THE GATE CITY JOCRNAI peared against the tops o f tbs hills A bird awoka snd called; another an swered her. “ But this la hope,” said Lancaster, taking Joan's hand. “ You have brought it to me, and I am never going to lose it again. I am going to win Avoided by Taking Lydia E. my fight against the drug, and then I am going to regain all else that I have Pinkham’» Vegetable By ELMO SCO TT W A TSO N lost.” Compound He seemed upon the verge of a reve lation, but he said no more. And now Los Angeles, CaL — “ I cannot give too l® . 1826. W e s te rn N e w s p a p e r U n io n .) much praise to Lydia E. Pinkham's Veg the day was dawning. The Training School of Ameri etable Compound for “ You have made a splendid fight. what it haa done for Doctor Lancaster,” she said. “ Now can Generals me. My mother gave you shall have your hypodermic." it to me when I was He rose up eagerly, and she could It Is doubtful If any other post In a girl 14 years old, see the terrific strain that he was un the United States has known as many and since then I have taken it when I feel dergoing In the trembling of his limbs, of our famoua military leaders as Jef run down or tired. the eager look in his eyes. They went ferson Barracks, Mo. When Jefferson I took it for three hack into the house. A light stll4 Davis became secretary of war In 1853 months before my burned in the secretary's room, bui he determined to form a regiment tw o b a b ie s w ere no sound came from it. At the door which would be the best in the army. bom for I suffered of Lancaster's room he stopped. Remembering the tradition of the with my back and had spells as if my “ Mias Wentworth,” he said, "I have army, which, from the close of the "How did it happen, Mrs. Fraser?” CHAPTER V II— Continued heart was affected, and it helped me a something to say, and something to War o f 1812 had sent to Jefferson asked Lancaster. — 11 — lot. The doctors told me at one time promise. I am not going to take that Rarrucks the most promising young The matron snapped the key in the that I would have to have an operation. As It fell, the other lenped at her as dose. Tonight, perhaps, but not now. otHcers In the army, he organized at lock before answering. “ I don't I thought I would try 'Pinkham'a,' aa If strung upon wires. Joan saw, very If I take it and free my body from its that post the Second cavalry, later I call it, first. In two months I was all dimly, the face of Mrs. Dana. She know, Doctor Lancaster,” she an suffering, I lose my soul again. I known as “ Jeff Davis' pet.” right and had no operation. 1 firmly “ The lock's all right. It was In her nightdress, with her feet swered. lose that hope which you have given believe ‘Pinkham’s’ cured me. Every The colonel of the regiment was Al And I bare, and the ferocity of her attack couldn't have been picked. me. And— I want to give you this.” bert Sidney Johnston and Its lieuten one who saw me after that remarked swear I locked it last night. Some seemed atrocious in contrast with the that 1 looked so well. I only have to He handed her a little bottle of ant-colonel was Robert E. Lee, des take medicine occasionally, not but I expressionless, masklike features. body must have let her out.” morphine, three-quarters full. tined for fame ns two of Davis’ great “ That hound— !” began Lancaster, always keep a couple o f bottles by me. Only the eyes seemed alive, and they “ It is the bottle which you took est Civil war generals. At the same I recommend it to women who apeak to but Joan Interposed. “ She may- have burned with implacable hatred, as If from the drawer o f my desk yester time there was organized there the me about their health. I have also used they meditated revenge for all the ac found a key," she said. your Sanative Wash and like it very The matron shook her head. “ No day," he said. "I stole it from your First regiment o f cavalry with Edwin cumulation of a life's wrongs. pocket when you leaned over me last V. Sumner (later a Union general) an much.’ ’ — Mrs. E. G ould , 4000 East The woman bore Joan backward. key would fit that lock, except the night, when you told me I was win Side Boulevard, Loa Angeles, Cal. colonel and Joseph E. Johnston (of Many letters have been received from The lamp fell crashing to the floor In right one," she answered. ning. I was a thief— but I am a peni Bull Hun fame) as lieutenant-colonel. “ Why should anyone tamper with women who have been restored to a debacle of splintered glass. A chair tent thief, and I restore It Intact.” In fact these two regiments gave health hy Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegeta was overturned. Mrs. Dana's hands that lock?" I.ancuster muttered. Sud “ No, Doctor Lancaster," answered to the Union and Confederate armies ble Compound after operations nave sought Joan's throat, and they strug denly he broke down and covered his the girl, smiling as she took the bottie no less than 30 generals, among them been advised. gled In the darkness, crashing here face with his hands, His shoulders from him. “That has no bearing upon such men as John Sedgwick, W. J. Joun put her and there, ujmettlng the water pitcher, shook convulsively, your character; It was a symptom of Hardee, W. H. Emory, George Stone- Japan U sin g M o re W o o l smashing Into the swinging door. hand on Ids arm. your disease." man, E. D. Baker, “ Jeb” Stuart, George “ Doctor Lancaster, yon must g » There 1ms been a remarkable In Underneath her Joan heard Mrs. Fra “ Well, I didn’t take any,” said Lan H. Thomas Wesley Merritt, Earl Van crease in the consumption of wool In she said. “ It ser moving, and doors opening. There back to your room nov caster, with the transient flash of Dorn and Kirby Smith. Japan, a silk country. In 1923 Its Im was nothing, and It Is all ended.” were steps on the stairs. humor lighting up his face. “ I had But these are not the only distin ports were 6,655,000 pounds, whereas “ Miss Wentworth, if you will stay For a few moments Joan felt no the hardest conceivable battle over guished name» on Jefferson Barracks’ In 1923 they were 46,985.000 pounds. match for the onset of the madwoman. with me till six It will help me to that bottle. I set It up before me, roll of honor. There, too, appear Wool yarn imports Increased from But Mrs. Dana's Impulse was soon ex master myself. It Is not the wear of and I held my right hand hack with Henry Leavenworth, Henry Atkinson, 3.262.000 to 21,143.000 pounds, and hausted. Joan got her arms about her yielding to morphine; It Is my nty left, and I said, T am winning, In Stephen W. Kearney, John C. Fremont, body, pressing down the other's arms thoughts. If you knew how one's life Joan Wentworth's name.’ And at last Braxton Rrngg, Janies Longstreet, wool and cotton mixture cloths from 8.836.000 to 21,060,000 yards. to her shies. Mrs. Dana suddenly be comes crowding upon one In the dark the drug devil was beaten. And no Ulysses S. Grant, William Tecumseh came passive, nnd the lights in the ness— " more morphine until tonight." Sherman, Philip Sheridan, Winfield A Lady of Distinction “ H I stay with you,” said Joan. eyes seemed to go out like extin “ Doctor Lancaster, you have been Scott Hancock and Nathan Boone, a Is recognized by the delicate, fascinat “ Let us wait on the veranda," said brave and wonderful I” cried Joan, guished candles as the brain clouded. son of tlie famous Kentucky pioneer. ing Influence o f the perfume she uses. Joan got the woman Into the corridor. Lancaster. “The air is stifling in this profoundly stirred. "Remember that! Jefferson Barracks also saw organ At the further end a little lamp was house. Put on a wrap and I will wait One of the bravest men I have ever ized the original “ rough riders” long A bath with Cntlcura 8 oap and hot water to thoroughly cleanse the pores for you there.” burning. known. Never tell me again that you before the days of Theodore Roose Joan rau upstairs and slipped on have lost your power of will. We are velt and San Juan hill. During Presi followed by a dusting with Outlcura Mrs. Dana went with her quietly, Talcum powder usually means a dear, walking like a mechanical figure. At her cloak. When she got back Lan winning fast.” dent Van Huron's administration the sweet, healthy skin.— Advertisement. the head of the stuirs appeared the caster had not moved from the door. He placed his hands upon her shoul Seminole Indians became troublesome matron, wearing a white wrapper. The secretary was packing noisily In ders and stood looking at her. Upon and the President asked the governor O n e P o in t o f View Behind her Joan saw the startled his room. his face was an expression of indul of Missouri to raise two regiments of " I f a woman Is unable to manage a faces of Myers and Lancaster. They went outside together, closing gence, as If he was considering her mounted Missourians, frontiersmen all, The girl led Mrs. Dana Into her the front door behind them, as if to enthusiasm In the light of ills experi to serve against the Seminóles. From husband after she has trained him, room, and Mrs. Fraser came at her shut In the evil Influences In the place. ence of life, so much deeper than liers, all parts of the state these horsemen she doesn’t deserve to have a hua- band," said a woman in an English heels, breathing hard In terror. so much the more profound. Then the poured in to St. Louis and under the county court. “ Did she hurt you?” she gasped. look passed; the years seemed to fall leadership of General Gentry and Col. “ How did she get out? Who let her from him, and strength came into his John W. Price they were organized at out? 1 should have told you she was Jefferson Barracks and acquitted face. dangerous, hut I never dreamed that "God bless you, my dear,” he said, themselves brilliantly In Florida, she could pick that lock. Did she— and bent and kissed her forehead. Jefferson Parracks was established did she try to harm you?” She turned and ran upstairs. Her In 1826, as Cantonment Adams (in "She hnd a piece of glass,” said heart was singing in her breast. The honor of President John (Julncy Joan, "but I took It away from her." flood of sunlight that came through Adams), and during its existence of von “ There was no glass In her room INDIGESTION the eastern windows, illuminating the nearly a century has been an Impor last evening,” said the matron with dusty Interior of the old building, tant military rendezvous In all of conviction. seemed like a spiritual light, flaming Uncle Sam's wars from the Mexican 6 B ell - a n s Lancaster was approaching. Joan Into this dark place where shadows to the World war. Hot water was astounded to see the look o f anger had dwelt so long. She went Into her Sure Relief on his face. “ Who opened that door?" room and dressed for the day. She be shouted. had never felt so happy before. And The Fort That Was Built on It's all right now. Doctor Lancas now the life In Avonmouth hud be a “ Scrap of Paper” ter,” came the matron’s voice from come as dim us a dream, and she 254 AND 754 PACKAGES EVERYWHERE within. cared no longer whether she returned On September 8, 1813, a young lieu But X-ancaster was shaking with ex or not. A charge had been granted tenant of the Ainerlcun army, Thomas citement. He swung round upon to her, a man's life put Into her keep Hamilton, found himself In a desper Myers. ing; that trust she meant to fulfill. ate predicament. Outside Fort Madi You are responsible for this!” he She had saved Lancaster, and she son, a little fortification on the Iowa cried. "You know my one point that would outwit Myers, and remove the shore of the Mississippi river, swarmed has to be carried out. I told you to only obstacle to Lancaster's recovery. hundreds of hostile Indians who had have a bolt put on the door after she She knew the man Incited the doctor been besieging him for nearly a month. got out before.” to drug himself. She would have Any attempt to escape would be peril “ Now, now. doctor, don't excite known that even without the matron's ous but to hold the fort meant the yourself,” said the secretary sooth statement to her. But why should massacre of his men, if the savages ingly. “ You're a sick man, you know. Myers wish Lancaster to drug himself carried the fort by assault. Starva It was unfortunate, but I'll see it tion, too, faced them, for their pro to death? doesn't happen again.” He must be acting for others. visions were exhausted. Lancaster seemed beside himself “ The Hound!— ” Began Lancaster, but Whom? No matter. Once the drug So Hamilton ordered a trench dug Just rub on the new application evil was overcome, the plot would be down to the river's edge where boats with fury, far more angry. Indeed, Joan Interposed. revealed and overthrown. than the situation appeared to war were moored. That night they crept called Joint-Ease If yon want to know There was a hint of morning in the rant As she stood at her window Joan down to the water, undiscovered by the what real Joint comfort Is. It's for stiff, swollen, or pain-tor She might hnve killed Miss Went air, in its freshness. In the paling of heard footsteps on the path below. enemy because of the blackness of the worth 1” he stormed. "I've stood the night above the eastern moun Looking down, she saw the secretary night and a high wind which was tured joints whether caused by rheu enough from you without this. I’ve tains. leaving the house, carrying a suitcase. blowing. When the last man left the matism or not. A few seconds' rubbing and It soaks Lancaster led the way toward the Her heart almost stood still. Surely fort, lie set fire to It nnd as Hamilton’s suffered you, God knows, until you've sapped my strength und crushed me chairs at the end of the veranda and Myers had not acknowledged defeat force paddled out Into the current of right In through skin and flesh right under your feet, and made me less of wiped the dew from them with his and taken Lancaster at his word? the Mississippi the buildings roared down to ligament and bone. It oils np and limbers up the Joints man than the meanest drunkard in handkerchief. Surely he did not mean to go without Into flames. The Indians pursued but "When you came here,” he said, as another struggle? Hamilton had too much start and be subdues the Inflammation nnd reduces Millville, hut now it's ended. Get out the ewelllng. Joint-Ease Is the one of m.v sight! Leave the Institute to they sat down, “ when on the Impulse She watched him cross the grass reached St. M ats In safety. I asked you to come here, I did not beside the chicken coop to tvnere the Thus ended the brief history of a great remedy for all Joint troubles morrow 1” "Say,” shouted Myers, "am I respon dream that my Impulse was the weed-grown path Joined the winding fort which was built upon a “ scrap of and live druggists have It or can get road. He was outside the grounds paper.” In 181)5 Gen. James Wilkinson It for yon— a tube for 60 cents. sible if that woman got out of her prompting of my good angel.” Always remember, when Jolnt-Easa "You said I was jou r good angel,” of the institute now. and he was still sent Lieut. Zehulon Pike to select a room? What's the sense of picking going in the direction of the station. post between St. Louis and Prairie du gets In joint agony gets out— quick. on me? Didn't you hire a nurse to said Joan lightly. “ It was more than chance,” said He disappeared behind the hedges, ap Chlen, Wis. Pike chose a place on the take care of your patients. Ain't Mrs. Dana a patient? Now there's been Lancaster seriously. “ It was the hap peared again, a long way off, and van west side of the Mississippi some 40 enough said, I reckon. You know piest thing that has ever come to me.” ished finally. He was gone, and tha miles above the mouth of the Des "Doctor Lancaster, I am only too air seemed the sweeter, the day more Moines river. A treaty made with the what I mean, doctor. Better go back Sac und Fox Indians the previous yeur to your room and forget what you've glad to have had the opportunity of glorious. being of service. It Is what every said tonight.” Joan almost danced downstairs to had specifically prohibited the goveth the dining room. Lancaster was at inent from bnlldlng forts on the west “ I f ever I see your face after to nurse would have wished.” side o f the river. As In many other H E R E are thousands o f women “ No,” he corrected her, “ You hart1 the table, waiting for her. night, by G— d I’ll kill you!” shouted who wonder why th eir complex "Mr. Myers has gone away I” she rases, the government regarded this brought more than service Into the Lancaster. ions do not im prove In spite o f all Do you know what you cried. “ Doctor Lancaster, youi evil treaty as a "scrap of paper” and In the face treatments they use. They Myers slunk away toward the atairs. Institute. spirit has departed, suitcase and all.” J808 Lieut. Alpha Kingsley of the First should not continue to wonder. Erup "O, all right, all right,” he answered. have brought? H ope!” Infantry began building the fort, com Lancaster looked at her gravely. “ I "I reckon you'll be sorry tomorrow. She could hardly restrain her tears, tions come from pleted It the next year and named It blood impurities But I ’ll hold you to what you've said. so deeply was she moved. She put know," he said. Fort Madison In honor o f President and a lack o f rich I ajn't going to see that nurse bust her hand upon his. “ Doctor Lancas "Did he come to you? Did you dl* James Madison. blood-cells. 8.S.S. ter, It must never leave you again,” charge him?” up^.i.v work here.” Lieutenant Hamilton came there In i a acknowledged “L ift np your eyes He scowled fearfully at Joan as he she answered. “ He did not come to me. He did September, 1812, jvlth a force of 50 to be one o f tha went down the stairs, a grotesque, and look at the bills. How can one not tell the matron he was going, it m o a t powerful, men and Immediately afterwards the almost deformed figur» in his loose help but hope? Hope lies all about looks had.” rapid and effec- fort was attacked hy 200 Wlnnehagoes, pajamas. But Joan hardly heeded the you.” "No,” said Joan firmly, struggling who were aided by a young Sac war ti /e blood cleans “ When a man lives In darkness,” against her conviction. man. She did not know the cause of ers known. S.S.S. "H e was rior named Black Hawk, who was on Lancaster's sudden outbreak of rage, said Lancaster gravely, "he cannot afraid. You will never see him again.” his first warpath against the Ameri builds new blood-cells. T h is is why but she knew that It was part of the lift np his eyes. I was broken long "You know what the Bible says cans. From that time Fort Madison S. 8. S. routs out o f your system tha whole dreadful problem, and that. In before I became « victim of that about the unclean spirit who leaves a was repeatedly attacked and besieged, impurities which cause boils, pim ples, blackheads, sens, blotches, ec fighting Lancaster's driving devil, she damnable drug. I M l Into the hands tndii. and returns with seven other», until at last Hamilton abandoned It zema, tetter, rash. S. S. S. is a re was t work upon the darkest corner j o f unscrupulous men. I had nothing when he finds his home swept snd It was never rebuilt snd all that re markable fleth-builder. That's why to live for. I dwelt In shadows, hard garnished?” of the dark mystery. mained for many years to mark Its site underweight people can quickly build “ I think. Doctor Lancaster, you had ly knowing the dream from the reality, "Doctor Lancaster, tv> has no hold was a stone chimney which survived up their lost flesh, get back their hotter go and lie down again,” ahe and all the men and women about me on yon. He can do nothing, and ho the fire. The chimney later crumbled normal weight, pink, plump cheeks, »aid. “ No harm has been done, but I seemed like shadows until yon came, will never dare to rstnrn." and fell hut a few years ago It was bright eyes, and “ pep. I eoold endure my life only because l i t l i told st an moot in s am «cry son r you were awakened." "W ell, my dear, we have a respite, restored by the women of the city of • t o i « la t w » a il«», T h » u r g * r • !• » He was leaning »gainst the wall, of its unreality; It was like a dream, at all events,” Lancaster answered. Fort Madison which grew up on the Is a m ic o a n lu l looking at tier with a strange expres a nightmare, which. 1 knew, could not “ So let u* est our breakfast, and aft site of the old fort. It now stands as sion upon his face. He breathed last forever.” erward H I take you for a ramble a monument to a thrilling episode In She did not snswer. and he re through the woods, and we’ll hold tba lows history ss well as to th» tragi* «sickly, like a man In uncontrollable I.J L W ood mained silent for a long time. It be agitation Just then the matron came fort together until evening." sequel of a broken promise gan to lighten. Streaks of saffron ap (T O P B C O N T I R L I U ) cat of Mrs Dana's room. % T R IZ SO U L For emergency cooking HE J. B. Colt Carbide gas stovt will boil water in four minutes, T if necessary, but its heat can ba regulated to suit. No matches, no overheated kitch en, no carrying fuel or removing ashes, no soot or smoke. Wives and mothers appreciate the) comfort and convenience of Car bide gas cooking and ironing« especially in emergencies. The J. B. Colt system furnishes these conveniences in addition to the finest artificial light known to science. A line to the nearest branch will bring full information on the bene fits of a Carbide gas system and the very favorable terms of sale. J. B. COLT C O M P A N Y i address nearest brunch) Oldest and largest manufacturers o f Carbide lighting and cooking plants in the world N ew Y o r k , N. Y. jo E. 4id St. R o c h k s te r , N. Y . . Jl Exchange SU C h ic a g o . I I I . . toot Monad nock Block K a n s a s C i t y , M o . . 716 N. Y. Life Bldg. C h a t t a n o o g a , T b n n . . 6 th S' Market Su. S an F r an c isc o , C a l . . 8 th Sc BrannanSta. Get Your Suit Free to men who tell their friends and neighbor* A kvold S w if t Re ad y-to- Wear Clothes at actual Wholesale Price—124.76 for A l l -W ool $40 to $50 values-Money- Back Guarantee — P rcb Pocket Size Samnle Book fits pocket — take orders anywhere, day or night, without interfering with anything you do — We teach selling method in 6 miuutes — SEND YOUR NAME. ARNOLD SWIFT & CO. Dap«. W , t o t 8-1024 S. Wabash A vs., Chicago O th e r Side o f the M a tte r Mrs. Boorman Horton— we're kind o' proud of her!— says that the Amer ican woman is the flower of evolution. But we can't get it out of our minds that she Is the thistle of revolution when she's denied anything.—Buffalo Evening Tillies. DEMAND “ BAYER” ASPIRIN Take Tablets Without Fear If You See the Safety “ Bayer Cross." W arning! Unless yon see the name “ Bayer" on package or on tablets you are not getting the genuine Bayer Aspirin proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians for 23 years Say “ Bayer” when you buy Aspirin Imitations may prove dangerous.—Adv. W h a t Is I t ? “ How would you classify a telephone girl? Is her’s a business or a profes sion?” “ Neither. It’s a calling.” Lack Strength? Energy? San Bernardino, Calif.— “ I was •down with the ‘flu: sick in bed for t w o months. When I w a s able to be about I had no strength or energy, and had a har d lump, the size of a walnut, on my spine. I under went an opera tion for its re moval, b u t it left me with a running sore. I was in this miserable state for about ioilr months. I was told of Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery, and found so much relief from the first bottle that I took several, at the end of which time my flesh healed up, and I was absolutely well." Clarence H. Wilson. 768 Spruce S t All dealers. Liouid or tablets. CuticuraTalcum For Baby's Skin Is S o o t h in g So«p, Ointment, Talcum sold everywhero. Famous Forts in AN OPERATION U. S. History RECOMMENDED S u re R e lie f FOR INDIGESTION 72 m •ELLANS IT BEATS ALL How Those Old, Creaky, Stiff Joints Limber Right Up With Joint-Ease S.S.S. keeps away Pimples T A safe and nothing ^ r e t n e i l y fo r cut*, . bums, or skin trou bles. Protects, re lieves sn d heals. T ake internally for cougha and sore throats. Vaseline tm.tu.mxmr. PE T R O LE U M J E L L Y Chezcbroufh Mfg. Co»*Co®vM» Start St. New York C World's Beet Medicine