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About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 12, 1924)
T H E G A T E C IT Y J O U R N A L BEFORE TWINS WERE BORN W u Very Miserable. Felt Lota Better After Taking Lydia E. Pukkam ’s Vegetable Compound Wvocena, Wisconsin. — " I took Lydia E. Pink ham’s Vegetable Compound be FARM * POULTRY Good Sires Should Flushing Ewes to Have Best of Care Bring More Lambs Flock Owners Always Inter ested in Any Plan to Increase Crop. BREEDERS ENTITLED TO COMPLETE REST *«*•"• »>' D">*rtm,nt Dairy Bulls Need Exercise and Proper Management. (P re p a re d by the United State* Departm ent of A gricu ltu re.) Good sires are absolutely necessary to dairymen, as It Is largely through the use of good sires that high-produc ing herds are built up, says the United States Department of Agriculture. Be cause of their temperament, dairy bulls are often difficult to handle; com sequently they do not always receive proper care, exercise and management, aud as a result fail to give best serv ice as herd sires. Cure and Management of Dairy Bulls, is the title of a new bulletin issued by the United States Depart ment of Agriculture as Farmers' Bul letin No. 1412, which discusses brief ly the numerous problems on proper management of dairy bulls, how to handle, and how to keep them In good condition. Newspapers and farm papers fre quently tell of persons being Injured or killed by bulls, as a result of Im proper equipment or wrong handling. Because of such occurrences, dulry hulls have come to be looked upon In some cases as necessary evils. This attitude, says the department, often means neglect In such essentials as feeding, exercise, removal of manure from pens, and various other details of care. Proper care and manage ment of the bull will eliminate much of the danger and resultant loss of Ids use. A copy of the bulletin may he secured, as long as the supply lasts, from the United States Department of Agriculture, Washington. L IV E s t o c k Llm N E W S CAREFUL SELECTION OF BOAR IMPORTANT after every meal C le a n s e s m onth i n * tcetli and aids dlaestlon. R e lie v e s th at o v e r eaten feeling and a d d mouth. Its I-a -s -t -l-n -g flavor satisfies tlie c ra v in g lor sw eets. W r l g l e y ’a Is d o a b le v a lu e la the benefit and pleasure II provides. flock owners are usually Interested The growing of a young boar to ma Both the males and females In the In anything that will Increase the turity Is one of the most difficult tasks breeding pens having fully done their lamb crop. A bulletin put out by the for the breeder. So difficult Is this duty during the summer are now en United States Department of Agricul task that there Is not more than one titled to a well-earned rest. It Is Im ture at Washington on “ Flushing boar in a hundred that ever lives up perative that they be permitted to fui- j Ewes and Other Means of Increasing Stalmd in its P arity to the expectations of the breeder. ly recuperate at this time If they are j Lamb Yields,” Bulletin DOS, gives the Pmckagm. For this reason It Is best to cull the to prove worthy breeders again next results of tests with 17 groups of male pigs very carefully and keep season. The numerous progeny dis ewes. only those which show exceptional porting themselves on the range If Gain Made by Ewes. promise, suggests Prof. L. V. Starkey, ample proof of the past labors of the '< Ewes not fed in breeding season breeding birds. chief of the animal husbandry division gained 1.7 pounds ami had a 129 per at Clemson college, who adds that It This strain on the fowls that com cent lamb crop. Those getting feed should he kept In mind that the boar prised the breeding pens has been no | of various kinds gained eight pounds Is half the herd. small one, so we should allow them a per head aud had a 147 per cent lamb Breeders usually lose money on the complete rest and provide for their cr„ p. In ternis of 1000 sheep, tlds every comfort. It Is extremely un hoars which they grow out. There would mean 280 more lambs. The wise to still persist, as some do, in ewes got only one-half pound of grain fore. It Is better to dispose of them at encouraging the fowls to keep up lay per day at that time. four to six months of age. Boar pigs ing by feeding stimulating foods. The nsunlly start to grow oft very nicely. It marie little difference how the breeding birds are entitled to a good ewes were fed so long as they gained. When they get to he from four to six No man gets Into the future tense re*t and the conscientious poultryman Some got extra pasture, some were months of age they frequently go off by sitting sulely on the fence. will see that they get It. feed, go down In hack and pasterns, fed oats, some corn and oats, and some The first thing in order then, is the various mixtures of corn, oats, bran snd In a short time do not look like C a lu m e t N u t C o o k ie s breaking up of the pens and the sep and linseed meal. In the grain fed the same Individuals. arating of the sexes. The females lots as well as In the pasture lots, The best way to grow out a young H c u p b u t t e r % cup su g a r should by all means now he freed of some were above the 147 per cent av boar Is to put him by himself In a 2 eggs the annoyance of the males. It Is es erage and some below, showing that 1 cu p flo ur field. Thg larger the field the better, 1 l e v e l t e a s p o o n b a k i n g powder sential to their obtaining a complete the kind of feed was not important. because he needs exercise, shade, c u p ch o p p e d nuts 1 teaspoon van illa rest. The females can now* he run to fresh water and shelter. I f there are “ Flushing” is an old English term gether and given the use of the range. and originally meant turning the ewes no other hogs In the sains field, he usu C r e a m b u t t e r a nd ad d s u g a r and A range with plenty of green stuff of on some special green forage crop just ally has a quiet disposition. I f other e g g s , w e l l beat en . S i f t flo u r a nd b a k i n g p o w d e r t o g e t h e r . A d d to first m i x fers an Ideal place In which the hard- before breeding season. In the govern hogs are In the same hit or In an ad t u r e ; t he n add nuts a n d fl a v o r i n g . D r o p worked females may spend their sum ment experimenis the pasture-flushed joining field he usually develops n f r o m a sp oo n on a g r e a s e d b a k i n g she et, l e a v i n g an Inch s p a c e b e t w e e n mer vacation. Little attention need ewes did better some years. Other nervous temperament and does not do the m. S p r i n k l e w i t h c h o p p e d nuts and he given them, merely seeing to It years the grain-fed ewes had more b a k e In a hot o v e n (360° F . ). T h i s w i l l D IS T E M P E R well. m a k e a b o u t t w o do z en c o o k ie s . that they have sufficient feed, clean, lambs. I f boars are to make the best CO M PO UND cool water, and comfortable, vermin- M*ve Ewes Gaining. growth and develop, says Professor Friction makes some wheels go I>on’t la k e chunrcM o f your horwe# op rmileg free sleeping quarters. The main thing seemed to be not to Starkey, they should not be used until round, but not the wheels of life. f o in * luid up w ith DiMtcniper, In fluen z», The food ration of these breeders have the ewes in high flesh hut to I*!nk E ye, L iirjtg tllN , Ileitvett, C o u g h » or they are a year old. However, If need Cold». G iv o “ S r O l t N ’S " to both the «Ir k should be such as not to stimulate have them gaining in flesh. Of those and the w e ll one*, T h e Mimriiird remiMly Sweet clover starts slowly and It is ed In the herd, they may he used for D E M A N D “ B A Y E R ” A S P I R I N production. Only two meals a day tur 30 y ear». G iv e “ S l’O H N 'S ” fur I>o#r D is that gained from one to seven pounds, light service when seven or eight tem per. eo cent» an d $1.20 a t d ru g «tore«. need be provided, hut they should he 34 per cent produced twin lambs. Of not often that conditions are favorable months of ace. HPOIf.N M K IIH A I, CO. G O S H E N , IN O . enough to get a stand by seeding In full meals. While no surplus of food those gaining seven to thirty pounds, The best breeding boars should be Aspirin Marked With “ Bayer Cross” Some plants may make a Is needed for egg production now, yet 44 per cent had twins. The two poor August. Has Been Proved Safe by Millions. retained in the herd ns long as they Out of Spite start, but will usuully not be large sufficient quantities should he provid est lots among those getting extra feed enough to live over winter, writes W. are able to reproduce. It will, of Howell— “ How that fellow hates ed to enable the fowls to grow their W arning! Unless you see the name were ewes that were already in high J. Fraser, Illinois College of Agricul course, he necessary to have two himself.” Powell— “ You bet he would new feathers, for molting will now be flesh. hoars to avoid Inbreeding. Those who “ Buyer” on pnekage or on tablets you ture. It is much better to sow sweet sit on his own hat.” In order. And the tissues, affected by Old ewes had a higher proportion of have only a few sows cannot afford are not getting the genuine Bayer the wearing labors of production, twins than did young ewes. There clover In the spring In small grain. to keep two boars—either they must Aspirin proved safe by millions and Where wanted for pasture the same must undergo repairs at this time, was very little difference between the prescribed hy physicians for 23 years. spring ns sown It can be either sown dispose of the sow pigs or secure a and the proper food and in sufficient breeds ns to the number of twins Say “ Payer" when you buy Aspirin. new boar, and the latter Is usually alone or with oats. quantities, are essential. When the dropped. The Dorsets stood at the Imitations may prove dangerous.—Adv. done. Since sweet clover starts slowly It fowls have liberal range, the animal top, however, with the fine wooled and vegetable food secured by them breeds at the bottom. The rams did Is not as well adapted to pasturing the Fools are apt to imitate only the de will benefit them greatly. not seem to influence the number of first spring, and two months’ pasture fects of their betters.— Swift. season Is lost over seeding In the spring The male birds should be penned twins produced.—Charles I. Bray, Ani apart and given roomy pens, so they mal Husbandry, Colorado Agricultural the year before In small grain. It In Immunizing against hog cholera must not he used as pasture until the may obtain the necessary exercise. College. 6 B e l l - a n s Permanent roads plants are nt least six or eight Inches It has been assumed thnt suckling pigs I f it is possible to arrange It so the are a good Hot water high, which usually means two months were generally Immune and that the males can also hav$ the use of the investment after seeding. I f the seed Is sown the time to vaccinate was Immediately j Sure Relief range, It will be Just so much hotter —not an expense That suckling pigs middle of April it will be the middle after weaning. for them. It Is always good policy to Milk really consists of a number of of June before It should be pastured. do possess a considerable degree of take the very best of care of the I would sow ten pounds of scarified Immunity no one will deny, but occa- : male, as he is always half of the pen. very tiny globules of fat, each one In ¿54 AND 754 PACKAGES EVERYWHERE We have only one male where we closed In a thin “ skin,” floating In a biennial white sweet clover seed per slonally the losses are so heavy that have ten or more females. When we fluid. I f the milk be left to stand, a acre. It is absolutely essential that the question of treating sucklings has The Newer Vocation lose a good male we lose hulf our pen certain number of these globules rise the soil be limed if acid, and Inoculat been receiving serious consideration. 1 The Supervisor—And what will this The simflVtaneous treatment of suck and often more— very much more— to the surface and become cream, or ed If not already so. little girl do when she grows up? ling pigs is attended with consider for often a male as good in every re- the separations can he made artifi The Little Girl—Be a barber.— Life. able loss and does not provide a last- j spec* cannot he secured to replace cially. Ing Immunity In all cases. To over The cream Is then churned, and the him. Therefore It will readily be seen come these difficulties Dr, R. It. Blreh that to lose a good pen header for violent motion hrenks the skins of the Almost every section of In plucking capons the feathers of recommends serum alone to protect any reason is to sustain a big loss. A globules, so freeing the particles of the United States is con These particles, under proper the upper neck, the flight feathers ami the pigs until they are twelve weeks little extra pains exercised In the care fat. fronted by a traffic prob conditions (the temperature must be the tnil feathers should not he re old, nt which time they may be rid your system of Catarrh or Deafness of our pen headers, after the breeding lem. right, and the cream must contain a moved, the object being to distinguish weaned and given the double treat season is over, will he time and labor caused by Catarrh. ment. Tills method will provide for Month by month thi9 well spent. It is preferable to have proportion of aold) then become nd- them from other fowl. Sold by t lm f f u fi f o r over 40 y ta n Capons enn he packed In boxes. A the smallest possible loss and at the heslve and stick to each other. The problem is becoming more small runs for each male and have V. J. C H EN E Y & C O ., Toledo, Ohio same time will Insure the highest de- j the runs covered with some suitable result, after treatment by hardening layer of excelsior or clean straw Is and more serious. material to protect the plumage from with a little cold water, washing and laid in the bottom, then a layer* of gree of lasting Immunity.—Geo. H. Just Like a Woman Hundreds of cars pass probably salting, Is wlmt we call but dressed fowls with feet extending out Glover, Veterinary Department, Colo, j the sun and weather. Gladys— What are you marrying a given point every hour ward, then another layer and so on rndo. Agricultural College. It Is a good plan at this time to cull ter. Georg«* for? on many of our state and What is left Is buttermilk, or the till the box Is filled. Any space at the out the less desirable hens. With the “ Nothing; I Just love him." top should he filled with excelsior, county roads. D o w n hens kept for laying purposes only it is fluid that has been robbed of Its fat. I— --------------------------------------------- - straw or paper. to w n c i t y streets are a good plan to cull out those that have Oats may usually he more profitably As to packing to prevent spoiling jammed with traffic. had their second laying year. It Is fed to cattle than to hogs. They on warm days, this will hardly be Sacramento, Calif.— “ Mothers and seldom that they prove profitable aft T h in k , too,how narrow many Shredded corn fodder Is very much necessary In the seasons for selling should not be worth more than half expectant mother« can find the great er this when kept for laying only. of our roads are, and h ow com more adapted to feeding these sheep enpons, November to March. Packing the price of com If they are to be fed est help in Dr. paratively few paved highways than timothy hay. But to make a In lee Is practiced In very warm to hogs at a profit. Whether they can Pierce’s Favor there are in proportion to the j really good roughage, about 50 per weather for long shipments. he fed to hogs at the present time ite Prescription stea d ily in c re a s in g n u m b er when they are worth 50 cents per and G o l d e n o f cars. nn , . . , ^ ® I o p h n v s such u c h no l f u l f o «»• Medical Discov of f irood good locrum legume hay, ns n nlfalfa or bushel is a question which we will not I f the motor vehicle Ì9 to con I ho beginner with poultry soon finds ery. I have used dare to answer because we do not tinue giving the economic service that there Is a time in the fall when clover. I f this Is Impossible, you can both during ex- The use of sweet clover ns a pasture of w hich it is capable, w e must the egg returns become very low and make up for It in the grain ration, of crop for cattle and sheep or a mixture know what prices are going to he tancy and after have more Concrete highways often It Is Just the time when feed course, with n little extrn quantity of of alfalfa with orchard grass or tall when the time th sell arrives. Oats j ward and know and w iden those near large cen oats. A little bonemenl or partly should not make up more than a third from m y own hills are high and he wishes to buy ters o f population. wheat grass will provide an excellent of a ration In which com or barley Is ground limestone should be given. Al experience th e all feed not raised on the farm and green pasture for the summer months. Every citizen should discuss strength - giving stack It up for winter. This period lowing the o-ve* free access to cqvu For hogs and sheep, rape makes one used. highway needs of his community and nerve-quiet fodder, you should adjust the grain of slack production usually occurs w ith his local authorities. of the best possible summer pastures. ing effect it has somwhere between August first and ration to the point where a good Condi The wise farmer will conclude that on the prospective mother. Nature Your highway officials w ill do Ground Grain for Pigs tion Is maintained. December first, anil the length of time Is wonderfully helped and the tonic their part if given your support. we probably will not have so favor Ground barley and onta are quite an effect is seen in the child. I was It lasts depends on the skill of the able a pasture season next year and Improvement over the whole dry W h y postpone meeting this able to continue my work thru ex poultryman. Why do the egg returns pressing need? make provision for a green pasture grains. Possibly the pigs will eat the pectancy in comfort.” — Mrs. Anna fall at this time? Because there are To rid the chicken house of mice through July and August. ground grains a little better If soaked, A n ea rly s ta rt m eans ea rly Smith. .1288 8th Ave. All dealers. too many early molting hens In the keep the feed In the mouseproof bins. relief. ut usually It Is not necessary to soak Tablets or liquid. Send 10c to Dr. flock which have ceased producing Prevent the mice from multiplying by In addition to grinding. Pure bred Pierce, Buffalo. N. Y., for a trial pkg. eggs. Ami the pullets are not the removing their breeding places. These PO R TLA N D CEMENT of any of his remedies. pigs raised for breeding purposes early hatched birds that lay In the will he found under boxes, hoards, A S S O C IA T IO N should weigh 140 to 1(10 pounds If they early fall and keep It up throughout loose flooring and the like. I f a good 111 West Washington Street have been fed well, but not pushed for the winter. CHICAGO eat nr two can he kept around the show. Pigs that are to be shown can All things work together for good to weigh close to 200 pounds when five tyf N a tio n a l Organization to Im prove premises, they will help hold the mice and Extend the U tet o f Concrete In cheek. The use o f good traps Is them that use legumes. months of nge. • • • Offices in 29 Cities recommended, hut not poison, unless To he most profitable a flock musi Sweet clover pasture mhkes lots of produce eggs the year around. In win It eat* he handled In such a way ns to Require Exercise ter as well as summer. There Is tnnkt sure that the fowls will not get milk. Finn to sow some next spring. • • « During tne summer hogs out on pas small profit In summer eggs, hut when access to It. ACOLDTODAY-DOHTÖELÄY It’s a wise hen that knows her own ture get plenty of exercise. However, they get up to top-notch winter prices eggs, but a trnpmst tells the poultry- In tb . winter when hops are likely to there Is a handsome profit In them. Ck.pprd Iliad, â confine themselves too closely to their man every time. The thick that does not produce a Cracked Knuckle« In order to secure a large yield of • • • quarters, this may be sadly neglected reasonable number of eggs during the milk, it Is quite as Important that the Bees do not puncture fruit, though Some success Ims been obtained by ar Ituh Vaacline" f t l m l n m Jelly period from November 1 to April 1 of cow or bird Is handled properly as on your hood« before w ork in l in each year Is often kept nt an actual that proper feed ng Is practiced. There they will suck the Juices after It is ranging sleeping quarters some dls- I the cold or wet end yrru’ ll evoid tarn-e from feeding quarters. This cracked or bruised. loss for the year, as It Is almost im c h o p p e d hand# and e re e k e d have been many Instances where the • • • method may not always be praetlral possible to make an annual profit from best eons were kept, and where good knucklee. For cute, home, huntpe, bruieee and «n r .. or eklo trouble*, Horses like pasture at any time, but because where centralized houses are the flock that lays all Its eggs when methods of feeding were practiced ; apply "V ie e lin e " Jelly libeealfc. It is not enough of itself to keep up used the two may he closer together, the market s sagging. A lw ays aefe. .nothin, and haalina. and still results fell far short of whnt or even In the same hu’ .ding. the strength of work animals. lo o * f . r rile fre d r-a e rt 'T e y e A e e " might he expected, simply because the • • • aa every Serine. 7/ 1 , animals did not receive that kindly Farming without legumes may he Cheeehnmah M fa. Company Rape Stale Street o w l , NewVoyk If no means of ventilation are prtv. treatment which Is so essential to a compared to writing checks on the H I N D E R C O R N S R em o v es tVtmm, CM- White hogs, nuu sometimes hlark ioaseg, «t e ., gtopg »11 p a is , etuures c o m fo r t to th e vlded It Is a good plan to remove sev- cow giving much milk for a long hank without making any deposits. m u t i w a lk t u r « ft . V a . b y m a il o» » t Drug* snd red ones, blister when running In n fc«L t a H im o x C bem Jcal W ork*. P a te b o g u e , H. T. • • a j era I panes of glass from the windows ¡sr.-lot t. rape. There Is nothing peculiar about In the south side of the poultry house Co-operative marketing Is being this crop which er e- listering; the j and replace with cheesecloth or nn Kefcp Best Milk Producers urged by government experts ns a trouble »■ «. U. • PAT. OF* results simply from the com PETROLEUM JELLY i bleached tmislln. Fresh air Is admit- The dairyman who put a sign on remedy for present agricultural condi hlnntlon oi moisture, transferred from j ted through the cloth end the stale his barn with the slogan "A cow thnt tions. me rape to the ho- rod a hot sun. • • • enters through this door must milk 8rn«l Diodel or draw him forex- | air from the Inside is permitted to By keeping pigs on* •« ti e rape patch Alton Highest ! rWerrnm J escape. These eloth-eovsred openings ten thousand pounds or more’’ set a Egg fixe and shape Is Inherited r e s u lt« I'm u ip tn **»« s i until the dew or rain «u red . W A t » o n F . C o l e i , J do not lower the temperature o f the goal for himself. We can’t all have Gradual selection of those birds which h lo t K H U N r » t * « t L » « j e :- k j Interior of the building. Some con every row a 10,0lX)-pound producer, in addition to a large number also iaj from the leaves of tb- plants, blister- | t i e n i t i f u i \ m m ( 'A r d s K r o n i \ o u r F A V o r it e tend that the house 1« warmer when hut we can eliminate the poorest and “ selects" will In time eliminate birds Ing ran be prevented. Even » small sh- «leHtgii snd name, all hand work. IS do* patch In a feed lot - t '!’ save grain Ir w . Taytnr 1016 N e w W .««tinti.«ter. B. C.. Can I arranged In this way keep the beet producers in the herd. Irying lower-grade eggs. W. N. U., Salt Lsks City, No. 4S-1M«. ! raising pigs fore my twins were born because my sis ter used it and rec ommended it to me. I was so 1 could scarcely go about my daily work I was in such misery. But a f ter 1 began taking the Becond bottle I was feeling lots bet ter. I took three bot tles and a half before I was confined and finished the bottle while I was in bed. I got up feeling fine and have taken care o f the twins alone ever since. I recom mend the Vegetable Compound highly and will sing its praises in the future. " — Mrs. I d a G erbitz , Wyocena, VVis. It is remarkable how many cases have been reported similar to this one. Many mothers are left in a weakened and run-down condition afterchild-birth.and for such mothers the care o f the baby is well-nigh impossible. Not only is it bard for the mother, but the child itself will indirectly suffer. Lydia E. Pinkham’a Vegetable Com pound is an excellent tonic for the motherboth before and after child-birth. I t is prepared from medicinal roots and herbs, and does not contain any harm ful drugs. It can be taken in safety by nursing mothers. S p o h n ’ s Sowing Sweet Clover in Spring in Small Grains Sure Relief FOR INDIGESTION Vaccinate Little Pigs for Proper Protection How Butter Is Formed by Tiny Globules of Fat •ELL-ANS W hy Am erica Must Have More Paved H igh w ays How Capons Should Be Dressed for Shipment H a ll's C a t a r r h Medicine sL-fi“.," Oats Best for Cattle Motherhood! Roughage for Sheep Eliminate Early Molter From All Lavinor Flocks T" of ,h,‘ roUKha*e R,muU1 <’"nslst Sweet Clover for Pasture Getting Rid of Mice Must Produce Eggs Hogs Large Yield of Milk Means of Ventilation Cause r.t Blister Vaseline P A TE N TS S ¿W » C uticura Talcum Unadulterated Exquisitely Scented