THE GATE CITY JOURNAL ter of Section Twenty (20); thence Section 10; thence South one-fourth I posed district contained the requis- oouth one-half mile to the south- mile to the northeast corner of th ite l umber of signers under the laws -veet corner of the SE W of the NW SEW of the NWW o f Section 15 of Oregon, and that said petition and notice thereof were duly published ■4 of Section 20; thonce West along thence East one-iourth mile to the as by law required, and that said northeast comer of the SWU of the It lemember* !f you forget. -he east and west center line of sec NEVi of Section 15; thence South lands are susceptible of irrigation uons 20 and 19 to the quarter sec­ three fourths of a mile to the sec- from the same source and by the tion corner on the west line of Sec turn .me between sections f- ai d 22: me system of works, by the stor- tion 19, in Township iwenty-one , , :t one.hah m:L al„ n half miio to the southwest corner u. action 23, in iowusu.p Twenty-on Beginning at a point where tie tne SEW of the NWW of Section -925. date boundary line between the , e l) South, Range i ’erty-li.e (45; 23; thence West along the East am: H. S. Sarkett, County Clerk. States of Idaho and Oregon inlet -ant; Unnico North three-iourtna or West center line of Section 23, tt By Roy Daley, Deputy. > s cts the midchanuel of the Saak a mile to the noi tnaast corner of tho the quarter section corner on thi Date of first publication, March ■ v i) of the SEW of Section „ F’our- West line of said section; them-, River between Lot 7 in Section ii a ’ 3. ro the West linc u[ - ■ , „ iownship iwenly-two (22) South, ccn (14); thence West one-founti ;.ojm al(j L at© of last publication, April 10. three fourths of a mile t0 the Range Forty-seven (47) East, W. M mile to the North and South center 03 a .me of Section 14; thence North one- nonhea3t corntr of the SEW of the in the State of Oregon, and Lot of Secll0n 27; thence Ka,. in Section 14, Township Four (4) .ourth mile to the center of Section ^ FICE OF BOND SALE North, Range Six ( 6) West, B. M.. .4; thence West one-fourth mile u. one_half mWe tQ the northeail corner i t a i 11.. i oi i he Owyhee Drain Big Reason» Why You Need the Charters. in the State of Idaho; thence south no northeast corner of Urn NWW of tua g g * oi th(J lN Wi4 ,,f Bec- a re District. n one-fo rth 1— Trim the wick once a week only. along said State line to a point rt thi SWW of said Section 14; tjon 2S; tllence . , orlI1 NOTn if IS HEREBY GIVEN tha* to 2— Fill the lamp once a week only where said State line intersects ih -hence North three-fourths of a Bile mila t0 the quarter section corner s -o' i a I - receive.: by Norfll line of Section 2a. th Ü / - 1) ■ i 1)!» 3— On» .aide Thermostat take« care of outside changes East and West section line of Sec­ -o the northeast Corner of the SWU Qn ^ -t in th- ir of temperature. tion 18, Township Twenty-three (23 of tne SWW of Section 11; thence lnence East one.half mile t0 the " l i e m I» » ' M ia r County, Oie- 4 Special Procea* for re taining rr(iiM*ure. ivr-st one-fourth mile to the section South, Range Forty-seven (47) East northeast corner of Section 26; gi" , t, . it tne hour t 2 o’clock p m 6 — Regul'*» >r for "•*ojuj-111 g only two or three times \V. M., in Malheur County, Oregon; . ne en the W'est line of Seirtion 11 ; thence North one-fourth mile to th ejo« ‘av, toe 25th day of April, riu ing hatch. thence West to the Northwest coi iliense Nonbh along the West line northeast corner of the SEW of thi ; 1825. m 1 immediately thereafter pub 6 Hhar era Burner arid h g tank r uco the fire ri*k. n r of the NE!4 of the SW'.i (L if sections 11 and 2, to the north- Section 23; thence East one- li-lv n tied bi in« B a d of Sup r 7 Flame ontrol redu oil coonom • n. 8) of Section 18; thence South to th. -rt corner of the SWVi of the fourth m;,e t0 the nint.-r V ick - -ii i.-c OW'het* Drainage Di.. southwest corner of the NEI4 of lh - V. W of Section 2; tnenc« East one- of ^ M v ,, o£ the SWVl of Section t i- t, ■ r : u (un . .ie of bonds of fourth mile to tne northeast corner 24; thence North three-fourths of -i a ,i . ir. S W Ii (Lot 3) of Section 18; then i. in. - un of Fourteen West one-half mile to the northea. of the SWW of the SWW of Section mile to the section line between 1 . d D ■ * -i -i 1414 COd (id), «aid y R F l> N> $ NYS-W, ORF ('N corner of the SW!4 of the SE1* ot ., thence North three fourths of a Sections 24 and 13; thence East al­ b » le i., m d.-rcom í'i ions of not Section 13, j uwnsnip Twenty-thre. mile more or less to the North line ong said Section line one-half mile 1 - iii. " (InOI or more •M-K-M-: -w-w-:<> : •: » • vv:> W a) South, Kang« Forty-six (46; of Section 2; Township Twenty-on-- to the northeast corner of the NWW l . T .i . 1.un .icd (506) Dollars, said jvus :, W-.l .; thence South one-fourtr 121) South, Range F'orty-five (45) of the NEW of said Section 24; b .i.u . - - . ■ - h .- dj.e irf May lot, 1126, . 'c . «I * f , ’ r r v '.- n of th ( ) » vhc - ast, W. M.; tl.ciice East along tho llience North one-half mile to the h d lo li.-i uid « in ai nual nule to the section line between sec­ f i m ; • liiairict for the Jurli ’»I tions 13 and 24; thence West alon£ ..orth section line of Suction 2, one- Northeast corner of the NWW of, am, un . so - » to ce approximately Ev iminnt'on a >d Judgment of th. smd section lino one-half m.le to the . ourth of a mile to the quarter sec- the SEW of Section 13; thence East eq , p . cip« a. u in U rt.i, anc to C-njr h > t > ' be I.-gali' a n't K-gu s.i itheast curti.r of the SWH of the .ion corner on the north line of sam one-fourth mile to the quarter sec­ ¡uj, utt- ti, n i i; M iy 1st, 1930, I h ■:ty o*‘ the Pr* <-i>e-,’iii«a of tfc*.- .iWVi of said Section 13; thenci ■section 2; thence North one-fourth tion coiner on the East Ime of Sec­ ar c May lit, 19)5. said binds * v i.. d o; hi*."l b. ' t, to the northwost corner tion 13; thenco North along tue sec­ to b ,... North one-haif mile to the north mile n at -ix per cent (6 per th .i « a. ;. ii of B e fit and Dam corner of the NW !4 of the of the SWW of the SEW of Section tion line on tho East side of Section» c." t) p l- annu a, pa., ai.!« semi annu­ . . * .f the I. (I O.vnera wi:L.n S W Ii of said Section 13; thence .5, in Township Twenty (20) Soutr, 18, 12 and .1, extended, to where said ali. he h.:. Taya of of May and 1» t anti of he pr ...reed- i a for the past in internal n d1 ! West one-hall mile to the northeast -mnge Forty-five (45) East, VV. M.; line intersects the midchannul of the Nor .' dr, pr.liCipi.l a r i il . rtrt pay- i . I Hu d id up rv eors in D e twelve (Corner of the NWI4 of the SEI* o thence East one-iourth mile to a Snake River; thence following the a . T i,...- :,.heur Clout y Bai k, sl . M f i : t. .o issuance oi Bond.- ci Section 14, thence North one milt point at the northeast comer of the said midchannel of the Snake River N i, O í': i er at the fi . al dgen.-y ra il Liitrivt. to too East and V/est center linu of SWVi of the SEVi of said Section o .. Drey ¡1 i-’ u Y I k Duca N o t O perate. T i i • Owyhee Dr a'nay District Section 11, being a point at the 55, being the present boundary up to the point of beginning. City, ni the opino of tt.c lo.ü. r That at said election to determine a ' t'ia!l t ‘ holders l.yal vo ere noitheast corner of the KW14 of the i.f the owynee District; thence Soirm nati p.oO «i» mas be ac i ajianitd Will bo at a i l a ‘ >,' »merit payers within «aid SEVi of said Section 11; thence one-fourth mite along said boundary whether or not said proposed irriga­ b i c«r t. ned c i l lu. fit- p. i cent tion district shall be organized, there u • i rax cl. West on the center line of said See* line to the South section line of said shall be elected three directors, who (5 • r c. ) of the amount Ihcieo.’ , ■V.i K !S HEREBY GIVEN, «.hat lion 11 and Section ID, one mile to . action 35, that being the township sha]1 be residenls of the State . IK s.-lnc ; Ta ( » ' foiled to the Dis- l . Bin i of L«J| m rviroie of the Owy the northeast corner of the N W14 oi .mo between twps. 29 and 2 1; thence 0 and bona fide owner8 of |and tr - . ( i l ! a ma g- 3 ln th« hie D .il« Dinri-t, a municipa the SEVi of Section 10; ther.ct ¿ast on said twp. line one mile, to w ^ ^ s .- . -.I Ino . fai ■ lo the boundaries ’ of said pro­ • ei t corporation o-vanzid ut d r anil r.y North one and one-iourth miles to the northeast corner of Lot 2 in Sec-! for .5 . , " j witf.m ton (lo) posed district, to serve as a Board p vi .be of ito Draindge District Laws the noitheast corner of the SW k. tion 1, Township Twenty-one (H i) of Directors for said district, and da; - jaft«r tne award. T re bidder of the ' tate of Oregon have, by p ?ti of the NEVi of Section 3; thence South, Range F’orty-five (45) East, q. id j procure tne ap a said directors shall be elected at « il t . . fi od with the clerk of the nt>ov. East one-half mile to the northeast W. M.; thence bouth 2W miles along r / : : i: a, ,,nd "aid pro large therein. Ufflco hours: 1U a. m. to 4 p. m. en ill d court, commenced special p i- corner of the SWVi of the NW71,. .he present boundary line of «ti:d a c ni . j e .o ..he !“ ¡- y That at said election the polls Í- c : :in..«« i i said circuit court for i.ial of Section 2; thence South one- Divyhee Irrigation District to tne . il U n « f ' Il c shall be open at 8 o’clock A. M. and h. r county, Oregon, for tne port ore fourth mile; thence East one-fourth northeast corner of the NWW of the p. c e ■ » • ■ i 1» st.ici. o. «living a judicial examination and mile to the center of Section 2 oEW of Section 13; thence East on shall remain open until 8 o clock R. id «.-rv n UM i iaht to re­ j ton n*. ot ihe co’.rt an to the rr( u- thence North one-iourth mile to thi Die center of Sections 13 T. 21 S., R. M. and that said election shall be ject an and ill bios conducted as nearly as practicable in No Char ;e i./:’ t xultation I ritv aid i 47• I..y of the pr eecdi- B: orde ■ he Honrd of Supervie. northeast corner of the SE(4 of the 45 E. and 18 T 21 S., R. 46 E. one mile, o ’ ' e cu oty court for Malheur in.ur NvV1,. of said Section 2; thence Eas to the northeast coiner of the NWW accordance with the general elec­ - Dr Du ,e District tion laws of the state of Oregon. ! t d i FJth dey of March, 1928 Dr. Me'lenthin in a regu!.... r uinate ty, Or gun, a d i f raid diaLurt aid i one and one-fourth miles to the of the SEW of Section 18, Township This notice is given subject and ti puce bo,a of a no Lo d cl Lu V’ Tn - eu* s, Presidmi. northeast corner of the SW14 of tne iwenty-one (21) South, Range For­ pu-suant to an Order of the Count. in medicine aid v ujr„t ry and it It «¡n operate for ch i t* pju much , g. 1 /.alion and isauai cc ot bi t da ot aain Twenty-three (23) cof i a, pu ': .i n /.[i.ilM 1925 stones, ulcers of stomach, tonsils or U atrict in the snm . 1 Fourteen Thi un Forty-six (46) East, W. M.; thence aid Owyhee Irrigation District to ion on the 4th day of March, lt'25. an.I Doil.ra (.14,000 00) to b, examin North one mil« to the northeast cor­ the northeast coiner of the NWW wherein said Court, among other j orov .1 u.i j Contii ¡a. d, ai judg lie has t his credit many wonderful c ner of the SW!4 of the NEVs of Sec­ of the SEW of Section 7; thence things, determined that the petition II it • ;... ,i d Earrcd tion 36, Township Twenty-two (22) West to the center of Section 7; of Oscar F. Selle and others, pray­ P .. el . n K . results in diseases of the stomach, and decreeu to 0 . lag..! aim v.lid. :,9c ... i setting l'hone 4nd you are htreOy turther notified South, Range Forty-six (46) East, thence Noitn three-fourths of a liver, bowels, blood, ain, nerves, ing for the organization of said pro- 54 F 4. Aii b. Mar e C alari.n. f!3tf heart, kidney, bed v Ui g, cu>arrh, that tne nearing of rain pe'ition has I W. M.; thence West three fourths mile to the northeast corner of the weak lun. a, rheumai sm, sciatica, itg 0 a act for , » « iiOth day of April, ) of a mile to the section line between SEV4 of the SWVi of Section 6 ; ; ^ -- artrt'-'.-C*-.--: •- M» l‘J 2a, at 1:30 o'clock p. in of aai I day, sections 35 and 36; thence North thence East one-iourth mile to the ulcer* and rectal .uinunts. A Below are the names of a few 10. Buchanan, MJrd day of Match, 19-5. mile to the northwest corner of the cast corner of an id Sectioa 17: Portland. Ore , ad noi a a\d tonsils. S W 1* of the SE'L of Section 16; thence South one-fourth mile to the H S Sarkett, Rem in' r a bo » d te t hat coi *u lation t>n this trip will ba fr#j ami thence East one-half mile to the sec­ northeast corner of the SEW of the Circuit Ciei k. that his treatment is different. Wm, P . utz, tion line between sections 15 and 16; NEW of said Section 17; thence East Man led w men must i»e accompan Oldimobile Agency. Sup«rviai r, thence North one-half mile along o«e mile to the northeast comer of ied by their husbands. John Hcece, said section line to the northeast the SEW of the NEW of Section 16; ^ 7 t -ti ? it * , Add rets: 211 B,> i..ury Building, Lo ^ ■ « ».ft^ Angeles. California. Suuerviser. corner of the SEI4 of the NEW of thence South one-fourth mile to the j __________ ________________ _____ C. t, Fisher, Section 16; thence West one-hall quarter section corner on the East Super« isor. mile to the northwest corner of the me of Section 16; thence East one tv .1, Li dgett. SW (4 of the NEW of Section 16; half mile to the center of Section, Attorney lor Petitioners, residing at thence North vine-fourth mile to thi 15; thence South one and three Nytsa, Oregan. quarter section corner on the south fourths mile to the northwest cor- i Publiihed every Friday at N y»«» Daia of l » l publ cation March 2?, 19.7, line of Section 9; thence West one- ner of Lot 2, in Section 27; thence T . '.ouRh the Data of laal publication A pril 17, 19 o fourth mile; thence North one-halt West one-fourth mile to the north­ Orí'*?*ron. aa aeeond-cl.— .. i»a't- OKEUON. Twenty-two (22) South, Range F'or- SWW of tho SWW of Section 2., in the Matter of the Organization ty-six (46) East; thence North one thence West one-fourth mile to the SUBSCRIPTION RATES: of the SUCCOR CREEK 1KK1CA mile to the northwest corner of Sec­ southwest comer of Section 27; TION DISTRICT. On# year, in advance ------- 31.h tion Thirty-three, in Township then«« South one-half mile to the ■ « month», in advance........... .71 TO WHOM IT M AY CONCERN: iwenty-one (21) South, Range For quarter section comer on the West A* long as eighteen mt-t-ihs *o i y i f \ u wpnt it. The Notice is hereby given, that on the ty-six (46) East; thence East three- line of Section 34; thence West one- S ia n d u ri O ii Co., the Un Oil C- ¿ » i f r «$• (Jo. «nd many Under a new law ree«ntl\ ilth day of April, 1925, an election .ourths of a mile to the southeast fourth teiie to the northeast corner will be held at the residence of J. corner of the Southwest quarter of of the NWW of the SEW of Section l ,i passed by the Idaho legislature W. CJraff, in Section 12, Township the Southeast quarter (SW ' a SEWI 33, in Township Twenty-one (21) ( .H--. Is ii » . * buy, bow about the Biblo will te read in the 23 South, Range 46 E., W. M., for of Section Twenty-eight (2S); thence South, Range Forty-six (46) East, you? Think it over mad ,«*t u-s . « you the latest models. public schools « f that state. It the purpose of determining whether North one-fourth mile to the north­ W. M.; thence South, still following will be interesting te watch the or not an irrigation district shall be east corner of the Southwest quar­ said boundary line one and three e»permfent and see if a sufficient organized under the provisions of ter of the Southeast quarter (SW*4- fourths miles to the northeast cor­ ner of the SWW of the NEW of Sec­ number of passages can he s e ­ Chapter XIV Title X U Oregon Laws, SEW) of Section Twenty-eight (28); tion 9, Township Twenty-two (22) ami acts supplemental thereto and thence East one-fourth mile to the lected that can be rea i without amendatory thereof, to . provide fot East line of Section Twenty-eight South, Range Forty-six (46) East, causing discord among the many tho irrigation of the lands within (28); thence North one and three- W. M.; thence East one-fourth mile iid proposed district by the storage, fourlhs miles to the northeast cor­ to the northeast corner of the SEW ditfurent religious beliefs. diversion and distribution of the un- ner ot Section Twenty-one (21), in of the NEW of Section 9; thence ippropriated surplus and flood wa Township Twenty-one (21) South. South along the East section line of NOTICE AND SUMMONS tors of the Owyhee River and Suc­ Range Forty-six (46) East; thence Section 9 to the southeast corner W In the Circuit Court of th. Sta'* of cor Creek, in Malheur County, Ore­ West one and three-fourths miles to thereof; thence East on the South Oreaon far tha Caunty of Ma'hrnr gon; that the name of said propos­ the northwest corner of the North­ Ijne of Section 10, to the quarter £ ONTARIO ORKGON in the Mattar of Iba Patition of liia ed District ii SUCCOR CREEK 1R east Quarter of th« Northwest (Quar­ section corner on the South line o. t RIGATION DISTRICT; that at said election the qualified electors of said proposed irrigation district, the boundaries of which are herein­ after defined, shall be required to cast their ballots which shall con­ tain the words ‘‘Irrigation Digtrict-- Ycs’’, and “ Irrigation District--No“ or words equivalent thereto. That the boundaries of said pro- po: ■ 1 in igat.on district are as fol­ lows, to-wit: fc. I Charters Incubators t D. V/. GIBSON Coir ir-g to B.-.ker DR. MELLENTHIN SPECIALIST Geiser Grand Ho Monday and Tuesday Aoril 20 ù, 21 TWO DAYS ONLY Before buying 1 ík "i car free and ride in the *1 ^ TI vT /| Ask for a oemonstraHon Powell Service SÍEtion GATE CITY J 0 UÜNAL It’s E.?^v to Own a Ford Ford Weekly P u rch ase Plan or the Ford Ifeorffffly Purchase Plan Phone 2 3 V. B. Staples Ford Gar