T he G ate C ity J ournal VOL X III NO. 5 ¿5 High Line NYSSA, OKSGON, FRIDAY. MARCH «. Schotl Notes The fight mads by our congressional delegation to have the date for the expenditure o f $316,000 recently ap propm tad for the Owyhee project ex- t ruled from July 1, 1925, the date originally set, to July 1, 1927, has been successful. This means that if the reclamation really intends to go ahead with this project they now hare the opportunity to make a atart. Onee started the work would undoubtedly be carried to completion. .. ^ j + v - W v v •> t I > M ICCS H M d i M S tt The County Declamation contest will be held in Nysea this year. The date fot the contest is Saturday, March 28. Tha local tryout will be held Friday - W H H K I MH b * 'l l l l l l l l l » 4 -H -H - t 4 4 4 4 4 > H - V r t ♦ ♦♦ afternoon, March CO. inasmuch as i ' i J. P Baxter is teaching in the Miss I.ueiJc Wimlette, who has been we are to entertain this contest it is pul lie s-hool this week in place of spending the last sight months at the hoped that a great deal of local inter­ Mr , Gwy.in, who Is absent on as Sherwood home, left Mondey for Den­ est will be shown. ver, Colo. CO’ nt of the illness of ber husband. Wanted—Job o f irrigating. Many '!» » . George P. Ward is convalescing The high school honor roll, whith fr; :n an attack of the Au year» experience Jaok Newby. m6ff consists o f all those whose grades are For Sate—Rhode Island Red Eggs Mr and Mrs Tom Lowe were visitors above B—, for this month is is follows: m6tf in own Wednesday from the Owyhee. for settlrg, F. R Marshall Freshmen — Viola Blodgett, Donald Mrs. Malvina Hanlon of Boiae is vis Mr and Mrs. Eddie Powell and Geo, Sherwood, Eugene Pratt, Herbert itlng at tha Rebarger horns. Huxis, Harold Ho\ie, Virginia Thomp G on made a business trip to Boiae T. ireday Mr. and Mr». Posey of Vole, their Tuesday, Marsh 10, ia the date set son, Ma-garet Crockatt. two daughters and Frank Rebarger Dade Rutherford of Ontario visited Sophomores—Lucile Clement. for the opening ef the Hotel Western were callers at C. W. Rehcrger'a last Juniors—Max Gilchcat, Jeff Irwin. friends ia town Sunday. dining room. Regular meals will be Some misoreant broka into Walter week served morning, noon and night, and Mary Toombs. Mr». J. S. Ewing is teaching the Seniors—Frances Klinker.berg, Ber Alford's store room on Wednesday in addition short orders will be eerred night and stele thesefrem tbiriee« second grade this week on account of any hour of the day and until late ai niee Martin. the illness of Mies Scott. valuable sheep pelta. nr.ht. The dining room and lobby have been kalsomined and renovated Ceaaty Surveyor Miller was ia this An antertainment program « E M Blodgett and C. W. Glenn a id put in Ar«t class ccndition. Man* given Thursday afternoon, February were in Snake River precinct near vicinity Thursday doing some prelim­ a< 9 r Swan promises to serve chicken 26. by members of the literary sooiety Waiaer this week making an investi­ inary work en the projected new read dinners on Sundays, they having It ia hoped that similar programs may gation of alleged liquor lew violations. to West Side eemeteey. proved under a former management to be worked np in the future, with even W. B. Heaie was ia the Oregon Arrested on a charge of patit lar be popular with the Nyssa public. greater success, eeny for the stealing o f faar sow Slepa diatriat this waak assesaiag mi­ hides. Dell Davis was tried befere gratory steak. LOCAL NEWS IN BRIEF Dining Room to Open Baseball Installing Booths Nysaa ia to have a baseball team this year. A t a meeting ir the Com­ mercial Club room Thursday evening a hall club wui nrganissd with C. L. M Coy manager and Dawey Hoxie captain. Efforta are being made to jam a league oompoaed of Parma, Vale, Wilder and Nysaa. Further an nouncemcnts will be made as matters develop, but anyway we are going to ha re baseball t, is summer. Thu ice cream seaaon is coming op apace and 0. L McCoy of tte Nysaa Pharmacy is gatting ready to welcome it with open arms. He has put in number of booths where hie patrons cao enjey perfect privacy while par taking of the succulent ica cream cone or the festive strawberry sundae, ate. Ha has also Atted up a ladies rest room io connection with his ice oiesm par­ lors, all c4 which marks the passage of a mile post in Nyssa’ s march to metropolitan perfection in service to patrons. Fi hing Season Opens Judge Rogers in Vale Monday. Dis­ trict Attorney Blodgett proseeablng. The prisoner pleaded guilty. I WANT FARMS for aaah buyers Describe and give pries.. R. McNewa, 049 Wilkinson Bldg.. Omaha, Meh. tt Frans McKnight was takaa to tha On ario hospital Friday last auffariag from a severe attack of intestinal trouble. Latest reports arathathals on the mend and will soon ba able te be about again, Tony Her.glar left Tuesday by aato for a trip to coast and California points. M .W F 1 U I » :; CONDENSED STATEMENT • ftlM Malheur County Bank Nysaa, Oregon at the cióse ot business December 31, 1924, RESOURCES Loans and discounts.......... $.’’83.847.60. Overdrafts ....... ......... ...... I87.S1 Banking House. Furniture and Fixtures____ ______ 14.752.66 Other Real Bktate. ............. 5.968.09 •tacks and Securities_____ 2,000.00 Bends and Warrants_______ 3,6?,J.88 CASH AND DUB FROM BANK* 96,8fvt. 64 LIABILITIES Capital Stock ____ Surplus and PreAta.. Bills Payable______ Rei.iscennts________ DEPOSITS................ $608,882.07 !5«f. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS J. Ward, President. John Ray, Vi«« Prertfant J P Dunaway, Cashier, O. G. Bauer, Assistant Cashier H. A. Riven. Assistant Cashier. J, F. Reece, J. I. Saraain <4. L. PbliURs Directors The Httla, mleakod for services, courtesies a-d «tteatlona, outside the h edfn p a * of reads», ara what havoeoun od most In makfOg loyal fatsads aad aaa- tamers for this hank. AI Sraea i f Bates, tire . is la dawn today aa kaaiaaia matters. m i l l » ............. .... . ip » s n s » » « * » » » » » » The Fsaah M w ard’s family will laava today far Cleans Barry, whets Rat your "W-re m ; Frank will bo amptapod an a raaah. Tha H. ■. HatAsId family hava mavod te tewa and ara aetapyiag tha Splar heaee. R. E. Biahardsoa baa gaaa to Fay •tte where ha la terviag a triak at telegraph operator la tha O. S. L. depot. Mrs. Eddie Powell was a baaiaeia visitor In Boiae oa Thursday. C 0 A L Chopping Feed M id i: Grinding Sat Nyssa FlaiirJMill^S $ 10.50 Strictly oo Credit Mr». Herman Towns returaed home r.TTJ f. o. b. cars Nysea ’ 53 Henry Hunter o f Ontario called on the Arst ef the week, after vielting ia The Ashing season opened with a Welea» far earn« lime. : = s a $ G « h w ith o r d B i-iz ^ i 8b. Paul’s Guild o f the Episeopitl Nyssa friends Monday. rush this week. In a faw hours Ash' Mr». S eottef Jordae Valley arrived church met at the hems of Mrs. Glen » ♦ » « » • » » » » ♦ » » «.■»♦»»»■ ♦»♦♦♦•M-re h m »«»«BB»BB>BBBI SB>» B B i Merle Gheelry and Hank Teataeh Ir.g in Buttermilk slough on Thursday Friday to be with her daughter, Miss Billy Vogt» and Ham Crosswhite took Brown on Thursday. The .Afternoon have purchased the trucking buaineeo of Henry Fields and are new prepared Edith Baett, who Is 111. the plane and apeeilaatioaa of the captive the biggest string of ish we was spent in sewing for the bazaar. to render prompt and efficient service chief engines* fee eaM district; which Mrs. L. L. Millar at Nampa spent have seen in many a day. Varieties plana aad epeelSeutteae may h ai* in that line. Mr. dseeley and family Wednesday with Mr. aad Mrs. Frank represented in the csteh were bull Ramembcr the deuce oa Friday, snerted at tha effica ef B, M. Bladgetl, have taken up thsir shod« in the C. 8. Millar. heads, basa and crappiea, will hull* Nyasa. Oregon. Form fer proposal Marsh 1$, under the auspices of the for said h^da may ha obtains« up™ Cotton residence, h -ads predominating in numbers. New line of latest spring and au (|. m-mavsial Club. * application at the «flea o f B. M. Abe Vaughan ef Salem is renewing i«er hate. Large assortment to select Beamguard’a famous orchestra from Blodgett, Nyesa, Oregon. acquaintances in town this waak. He from. Kiss. E. J Powell. A certified efaeek for 8 per eent of Notice. Payette will faraish the muric. Ev- expects to return to the coast tomoe- The shew. “ Take My Advlee,” arybedy come. A good time assured the construction price submitted must All parsons are hereby notifi-d not row. accompany same. The right is re­ staged last Friday night, proved te be to all. to drive through my property on either served by the Owyhee Drainage Die Workmen are busily engaged in an aaqaaliled saceeas ia avary way. trict to reject any and all bids. aide of tha railroad track, John Prati Apartments either two, three or cleaning out the Shoestring dkteh ia rue capable way ia which tha play By order ef tha Board of Supervis­ ors o f the Owyhee Drainage Bietrict. four rooms, furnished for housekeep preparation for the coming irrigation was presented refloats great credit bn JOHN F. RKECB. ■easun. <3. it. Swan. « • ing, or unfurnished. those wha took part in it, thd reveals Secretary. I ; ; Mrs. H. B. Hansen of Nampa was an uasaspeeted wealth of histrionic University of Idaho, Moacow, Feb. in town Wednesday on business mat talent In ear midst, wkioh we are glad 26. —Merritt Monroe Greeting, Nysaa, Attention, Farmer«. tors. to announce wilt again ha eaen In an­ Bragon, baa bean named on the Arat 1 span gentle mares, around 1400 Dn. Bradford & Bradford. Carver Reserve officers’ Training eorps ride Iba each, 8 and 18 years old, for $100. C. KLINE EN BERG For Sale—Pure bred Barred Rock other skew ia tka near futura. I ! SjHartdates. Consultation and examtna roosters, O. A. 6 last spring’s chicks. Tha receipts amounted to $96, wMek team, which will represent the Uni­ 1 snan black horses, around 1100 iba. .' P R O M P T D E L I V E R Y • > Sen free. Ten year* srrccessful prae- will bo equally divided between the versity of Idaho corps in the annual each, both 8 years old, far $17$. On titft hi the state of Oregon. First Prices reasonable. At Marvin Warren Enquire of A. Hinaeh, baud a«d fha banket bail team. contest for tho championship ot the fair terms ; Reasonable Rates ranch. See is. M. Larkin. door west of Rank. Nysaa, Or. Baxter, president of the orgaai Ninth Corps area. Mr. Qreeiiag ia a Miss Annette Blodgett returned lat. ! PHONE 16 cation, Wiahaa la express oa behalf of freshman at the university. ■ arnsss washed end oiled, 9B90 per urday from Salem, where she had been the bgad the thaake of the hand hays For Sals. daring the legislative sessien acting oat. Nysea Harness & addlery Shop. Two good Jcreoy «owe, ea* milking lo tha aadiaace fot thair attaadaace - )••!■»»■! t I I t t H H + b as stsaographer for ona o f »«• ftm - now, the othor will ho froth toon. For Sale. end for tbar very evident appreciation naittaea. B. f . Biagmau. 1 folding baby buggy, good order. Fnone 61ft of tha aHarta pat faith far thair a M-M-+ « ■ -Í--M- -H-d-d-d-4 v -la . For Bale-Potatoes 75» par 100 lbs. tartainffiost. $6.50. Bex 213, Nyasa. Oregon. NOTICB FBffi FUBLIBATtON m#ti R Sherwood. Dapartmuat af the lateeier, Old times were recalled ea Monday COLONIZATION U. S. Land Bffiaa at Vaia, Oregon, For Sale—Hatching eggs and set­ 6y a team of horses breaking away February 1«, 1986. Owners of tracts af land an irriga­ ting baa«, the best breed K. R. Rede, from their driver and beading far Notiae is hereby p vea that Bliften tion protect« in Oregea, ar with «affi rhea* 64F6. C. C. Cotton. f l l t f M. Beaumont af Nysea, Oragoa, who home acres» the river. Bn their wap cient water supply from other aoareea, on April 10, 18«9. made deaert lead te the bridge the nage developed a and who bava aaoagb te warrant cel entry No. 9849, for HWJ Section $4, Noti«« to thè Constmctmrs of speed which would bo very creditable T< wriship 20 South, Bauge 46 Beat oniiatien in numbers. Titla right, to the ordinary Aivtr. Willamette Meridie», haa fled notice thè Caattruetios of th« Owy- price right, long time payments to of intention to mabo ioa l proof, te Workmen are constructing a bridge settlers aad small rate of Interest can hea Pruina*« Diatrict. establish claim to tha land sbovo de­ across the Owyhee ditch at the Hog- make a connection by fatting in touch Bealed bidè will he recaived et tOe scribed, before Register and Receiver, | back Other ditches will be built at with tha Land Settlement Company, office ef tha Bwyhee Drainege Bistrlct at U. 3. Land Office, Vale, Bragen, on the C. L. Marshall and W. L. Gibson Parey A. Cuppar, Trai., $07 Title and et Nocca, Oregon, ap I» ar.d ineluding the 27tb day o f March, 1926. Claimant aamea aa witnesses: FrMay, Bar«» «, .985, at thè hour of ranebee, Tract Bldg., Portland, Brago«. William L. Biaaa ef Nyesa, Oregon. 4 e'eieek ia thè afternooa ef thet day, Hugh Glena of Nyasa, Oregon, far exaavating appreximately 46,509 Ceme to my place, a black calf with H Q Jehastaa af Nyasa. Oregon. cabla yard«; eenatraeting bridge«, white face. Owner can have same by R. K. Overstreet ef Nyaea Oregon. •nmee aad pipa linea, furniahing thè paying expenses. H. R Sherwood. aterial fer stari*. All to conform to G. W. McKnight. Register. O ía Moa al a ease lovo’a labor lent Miss Corinne Maxwell was in tswa it a Mg 10 penad «apon eeratshlag from the Kolenp Wednesday. 94-0 > » ♦ « • 1 1 K M l"H ♦♦♦4nH -4"b'M,9 14 4 ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ 400999»S < Ellis Walters has rented the Pat ln«ostrieatly te pravlda aaateaaaca far •■» «rippled ahiek whith ha hai i Connelly ranch in the Kelony for the adapted. Be can he »hearted at hla coming year. labe» ef leve aay tima at Baa. Cecd- OREGON. NYSSA Daway Ray returned from Pertlond rieh’s poultry house. Wednesday, where he had haen with a ♦♦♦♦ » ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ »♦ » ♦♦♦♦♦ H H 1 I » * »♦♦♦ > 1 consignment of eattle and hogs for tha ‘ Americana cannot enjoy loieure,” j Nyasa Packing Co. ■aya a critic. He should see ae whan James Fogle hai moved te one of the boss goes out. H- so* the Eastern Oregon Land Co. rsnehes, | where he will work the toming season. Frank Edwards waa in Glenn« Ferry To the Pablie: | Monday oa business. Many widows are receiving communications from their Having bought the molar track* Boh Martin and family hava moved and bualntss o f Heary Fields, we will, husbands INCOME CKBCK6 thr«u*gh the | from their rarch across the river te do all kinde e f trucking butia««« the Bigelow house on She East Sid«. promptly and efficiently. Loug or Harry Sharp of Nampa was a busi­ short hauls. Phone 76F5. ness visitor in town Monday. m62t Cheeley & Teataeh W. H Homan of Ontario waa trasis noting business in Nysaa Toeadoy. Caell Baird sustained a painful in­ The baud boys are f # '" f *• five a jury to bis bard last Friday while rop­ ing a calf. The aaimal objecting minstrel shew la the near future. atreauously to tha proceeding*, aat They are werfcing eu it lew . We have Make your arrangements with eeeded in getting the rope entangled faithful assurance that this will he the with Cecil’ s thumb and than miking a beet uad biggest ever pulled off ia sudden jump the digit was disloaated. Nyi a Watch for aanouecemeat of date I a aa aurly Issue of this paper. For Sale— 18 ineh A Ills Chelmers BIRBIBGE A RAT. Prop Centrifugal Pump; 16 herae pewar ' BUI --------------------- Dea't feeget auto tap aad eortadvi Allie Chs'mers motor, direct connect­ Spretai Agent Osta rio wo«0 at Nyasa Harnees A Saddlary ed. W ite Box 148, Nysea, Ore. mdtf = V tr~ »v V tr •hep H-H ■>» »0 4 »Orti P. M. Warren Big Dance Cuming Hats Nagt Siccus For Rent ; City Dray Line On Rifle Team Chiropractors Don't Overlook the fact that you can buy seeds cheaper in bulk Our Prices Are Right Nyssa Grain Seed Co. & Love's Labor Lost SPOOKS? Announcement If you l ave Beef Cattle,L egs, Mutton or Veal Phene 6 Nyssa, Or. Nyssa Packing Co. sr.»%)—. A W atek fer It Communicate with loved ones after death i Equitable Life Assurance Society E. B. Conklin O reg ai