Or- ness. val, who attend school in Caldwell, Mrs M. U. Greeling and Mrs. Flora spent the week end at home. Lowe attended a big P. T. A. meeting Wm. McGinnis visited at the J. in upper Big Bend ou Friday and re­ po ted that big plana are under way Kygar home Sunday. Miss Myrtle Points and Prank and for tha largest crowd ever entertained Glenn Paints spent Sunday with Miss at a County Council P. T. A. meeting. It will be remembered that Big Bend Laura Huffman Mr. and Mrs. Louie Patterson were ladies prepared and served dinner to entertained at tbe Chaa. Fisher home over 1000 people at the dedication of the bridge across tha Snake river be­ Sunday evening. tween Big Bend and Adrian so long Mrs E. R. Huffman motored to ■ ago, and these same ladiee have in­ Nyssa Monday. creased their delightful cooking capa­ ' Mr. and Mrs. fkverstreat snd R berk bilities with the years. The date is and Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Judd were April 11—free chicken dinner. COME. upte tbe Warm Springs cottage Sun day and enjoyed a plunge The o u t' door bath house that has sheltered ak some time or other almost every Mrs. J. B. Smith o f the Oregon bather in this community has become Trail district has been quite sick with tbs victim of age, time and tha wind influenza this week, but is able to be and has fallen to the greund AND CIGAR STORE up and around at this writing. Mr. and Mrs Jim McGinnis enter- j Miss Mary MeCinnisa, who hss been twined the following Sunday: SHAVING, h a i r cum*« helping at the home of her brother Mrs. O. R. Hite and fam i^, Mr and 1 HOT AND COLD BAVHB Alvin, returned homa Saturday. Mrs. Henry Stippey and family, Mr. L. B HAM AKER, Prop. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Elliott shopped and Mrs. John Hits and Messrs. in Nyssa Saturday night and took in Archie and John Cantrall. tue “ North of 86" picture show. Our school has four new pupils this ^ “ - - r T * ‘ T “ T T T T T T T T T T ' H n i NYSSA BARBER SHOP j