T H E G A T E C IT Y J O l'R N A I SICK WOMEN OF MIDDLE AGE Can Be Carried Comfortably Over Tbe Critical Period by Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound — Note Mr*. Headden’s Case I* ® * * ^ MY _ • * * * * * * * * * ( • •>?<# CROSS-WORD FAVORITE PUZZLE Famous Forts in STORIES > After Every Meal \ U. S. History B y I R V I N S. C O B B $*£* • (Copyright.) $£*(• #(• ; By ELMO SCOTT WATSON ÂÎ W h a t A u n t M y r a D esired <©. 1925. Western N ew sp a p er Union.) They brought a darky out of the Jail In a North Carolina town with Intent W h e r e the P o w e r o f the Sioux Macon,Georgia. —‘ ‘During the Chang* to bang him for murder. This was In W a s Broken. o f Life I suffered with my whole right the day when capital punishment wns ' side and could not lie publicly Inflicted. Aa a special mark on my left side. I of attention the widow of the murder­ In 1874 there was established near was in bed about two Pass It arcrund j the Red Cloud agency In the north- months and could not er's victim was permitted to witness after e v e ry roeaL I western corner of Nebraska a military get up only as my the event from a position of vantage I Give the fam ily j post which Is historically Important son would lift me. directly facing the gnllowa. She had the benefit of its i because uround It centered the eventa Afterdoc to ring with­ had a sort of small grundstund rigged j aid to digestion. out relief a man who up and she had decorated it with bunt- I I which broke forever the power of the Clean* teeth too. was rooming with us Ing, and when the march to the scat- 1 Sioux an82— P r e p o s i t i o n 116— A t o o l Your highway officials want What's the use of wnstln' any more 10 4 — T h e l a n g u a g e o f t h e F r i s i a n * breakfast. 118— T h e t h i n g to be of the greatest possible time on her? Besides, It’s hot as the | 108— S t r u c k 121— An excla m a tion 108— T o a u r p a a a In r i d i n g service to you. Get behind them devil out here nnd I ought to lie gettln' *1 8— A b o v e a n d in c o n t a c t w i t h 122— Sloth R om a n tic B e lle P o in t and with ways and means that will on home to dinner. Just hold still a H I — C o n s i g n * t o n s p e c i a l c a t e g o r y provide more Concrete roads S o l u t i o n w i l l b e p u b l i s h e d In n e x t I s s n o P ro s a ic Sm ith Sacramento, Calif.— "M other« and Bone second anil we can have this all over." 114— and streets Such an investment expectant mother» can find the g r y p “ Mr, Lucas" sohbeff Jim, “ lentme | 115— T h e g r e a t g o d o f t h e a u n will pay you big dividends year Solution of La*t Week's Puzzie. 117— P e r i s h — help in Dr. It was one o f the early French ex- ; after year. See ef I stlli can't sof'en dut nigger I 119— G e t u j» Fier<£. F a « - i. plorers of Arkansas who gave to this . j woman’s stony heart. Lady,” he cried i 120— T h e gftddcNM o f d a w n f r t- le lflp li- A ÿ i i [& ÌS *:a - rescript ion PO RTLAN D CEMENT lovely spot on the Arkansas river the A m eannre o f area 1 out, “ wid mouty nigh my dyln’ hre'f I 122— and G o l d e n 128— T o he ! romantic name of Belle Point and A S S O C IA T IO N hogs you fur Jest a word. I ain’t 124— K " ; A | v , j » ; fTafrTdl Slapped Medical Discov­ there many years later was built a 111 West Washington street ery. I have used \ hopin' no mo' flat you’ll ferglve me, 125— H e l i o g r a p h ( c o l l o q u i a l ) QS y U E L J ü S H H ï C H ICAG O . fort to which was attached the very both during ex- 1 hut won't you please, ma'am. Jest speak %4 National Organization to I mprove Vertical. proaalc name of Smith. The site fot tancy and after­ to me an' tell me what's In yore soul?" and Extend the Uses o f Concrete 1— It e l l g l o u * j the post was chosen by MaJ. Stephen ; ward and know And now she did speak. She mo­ 2— F r o m Office* in 29 Cities b d mraisa id aw uir™ , Long, the explorer, in November, 1817, from m y own 3— Iron v f c o m r n c I h o l d i n g tioned with her fan ns though It had a n 11- H W D E K A 'H ija experience th e and when the first little stockade was 1 u m I n a n t been a linton of authority, aud In Im­ strength - giving m & > < !□ □ a a r a s s i 4— T h e m ini j erected later It was named for Brig, j patient tones she snld: n A ■/ ^ Any book you want and nerve-quiet­ □ n Q Q a u a n r c s a n s ) 8— A l o w f o r m o f w i t Gen. Thomas A. Smith of Virginia, a "Go on, nigger, git hung—git hung I' 7— On on e o ccu *lon ing effect it hat -b y C. o. D. i veteran o f the War of 1812. 8— I U ndent* on the prospective mother. Nature B flU Q Q ara sa Deseret Book Co.. 9— Sum pn M f o r s e r v ic e is wonderfully helped and the tonic The first commandant at Fort Smith ! A n d W o r th th e M o n e y T o o ! 10— Past effect is seen in the child. I was was MaJ. William Bradford of Com- | 44 East So. Temple, Salt Lake City, Utah 11— O th erw ise A noted lawyer down In Texas, who able to continue my work thru ex­ pany A of the Rifle regiment, com- [ 12— Forced t h e a i r a u d t h i b r l o y n g h pectancy In comfort.”— Mrs Anna labored under the defects of having t h e none posed of men who had fought with j L. D. S. Business College Smith, 3288 8th Ave. All dealers. a high temper and of being deaf, was s c h o o l o r E r n c iE N C Y “ Old Hickory” Jackson at the battle Tablet» or liquid. Send 10c to Dr. Irvine » case In a courtroom presided I A ll commercial branches. Catalog fr e a I of New Orleans. Bradford was suc- HOW TO SOLVE A CROSS-WORD PUZZLE Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y., for a trial pkg. over by a younger man, for whom the ! S O N . Mala St. SAL T LAKE C ITY , UTAH " **c n , I i r c o r r e c t l e t t e r s a r e p l a c e d In t h e w h i t e a p n c e a t h i s p n a a l e will I eeeded in 1822 by Col. Matthew Ar- of any of his remedies. older practitioner had a small opinion, j s p e l l w o r d * b o t h v e r t l e a l l r a n d h o r i z o n t a l l y . T h e l l r a t l e t t e r In e a c h w o r d I* j buckle, founder o f Fort Gibson, Okla. Going T o o f a r In d ic a t e d b y a n a m her. w h i c h r e f e r * to th e d e fin it io n lis te d b e lo w th e puaale Presently In an argument over a decided to T h u a * o . 1 u n d e r t h e c o l u m n h e a d e d “ h o r l B o m t a l " d e f i n e s a w o r d w h i c h w i l l A ll | In 1838 the government motion there was a clash between the 1'smeur, the Artist—I ’m going to erect substantial fortifications at the the w h it e apnrea up to the flr*t b la c k s q u a re to th e r ig h t, and a n u m b e r u n d er lawyer and the Judge. The Judge or- j “ v e r t i c a l " d e f l n e a a w o r d w h i c h w i l l A l l t h e w h i t e s q u a r e s t o t h e n e x t b l a c k o n e make a speaking likeness of your wife. place and plans for It were drawn by dered the lawyer to sit down, and as Longsufferer—Oh, I wouldn't think b e l o w . N o l e t t e r * g o In t h e b l a r h s p a c e * . A l l w o r d * u s e d a r e d i c t i o n a r y w o r d s , | Vaubanne, the famous French fortifi­ of asking that much o f you ! tbe lawyer, being deaf, didn’t hear j e x c e p t p r o p e r n a m e * . A b b r e v i a t i o n * , s l a n g . I n i t i a l * , t e c h n i c a l t e r m * a n d o b s o ­ cation «p e r t . Temporary quarters l e t e f o r m * a r e I n d i c a t e d In t h e d e f l n t t l o n s . him and went on talking, the Judge [ : were erected by Capt. W. G. Belknap lined ntm $10 for contempt of court. I 1 which were occupied by the troop* DEMAND “ BAYER” ASPIRIN ' M Y Rheumatism la all gone. I feel The lawyer leaned toward the clerk until four years later when the new Taka Tablets Without Fear If You a wonderful glory again in the free and cupped his hand behind his car. buildings were completed. motion I uaed to have when my days Seo the Safety “ Bayer Croee." "What did he say?” he inquired. were younger. I The commandant from 1841 to 1815 “ He fined you $10,” explained the can thank S. S. S. clerk. Warning: Unless you see the name was Col. Zachary Taylor and Fort for it till Do not Smith Is one of the several forts “ Bayer" on package or on tablets you "For what!" cloae your eyea which claim to be the site o f the are not getting the genuine Bayer "For contempt of this court," said and t h i n k that | elopement of his daughter, Sarah Aspirin proved safe by millions and the cle:k. health, free motion j Knox Taylor, with Lieut. Jefferson prescribed by physicians for 23 years. The lawyer shot a poisonous look and strength are Say "Bayer" when yon buy Aspirin. Davis, although history has not yet toward the bench and reached a hand gone from you for­ decided Just what were the facta con­ Imitations may prove dangerous.— Adv. Into his pocket. ever I It is not so. nected with that romantic affair. "I'll pay It now,” he said. “ I f * * S. S. S. is waiting We bitterly resent the failure of our Aa the Importance of Fort Smith to help you. When you increaae the num­ Just debt!” flattery to make an Impression. Increased the government selected the ber of your red-blood-cella, the entire site for a new fort and purchased 300 I ~ ayatem u n dergoei ■ A d v ic e to C h a rlie C h a p lin | acres for tlie reservation. Within this F ree Booklet tremendous change. Last spring when General Neville, I na m e and ! new fort several two-story buildings Everything depends Send the hero of the defense of Verdun, i address to 8. 9. 0. i were erected but subsequently all ex­ on b lo o d -s tre n g th . T o . I l l S ”1 ■ was making his tour of America he \ cept one were destroyed by fire. This At la nt a, Blood which is minus H id ».. was the gueet of honor at a big public 1 Ga . f o r special . one has particular Interest because It su fficie n t red-cella book let on R h e u ­ reception In one of the Log Angelea was used as a United States dlstitct leads to a long list of m a t is m A Blood. hotels. Among thoae Invited to meet , IN DIGEST»#^ , court and Its basement as a Jail for troubles. Rheumatism the distinguished visitor were th« prisoners. Here the famous Judge is one of them." S. S. S. It the great more prominent members of the mov­ I. C. Parker, In the turbulent days of 6 B e l l - a n 3 blood cleanser, b lood b u ild er, system ing picture colony. Indian territoryJn the '70's and '80 s strengihcner, and nerv* invigorator Hot w a te r At the doors of General Neville's \ sentenced hundreds of squaw men and S. S. S la sold at all good Sure Relief suite Will Rogers met Charlie Chaplin. I THE QUM DROP HIPPO-MOO drug « t o r « « in t w o l i a s Th e territorial outlaws to death until the Chaplin, who In private life Is a re- ' larger slge ti more economical Th* Oum Drop Hippo-Moo, I* a hybrid thru and thru, name of Fort Smith and Judge Park­ served and rather shy little man, was Ha'a flv* full ton* of appetite and blubber. er became synonymous for prohahly considerably fussed up over the pros­ World* Best When hie muetache fall* to cuH, ho calla on hie beet girl. the speediest and most summary Jnn- ¿54 AND 754 PACKAGES EVERYWHFRI ood Medicina pect ahead of him. And the feede him gunvdrope made of puro, rod, India rubber. j flee ever meted out In the history of "1 auppoee we're expected to say a j thla country. few words to the general." he confided He eata a wagon load, than walk* t* th* railroad Almost from the beginning of Fort to Rogers. “ But for the life o f me 1 And etand* acroaa th* middle of th* track; Smith a settlement was growing up can't think of the heat way to start th* Whan a train coma* railing by, It knock* him way up high. within the shadows o f Us walls and conversation." 1 Of Hair and ¿Inn Than h* b o u n d like a rubber Jumping-Jack. : the town of Fort Smith was Incorpor­ Rogers gave to the problem a mo ProMw ad By ated away back In 1S42. The govern­ ment of earnest consideration. Every tlm* h* hit* th* ground, th* gum-drop* mak* him bound. -Soothinq and Healinq ment reservation and fort were given “ Well." he said, “ you might ask him T ill h* gate a* acared It make* hit muttach* curly; to the city of rort Smith In 1884 and If be w*n la th* war. nnd which ltd* Promotes Skin Healthy (.cat. ho doea a flip *r two. Ilk* you wouldn't think ho'd do. are now a public park. b* wa* on.” Than ho hurrlo* back t* find bi* darling glrly. W. N. U , «a lt Lak* City. N a~i~1l2X WRIGLEY5 The High Cost of Postponing Permanent Highway Building IT BEATS ALL How Those Old, Creaky, Stiff Joints Limber Right Up With J o in lja se M otherhood! aoSia nua rants arara DUUIVJ> *»“<. stops s . s . s . ^ H Rheumatism FOR INDIGESTION ELL-A N S SS% Ä B e a u ty Cuticura RESINOL