Ok_u'n MU'Inery Jan T he G ate C ity VOL. XJ11 NO.-fcL* •>% +++M +W NYSSA, OKRGON, FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 23. 1» Ü - L X 1 ■!— -H ++W - K t t t i f M ' l ■»■»♦■l i » Spring Time Is Upon Us / N aturally, gome of us are thinking o f buying new cars. In leaking ever the new cars, be sure to lock over THE NEW FORD Manv imp-ovements have been made in the 1925 models. The price was never so ;ow or the quality so high as todav. Comparison is all we ask V. B. Staples FORD GARAGE ONTARIO. OREGON DON'T R E A D Chiropractors Urs. Bradford & Bradford. tion'uee* T H IS Carver U p |e 8 8 y o „ w a n t tQ a a y o m o n # y K Fi 'on lIre8 and aut° accessories. • iv » ì - t !-W'H"H) ■ > > ■ »♦»■ ! I t t f 91.10 P E R YK *■>♦♦♦♦< «IH t i l « ♦ Ml W LOCAL NEWS IN BRIEF ■ fo K W L am bing it under way at many o ' the sheepcampa in th is vicinity. Every thing points to a successful season w e a t h e r conditions being meal, Mrs S. E Gambrii of Gooding, Ida if visiting hea sister, Mrs. W. B Hoxie. The h e a r in g of th s case of McMee vs. Sm ith is set for Monday, F e b r u a ry 23. W. E. L e t s of Ontario re p re se n ts the d e fen d a n t. W H. C roaker ia the ow ner o l new Ford Sedan, purchased from the Tenaen Motor Co. Mrs. Feuch r e tu r n e d Monday from Hot L a a e g r e a t ly im pre vsd in health. George G re en ’e famous old horse. Ja c k , is dead T hough only a horse, Ja o a hod his p a rt in th e development of this city. .Much a tr t n u o u s labor fell to hia lot in the early days, and wen did ha perform it. Practically eveiy resident was famiiliar with Ja c k in th e days of his prime. The past five y e a r s he spent in honorable r e ti r e m e n t with nothin g to do but e a t his bay in heace and quietness. Mr. and Mss. K eefe r, p a r e n ts of Mrs. Dean Smith, r e tu r n e d to their home ia Bismarck, N. D , Tuesday, a f t e r spending Hie w in te r in Nysaa. City Dray Line Plan New Road to Comeiery At th e r e g u la r m eeting of the cota- insrciai cluo held un Wed-iasday, t u r lfith inst., the m a t t e r of the rued to in « e, met cry was Drought beio iu tt.e member», as one which culled l o r ihe a tte ntion o the club i t was pointed out t h a t da rn g tka w inter which bus j u s t paa.ed trave l over lin e read fiom town te the cem etery, located about one and a half miles w est of tuwn on I the top of the hill, was alm ost m passable, resulting in g r e a t inceaven- • ¡•nee and b i t t e r disappointment to many of the people in tnia town a n d | vicinity who were called by the shadow of d e ath having v:»ited their in nu-i or . th a t of their r e la tiv e s or friends to m ake the sad and w eary trip to the little g r a v ey a rd “ Out West. ’ A fte r mush li.scustion and considers lion of tbo subjeet, it was agreed by the m em bers present th at the sam e was a J wcrihy one, deserving of the! attention of the club, and a com-1 m ittoe of four, consisting of Messrs. C. <6. Hunt, S. ». Goshert. Troy Sitto n and F rand Miller, wee a p pointed to prepare and rirea la ta peti tions having for their object the rais ing of funds to be used in the con struction ef t new read from the town to the cem etery on an aaay grade, passable a t ail seasons of the year; or, failing in this, the regrading and working ovar of the present road, so 1 t h a t it may likewise be suitable for travel, no m a t t e r how deep the enow or bow t o f t the earth. I t is the desire of tha elub t h a t all r* persons take note of th is m a t t e r and t h a t whan the petitions are presented to them for consideration t h a t t h e y : may be ready to give as they have de I -X c lied they can afford to da. Anyone j not solicited and wishing to help can mail check f o r the am ount they wish <• to gt*e to either of the committeem en !) \ named above. ¡I Prices Are Righi iNyssa Grain Seed Co. * V‘-v-' t. 1 1 * * * 4 4 » ♦ ♦ 4 - 1 -i If you have Beef Cattle, Hogs, Mutton or Veal Nyssa, Or. Phrne 6 Nyssa Packing Co. Bi ? m r r . E * nay pt « p Was not Only a statesm an ard a soldier, bijt he was also a business man. H# handled hil property and managed his farm s with careful foresight, economy and th rift. He kept close accounts of all expenditures and was saving. LOST. Llewellya aettae dog, long bale, of bluish color, about 19 mouths eld N o t i f y uadersigned, who will pay you for your trouble. Aden Wilson. f*)2t For Sa le —Pure bred Barred Rock rooetera, O. A. G, l a s te p r i n g ’i chicks. Prices reasonable, A t Marvin W arren ranch See E M. Larkin. February 22 is W ashington's birthday an niversary. No Finer tribute could we him than to determ ine to be ai triotic and as th rifty as he. Malheur C*. A Strong Bank d p . .■! •uè--» S i 11 t i i f t«»»<44■»♦♦♦♦♦♦♦#♦♦«*« m Get your u m iiii ¡ ^ C O A L Feed at Nyssa'Flour'M ill $ 10.50 Chopping and Grinding Strictly no Credit f. o. b.fcars Nyssa!’ ('ash with order.1 P. M. Warroit l éSi ,x\\\% lieve )on [ver Used Cayem t e r KITCHEN LIGHT C PiilHim Tuesday P. M. W arren a n j Cliff Tillman went «u Vale Sunday, r e tu r n i n g with a truck which they purchased in th a t city Ciitf Tiliman is busy hauling corn to the ¡e-K .ogi.t e b t t p cam p in ths Kol ony. Joe Bocvt shipped a carload of f a t i c a . ti e fro m Adrian Tuesday. Ctlio Bodmer re tu rn e d halurday Horn Baker, where he underw ent a successl ui operation foi hernia. Dewey Ka> is in the Brogran coun try buying f a t beef c a ttle for the Nysaa P acking Co. V) Odd hellow* Entertaia OREGON. NYSSA George Washington 1 Parker’s Tire Shop LSI »J-ini/f ; M*¿ 3- r K t t H >♦< "I 8 l" H 'I G>«. F Sm ith has m'oved to a farm in ihe Apple Val.'ey nsighborho d, which he has re nte d t o r the Bummer. Mr. H K Han<en of Nam pa waa in t " " n Monday looking a f t e r busincs* in .c r e s ts here E B Conklin of O nta rio was in town Wednesday Woking a f t e r buai nets m utters. Guy H u n t of Pine Valley »pent the f e i . p a r t of the week in town and vicinity. Mrs George Schweieer visited rela tivea in Ontario Sunday. Lloyd Kail was quite sick th e fore p a r t of the week h u t ia now on the mend. Frank Stu b b s is quite ill at his h o n e tine in the sta te of Oregon. Radiator» for e arly niodel Fords IU .00 suffering from an a tta c k of pneumonia, nmir west o Bank Radiators for late model F o r d s .. IS 00 Kadiators for C hevrolet_________ 23.00 C C Cotton was in from the Kol Fabric T ires. S0x3è........................ 6.9s ony Monday. Harn> sa washed and oiled, $# 00 per 32x4$ Cord T ir e s .................... ......... 20 00 To b e a w lte n e d from a sound beauty se i Nyssa Harness & addlery Shop. New Ford Top and B a c k _______ 6.00 sleep a b o u t 6 o cu.ca m th e morning oy uie iey waters gently iappn.g t\n aio u n u his Delicto .lies was the exper Notice- e • t e v i IVin brow n, puh.iaticr 0 1 the 8E1BLRLING TIRES AND •dsiheur E uler prise, waen the nooo All p r r so n s a re h ereby notifi d not TUBES S t r a e s Vale recently. Mr. Brawn, to drive througa my pro p e rty on e ithe r The tire you will eventually use. Our who s p e n t several days in N y s ia this s i t e of th e railroad track, J o h n Prati week, r e l a t . s a o m e harrow ing a e t a i k prices are beyond all competition. ol uia experience, wm h include hav m g to wade around in w a ter up te me y ! » t ■!' '1 hneea itiut was not oniy lee eelu nut BIG STOCK O F - t o charged w ith electricity tnac it was alm ost ubDcaraole, a i d th e n being Braka Lining, Piston Rings, kuoceeu fiat Milo the w a t e r when he Fan Belts, Ford P arts, etc went to turn the “ j u ic e ” off of the machine. C. KLINK EN BERG High test gasoline for sale The Nyssa Packin g Co., as usual, Tires, Tubes and Rubber Boots PROMPT BELIVERY ■kipped a carloau uf t a t hoga to Port Repaired. lanu Tuesday. Reasonable Rates A fte r two weeks confinement in the Ontario Hospital following an opera PH O N E 16 tiuu to r appendicitis, Eddie Powcii le turned home luesday. Ontario, Oregon ’ .-.^..•-4-* -M-Hr fk-k-M» 5 -t~:--;- Phone 177 Mrs. F r a n k Poillips is quite sick with the Hu. Also listed with the sick is Devcy Hoxie. wi.o na» oeeu unaoie to attend to his duties a t the Koeeoiid sinee Don't Overlook the tact that you can buy seeds cheaper in bulk "xr . T u c The Odd Fellows e n te r ta i n e d the Rebekahs a t a genuine eld fashioned deuce and ge nera l good tim e ia the lodge room Taeaday evening. # ld ( tim ers such a« the Virginia reel, heel and toe, wattles, s b o ltie e h ts , etc , were hugely enjoyed by th e dance». T heoid ste p s arc by no m eans fo rg et ten, as we had supposed, neither have t h e i r e n te rta in in g qualities been diminished ip the least. Music was furnished by F rank Leuck w ith his t ru sty fiddle and Mrs. Dallas Duncan a t the piano Refreshm ents in abend. ance wera served during the evening. NOTICE F O R PU BLICA TIO N D e p artm en t of th e Interior, U. 9. Land Office a t Vale, Oregon, , F e bruary 1«, 1926. N otire is hereby given t h a t ( l lf t o n M Beaumont of Nyssa, Oregon, who on April 10, 1909, made d e s e r t lard e n tr y No. C849, fe r KW J Section 24 Township 20 S m t h , R ange 46 E ast W i'lam ette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make final proof, re establi-h claim to the land above de- rrtbed, before Rcgtetar and Receivar, at U S . L t i f Oiflc*. Vale. Oregon, oi< •he 27th dev o f March. 1926 t u i m >ni name , as w t n e s - e s : W .ilie >0 L. Glenn of Vy>sa, Oregon. Iltiph Gle .n of Nv-«a, Oregon. H Q Johnston of N s«a ."reg.n R K O - e r s t r e » of N t ' t e , O rrgon G A . McKnight, Registe r. KITCHEN, Ktr faquir* p i VERY h tiewife who has yew jrV inply i. o the mysterions d# fa of a 4 dark r ^iboand knows f t a t will occur! S$yices are often hi ena# nf $be same color- -an d other things ar# ansy to mistake. Daylight YOUR KITCHEN PI ¡1 o cupboai'ds and corner# with ’u . ful U"ht ard you wiD SEE Ju#t what you are dr.ing in every part of the nttshen INSTALLED C O M PLETE \Z Day*’ FREE Trial! Call today and have it installed ill your home or apartm ent NOW! E L E C T R IC S H O P IDAH O PO W H & R ■rdi • b J i . B W C O M PA N Y # >6